Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 8, 1934, p. 4

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stouffville ontario march 8 1934 maple syrup special spring appetite calls for something fresh nothing so appetiz ing at this season than maple syrup all sizes 100 per cent pure see our window display bottles 5c 30c 50c each no 10 tins 175 imp gallon 190 granuated maple sugar pkg 25c cooking onions 10 lbs broken japan rice 8 lbs ccf platform the tribune paint prices advancing published every thursday at stouffville ontario haddie fillet per lb clover honey no5 tin large jaffa oranges juicy and extra flavour doz 25c 25c 16c 60c 35c claremont choice pumpkins large tins 3 for 25c claremont tomatoes 3 tins for 25c heinz new lines cream of oyster and mushroom soups tin loci tho ccf platform or tha art of it which has been com pleted which will bo presented to jtho electors of this province in- 10 lie eludes j 1 local autonomy for muuici- sllgar kist peanuts per lb 20c palities on the beer and wiua issue i the resolution was the issue for xext provincial election the provincial council of the j nations aspirant for- political power the c c f met at loudon anil formulated a platform to be submitted to the people of ontario j at the coming provincial election this summer while there may be additions to the eleven items outj lined they rro in the main tho chief planks on which the new j jutrty will in order that our readers mary grant clerk of the tuaybe informed on the ccr or london sinco 1900 stand wo enumerate their power 1 uied week t h tuen 1 ekm after months of failing health miss yearly subscription rate canada and united kingdom 200 united states points 250 i a v nolan jp editor and publishor notes and comments heinz spaghetti chocolate ginger per lb 30c fresk bulk oysters cheese special chateau ingersol malted and slawsons klb pkg lie seenir weekend display of fresh celery and cabbage spinach lettuce radish ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 jof beerhytheglass during this period of widespread unemploy ment is a political manoeuvre which j tevcals the lack of principle and j utter political bankruptcy of the conservative and liberal parties the ccf holds that in order to remove the liquor question from the political arena all decisions regard- 1 grant was believed to be tho first woman iu canada ever to hold the olllce of clerk or treasurer of a municipality she was a pioneer in the movement to introduce hydro to the rural districts of western on tario ontario icounty has a woman treasurer in miss mckay who filled the ohiee efficiently tor long years members of the canadian paint oil and varnish association have de- cided on an increase in the selling i price of their products averaging 7 to s per cent the new schedule of prices will come into effect on april 1 next and will apply to ontario quebec and tho maritime provinces the matterot prices iu the western territory will be dealt with at a later date this increase in the price of paints and varnishes is a reflection of the increasing cost of raw ma terials to the manufacturer tho value of liuseed oil and other prod ucts going into the manufacture of i paint and varnish products has in creased to the point where it has been necessary to bring about a re vision of prices to the trade coal coke tho death of senator lawrence a wilson makes the tenth vacancy in tho senate with much doubt if they will bo filled before next year there is one vacancy in ontario the lato senator fisher mentioned bg b v for it are dr mcgibbonmp alon by motor coach snow covering sharon tombstone delays solution of legal tangle we have a car of drumhellbr alberta coal to arrive this week put in your order for this best grade of canadian coal on basis of local autonomy 2 xo eviction from farms or homes 3 abolition of the lieutenant governorship 1 opposition to boards of sup ervisors for municipalities 5 state responsibility for un employment sickness accident and old age g extension of hydro until tr t every municipality in ontario shall i the ontario government has bo adequately served at uniform i ordered 5000 copies of beverly minimum cost nichols book cry havoc for 7- cash relief for the entire distribution among the school province tho cost borne by the 1 children the idea is not a bad one but it might have been better to have the books distributed among i with several exmp bob reid in the- rotary review says that times are so tough down jin tho usa that men wanting j divorce are obliged to keep the old model until things improve j financially we also have a few bags left of golden west flour no 1 grade at 339 a bag hard coal and coke always on hand phone 169 s w hastings stonffyflle ont needy farmers in- relief stock feed s relief for eluding family and seed grains 9 advancing of mortgage loans to farmers through the agricul tural development board at three per cent interest loans to bo ad vanced up to 75 per cent of ap praised value of farm products 10- province to regulate and control the distribution of prime necessities such as bread milk meat and coal 11 provincial highways to bo financed entirely by the province thus relieving the farmers of any direct taxation for this utility our law makers school children will never want war i matriculation examinations should be held in juno each year and no extra remuneration should be given to teachers who preside over them according to two resolutions passed unanimously at the session of the ithird annual convention of the associated high school boards of ontario assembled last week in tor onto two other resolutions did not nave such a smooth passage the first concerned graduation certifi cates to replace matriculation cer tificates and the second dealt with changes in tho curriculum which would make it more practical on the tombstone of mary pegg rogers in some abandoned cemetery near sharon may be found the solu tion to a legal tangle which was taken before i h milliard kc master in chambers osgoodo hall an action of the late levi rogers of newmarket claiming half of his 20000 estate the determining question appears tobo legitimacy of tho deceased his father john rogers was married to mary pegg rogers by whom he had one son then john went to live with isobel mccondra whose son levi was the question now is whether mary pegg rogers was dead before the birth of levi and if so it john and isobel wore married the case will be re sumed this month when it is hoped tho snow will have melted sulli- iently to allow the tomb stone to be discovered hrst w meax forget tickets time tables and all coach information at anderson phone 158 ioie aomoe 1ok30e somoc aooo two streams of profit from cream to sell your separator fire protection the farm for when you shop at shaws you are almost certain of finding the most complete assortment available whether it is new fashioned merchandise or the thousand and one needs for the family and the home then again all prices are very reasonable and all goods are just as represented fine cotton broadcloth of splendid quality with fine soft finish in a wide range of shades all 36 wide mauve red blue green brown sand black and white per yard 19c 25c 29c 35c afternoon and street frocks some very delightful gowns just in stock plain and printed silk crepe with stunning new contrasts and exceedingly attractive styles smart and dainty each 595 695 separate skirts to wear with that nice pullover you are making a wide range of very desirable sty les and shades and materials to choose from for sports or everyday wear each 195 to 350 pullovers and sweater coats for women and girls you will want one to keep you warm and cosy in the cold march winds we have a splendid assortment of both sweaters and pullovers in many different weaves and sty les and in all the latest shades priced at from 79 400 sale of winter underwear still continues do not forget that our sale of underwear will continue until all our stock is cleared out there are many attractive bargains still to be had note these prices cee tee allwool vests reg 175 sale 149 cee tee allwool vests and bloomers reg 100 sale 79c watsons allwool vests reg 125 sale 98c turnbulls natural pure wool garments reg 149 sale 119 turnbulls cream ribbed ct long sleeve vests and drawers reg 150 sale 119 ea flannelette nightgowns have you seen our showing of these very desirable gowns made of good quality white flannelette some with embroidered yoke and some with contrasting stitching and cm- broidery medallions special at per gar- silk hose are always a necessity and we are show ing a wide range of the best quality hose at very reasonable prices all silk hose are very carefully selected as to quality and shades and are the best procurable we have them in various grades and prices at 79c 95c 125 and 149 ibex blankets the standard of quality in flannelette blankets the price of these blankets has been constantly advancing but owing to the fact that we had placed our order early we are still able to offer you the blankets in 124 size at a very low price of per pair 225 shirtings we are showing a fine assortment of best quality shirtings in all the best and most serviceable colours plain and stripes per yard 25c 35c three piece sets of mixing bowls excellent finish in three popular sizes gvi 8 loi overall yellow glaze sturdy bowls for kitchen use stock up on this special now nest of 3 bowls set 79c english dinner services have you seen the sunburst and sun shine susie patterns very attractively decorated and embossed english semipor celain and open stock so that you can buy the whole set or a few pieces at a time exceptional value at per set of 97 pes 2395 frontenac english dinner services a plain white embossed dinner service of excellent style and quality save your best service by using these cheaper dinner sets of 94 pieces at 1195 english tea pots the popular brown tea pot in three sizes about 5 7 and 9 cup capacity while they the town of harriston has j amended its dog bylaw making the license fee for police dogs 17 and 14 as compared with the old rate of g for females and lfor males the statutes governing and licens- jing dogs says that tho rates o- 1 and g may bo increased by the municipal council passing a bylaw but it does not provide for dis criminating against any particular breed of dog so much as most people would like it to the govern ment evidently regards any canine as just so much dog the police dog has earned a bad j name owing to his numerous attacks j en children and on sheep and ha is la nuisance to the public because of his size the decision to make folks nay for sporting one of these big show dogs is a good one it owners can bo made pay this man has a job in creemoro the village council has employed a general utility man whoso time for bridge or other pas times will be decidedly limited lie is first superintendent of the hydro are without system and after that to keep closo i watch on the water system tank and hydrant supervise all work on side walks roads culverts and bridges j remove snow from crossings des troy all noxious weeds in a certain i area and cause it to bo done elso- where ho shall also be constable and sanitary inspector read electric meters repair street lights and as constable onforco in a reasonable manner all tho provisions of the municipal bylaws the liquor con trol act the highway traffic act and any other laws whore required it shall also bo his duty to bo col lector of taxes caretaker ot tho rest room clean tho manholes on mill street four times a year at his own expense and clean mill and caroline street pavements four times yelr with tho assistance of one man supplied by tho village council to help him at tho time directed by the chairman of roads and bridges and all this for the munificent remuner ation of 400 per annum tho lack of firo protection in the rural sections of north york riding has resulted in a move being started to organize the several districts into firo areas it is suggested that each area be compos ed of a town or municipality poss essing the necessary equipment and tho rural territory immediately sur rounding with all districts so serv ed contributing pro rata to both the capital and maintenance cost in their respective areas at present vaughan and mark- ham are protected through an agree ment with richmond hill the latter being paid for each trip made into the townships king township and whitchurch have both been approached by the town of aurora for a similar agreement consider able delay has been caused by the claim of tho municipalities operat ing a fire department that in ex tending protection to outside dis tricts the risks of damage to equip ment is considerably greater than it is in confining their services to their own territory in many cases the fire engines are obliged to cover many miles of rough country roads and at tho fire have to pump water from muddy creeks to the detriment of the engine as a result it is leing demanded that not only a fee be paid for each trip but that a guarantee be given to make good any damage to equipment today considerably more than half the area of york county is without any uptodate system of iire protection and of course always has been in the southern and urban municipalities permanent brigades ere maintained while richmond hill aurora newmarket and sutton are similarly equipped of the smaller centres thornhlll unionville and markhamr stouffville have a limit ed service while most of the re maining sections of vaughan king whitchurch and east gwillimsbury any kind of a system skim milk to grow another crop of calves pigs chickens the surest safest and most profitable system of farming stouffville creamery co renderers of a most efficient creamery service sinco 191s for the winter months we close at 6 pm- every day excepting saturdays when we are open all evening or oexoe xoexoe ioesoe somcr i0s30 it is tit wliat you spend its what you get bach when you buy an incubator or brooder buy a buckeye you may be able to save a few dollars on first cost by buy ing a cheap machine but you actually lose all you save and much more your buckeye incubator is guaranteed to give you the very highest percentage of big healthy chicks with practically no cripples or weaklings incubators and brooders your buckeye colony brooder either coal or oil burn ing will raise every raisable chick no crowding no chill ing grow three chicks where one grew before write your own moneyback guarantee let us show you this wonderful poultry raising equipment buckeye brathwaite hardware stouffvilie ontario mmmmm egg rain broke up the roads very bad on most of the fares which are thorough may cut tax beet sugar to one cent available for a big fire tho sotting out of the county into lire districts with the cost of equipment and maintenance ap portioned over the various terri tories protected is likely to be con sidered in tho near future as a better solution than that afforded by the signing of individual agree ments between neighboring munici palities if an area wishes protec tion they can pay for it without cx- penso to those not sharing in tho protection ment 95c last each 49c phone 9512 stouffville ontario j deaths slilt on tuesday feb 27 1934 at her lato residence forest homo lot 1 j concession g ux- bridge janet jessie cunningham widow of tho into robert nesbitt in her 83rd year c funeral took place on friday march 2nd to uxbrldge cemetery from her late residence altona mr and mrs earl mcmullen spent sunday with mr and mrs j mcmullen of stouffville imrs m scott is spending a few days with her daughter mrs h llallman of rowmanvillo george carter and family spent sunday with mr and mrs stanley lewis mr and mrs robt mann spent thursday with mr o hutchinson gordon burkholder is engaged at earl brewerys for tho summer mr and mrs ii lewis attended the funeral of her uncle mr ii weir or locust hill miss florence tindall is engaged with mr o hutchinson for tho summer tho mild weather over the week end was certainly wolcomo after a solid month ot zero weather tho financial post ottawa while representatives of the beet sugar growers in canada re ceived no encouragement from the dominion government iu requesting largo tariff increases or subsidies it is considered probable that they will be given assistance in a modest form in the forthcoming budget the beet sugar growers now hold slightly more than 14 per cent of tho domestic market they asked for tariffs or bonuses as the government might decide to give them within flvo years 75 per cent of canadas sugar market of 050000000 lbs per year premier r b bennett refused this request point plank high tariff on kenned wliilo they got no encouragement from tho government other than the suggestion that they formulate a practical policy there is good reason to believe that hon e n rhodes will cut tho direct tax ot 2 cents per lb on all sugar to lc per lb if it is boot sugar produced in canada the tariff including dump duties on foreign refined sugar therefore is 419 per 100 lbs the tariff on empiro rofined sugar is 109 per 100 lbs cane refineries can ship in their raw sugar from tho british west indies at 28 cents production ot beet sugar costs approximately g cents per lb so that very largo tariff increases would be necessary to throw tho domestic market to the beet growers it is estimated sugar consumers would have to pay an additional 25000- 000 per year more to mako the change 9th line markham wedding bells are ringing again on this line sir samuel petrochuk was in tor onto on saturday mr and mrs albert batt were in toronto on saturday miss mildred peacock visited friends in markham saturday several from this lino attended the oyster supper in stouffville miss reta hoover spent saturday afternoon with misses burkholder misses may and annie and joe barkey spent friday at burkholders mr burkholder and family called at mr peacocks on monday evening mr rolph boyd attended tho hockey match in toronto on satur day mrs george lewis and audrey also rev mr mcgrath had tea at mr albert butts on thursday night misses yivonno joyce and kathleen jones visited at mr and mrs john lewis mr quinlan and mrs silverthorn motored to toronto one day last week mr and and family toronto mrs james mccreight spent the weekend in a number from tho ninth lino hoofed it to markham to tho enter tainment iu tho townhall who was tho girl that was fortun- ato enough to bo drawn homo on a handsloigh saturday night mr and mrs john lewis mr win lord also frank ida and annio burkholder were at mr boyds saturday night wonder how art hkos to bo wakened by the essex in tho woo hours sunday morning the hockey match must havo been hours over time

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