Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 11, 1934, p. 5

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stouffville ontario october 11 1934 town topics css1 auction sale saturday at home of late dr storey the for rent 8 room brick house on main street western apply to mrs ii gilbert e a grubin optometrist will bo at his ollice in stouffville on monday and tuesday october 10th end 16th auction sale this thursday morn ing on the market mr harold sanders has rented miss todds house on main street to be vacated the end of this month by mr j k agnew who is moving to church street the wms of st james presby- this is the season of the popular terian church will hold their thank- j chicken pie supper offering meeting on wednesday oct 17 vanzant missionary address the at the home of mrs henry from formosa ladies will rev herbert lee preached at the anniversary service in temperanee- villo united church last sunday evening mr ice was pastor there x7 years kito when the present edi fice was built although the congre gation was organized over 100 years jgo another interesting link be tween the tempcrancqvillo church and the anniversary preacher is that mr and mrs iee were married in tho new building during his pastqrato there kipps unequalled herb tablets all herbs no drugs j m storey druggist stouffville phone 1003 richmond hill council is being asked to submit a vote for the re peal of local option the town fathers received the request in silence and have been silent ever since their decision is expected to be handed out this week lmurray sinclair has been trans ferred from stouffville to the bank of commerce staff at unionville starting his banking career here this is his first experience in being moved from one branch to another those streamlined cars make it miss dickson returned j difficult to know whether run down or just you have been backed into stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie allan hoover of the third con cession of markham just south of gormley was robbed of 115 pullets the roost raiders cut the wire fenc ing alongside the roadway which barred their easy access to the pens if some farmer succeeds in giving these chicken thieves a dose of lead it will go a long way in stopping their night prowling which is becom ing too frequent again this fall the sunderland and district somianmial conference of the regular baptist churches will meet at the stouffville baptist church on wednesday october 1 17 the afternoon session will be isield at 200 oclock and the evening session at 7 so there will be special speakers both afternoon nd evening the public are very heartily invited to attend both services friday and saturday october 12 and is murder at the vanities jack oakie victor mclagen carl brisson kitty carlisle with duke ellingtons famous orchestra tuesday and wednesday october 10 and 17 madame spy fay wray nils asther chapter 10 tarzax the fearless cartoon comedy j whitchurch council will meet on saturday at vandorf when the new member lorno evans of gormley division will take his seat for the first time this year hes not to be blamed for being late however as mr evans was only elected a few weeks ago to fill out the unexpired term of it e ratcliff resigned the new member has had previous council experience in whitchurch friday saturday oct 1 20 the trumpet blows folks have been quizzing mem bers of council and the clerk as to who tho town mystery man might be that is likely to swoop down on som e of our bootlegg- ing joints like a thief in the night well such a question is hardly a proper one to ask if a mystery man is employed by the council he could only be effective in his work so long as he remained a mystery man known to everybody he would be just another policeman the this is the stove that heats while it cooks and cooks while it heats the oval firepot wood or coal gives that extra heating capacity which added greatly to the popularity and reputa tion of the oval during the severe cold of last winter if that part of the house heated by the kitchen range is cold install a findlay oval its success has been proved in thousands of canadian homes the oval is a better cooker and baker saves space and radiates heat throughout the home there ha findlay range to suit every purse and purpose findlay quality has been improving jor 70 years until today it is the accepted standard oj stove building brathwaite hardware wmmabbbbbnmei hjglelh tho best place to buy your used car is from a reliable new car dealor for 10 years we have been giving satisfactory sorvlco to ford owners in this territory see theso specials ford dolux fordor 1932 chov 1 ton truck steel 2 ford standard tudors 1930 dump body 1929 2 durant fordors 1929 gmc 2 ton truck stake ford standard tudor 1929 body ford roadster rumblo 192s also a number of other good durant fordor 192s used cars chev coupe 1928 fordson tractor international 2 ton truck par- ollvor tractor plow eel delivery 1932 will sell these cars at bargain prices to clear beforo tho season gets too late d e holden dealer ford sales and sorvlco phono stouffvillo 18401 stouffvillo and markham phono markham 120 secure your tickets for the chautauqua this week as there will he a rush for seats for monday evening to hear the noted dramatic play grumpy headed by the great actor bob hanscom lud hoover and ralph rae are the contractors awarded the cement work at the post olllee for laying a new sidewalk in front of the build ing and otherwise improving the approaches at the rear of the build- 1 ing dtemember the sale of cookery at turners dairy on october 20th under auspices of ladies of the anglican church the thanksgiving market in stouffville as in other rural centres about here was a complete flop last week owing no doubt to the early season and the continued warm weather there was scarcely any fowl offered and merchants were unable to fill their orders do not overlook tho date of the novelty dance at victoria square neit friday night the large audience who attended the chautauqua on monday of last week agreed that the musical pro gram as well as the lecture was one of the best entertainments ever presented to a stouffvuie audience the second part of the program will be given on monday next oct 15 at 330 and s30 pm no doubt a crowded house will hear the great international dramatic play en titled grumpy which will be given by a professional cast ot players headed by the noted actor bob hanseomb this will certainly be an evening of mystry thrills and comedy peter ferguson claims 4000 bus oi grain from his threshing this past week and this off his 100 acre farm just north of the town on the sth of whitchurch not much more than half the farm is under culti vation herbert hisey has been engaged as farm foreman for george rodanz toronto who recently purchased the joseph b hoover farm three miles west of stouffville mr rod anz is making extensive alterations to the buildings and will otherwise improve the property mr gordon johnson of union ville who served as helper in the local mennonite church for the past year was united in marriage oct 3rd to miss ethel fidler youngest daughter of rev j e fidler s2 warden st toronto rev s goudie our former presiding elder officiated joseph b hoovers farm stock sale next wednesday the 17th three miles west of town on th3 towuline will commence at 1030 sharp lunch will be served at noon this is a large sale and the early start is necessary in order to dispose of the auction of stock implements household furniture etc miss a yeo and miss e snider evangelists opened a two weeks meeting oct 7th at the eastend mission of the mbc church 502 jones ave toronto services each night in the week except saturday at s oclock sunday services 1100 m and 700 pm special singing and music pastor s goudie will welcome all old friends to any of these meetings two auction sales in town this week today thursday at 1030 will bo offered on the market a line of implements etc belonging to elias stover who had them stor ed since the days when he was actively engaged in farming the sale on saturday the furniture and fittings to be found in the resi dence of the late dr storey on main street west will be sold at 130 these sales are for cash and will both be in charge of a s farmer mr william stewart who lives just opposite the presbyterian church celebrated his 8sth birthday on monday october 8th it didnt alter his daily mode of living even for an hour for he was busy dur ing the day chopping wood and digging his garden mr stewart is a wonderfully well preserved man he takes his greatest enjoyment out of the radio for he is a keen follow er of world events born at atha on the 8th concession of pickering he spent all his active life in this part of ontario and farmed for long years in uxbridge township on october the first mrs jacob fockler of stouffville who is spend ing the winter at the home of her son william in bloomington reach ed her 92nd year in good health save for rheumatism which effects her some but otherwise she is very active mrs fockler is a member of a long lived family and while she the eldest of those living she has not yet lived longer than her ather did one sister mrs john henry davis of stouffiville who was the youngest of the family and one brother dr henry vanzant n oshawa are the only emaining members of the family mrs fockler is to be congratulated on her great age richmond hill has introduced something worth while in that vill age that is calculated to keep the youngsters out of mischief on halloween night next october 31 reeve green and members of coun cil are sponsoring a grand childrens frolic james mclean will act as chairman of the citizens com mittee there will be a big parade and games in the rink as well as other amusements along with a supply of good things to eat in fact its to be a big kids night for all the youngsters and looks like a nice thing to do to keep tho younger generation out of mischief on this special evening halloween parties are too often held for the benefit of tho older people next monday october 15 will be an eventful occasion for mr and mrs elias lehman victoria street for on that date they will reach their 51th wedding anniversary it was back in 1880 that young 23- yearold alias lehman united in marriage with miss fannie grove then just 21 they were both born in markham township and were married in stouffville by elder percy never in all their lives have they gotten far from tho scene of their union for they harvo lived in marjiham and stouffville ever since they bavo been in the village for 30 years mrs lehman was recent ly bereaved when her only surviving brother henry grove died from in juries received in an automobile accident she is now tho last ot tho family mr lehman has one brother amos living in town and ono sister mrs fader in akron michigan born to this venerable couple are ono son ab lehman trucker and ono daughter mrs dawson in toronto may the sun shine brightly for mr and mrs lehman who are both in good health tor their years for sure foot comfort use cresa corn salve j m storey druggist stouffvillo agent granting relief is a voluntary act says the municipal world in an article which goes on to say municipalities are not under any legal compulsion to grant relief to indigents and any assistance is a privilege and not a right so far as the recipient is concerned this may settle the question for some but there is still another law that is even more important than the above manmade statute which is to be found in the parable of the poor rich man and the rich poor man see luke xvi 1 to 31 with the morning train from toronto not arriving at stouffville until ten minutes to ten citizens are not so well pleased with the mail service it is 1030 before they are able to get the daily dunners- but its not a thing to worry about the farther up the line the poorer the service and few places are as well served as our own ivillage many villages in ontario now get but one train a day and some only every other day here we have morning and evening mail and a daily bus service to toronto as well enumerators appointed under the new dominion election act to pre pare the fvotera list are messrs norman macleaa and bert smith for the south side of main strett and ross davis and wm griffith for the north side the enumerators will commence their duties oot 15 and finish by oct 20 alter the compilation of the first dominion lists this fall the registrar harold a sanders will revise the lists annually without tho aid of enumerators iaa carpetting and glass crackery ware and chlny dearest marey pure and holy meek and loly lovelcy rose of sharon 1 be verry appy to say our old sow as got 7 young uns laste nite and father is going to ge ns a roosester for our wedding brakefast dearest marey pure and holey meek and loly rose of shar on so no more at present from your fewturo and loving husband quality service we want for the benefit of some citizens who are not properly enlightened it is in order to report that our al pryne the man charged with the endless job of keeping main street pavement clean bears no nick name like so many of our folk his given name is undoubtedly a biblical one for those not too familiar with early bible history it is related that from jericho there was a road up the ravines and valleys leading to the mountain country on ono ot tjiese hills stood a little city called ai which was ultimately taken by the troops of joshua thus it will be remembered that our road sweeper bears an ancient name joshua must have wiped the place off the earth when he made his second charge against it for wo cannot find it recorded on any map of the land of canaan which is in our possession ai pryne states that his brother in the usa insisted on having him christened after the canaan city but he is not clear on the reason he passed up jacob joshua and many other more familiar appendages- irev archer wallace ma editor of united church publications is not only an author of note but a preachor of great ability as largo congregations in the united church learned last sunday rev mr wallace delivered two sermons here that seemed to strike a re sponsive chord in every listener in tho afternoon tho speaker also addressed tho town bible class in the oddfellows hall on the thomo religion in a ichanging world he sought to drive home tho fact that creeds were secondary to a mans religion his relationship to jesus ohrlsf was what counted most if ho knows in his own heart that he has the experience of real communion with christ it matter ed not by what gate ho enters tho sanctuary it may bo the united d catholic or jewish ritual which he follows nearly 70 men attended this opening sorvlco for tho fall season the bible class is undenominational and has for its ofilcors rev t laldlaw teacher councillor walter brlllin- gor president and h a sanders secretary bethesda a bethesda chap who had fallen violently in love was unfortunate in dropping a letter on the roadside the other day and just to show how splendid lovers can write and how entertaining they are heres the epistle as we received it excepting that the name of the writer is a stilled secret and always will be my dearest marey i be verry well and appey to inform you that i be verry well at present and i hope you be the same dear marey i be very sorry to hear how as you dont like your quarters as i cant be able to look on your dear face so often as i have done dearest marey pure and holy meek and loly lovely rose of sharon dear marey i hant got know particler noose to tell ye at present but my sister that vnarryd have got sich a nice lettel babey and i wish how as that our little affare was settled and we had got such a nice lettel dear two dearest marey i shall not be appy till then dearest and loly lovely rose of sharon some times i do begin to despare as i am afrade our not will never be tide but my master have prom- mist i as how as that when i git ye he will put ye in the darey yard to feed the piggs and go ye aiten pen 18 pence a week dearest marey puer and holey meek and loly lovely rose of sharon i be comming over tomorrow to by the ring and you must cum to the stayshun to mete me and bring a pese of string the size of your finggar and be sure you dont make a miss take dear marey father is a going to got us a beddstead and granny a 5 lb note to by a washin stand fier irons mouse trap and sope and we must wayte till wee can by barley oats mixed grain wheat buck wheat highest market price for all grains we have clean fall wheat treat your fall wheat with ceresan a dust disin fectant fertilizers of all brands for fall wheat on hand stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario sell gream or churn in the large centres of population creamery butter has almost completely taken the place of dairy butter many farmers have been delivering cream to the creamery for some years and have given up churn ing for good some did this after exhaustive experi- ments with the returns got by churning a home and those obtained by selling the cream selling the cream is always the more economical because it saves a heap of labor and the skim milk s at home in any event if you havent been a creamery patron start now more and more are coming to it every year stouffville creamery co open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings choose the best for jtiose qou iove- end them hij motor coach safe cotnfortable nnd conoenient i gray coach tickets time tables and all coach travel infor mation at anderson phone j68 1832 1 i 1934 coast to coast in canada nev1 undland jamaica cuba puerto woo dominican republic hew york chicago boston ijondon encland qwiviovbal cfttentbn at this century- old bank attention to the needs of each individual customer is not only a pleasure but a fundamental principle worldwide facilities in every department of banking the bank of nova scotia over a century of banking service i4u 9 ic

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