Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 8, 1934, p. 7

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smiles tonawanda gold mines ltd property adjoining canadian pandora cadillac twp que write for full information tonawanda securities co 1302 concourse building toronto christians awake was being isung as a carol when a window waa raised and a voice said co away ve vas not christians and ve was not tsleep doctor well mr jones i am sor ry to tell you that your wifes mind is completely gone jones well doctor i am not at all surprised to hear that for ive had piece of it every day now for these last six years husband it is a strange thing but true that the biggest fools have the most beautiful wives his wife pleased oh what a batterer you are darling tfyvtl h1fl55ioff5 in and about pisa another thing about nudist mar riages is the bride will never have to worry in after years about the moths getting in her old wedding gown junior was dejected walking home from school and his woebegone ap pearance attracted the attention of a kindhearted woman who happened to pass him on the street kindhearted woman what is troubling you my little man junior dyspepsia rheumatism asthma and appendicitis kindhearted woman why thats absurd how can that be junior teacher kept me in after echool because i couldnt spell them we must either keep step with the changing times or be cast aside the attempt to hide our lack of ability to adjust ourselves to a changing world by declaring the changes are all wrong will never get us anywhere joe rankin left town in debt and almost in rags i understand sam yes but therell be plenty of suits waiting for him if he comes back by the length of time it takes some men who have been going with the same girl for years to make up their mind to propose the girl begins to tfiink that they are just taking up her time for the love of it spendalot well how has every thing gone since i last saw you hardup everythings gone if a list of hardest jobs were made heading it we guess would be bringing up a modern child in the way he or the should go headmaster now we will have a little performance with the cane student who had stuffed books in the seat of his trousers in readlnes all right sir ive booked my seat the more you puff a cigar the small er it becomes and it beats the dick ens how many men are built like cigars one can always borrow trouble with out offering security in return but the interest rate you pay is exorbitant first cat i hear you had an add tic to your family sirs cat was it a boy or a girl second cat oh just six of one and half a dozen of the other a man is said to have xfitten his will on a biscuit wo suppose that af ter tho lawyers have had their nibble the legatees will get a few crumbs departing guest youve got a pretty placo here frank but it looks a bit bare yet host oh its because the trees are rather young i hope theyll have grown to a good size before you come again misconduct cured by lauding good deeds children appreciate security therefore stress good points chicago f you mako a fuss over good behavior in a child dr h w newell of baltimore told tho american orthopsychiatry association much of his misbehavior will vanish tho most important factor in a childs emotional life dr newell said is his sense of security undermine it and ho begins unconsciously to seek to restoro it by device to win the mothers attention much misbehavior is duo to this yearning for attention which he gets when ho cuts up even though it is a scolding for instance if a boy pulled his sisters hair eight tlme3 yesterday and threo times today most mothers would scold him for todays offences but if instead she complimented him on the fact that ho had erred five times less today tho child would learn that behaving is just as sure a way to earn attention as misbehav- lus pisa tho maritime commune that vied with genoa and other italian city republics up to the cth of august 12s4 when it was conquered by its rival is today a city of art absorbed in a dream of its glorious past and noted chiefly for its architectural treasures above all for its leaning tower the history of this tower or at least peculiarity is shrouded in tnjs- tery at the top it is 14 feet out of perpendicular 100 years ago the pro jection was only 13 feet it is said that the angle was discovered when the structure had reached the second storey and the builders continued their work endeavoring however to coun terbalance it so it has stood for peo ple of all nations to see and wonder at since the year 1174 recently there has been great danger of further settling and at the present time a firm of british engineers is working on the foundations to prevent the pos sibility of a total collapse of this beautiful white marble edifice to reach the top of this circular tower one must walk up 235 steps but the splendid view of the city and surround ing country is worth the climb around the outside on each storey are mar ble columns and the style of the whole building harmonizes with that of the cathedral of baptistry all of which are located in the silent and im pressive piazza del duomo this piazza is one of the most cele brated spaces in the world the cathedral the baptistry and the lean ing tower rise in their white and gold beauty from the surrounding green carpet while in the background on either side are the ancient battle mented walls of the city the cathe dral was built in 10g3 and enlarged about 1176 it contains many notable works of art but one of the most in teresting objects is the lampada di galileo a great bronze chandelier hanging from the vaulted roof and held in a perpendicular position by a silken rope according to popular tra dition the great astronomer galileo obtained the idea of the pendulum by watching the oscillating movement of this huge fixture the magnificent pulpit the exquisite holy water basin in the font of which when we were in the cathedral tiny objects floated around in tho stagnant water the many wonderful paintings any one of these would be the subject of an article across from the cathedral is the round and graceful baptistry the whole building surmounted by a huge dome the interior of this dome gives some wonderful acoustic effects two years ago when we were visiting the baptistry there was a party of opera singers from la scala in milan there also at the suggestion of tho cus todian one of the singers tried his voice in the building and to the de light of all who were there the sound echoed and reverberated for some seconds after the voico had ceased then another member of the company this time a soprano executed some lovely trills this was repeated again and again duets trios in unison and harmony filled the air of the ancient building with such glorious effect that we were all loath to leave the place last year we had a lovely singer in onr own party i question whether she has ever had a greater thrill than when she heard the sound of her own voice resounding in the baptistry of pisa our guide on these two occasions was a onelegged man who propelled himself along with a crutch imagine our consternation on tho first occa- slon when we found that ho had been imbibing too much of the wino of the district and was not any too steady on his one foot and crutch however ho knew his business in fact to such an extent that his temporary disability was lost sight of in front of the main- door of the cathedral there stood a man clad en tirely in black with a cowl over his head and two silts for eyeholds he jangled a metal container and was soliciting alms this man was a mem- travel impressions have been coming to us each week these articles are a feature of this paper and are taken from the experiences of one who has seen what he writes about we have been asked to bring to your attention a unique trip which captain reid is organizing and which he will personally direct this coming summer if you have no definite plans and desire to take advantage of a real opportunity to see the old land under ideal aus pices this selected motor party should appeal to you here are but a few of tho fea tures lakeland lake winder mere loch lomond and the lakes of killarney the welsh mountains and the highlands of scotland cathedral cities salisbury york chester durham wells ely here ford lincoln peterborough win chester etc castles warwick blarney carnarvon edinburgh etc shakespeare scott words worth moore and handy country the fens the dukeries glorious devon cornish riviera the tros- sachs and tho garden of ireland giants causeway lovely roads beautiful scenery london edin burgh belfast dublin douglas- all in one glorious holiday for further iuformation regard ing this or any other holiday you contemplate address capt f h reid cpr building toronto ber of the kiseracordia society brothers of charity au organization which exists only in tuscany of which pisa leghorn and florence are a part this organization was founded by the nobles and wealthy people of the mid dle ages who in order to conceal their identity while performing works of charity clad themselves in this sombre garb their duties consisted mainly of giving assistance where there was death or sickness among the very poor we saw two misera- cordia funerals one in pisa and the other in leghorn in each case the procedure was similar at the head of the procession walked the officiat ing priest attended by cross bearers following him and flanking the ornate ly decorated black and gold hearse were men clad as i have described above these men were carrying huge torches from which a smoky reddish flame came as if the material used was of a tarry nature the two men on the coachmans box wore gold- braided black uniforms and on their heads they wore threecornered cock ed hats the hearse was heavily draped and surmounted with long black plumes we found pisa a very interesting place most tourists stop there only long enough to see the three buildings hurriedly we spent a longer time than usual and found much to admire the arno river runs through the city as it does in florence and in many respects pisa resembles her sister city during the week of march 5th to 10th tho students of the university of pisa are enlivening the streets of tho old city with masked processions donkey races humorous tourneys and a cavalcade of 14th cen tury costumes next week we will take you to the land of dykes and wooden shoes hol land anne boleyns name j not to be given to new london street girls of today might ask who she was and who knows what consequ ences might ensue lonion after some worried pon dering the london county council has rejected suggestions that a new street be named after anne boleyn second wife of henry viii and mother of queen elizabeth and left it to the name of some personage entirely with out blemish ii has been the councils custom to perpetuate the memory of many his toric figures by adopting their names for new streets when it was pro posed to thus honor anno boleyn however dr emll davies quoted a declaration that she peaed to the less fine part of henrys nature and her virtue was not of a character to deserve the respect of her own or subsequent ages if the name of this queen was to be put on the road of a raspectable neighborhood said dr davies the young ladies of today would be stim ulated to ask who she was and who knows what consequences might en sue sir xaul latham tttepted to come to the rescue of he- unhappy anne and the laborites then suggested the new street be named after wat tyler who led the men f kent in the 131s rebellion in the end the council re jected both slovenly english there is a good dei of truth in the remark that probably the best eng lish is spoken by foreigners who have taken the pains x learn it correctly this should be taken to heart by every one who stands before the public every minister every teacher every public speaker should take the time and trouble to team how to use his own language how to speak gramma tically and to pronounce correctly this of course means labor but it neans well spent labor and the re ward will be a more interested audi ence the dictionary is too little used b our people why should we excuse a man or woman for mispronouncing word when two minutes search in the dictionary wculd enable them to give that word its proper sound there is altogether too much slovenly english in use and if our young folks would determine that they would do better than their elders it would be a distinct improvement it is no excuse to say that we have had but a scanty education for that is not the real fault the real difficulty is that we are not willing to learn to use our own language correctly it will take seme time and effort but it will more than pay for bolh surely it is in cumbent on thos j who are born of british ancestry to see that they are able to speak their own tongue at least a correctlj as those who have had to acquire that to cve as a foreign lan guage more tobacco mfhehli save poker hands to get better cigarette papers free everybody agrees that vogue and chntecler are the best ppers you can get 5 large books of either brand free for only one complete set of poker hands from your nearest poker hand pre mium store or by mail from p o box 1380 montreal pq and poker hands too with turret fine cut you benefit in three ways when you smoke turret fine cut your money buys more tobacco you enjoy greater pleasure from the milder cooler cigarettes you roll and you get poker hands too the poker hands in every package add to the value for them you can obtain free gifts worth many dollars pay less and get better smokes with turret fine cut start today it pays to roll your own with turret fine cut cigarette tobacco save the poker hands imperial tobacco company of canarfs limited beautiful sunsets free trial offer kruschen if you have never tried krusclien try it now at our expense we have distributed a great many tpecinl giant packages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself ask your drugglit for the new giant 7s0 package thu conttitt of oar rejular jsc bottle torether lth a terwate trial bottle auffleleut for about ceo t open tho mai bottle tint put it to tho tea and lata ii not entirely oonrlnmd that krukhln doi otottuiuu claim it to do tho regular bottle it tlll u food u now taie it tack toot drouut la authortiod to return tout 76 hnnwdlatolr and without cueklon you hi tried krakheo boo at our aipenae xthat could bo airert vanutacturod by b orlflthi hoabu ltd uanehettcr xnf eitab 17m fcioortcni iccouuttv 1m lun 1 1 ttrto r fewer millionaires in united kingdom london millionaires aro decreas ing in tho united kingdom figures issued recently by tho board of uland revenue show that s97 per sons last year had incomes in excess of 150000 compared with 1100 in 1932 tho total amount of supertax im posed on incomes in excess of 10000 dropped by 70000000 on the other hand tho total death duties increased by 579000 reaching tho figure of v number of persons with incomes be tween 150000 and 200000 dropped from 479 to 372 between 200000 and 250000 from 221 to 192 between 250000 and 375000 from 225 to 182 between 375000 and 500000 from 90 to 57 and over 500000 from 109 to 94 every generous illusion of youth leaves a wrinkle as it departs ex perience is the successivo disenchant ing of tho things of life it is reason enriched with tho hearts spoils j retitsenn most women like to run a house if youll really let them run it they get so much real fun out o changing things around every week we wonder how many of our read ers are enjoying the sunsets since the days are lengthening quiet blessings ono writer who has had the habit of looking at them notes in ord ordi nary blues and grays with a touch of some more exciting colors that we get at this time of year one of the rich inheritances god has given us let us form this htbit which is free and it will help us forget the long win tcr and incidentally the depression smiths falls record-news- mais isufflrersw happy relief specialty prepared by makers of mmcaotolmanv to o itwokindf no i far inter rial ui protruding and bleedtno p for eternal itching order by nvmbur torn your owr no 2 mecca pile remedies wl yt with public since her husband became chief executive she leads secluded lonely life the authorities tell cor respondents that she is in delicate health never receives visitors and never appears in public in any case she did not participate in the cere mony march 1 the fact that mr and mrs puyi have no children especially no male children has given manchukuo and japanese authorities considerable anx iety when asked how the question of succession would be settled they told questioners constitutionalmeans will be found for providing an heir in case the em perors present wife does not present him with one i dr d d dennis liquid prescrip tion made and guaranteed by the j makers of campanas italian balm trial bottle 35c at your druggist u after 50 scotts emulsion is a great comfort it warmssfrenglhens enriches the blood the emulsifying process makes it easy to digest wgbssmmssm uniaian llt i never know anything like omoga oil for putting tho lining and body into sbapo after prolonged exercise it takes out soreness and keeps it out so said tho lato james j corbett conqueror of john l sullivan famous athletes and their trainers have long known that omega oh goes deeper and can be rubbed in without blister ing every household needs it it takes out tho pain and stiffness from soro strained muscles and ligaments so quickly 35 and co ets at all drug gists solo agent john a huston company limited toronto little is known of new empress mrs elizabeth puyi will share her husbands throne will be his only wife hsinking manchuria when henry puyi dropped his civil title of mr chief executive on march 1 and be came emperor of the new manchurian empire his wife mrs elizabeht puyi was automatically raised from the po sition of a commoner to full queen hood she is tho daughter of a manchu business man named jung yuang now head of a manchukuo investment con cern here llttlo is known to the out side world about her for it is tho tradition and practice in tbo orient fpr women in tho ruling circles to stay discreetly in the background manchu beauty ten years after his dethronement as emperor of all china mr puyi as his bride from a group of photo graphs of marriageable young ladles submitted to hint by his advisers she was then described as a manchu beauty later in accordance with chinese imperial custom tho youthful manchu nobleman acquired two additional un- ofllcial wives or concubines in the course of time he got rid of these extra wives largely at the instance of his no 1 wife it was announced that when mr puyi became emperor he led a strict ly monogamous life even dispensing with the timehonored eunuchs who have always been employed in all chi- neso imperial households to protect the women of the ruler modern education in her earlier days in pelplng mrs puyi received part of her education from miss miriam ingram daughters of a congregational missionary of philadelphia from whom sho learned english history and something about western life she was described then as modern in her ideas ammastes mrs puyi has never been seen in consider the hammer it keeps itj head it keeps pounding away it doesnt fly off the handle it finds the point then drives it home it 13 the only knocker in the world chat docs any good it makes mistakes but when it does ii starts all oyer it looks at the other side too and thus often clinches the matter ir you are inclined to lose your head and fly off the isndle consider the hammer classified advertising patents an offer to every inventor list of wanted inventions and full information sent free tin bamaay com pany world patent attorneys 273 bank street ottawa canad nubseby stock shade trees shrubs rose bushes evergreens fruit trees and fruit plants all kinds of nursery stock write for free price list j ii vindovei nurseries petrolla ont bufbesentattves wanted representatives to duce pictorial review ntro- special offer liberal remuneration write foy re 405 43 richmond west toronto ate 50 pills barnes kan a dinner on 50 pills nearly caused little ernest clark three to die his parents found him with the empty box and rushed him to a doctor a stomach pump put ernest back into commission a simple quick way to relieve acid stomach here are the signs nervousness frequent headaches neuralftla feeling of weakncae indirection sleepleuneaa lom of appetite mouth acidity j nausea sour stomach j autointoxication off colour how is your liver wake up your liver bile without calomel ypur livers a very small organ but it cer tainly can put your digestive and cliininativo organs out ol kilter jy refusing to pour out it daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels you wont completely correct euch a condition by takingsalta oil mineral water laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage when ttwyva moved your bowcla theyre through and you need a liver stimulant carters little liver pilla will soon bring back the sunshine i into your life theyre purely vege table iafe sure ask for them by name lief uo subaututce he at all druggists 43 cutting the cake if you dip your silver knife ill boll ing water before you start to cut i cake the slices will be smooth will no rough edges what to do for it take 2 traspoonfuls of phillips milk ol mag nesia in a glass of water every morning when you get up take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating and another before you go to bed or take the rcw phillips milkof magnesia tablets cw tatltl lor each teaspoonful as di rected above if you have acid stomach dont worry about it follow the simple directions given above this small dosage of phillips milk of magnesia acts at once to neutralize the acids that cause headache stomach pains and other distress try it youll feel like a new person but be careful you get genuine phillips milk of magnesia or phillips milk of magnesia tablets when you buy 25c and 50c sizes also in tablet form each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine phillips milk of magnesia maocihcakum pliillips jmilk of jmagnesia pills ihe world famou remedy liver stomach troubles rheumatism pour minirda into a vtrm diih rub liniment gently in ihen apply it fecotdins o directions and soon youll get relief blue spells reduce some women to the petulant shadow of their own smiling selves others take the vegetable compound when they feel the blues coming on it steadies quiver- jog nerves helps to tone up the general healthgives them more pep more cbaxnw lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound issue no 10 34

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