stouffvtlle ontaeio october 11 1934 bloomington mr and mrs walter hill and daughter of toronto spent the boll day at the home of his father the monthly meeting and social evening of the w a was held at the home of mrsjlou tindall and card of thanks the family of the late henry grove desire to express their sincere appreciation to all tiie kind friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy at the time of his untimely death a very enjoyable evening was spent mr and mrs edgar smith and friends of toronto spent monday with mrs h smith mr and mrs jess tindall of goodwood visited at his brother lou tindalls on sunday the christian church indies aid was held at the home of mrs jos lemou on wednesday of last week misses elsio and edna lemon of farm sales ontario colixtv there is a brisk demand for farms in south ontario says the whitby chronicle and good prices are being obtained judging from a number of sales recorded by local realtors duriug the past two weeks it is encouraging to note that improvements are contem- torouto were home for the weekend plated by some of uie purchasers indicating that they have faith in a number from here took in tle return of better times of the celebrated golden wedding this store closed wednesday in centuryold house mr and mrs william sliank 8th concession markhani receive felicitations from family and friends markliam fair on saturday new sto ladies ready-to- wear general dry goods after- having a business connection with the people of this district for several years selling on order i have been induced to open a store in stouffville and will handle ladies and childrens ready -to- wear coats general dry goods and mens overcoats over fills and work shirts we invite the people to call at our store when we will have a chance to save you money farms at least jas w whites farm two hundred acres on the 7th con cession whitby township has been sold to a man from near agincourt whose name could not be learned i mr s mcmahon just west of brooklin has sold his 100 acre place to his neighbor william jack- son tho choico farm known as the llowden estate near columbus 157 acres was purchased by fred holliday of brooklin mr holliday has already started plowing opera tions and will get full possession on march 1st mr norman giniblett being the tenant at present still another deal has gone through at myrtle mr levi tor- diff has sold his fine 50acre farm with bank barn and solid brick residence the new owner is mr armstrong who will get possession right away always an event of unusual inter est a golden wedding that of mr and mrs william shank of the eighth concession of markliam which was celebrated on sunday is no exception invitations were issu ed to c guests the bride and groom of fifty years ago are well known and high ly esteemed in the neighborhood the former having been born and lived all her life on the farm where the celebration was held they are both in excellent health and if a happy outlook on life is the condition for a long married life together this unusual couple have still many years to go mr shank ia seventyone years of ago and mrs shank is in her sixty- eighth year mr shank was born on the 4th concession of pickering son of jacob shank and the young est of a large family and the only surviving member mrs shank was mary byer daughter of david and esther ibyer and attended mount joy school they were married by tho rev mr phelps methodist minister of markliam and have had a family of- ten children seven of afternoons until dec 1st dominion stores stouffville branch whom surviivo they are david of buffalo eli of imarkham ralph of innis grant lockport ny jacob and oliver all new stock aye will guarantee everything sold in our store to be exact ly as represented coats made to measure at no extra charge orders taken at your own home and eoats displayed for you there chamoise lining added to any coat if desired for only 5100 extra harry golden next to the library main street stouffville phono stouffville 2g3 also at myrtle the farm consisting of 50 acres of and two daughters mabel choice land has been sold to robt nancy on the old homestead the heron who already has a fine family presented a dinner set of farm just across the road j limoges china to their parents on tho mitchell farm near ashburn the occasion 200 acres has just been sold to i mr shank is an ardent con- gordon fisher who will make someservative in politics and a member improvements to both house and of the mennonite church while barn and some gravel will be put mrs shank is a devoted member of on the roadway loading into the i the brethren in christ among the property guests were mrs shanks only sister another big deal was put land bridesmaid miss elizabeth by- through a few days ago east of er other guests were from napaneo brooklin when the stocks estate jlngersoll norwich cooksville 150 acres was sold to mr ranson jsaskatchtwan aurora imarkham prices thl week 32 oz jams 29c macaroni 4 lbs 10c navy toilet tissue 3 for 10c pearl soap 10 bars tor 20c chase san coffee lb s7e 5 roses flour 85c gold soap 8 bars for 25c calay soap 5 for 23c oxydol l 10c honey bars 2 lbs 25c ginger snaps 2 lbs 25c karbol soap 6 cakes 25c 3 lb pkt tea s125 20 lb lard 249 20 lb shortening s229 501b onions no 2 bag 50c xxxx quaker flour s269 dom bread flour 259 6 qut pen rad oil 139 marmill concentrate 375 p roadway manager quality price marketing geese if you have barley to offer we are interested in the purchase of good barley and you will be well advised to get our prices before selling we quote on a basis your barn egg mashes get our prices on dixie and master egg mashes before starting your pullets this season we have seven brands to offer which represent real values egg mash concentrates will be in great demand this year owing to the abundant grain crop to meet this demand we are stocking master and big 50 these brands you will find highly satisfactory bran shorts gluten oilcake etc always on hand at lowest prices always call us for prices before buying dicksons hill mills bothesda ontario phone stoukvilla 7207 plus markhani ontario phono stouffville 5505 service vegetable market the time to prepare geese for market is when the weather turns andjcold in the fall they should then be taken off pasture and those selected for market should be placed in small penned- enclosures provided with plenty of water and grit and l kept clean they should be fed heavily on whole corn the best medium for the fattening of geese and about two weeks heavy feed ing should fit them for market twentyfour hours before killing of toronto this is considered to be one of the best farms in the country and still comes another report from the lake shore that the l f richardson farm 113 acres has been sold to jos stephenson of pickering who is now plowing womens institute the regular meeting of the senior womens institute will be held in ratcliffs hall on wednes day afternoon oct 17 tho branch and victoria square tables were in the spacious rooms for the guests mrs shank not being an advocate of buffet lunches the house in which the celebra tion was- iheld has a unique history the farm of one hundred and fifty acres on which it is built has been in possession of the byers family for one hundred and twentythree years and the house was built one hundred and five years ago and is fifty by thirty feet its construe tion is of pine boards from trees grown on the farm and cut in the the turnip market still remains disappointing with sales to us buytrs slow farmers are receiving 10 to 12 cents at stouffville station nd for carrots 35c to 40c bag carrots are coming in large canadas first clyde what purported the first to be the clydesdale 4th line uxbridge 11 picture of ss t i ft ever t0 cr the atlantic plenty of water care should be canada possession oe mr used in plucking the dry or steam t f r i- jako reesor of markliam village methods being recommended for tho and formerly of mongolia this reason that the feathers are par- famous horse named grey clyde ticularly valuable bringing s much as 00 cents per pound the dressed bird should be rubbed over with a damp cloth and set aside to cool the twelvebird box makes a de sirable market package will entertain imarkham and union- owners sawmill the wals are made ville branch all members request- solid b i perpendicu- ed to be present visitors welcome m with an outer and inner layer the visiting branch will contribute oneinch hoards laid horizontally the program lunch senved mem bers bring dishes as usual i 3k that i am instructed to sell to the public of this locality by it is warmer than most modern houses there is no plaster on the walls but an artistic enamel finish decorates the inner boards and the oldfashioned beamed ceilings there aro nineteen large rooms the house was used by the former owner david byer as a hospital for patients suffering from cancer who came from all over the domin ion to take his treatments which were very successful many famous cures having been egected after his death about forty years ago the treatment was not carried on so extensively and has now fallen into disuse many times the advice is given in the fall of the year to burn out the fence rows to get rid of harmful weeds and insects this no doubt is a good policy from those standpoints but it should be kept in mind that it is distinctly harmful to any type of wire fence no 170 was imported by one archibald ward of markliam then vinegar hill and he was finally sent on to the usa grey clyde foaled in 1s37 camo to canada in 1842 radio service all makes repaired prompt ser vice satisfaction guaranteed pihilco and general electric radio dealer agent for marconi radios george j storey phone 102 miss madeline cook spent satur day with miss hilda ashenhurst m iss bell spent the weekend at george jones mr and mrs henry staley of streetsville were visiting at bert staleys on monday miss laura ashenhurst and friend of apsiey were home over thanks giving sunday visitors at russell feasbys were mr and mrs byron feasliy and family mrs fred ham of oshawa miss margaret and bob feasby of toronto properties offered for sale choice building and garden lot for sale on harold street stouifville phono mrs h barnes public auction sale of- harvest home and chicken pie all of that highgrade new furniture stock known as l e oneills furniture store stouffville consisting of bed room suites dining room suites beds springs mattresses couches and dozens of odd pieces too numerous to mention the highest bidder takes any article first sale thursday oct 11 1030 am sale thursday afternoon 230 thursday night 730 two sales on friday 230 and 730 pm two sales on saturday 230 and 730 pm buy new furniture at your own price frff a nice p wii1 be given away cdct i i1ll a each sale be here thursday rivlc lemonville united church aro holding a hanvest homo service sunday oct 21 at 7 oclock in tho evening the peachs quartette will bo in attendance on monday following oct 22 a chicken pie supper will be served in tho base ment of the church a program is to bo provided admission 35c and 20c sale register horses cattle swine implements hay grain etc the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at lot 35 concession 7 markham three miles west of stouffville wednesday october 17 1934 the property of joseph b hoover for sale or rent 6 roomed frame house main st east water and light- installed apply t h paisley o mrs a allan for sale or rent solid brick house 6 rooms in village of stouffville large lot with garago and poultry house fruit trees and small fruits if not sold will bo leased to reliable tenant lossession nov 1st apply to jas ferguson rr 2 pickering for sale 3 acres of turnips in the field apply a sedorko con 5 lot 13 whitchurch ph 46011 for sale heintzman piano upright mahogany finish apply to miss nellie stiver l e onebll stouffville ont furniture store gill the auctioneer thursday oct 11 sale of garden tools one horse farm implements and other articles belonging to ellas stover to be held at the barns mill street south of post office salo at 10 oclock no reserve terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday oct 13 salo of entiro household furnishings etc at the homo of the late dr j t storey main st west stouffville no reserve salo at 2 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 17 entiro farm stock implements hay grain etc at lot 35 con 7 markhani belonging to joseph hoover no reserve as owner giv- ing up farming salo starts 1030 sharp lunch at noon terms cash a s farmer auctioneer thursday oct 18 farm stock and implements at lot 34 con 3 markliam belonging to lato ern hoover terms cash sao at 1 a s farmer auctioneer saturday oct 20 farm stock and implements furniture and hay at lot 4 con 9 markhani the property of abram raymcr salo at 1 no reserve terms cash prentice prentice auct wednesday oct 24 combina tion sale of store goods crates baskets lumber somo swiuo etc to bo sold at s n donors store gormley parties wishing to off er goodsfarm stock or machinery should apply to sn donor or the auctioneer for terms and con ditions on or boforo oct 10 sale horses team of grey horses black mare g years bay mare 5 years bay mare supposed in foal bay colt 4 months swino sow due october 24 sow duo october 24 sow duo november 3 sow due november 23 3 sows bred g weeks g young sows bred 6 weeks 28 chunks 3 months old boar milch cows etc jersey cow bred june 2g holstein cow bred july 14 jersey cow bred july 21 holstein cow bred aug 9 jersey cow bred aug g black cow bred sept 10 holstein cow bred jmno 20 jersey cow bred august 20 g jersey heifers bred jersey bull fat heifer 2 jersey calves household furniture spinning wheel and reel cook stove furnaco heater kitchen cupboard g kitchen ichalrs fall loaf table davenport bedroom suite bed springs and mattress old fashioned bedstead bureau washstands pitchers and baislns rag carpet brass kettles siovo pipes kitchen table rocking chairs wardrobe 2 toilet sets window shades lamps and brackets iron pot pails crocks jars etc hay mid grain quantity of hay 300 bus mixed grain quantity mangels 200 bus barley 400 bus oats turnips by tho row poultry ele 4 gecso 2 ganders number of ducks quantity walnut lumber scalding trough meat tubs syrup and vinegar barrels logging chains forks hoes etc for sale pressure heater good condition phono ss03 for sale quantity of mangolds priced reasonable a bartholo- new stouffvill estray from lot g con g iwhitchuroh jersey icair finder please communicate with f h steckley phone 2904 fowl wanted i am open to buy hens chickens geese ducks etc and will pay highest market price locate me at edw pennocks livery phone 163 sam golden e a grubin registered optometrist october dates 1st 2nd 15 16 29 30 november dates 12th 13th 2gth 27th at stouffville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined glasses fitted and repaired phone stouffville 2405 implements etc binder mh good mower deering good cultivator mh 2 cultivators stiff tooth 3 drum roller scuffler with potato banker horse rako fanning mill twofurrow plow good gang plow 2 no 3 wilkinson plows 2 wagons cultivator pig irack riding plow wagon box carriage surry anvil set wagon springs hay rack buggy cart binder tonguo support heavy sleigh light slolgh with box number doubletrees 23horse doubletrees gravel box brooder house 3 rolls wire fencing 2 sets double harness separator grain cradlo 2 iron kettles work bench heavy blankots krecl ulany other articles as the owner is giving up farming everything will be sold without reserve a s farmer auctioneer alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere rates moderato phono stouffville g312 address gormley po tho west end grocery is the home store specials for thursday friday saturday llawn swing extension table desk hall mirror linoleum rolled oats fine or coarse g lbs 25 c- hienz soup assorted 3 tins tor 20c peanut butter 2 pounds 2c babbits cleanshr 3 tins 14c sugar rice 3 10 lbs 57c pounds 25c at ono a s farmer auctioneer sale at 1030 sharp terms cash lunch at 12 sharp laws on s economy store geo juawson proprietor