stouffville ontario november 16tb 1933 we have recently installed the latest black decker vibrocentric valve reconditioning system have us give you a price for grinding your valves in a proper way satisfaction guaranteed better than hand methods central garage j h silverthorn prop stouffville ont a new appellation 1832 1933 coast to coast in canada newfoundland jamaica cuba puerto rico dominican republic net york chicaco boston london england oxperience to those seeking a banking connection the bank of nova scotia on the record of over one hundred years successful banking experience strongly invites consideration worldwide facilities in every department of banking m bank of va scotia over a century of banking service notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of james conner deceased all persons having claims against the estate of james conner lato o the township of markham in the county of york gentle man who died on the 14th day ot october 1933 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solici tors tor tho oxecutors full particu lars of their claims on or before the 11th day of november 1933 after which date the assets ot ttv 6aid estate will bo distributed amongst the parties entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which tho executors shall then liavo had notice charlie a conner esq jacob r cober esq executors of tho said estate mccullough button stouffville ontario their solicitors herein winter pair dates hbxky wadswortu ixxgfkijmw lives ot great men all re mind us we can make our lives sublime and departing leavo be hind us footprints on tho sands of time time has proven our servico of tribute a record ot honorable ac complishments to acquit oursolves with honor is our creed r g clendening funeral director phone stouffville 263 ottawa winter fairnovember 14 to 17 iroyal winter fair toronto nov 22 to 30 ontario provincial winter fair guolph- december 5 to 7 british markets overloaded with canadian apples j writing from the ontario gov ernment office in london andrew fulton reports that excessive ship ments of icanadian cooking apple3 to the british markets are serious- j y depressing prices for all kinds of apples including english in i many cases prices slumped from 10s i to 15s a barrel within two weeks markham ontario november 1933 editor tribune dear sir when i requested you to publish a letter for me a few weeks ago i had no thought of entering a controversy with ccf admirers yet i might have known that invariably a person will bo stirred if you step on their corn i apparently drew the thunder ot two disgruntled old time poli ticians in both instances thes- wrlters in your issue of nov 2nd set out to win their positions much liko tho tories have done from time to time at ottawa by a bombardment of words talk and more talk tho letter entitled a reply simply exemplified what i had previously charged the ccf plat form of being a tissue of fanatical impracticable ideas the other writer seeks to ignore the facts i stated by drawing a sort of historical herring ever tho matter these writers will have noticed the results of the b c elections and if they would analyze the outcome following the campaign they should be convinced that if canada wishes to discipline tho torry party she will do so by putting into power a liberal party a party with a reputa tion and record for safe and tried government the ccf didnt stand the test in the west tholr campaign speakers sort of let the cat out of the bag as to the aims of their wouldbe system one speaker in the campaign stat ed that if the ccf achieved office god save the king will no longer be sung another said that socialism would be taught in our schools william pritchard leader of the ccf is reported to have apologiz ed for saying he was running again st the lamented mr christ once again let me me worn that this is no time to change horses in the middle of the stream for per haps a leaky boat and a lot of lazy oarsmen who do not take kindly to hard roeing the fact that the ccf is drawing i to its bosom those who will not work is some evidence that they look up on their own platform as though the ccf stood for the comfortable chair federation now mr editor for fear i be drawn into the error of those whose ire i drew through your paper i close with saying that canada is on the up grade mr bennetts policies have been tried and however sincere they are not doing for us what the people want and need fast enough the hand writing on the wall tells me that canada is sweeping back to liberalism and lower taxation in no uncertain way the comfortable chair federation is a real danger to our strength because it does appeal just like a warm fire on a bitter cold day and it is for this reason only that i say to liberals everywhere do not bo induced to foresake your party with a leader who is fighting for the poor mans rights all the time for a party that is not likely to do anything but try and wreck us or halt our advance i read miss mcphails and mr philpotfs remarks as published in the tribune last week but cannot deal with them be cause i do not wlsfc to trespass further on your space your sincerely experience big shows o royal horse show splendid horses nil classes brilliant riding and driving international army officers teams european american and canadian in thrilling jumpiiir con- teats the presence of the foreign teams is due to the generous gift cf joseph k seagrams limited sous beef and dairy cattle sheep and swine the pick of canadian stock and visiting champions royal poultry show pigeons rabbits and envies national dog show dogdoma social event royal cat show all fluffy champions exquisite flower show new varieties for e cry garden song birdsfancy fish music and colour grains fruits seeds and vegetables junior farmers judging contests allconsdinn horseshoe- pitching championships reduced railway rates shooting match for geese at i georgbjcoppins ballantrae shot j gunssallowed saturday november 18th 1933 fjc shooting match for geese at j fred pilkoys altona will be hold on saturday nov 18 shot guns and rifles allowed shooting match for turkeys i will bo held on the farm of thos i gilroy 7th con of whitchurch just north of lemonville fri day november 24th good flock of turkeys as prizes shot guns only allowed shooting match fine flock ot geeso and ducks on the farm of johnspence lot 4 con 6 whit church on saturday dec 2 1d33 shot guns and rifles allowed ammunition supplied for shot guns god save tho king shooting match for turkeys and geose ducks and roosters on tho farm of sam paradlne lot 27 con 9 north east of ballan- trao on saturday nov 18 open to all shot guns and rifles gordon e cober radio technician at buttons llardwaro builder of sound systems and lowcr amplifiers specializing in radio repairing owing to weather conditions the orchestra demonstration last satur- i day evening was cancelled it will now bo bold on thofirst saturday j evoning weather permits and week- ly thereafter for somo time extensive public auction sale household furniture cement garden carpenter tools also real estate the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction estate of the late asa winger at the former home in new gormley thursday november 23 1933 the following goods cradle small tables high chair rocking horses 10 kitchen chairs 2 feather ticks childrens table and 2 chairs glass and comb holder carpet sweeper floor polisher 6 rocking chairs washstand baking board 2 couches washing imachine buffet good g chairs extension tables hall irack organ pictures kitchen cabinet solid oak porcelain top and roller front iron and wooden bods springs and mattresses 2 dressers kitchen table large coal oil stove cook stove quebec 6inl al condition quantity dishes 3 wash tubs upholstered arm chair largo set scaies 250 lbs set scales 4 lbs 2 lamps wilton rug 12x13 congoleum rug 9x9 quantity first class linoleum on floor curtain stretchers 2 pipe wrenchs 10 blacksmiths vice small vico compass hand and cross cut saws bolt cutter bit braco 3 car jacks rubber and- leathor bolting monkey wrenchs 12 auger bits g augers step and extension ladders wood box hand saw set adjustable sw vico 4 mitre boxes 4 wood trusses grindstone draw knife bench quantity lumber cement dividers edger cement 2 hp gas engine wheelbarrow shovols and fence stretcher logging 2 slnglo wire strotchers pipe die pipe vico and cutter 5 crow bars comont pounder iron post iound- er post holo auger 4 grinding wheels carpenters squares 7 hammers hatch chlssols plains and jig saw draw knlfo sliding mortise gauge steep snips real estate at samo time and place the valuable cement block- house with half acre of land will be offered subject to a resorvo bid residence 34x32 with kitchen extra all in llrst class condition furnace electric lights barn 16x30 terms on chattels cash salo at 1 oclock sharp a s fairmer auctioneer farmers information winter fair dates royal winter fair toronto november 22 to 30 ontario provincial winter fair guelph december 5 to 7 get llid of the barnyard hoarders in preparing for housing the stock for winter all surplus work horses finished beef cattle board er dairy cows or decidedly poor type heifers old ewes and old sows should bo culled out and disposed of to the best advantage turkeys in winter breeding turkeys should not be confined to houses during the wint er months but allowed to roam at will during the day the only shelter that is required for them at night is a straw barn or closediu shed they should not be kept in a draughtyplace but any building that will provide shelter from wind rain and snow is quite suitable never house turkeys with hens or in heated houses because colds which later develop into roup are almost sure to follow during the winter months the breeding turkeys should receive only limited rations as they have a tendency to become over fat if well fed hard grain j should be given in preference to mash or ground grains equal parts of oats wheat and buckwheat are quite suitable during the cold months but when the weather moderates in spring the buckwheat should be discontinued once daily during winter is often enough to feed and fresh water should bo pro vided at least once a day weekly crop report thousands of barrels or apples were damaged by a severe frost states a report from peel county and as a result the cider presses are running to capacity most farm ers in north simeoo will be rather short of roots this winter as the crop would average less than 50 normal shortage of pasture in many districts will result in cattle going into winter quarters in poor condition sugar beet harvest in kent i county is about completed and has been delivered to tho fac tory in splendid condition lincoln reports that conition of fall wheat has seldom been better than at present in frontenac the farmers have a big surplus of livestock and a large number will have to be sold owing to shortage ot feed in temiskaming this has been the fin est fall the farmers have had for several years for completing seasons work harvesting threshing were over in good and farmers have had ample to get their fall plowing done topics of timothy timothy is used in canada most to tho exclusion of other grasses largely because clean seed of strong vitality is generally avail able jit a low price the expense per acre of seeding is less than with any other grass timothy if fed alone is of low nutritive value for growing animals or for milk production because it is deficient in fleshforming constituents it is therefore not a profitable fodder by itself for those purposes a lib eral mixture of clover improves it operation l the fftrmer t ong ago the canadian bank of 1 f commerce developed a form of cooperative banking service each branch was to be a community- bank to serve first in the interests of the district and secondly to place its customers in contact with a nation wide and worldwide service this modern far- reaching banking service is of the utmost value to every progressive farmer the canadian bank of commerce with which is amalgamated the standard bank of canada 167m1 alfalfa wanted 1 st highest market nd and 3rd cutting prices paid submit samples dicksons hill mills phone 5505 communication some time ago we heard a sermon in which tho thought was that parts of the sermon on the mount were impracticable surprising though this theory may sound from a pulpit it is a fact that it is commonly taught children are urged to take their part pay him back dont take it stand up to him but to walk away is it impracticable we cannot help wondering what would be the effect on the frenzied nations of europe if england alone were to declare her faith in the divine as an arbiter of disputes and introduce a vigorous policy of demobilization wo wonder found walter red and white hound pipher phone 9320 the and time time al has received in- by public auction 23 be- jfeh h rollers mixer ihc spades chains stouftvillo branch special rolled oats 71bsfor25c special domestic shortening 10c lb 20 lb pail 200 special pastry flour 241b 53c kino salt 21 lbs 53c xxx flour 9220 ajlmer soups 3 for 21c cooking figs 3 lbs for sweet potatoes 5 his for celery head lettuce 2 lor cooking onions 12 lbs for 2 50 lb bag for otic custom ground coffee 25c lb 30c lb s5c lb fresh ground penn rati motor oil g qut 1 25c i hi nt- i5c 25c public auction sale of accredited ayrshire herd of purebred milch cows the undersigned struciions to sell at lot 16 con 9 whitchurch lake musselman on thursday november 1933 the following property longing to kerb mitchell herd sire lijesseiilhock prince 14g50g born august i 1930 fanny of alfalfa ban g2504 born november 29 1910 bred march 19 1933 due about dee 21 musselmans lake mable 12ss70 born nov 12 192s bred april g due about january s musselmans lake beverley 163- 1gs born sept g 1931 bred april 8 duo january 10 gladden hill bonney 111961 bom april 10 1921 bred april 23 due january 25 musselmans lake snowdrop 12s- 877 born august 31 1928 bred may 17 duo feb is musselmans lake rosie 116109 born oct 11 1930 bred may is duo feb 19 musselmans lake kate 1631g7 born may 9 1931 bred juno 4 due feb 23 musselmans lake snowflake 13s1s3 horn nov 16 1929 bred juno 20 due march 1 lmusselmans lake lily 146411 born dec 26 1930 bred june 14 musselmans lake tiny 146410 born march 10 1931 bred july 8 musselmans lako audrey 12ss7s born nov 24 192s bred july 5 musselmans lake may 1g31g9 born nov g 1931 bred august 29 musselmans lake eve 162171 born dec 24 1932 musselmans lako jane 1g3172 born imnrch 10 1933 musselmans lako bertha 163173 born mar 13 1933 grade ayrshire jersey born fob 22 1929 bred april 19 due jan 21 grade heifer part jersey horn march 1933 grade ayrshire heifer horn july s 1933 mr mitchells herd is an extra choice lot ot milch cows fully accredited there has never been a reactor in tho lot terms cash persons wishing credit should arrange samo with the auctioneer or proprietor before the i salo opens sale at 130 oclock f w silversides auct cows for sale- about nov 20 phone 3704 2 jerseys due geo a barton wanted old and cattle phone 2s0s and disabled horses james arseuault feed cattle i am prepared to take in cattle to feed for the winter phone 7804 ayrshire cow for sale due to freshen feb 1st fred pilkey altona phono 9709 apple butter person wishing apple butter made at the altona mill please get orders in at once p nighswander phone 9021 ferrets a number of ferrets for sale murray c ramer phone 9213 for sale yjoung jersey bull fifteen months old apply to jas rennie phone 7813 for sale 50 leghorn yearling hens good laying strain phone 4903 albert lister young jersey reesor cow for due nov 13 6005 sale part phone j b stove for sale station heater in good condition and a splendid typo of heater jos borinsky fowl wanted i ani open to buy hens chickens geese ducks otu and will pay highest niaket price locate mo at edw pennocks livery phone 1g3 sam golden machinery for sale i have for sale universal wood worker emmery stand grinder sal attach ments turning lathe complete with stand saw table with counter shaft set of plumers caulking tools set of pump augers carpenters boring machine with auger pump cylinders pipe fittings water taps pulleys carpenters tools tinners shears heavy can bo seen at h b barnes stouffville alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere rates moderate phono stouttville 6312 address gormloy p oi fall sale of good lmple- ments low priced for sale 5 hp lister engine- pulpers good as new 13 cutting box blizzard with blowor and 40 ft pipe good as now buzz saw with b and iron frame- m h manure spreader will sell very cheap international tractor plow 35 feet ot 10 wide belting rubber tor high speed cheap heater and other used stoves ii rexlin highest prlco for fowl hides wool etc phono 192 stouffville