Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 16, 1934, p. 4

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stouffville ontario august 16 1934 the ontario government may make creditors of bankrupt muni cipalities accept lower interest rates premier mitchell hepburn intimat ed in a statement at owen sound under tho law the ontario munici pal board now administering the financial alalrs ot such municipali ties can compel bondholders and civic officials to get together and i crop conditions at end wardi d receiving rooms they agree upon a new rate of interest i such a step the new promler stated might relieve the municipali ties of a portion of their debt charges and allow them in turn to shoulder a greater share of the burden of relief charges with pro vincial authorities of july same as in 1933 7 d h z7 see our window display for special soap deals cakes ivory soap med 22c 1 pkg ivory soap flakes free large pkg chipso 23c 1 small pkg chipso free large pkg rinso 22c 1 cake lifebouy soap free introductory offer 1 can whiz toilet flush 1 cm whiz drainlax both for 39c special galvanized bucket full of proctor gamble soap 1 large pkg chipso g cakes p g soap 3 cakes calav toilet soap 2 cakes kirks hardwater castile soap all this worth 125 for only 87c we carry a full line of the best quality spices preservatives jars etc for your pickling and pre serving requirements fresh trout and whitefish every wednesday morning ratcliff go town delivery phone 7112 lest you forget we carry a full line of poultry feeds hog feeds and milch cow feeds crushed oats for horses animal fly spray arsenate of lime and lead for potatoes vegetables coal coke our specialty put in you orders now before prices raise too high tile cement salt s w hastings phone 169 stouffville western canada crop condkons at august are likened to conditions at that time a year ago in the recent crop report of the western market news winnipeg on this basis con ditions comparable with thoso of last year between the present and tho completion of harvest would re sult in a wheat crop of around 270 million bushels for this area this is approximately the total of the most recent estimates deterioration of the crop in al most all areas is still going on the report points out ot the 317 sta tions reporting to the market news at august 1 232 stated that de terioration was in grogress the majority listing drought and heat as tho chief causes only 37 points re ported severe grasshopper infesta tion heavy rains are urgently need ed to check losses indicated average wheat yield per sown acre for the prairies is 105 to 125 bushels by provinces the esti mates are manitoba 12 to 14 bushels saskatchewan 75 to 95 alberta 15 to 17 soil moisture conditions are very unsatisfactory being good at 29 points fair at 76 and poor at 210 beer and the drivers car by w h colclough some statistics are deadly in their accuracy for example the mortality tables prepared by actuaries are so ac curate that they tell us within a decimal point the number of deaths which will occur during a specified time in other words out of a hundred thousand people we may he told the exact number who will idio during a given time similarly the number of motor accidents may be anticipated if during 1933 motor accidents caused the death of a thousand people then we may reasonably expect an other thousand to die during 1934 however we do not find the same accuracy in percentages when deal ing with death all men must die but all men will not be involved in a motor accident at the same time we may secure a fairly clear picture of the future in the accident field by looking at the past when repeal was enacted some months ago in the united states thinking hospital authorities im mediately enlarged their emergency loney saving suggestions 1 if china and glassware for gifts or showers there is no more acceptable gift than a dainty piece of china or cut glass we have just what you want and prices range from ac to 10 voile and celanese dresses a wide range of styles and colours in this lot dainty cool and colorful voiles and celanese frocks with smart organdie touches and unusual trimming details short sleeves and cape styles prices all sharply reduced come in and see them ankle socks for women and children we have been carrying a large stock of these ankle socks and we are going to clear them all out regardless of cost in mesh lisle and art silk some are plain colours and some with fancy design on cuff all sizes special per pair 15c to 29c knitted sport blouses in fancy weaves and a wide range of colours woven with fine cotton yarn with interesting and unusual trimming effects in all sizes special at each 89c swim suits now is the time to secure one of these high quality allwool swim suits we are offering them at a price that will enable us to clear them all out and gives you an opportunity to secure one of the latest style suits at a great saving many are travellers samples and all are the very best quality make your selection early shadographs have you seen these dainty silhouettes painted on glass with oil paints size about 6x8 with black and gilt frame price each 45c pictures add greatly to the appearance of your walls we carry a good variety covering many subjects in cluding copies of old masters some delightful miniatures are shown just in stock call and see them peter pan prints all good housewives know the high quality of peter pan goods we are showing a good assort ment of genuine peter pan which has regularly sold for 49c and now on sale at per yard 32c expected an increase in business they got it statistics now available indi cate that the motor car death rate in the united states has increased fifty per cent over last year in other words beer and beer alone is responsible for an appalling in crease lu the number of deaths from motor crashes hundreds have been killed this year who would be living and well had repeal not beeu brought about there is no guessing on this point it is now an establish ed fact normal school courses the minister ot education makes the following announcement with regard to 1 the second year normal school course and 2 the validation of certificates tho second year course 1 the second year course will not be ottered at any normal school during the school year 19341935 and all regulations set forth in cir culars 23 and 23c for 19341935 will be ineffective in so far as they apply to this course for 19341935 2 thoso teachersiutraiuing who have secured intorim first and second class certificates after hav ing attended an ontario normal school tor one year in any of the years 1927192s to 19331934 in clusive and who have not complet ed the second year course in an ontario normal school will have itheir interim certificates extended for the school year 19341935 the conditions upon which these inter im first and second class certifi cates may be made permanent will be announced by the minister of education at some time before june 1st 1935 3 at the end of each of the four school years 1934 1935 1935- 36 19361937 and 1937193s the department of education will pay a grant of twentyfive dollars 2500 directly to each teacher who has completed successfully the second year course in an ontario normal school and who has been engaged as a teacher in an ontario public separate or continuation school during ithe year- 4 it will not- be necessary for teachers holding interim first and second class certificates as noted above to apply to the- department of education for the extension and validation of their certificates for the school year 19341935 the minister of education will instruct all public and separate school in spectors to the effect that these certificates will be valid for that year permanent first class certificates the department of education will continue to offer to those teachers who graduated from an ontario normal school before the school year 1927 192s who have complet ed the required academic courses and who hold permanent second class certificates valid in the pro vince of ontario the privilege of writing upon a final examination for a permanent first class certiii cato without further attendance at a normal school the subjectstor this examination will be thoe mentioned in circular 23 for the 19341935 session page 23 section 29 4 and tho content of the re quired subjects mentioned a sec- jond year subjects will be found in circular 23c for 19341935 copies of this circular which is now with drawn may be obtained on applica tion to tho department of education the tribune published every thursaay at stouffville ontario yearly subscription rato canada united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan j p editor and publisher lutheran anniversary unionville the 140th anniversary ot betbes- da lutheran church unionville york countys oldest protestant church held on sunday morning and evening was attended by record crowds in the morning rev j maurer of kitchener preached an inspiring sermon mrs c kingan sang solos at the vesper service rev p s baringer ot baltimore maryland preached a powerful sermon to a packed house ampliuos were installed aud it is estimated that over 1000 people surrounded the church the choir of first lutheran church toronto sang an anthem and also the ser vice raymers choir of toronto pleased the audience with their worshipful singing the pastor rev e huenergard conducted the altar service and addressed tho congre gation making mention of the old furnishings such as bible pew and communion cups which are still in possession of the church the lutheran church which dates back to the time ot martin luther and reformation believes that the holy scriptures of the old and new testament are the inspired word ot god and the sole authentic rule of faith and practice she believes that the bible is tho word ot god and that it does not merely contain jesus died for all and isthe only saviour his merits are ascribed by faith she rejects salvation by character or by socalled good works she confesses the three universal creeds the apostles the nicene and the athanasian her de fense for the truth at the reforma tion gave rise to definite distinctive confessions her distinctive con fessions are the unaltered augs burg confession the apology of the augsburg confession the smalcald articles the small and large catechisms and the formula ot concord these she regards as a scientific expression of what the church hasjearned from the word of god they are the result or in tensive research and study learn ing defense experience and life and not the source of faith and life they do not supplant the bible with unswerving loyalty she holds faithfully to the word of her con fessions her motto is a change less canst for a changing world in point of fact and history she is the oldest largest and original protestant church her churches are established in every country of the world her missionaries are preaching the gospel in every foreign field world statistics of tho lutheran church are as follows total membership 82186000 con gregations 79000 pastors 50000 she preaches the gospel in 150 different languages jn numerical strength she stands third among the protestants of the united states and fifth in canada accord ing to the 1933 dominion census the lutheran church had the great est percentage increase among the protestants of canada the lutheran church is not foreign to canadian life on the contrary lutheran services were the first protestant services held on canadian soil as far back as 1619 four years after the arrival of tho litecollet fathers ten years before david kirk captured the colony for england from france and one year before the arrival of the pilgrim fathers at plymouth on the now england coast jens munck a danish captain established a colony on hudsons bay at what is now fort churchill the idanlsh lutheran pastor who accompanied the expedi tion rasmus jensen conducted services for the sixtyfour men of tho colony on christmas day 1619 ho held a service preached a ser mon and administered holy com munion a monument has been erected at churchill in 1931 by the canadian historical society on which is inscribed the following port churchill discovered in 1619 by tho hlfatcd danish expeditions under jens munck the lutheran church is in reality the old original church which came in to exlstance on the day ot pente cost she knows no other faith than that which is founded on prophets and apostles and christ the corn er stone car owners pay price big an increase of 25 per cent in four years in tho average of gasoline taxes paid by motorists in canada is recorded in figures ot the dominion bureau of statistics for 1933 just released from 1930 to 1932 the average tax in canada was 544 cents per gallon this year tho average is 677 cents per gallon which equals approximately one quarter of tho selling price of popular grades in various sections ot the dominion taking a three year average from tho bureaus last official figures covering the total selling value of new cars produced in canada at the works for tho period 193032 the last available the average per annum totals 61097512 in the same three year period motorists ten per cent ot the population have paid out annually an average of 44420707 in gas taxes and licenses or tho equivalent of 70 per cent ot the former figuro every year at the same time while the gaso line tax has increased by 25 per cent the selling value of cars at tho works has dropped from 91776- s06 in 1930 to 38560796 and gasoline consumption has declined from over 600 million gallons in 1929 to 484323000 gallons in 1933 study of the bureaus figures show a trend to decline in the con sumption of gasoline almost simul taneously with the increase in the taxation of this product which originally was imposed to pay for highways but which now in most provinces is being absorbed into revenues to be used for general purposes alarmed at the persistent increase the taxation motor executives throughout canada are indicating to their respective governments that some alleviation will inevitably lead to the more extensive use of auto mobiles and that this will react to the benefit of provincial treasuries lyman jackson dies heart seizure from was editor of papr fouudd by hls father eighty years ago over sixty years editor of the newmarket era liberal weekly founded by his father about 1s54 lyman george jackson died at his home early on tuesday in new market following a heart seizure ho had been 111 since saturday al though lit delicate health several years mr jacksan prided himself on his progressive policies he was a pio neer among country weekly editors to use tho mouoline and then the linotype aud he considered himself tho first to run a country newspaper plant by electricity ho was a strong liberal and a member of the united church sur viving are two sons walter k meteorological bureau toronto leslio r police magistrate cam- rose attn and four sisters mrs joseph flumerfelt bronte mrs j s harker hamilton mrs john a bell calgary mrs chas a belfry oshawa magistrate jackson is now in newmarket the funeral took place on satur day the value of the land buildings and plant equipment of tho can adian national exhibition is estim ated at 21 000 00 and that is a conservative estimate save money and have your summer leisure by letting us bake your cakes pies tarts rolls etc this season visit our cake shop or order from our drivers stouffville ambrose stover bakery proprietor good work reasonable prices the only genuine cooled tire air the only tiro with two treads one be neath the other perfect traction perfect comfort perfect safety seiberling genuine air cooled tires nevor wear- smooth batteries tires repairs when the first tread wears off a second antiskit automatically appears tread don wilson groves garage phone 7908 ringwood ont whitchurch township tax sale the w h shaw store phone 9512 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings stouffville ontario to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve under tho corporate seal of the township of whitchurch to mo directed bearing date tho 14th day of july 1934 commanding me to levy upon tho- lands mentioned below tho arrears of taxes duo thereon with costs i horoby give notice that unloss such arrears and all costs are sooner paid i shall proceed to sell lands or so much as may be necessary for tho payment of taxes and costs thoreon at tho town hall vandort in the township of whitchurch on the 17th day of november 1934 beginning at the hour of 2 oclock in the aftornoon standard time in compliance with tho assessment act all lands aro patented i parcel no assessed to lot no con no acres years in arrears amount 1 john dink 67 lot 18 e plan 194 con 1 112 acre- 2 jlillian hussoy 67 lot 21 s plan 194 con 1 112 acre- 3 mrs howard 69 lot 2 plan 200 con 1 5 acres 4 clifford bird 69lota 11 and 12 parts plan 200con 1 2 acres- 5 ernest holden 69 lot 20 plan 201 con 1 15 acre 6 mrs restjvnn 69 lot 23 plan 201 con 1 15 acres 7 lillian kilgour 91 pt of e pt con 1 4 acres 8 mr wilson 5 pt ot w pt con 2 acre 9 john stevenson 31 e pt con 2 12 acres 10 bruco squires 31 e pt con 2 1 acre 11 charles w bostwlck 24 w con 4 100 acres 12 milton sheridan 29 w pt con 4 75 acres 13 allen pike 3 e v4 con 5 100 acres 114 stanley playter 20 w i and 28 and w con 5 150 acres 15 mrs imnry chapman and alex preston 24 w 4con 650 acres 16 fransh hadlund 27 28 lot 12 plan 147 con 6 5 acres 17 o a davidson 27 28 lot 20 plan 147 con 6 5 acres 18 george fishor 34 w i con 6 98 acres 19 may olrourko 28 29 lot 35 plan 145 con 7 6 acres 20 luciano giorlando 2s 29lots 60 to 53 plan 145con7 20 acres 21 fred walker 16 lot 7 plan 171 con 8 m aero 22 edward knapp is lot 12 plan 212 con 8 acre 23 l d shcrwln and r rilloy 19 lot 11 plan 196 con 9 acre treasurers offico township of whitchurch aurora july 30th 1934 19303132 22 83 1930 15 22 193031 22 69 193031 32 11 40 193031 32 11 40 1930 5 06 193031 63 68 193031 63 76 1930 46 72 193031 32 26 45 193031bal32 503 38 193031 200 92 1930 181 15 1930 and 1932 439 5s 193031 41 11 193031 32 11 91 193031 32 11 91 193031 156 70 193031 32 10 54 1930 and 1932 28 79 193031 32 9 96 19303132 32 63 19303132 15 53 57 38 57 29 29 25 1 34 1 58 1 17 66 12 58 5 02 4 53 10 99 1 03 30 30 3 92 26 72 0 25 82 39 cost cost for for com advt 143 43 43 4 3 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 total 24 8 17 03 24 69 13 12 13 12 6 74 5g 45 gg 77 49 32 28 54 517 39 207 37 187 i i 452 00 43 57 13 64 13 64 162 05 12 23 30 94 11 64 34 88 17 35 w c crawford treasurer

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