Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 2, 1933, p. 1

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jkmfftrillt vol xlv no 33 stouffville ontario thursday november 2nd 1933 a v nolan publisher special on nyal cod liver compound for thursday friday and saturday regular 100 bottle for 79c cod liver oil is a palatable preparation possessing the virtues of puro cod liver oil yet tree from the latters disagreeable features docs not disturb tli most sensitive- stomach tonic and strength builder j m storey druggist tho home of quality drugs council offers 25 settlement province to study metropolitan area a special meeting of tho village i u cou ljke that of council was held on monday even- london premier henry says lug to deal with the matter of the books of baker heirs are seized medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phono 19b coroner fob york county briarbush private hospital main street stouffville graduate nurse in attendance medical convalescent and maternity cases accepted private and semiprivate rooms weekly rates 20 and 25 inspection invited phone 191 mrs e 11 good threatened suit to bo brought by dr ira freel against the corporation arising out of the construction of a new cement sidewalk in front of john monkhouses and the chinese laundry up to the present time no legal counsel had been engaged and the council decided to secure mr harold a sanders to look after their interest a resolution was passed on the recommendation of their solicitor to offer dr freel 25 in full settle ment without admitting any lia bility the damages asked is 335 representing the cost of raising tho building to tho level of the new sidewalk failing a settlement the way is open for the claimant to appeal to the county judge to sit and arbitrate the case we understand that the village solicitor mr sanders was notified on tuesday by mr button that such an offer made by the town could not be entertained by dr freel and he again advised that the sidewalk be taken up and relaid at the old level agreed on if the town will do this and pay all legal costs incurred to date the arbitration proceeds will be set aside states mr button new northern country dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ofllce in grubins block phone s201 markham every tuesday otbce in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds otbce over the bank of commerce olllce hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary 8 t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college olllco at tho mansion house phone 161 successor to late dr j t storey a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phono 18202 stouffville legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffvlllo money to loan harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone iso norman v keys h scott ritchjo ritchie keys barristers a solicitors continental life building 371 bay street toronto 2 telephone ad 9767 l e oneill successor to w j mather stouffvlllo funeraii director and embalmer night and day servico business phono residence phone 0 s20 coming bible conference the annual bible conference in connection with the brethren in christ church tunker at gormley will be held this year on sunday and monday november 12 and 13 three services will be held eacli day of the conference for which the printed program just issued reveals a line of capable speakers including bishop lyons of welland elder john nigh of hagersville bishop shoaltz of wellandport and bishop swalm of duntroon the local com mittee in charge of arrangement is p w cassel l w steckley and j a heise vandorf miss mary curtis has been visiting with miss clara graham and mr and mrs geo richardson mr e moynihan was thrown from his bicycle on saturday night sus taining a severe cut over one eye mrs james porter and miss joyce visited with mrs g moynihan on sat urday afternoon there was a large attendance at the church anniversary a week ago both morning and evening tho services were taken by rev dr fen- wick pine orchard choir will lead the singing in themorning and headford choir at night there was a large attendance at yps last tuesday night dr devins of aurora taking the topic of when should we stand against public opinion after this there was a set of slides given by mr lynd altona imr and mrs win balsam of port credit spent sunday at robt manns imiss blancbe rcesor of fraser- ville spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs b reesor mr bruce bain of newmarket is spending a few clays with mr and mrs f wagg and family miss elsie eckardt spent the weekend with her aunt mrs henry slack mr and mrs f raymer spent sun day with mrand mrs m raymer of bloomlngtoh mr and mrs laurence mills and son spent sunday with mr and mrs m tindall mrs j liutchison spent a day re cently with her sister mrs robert mann peachs anniversary a provincial committee will be ap pointed by premier henry shortly to study tho metropolitan area ques tion in toronto and york county as well as in other large centres iu ontario announced last week in discussing the survey made by york county of the metropolitan area system of government for greater toronto i have had in mind that there should he metropolitan administra tion of thoso industrial areas grow ing up outside of large centres said the premier what we have in mind now is a committee to study the whole situation not only in regard to toronto but other cities as well the premier said that the purpose of the metropolitan council pro posed to be set un would be- similar to that in london england the larger matters such as develop ments town planning policing and major services being administered by that body and the minor matters to the local councils corresponding to the borough bodies in england survey entire car scheme complete survey of the metropoli tan area system of government for greater toronto having regard to all aspects of municipal fmancingis contained in the report of york county councils metropolitan area committee just completed since the june session of council the report has been in preparation with te assistance of dr horace l brittain of the municipal research bureau who prepared the figures on assess ment assets liabilities debenture debts levies etc forming the basis en which the scheme would be con sidered by the county the report draws no conclusions but brings forward with a mass of data what would be the probable taxation with regard to 1000 of assessment if toronto were included in a metropolitan area with the municipalities of scarboro east york leaside north york york weston now toronto etobicoke long branch swansea mimico and forest hill village this grouping of municipalities includes four weston forest hill swansea and long branch which were not included in the toronto metropolitan act a bill submitted to the legislature by premier henry in 1924 and never acted upon this bill would have provided for thecreation of a metropolitan coun cil of 24 members 12 from the city and 11 from the suburban munici palities with the warden named by the lieutenantgovernor in council it proposed that the council would control town planning and public services such as sewage water sup ply police protection education transportation and highway develop ment and maintenance the systom would have provided for a metropolitan board of educa tion and separate school board and would havo been financed by a col lection of a flat levy of one mill in toronto and corresponding rates in the various outside municipalities road cost is snag the report points out that tho de termination of what each municipal ity receives from tho cohnty in a year in connection with roads is an impossibility because of tho inter locking relationship between the government the county and the in dividual municipality in dividing tho cost this is caused by the fact that thero are four types of roads in yjork counjty provincial highways suburban roads county roads and municipal streets in tho event of creation of a metropolitan arpa including the municipalities mentioned it is assumed that a new county would be formed with tho municipalities of georglna hast gwlllimbury king markham vaughan whit church markham village richmond hill stouffville sutton wood- bridge aurora andnowmarket thousands of dollars contribut ed locally to scheme now under investigation stewart beare phono markham 2603 or to braithwaltos hardwaro 9601 radio repairing a servico you will approclato the peachs unitod church markham will hold its anniversary services on sunday november 5th at 1030 am irev co sommer of stouffville christian church will preach and special music will bo rendered by peachs quartette at 730 in the evening rov amdallas of dontonla park united church toronto will bo tho preacher mr and mrs clarence stafford will sing tho public is invited to these services next sunday koop in mind tho date friday novombor 10th for tho play cran berry corners to be given by the young pooplo of the lemonvlllo circuit at lomonville church this play will also bo given at ballantrao and bloomlngton dates will be announced later widen pavement thero is a rumor about town to the offect that tho present municipal council intond to embark on a pro gram of widening the pavement on main street from obrien avonue to tho station it has over been regard ed as a big mlstako that the road in this block should havo been narrow ed in as the wider width was needed to care for tho trafilo as well as for tho general appearance if tho coun cil is to embark on this program at tho present time it must be as a re lief measure we understand that tho nocessary bylaw to provide for tho work will bo given notico of at tho nbvembor meeting of tho municipal council to bo held next monday evening reported to bo seeking a definite showdown on the activities of tho international baker heirs associa tion the drake watson springer heirs association and four other similar organizations operating in this province the ontario securities commission under col george a drew kc has seized all the books from the downtown toronto ollite from which tho associations have been operating has placed them under departmental audit and subpoenaed william baker former president to appear at queens park on euesday for special examina tion at a closed hearing the baker heirs association are said to have collected many dollars from de-scend- ents living in and about tho village of stouffville the matter with which the secur ities commission is said to bo chiefly concerned at present is the alleged circulation of stories to the effect that many prominent britishers montagu norman included have been in this country for the express purpose of effecting a settlemeht of the estates in which the baker drake and other heirs aro interest ed and that altgady immense sums of money for such settlement have been deposited in the toronto branch of barclays bank just who are responsible for such stories and why the commission it is under stood is determined to learn unit sales alleged other points which tho commis sion proposes it is said to clear up are tho alleged trafficking among members of the associations in mem bership units aiid the outandout sale as rumored of units to inter ests in buffalo and other crossthe border points a little over a year ago the commission by regulation stopped the sale of any more units by these associations to new mem bers but considered itself powerless at that time to interfere with the sale among registered members ot units already held by them according to figures which col drew presented last november to a mass meeting of the drake watson springer heirs in toronto former president baker drew from the six associations in salary and expenses during the preceding six years 92746 in addition he had had his office and other expenses all paid for him all told acording to the com missioners records 400000 had been collected by the organizations since they came into existence of this amount 22s000 was paid col drew stated to a seligsohn a pittsburg estatesettling expert who lias been closely identified with all tho heirs associations since their in ception tho commission has re peatedly but vainly tried to get in touch with seligsohn baker it is said promised on several occasions to put the commission officers in touch with tho pittsburg man but never managed it james mcbride of the commis sions staff of investigators made tho seizure about a week ago the audit which followed and is now on the verge of completion has been under his supervision gormley estate probated 16919 charles dennie late of tho town ship of imarkham who died oct 11 left 16919 legatees are fred dennie brother stouffville joseph dennie brother london ontario bertie and harold foster grandchildren gormley who receive 1000 eachcharles dennie nephew gets 500 marlon shaw daughter aurora 1100 and one- halt residue lily foster daughter gormley halt residue new courier for l the c mail contract a halloween episode village cop calls out undertaker and reeve as reserves goodwood mr and mrs harry pugli of stouffville visited sunday with mr and mrs r j gulliver potato shipping from the point is so far being done by truck but car lots may be expected to go out soon the kindly act of tho churchill institute members donating their gift to the goodwood comtery board in last weeks issue makes one realize that not only the village folk prize their cemetery condition but people at a distanco feel that a good work has been done it is to bo hop ed more gifts will follow such as this members and friends of tho bypu met at the home of mr isaac wagg on friday night last and gave a showor of miscellaneous articles to mr and mrs harry wood land in honour of their recont marriage tho rooms wore prettily decorated in white and pink and tho brldo wearing hor wedding dress unwrapped the many useful and beautiful gifts reading aloud tho humorous verses accompanying them both mr and mrs woodland thank ed their friends the rost ot the evening was spent in contests and brought to a close with refreshments between fifty and sixty people were present births pollard at ballantrae on sunday october 29 1933 to mr and mrs sylvostor pollard a son the unusually fine weather tues day night brought out one of the greatest crowds of youngsters we havo yet seen on main street prepar ed for halloween pranks innocent amusement was indulged in until about ten oclock when tho bulk of the kiddies made for homo con stable pughs duties did not end at that time however as future events would indicate the chief was making for his home up church street at around 230 am satisfied that he had kept tho boys in line for tho night until ho saw the last of them to bed when lo in the 6tillness of the night a car is heard rushing along main street and seem ingly coming to a stop in the business section the chief knowing all stores were long closed sensed something amis and hastened back to peak around the corner of boadways drug store to his amazement a car is parked right in front of the south side bank and like a good dog on the scent the cop- was hot on the trail after seeing two men moving about in the darkened building the cop was sure a robbery was to be enacted and now was the time to call help whether or not he anticipated there would be blood shed or murder with the resultant nxed of an under taker he did disturb the slumbers of le oneill undertaker and passed up mr f l button who has had some experience with a gun next move was to arouse tho reeve so that prompt orders might bo issued for carrying off to jail the robbers when once they were got in his clutches the reeve and the undertaker came doubtingly to the sceno around 3 am minus necktie and running shoes when all three advanced on the premises of the bank no fire arms save the cops pop gun the chief found the front door was slightly ajar which implied that tho robbers anticipated a hurried getaway stepping boldly inside the limb of the law demanded in a loud voice surrender and come out from hiding hush there wasnt a sound and a second demand was made this time a youthful chap made his appearance from tho rear of the building but he campered the excitement when he proved to be only the staffs junior clerk he had to explain that he had just returned from playing in a dance orchestra and was now on his way home with this disclosure the vision of tho cop making a sensational catch of bank thugs was off leslie wideman has been award ed the contract for carrying h im mail over rr no 2 and 4 stouff- villo for the next four years mr wideman will take over tho job in december when herb porters coutract expires by making the change in couriers tho post office department will effect a saving of over 300 iu tho contract price paid at present of 900 per year mr wideman is understood to bo the lowest tenderer at 590 he farms a small acreage a mile oast of stouffville at tho extreme end of main street ono of the greatest scrambles in recent t for carrying mail was created for this job it is said that 15 or 20 persons made application at from 590 to 1000 soveral asked 800 and one man showed us his tender at 650 but ho was too high by 60 as the outcome indicated the mail routoon no2 and 4 from stouffville covers a distance of 21 miles and extends into whit church township as far north as the vandorf sideroad serving patrons on concessions 5 and 6 stouffville baptist church sunday november 5th 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship please remomber tho prayer services wednesday s pm sunday 615 pm you are invited to all of the above services gormley arrest brothers qn theft charge with the arrest of chosley mapos aged 28 and his brother charles 26 on monday police believe they- have tho two men re sponsible for many housebreaking and chicken thefts which have been worrying residents of markham following a robbery at tho garage of frod slattery markham on satur day night in which the burglars es caped with a quantity of gasoline as well as tools and batteries chief of police james walker accompanied by chief sidney barraclough of rich mond hill arrested chesley mapes in whitchurch township while detec tives hill and mcallister of toronto took his brother charles into custody at his homo at walton street description of a large truck which had been parked outside tho garago prior to the breakin was the only clue given chief walker who traced the vehicle to ballantrao whero he took chesloy mapes into custody tho loot according to chief walker was in tho truck mapes was taken to langstaff jail farm where it is said he later implicated his brother in the robbery chief walker in company with tho two toronto detectives arrested charles mapes at his home in walton street both wero held without bail and appeared in county police court monday with tho arrest of the two men residents of tho district relaxed their vigilance last night for the past month following tho series of thefts chickon coops havo been guarded by property owners who havo taken turns sitting up at nights with load ed shotguns ready for tho marauders in the vicinity of markham village the mennonite church annivers ary will be hold on sunday to be followed by a series of revival meet ings each week night the tunker church brethern in christ are preparing for the coming bible conference which opens on nov 12th roy brillinger the potato king is harvesting his tubers with tho aid of a staff of 20 people his 32 acres will run about 100 bags to the acre a smaller yield than was hoped for this decrease is due to the drought last summer prices however aro better than a year ago our local auctioneer a s farmer performed a more or less outstand ing fete this week which no other autioneer in york county has yet accomplished this year so far as we can learn auctioneer farmer sold a house and large lot under the hamm er for 2100 we doubt if there was ever a year when more properties have been advertised by auction than this 1933 but this is the first time a sale has been made in this way in the county of york it sort of puts our autioneer in tho front seat the sale of household goods be longing to mrs eltheriugton took place on monday before a large crowd prices were very good auctioneer farmer also sold the house and lot of one and twothirds of an acre located here in gormley and belonging to miss nancy brillin ger to john bond of this place the sale price was 2100 which was up to tho reserve bid it was a cash transaction mr bond has since rent ed tho placo to dent law of ring- wood who moved here on tuesday this week mrs eltherington will also remain in tho village for a time tho third shocking and sudden death among the citizens of this dis trict occurred last week when mr asa winger was suddenly summoned by the great unseen as he visited at tho home of his brotherinlaw at collingwood this litelong citizen of gormley was walking back to tho bush with his relative presumably to cut wood when he was suddenly stricken down and expired immedi ately ho was in his 58th year and is survived by a sorrowing wife who is a daughter ot mr peter donor there is no family excepting an adopted daughter mrs peter steckley the remains were brought back home and the funeral on sundaywas ono of the largest over seen here and the servico was conducted by mr ernio swalm of stayner assisted by rov e gooding interment took place at hoiso hill cemetery gormley anniversary services anniversary services aro being held at tho mennonito church gorm ley on sunday november 5th preaching 1000 am by rev w b moyer of toronto at 3 and 7 pm by mr spicor mr spicer will also glvo special messages in song afternoon and evening sunday school 2 to 3 pm the anniversary services will be followed by a series of revival ser vices commencing monday at 745 pm services each evening of tho week except saturday at 3 pm and 730 pm tho sunday childrens meeting will bo in charge ot the evangelist w b moyer miss ruth bowen of lansing michigan has been engaged as solo ist and song loader wo heartily invito all who are free to attend theso meetings a t gooding pastor stouffville presbyterian church rot w h fuller ba sunday november 5th 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship everyone invited f t t t mennonite church stouffville rev s cressinan pastor sunday november 5th tho special moans ot grace offered through the ministry of miss yoo and miss snider has come to a close but our church and pastor invite you to leep up your interest and avail your self of all services in the church sunday november 5 1000 am sunday school 1100 am and 7 pm preaching by the pastor t i t t ballantrae bloomington lemonvhjle united churches rov jao kell pastor sunday november 5th 1030 am ballantrae 230 pm bloomington 700 pm lemonville the minister will continue his series of sermons on the lords prayer meeting of the yps is withdrawn this week have you seen elsewhero the announcement of the play our young people are getting up t t i t bloomington and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday november 5th this business ot taking up our cross daily and carrying it for christs sake is a big business it is the most profitable undertaking in the world we are to deal with tho subject ot temperance next sunday 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona the foe of intemperance is after a greater foothold in our land let us be prepared to check hini t t t t stouffville and church hill christian churches chester o sommer minister sunday november 5th stouffville 1000 am ss and bible classes 1115 pm morning service mr john mcewen of peachs united church will bring the mess age of the morning 700 pm worship and preaching wednesday s00 pm meeting for fellowship in worship and study at tho home of miss nora staploton church hiu 200 pm s s bible classes 300 pm worship preaching friday 800 pm missionary night at tho homo of mr and mrs oliver beech meeting in charge ot miss marjorio clark and mr lazenby all aro cordially invited t t t t stouffville united church rov thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday november 5th 1000 am s s biblo classes 1100 am morning worship rov e harold toye b a of kingston road toronto 700 am evening servico rev w m mustard ba bd of scarboro bluffs toronto 6 pm 8 pm monday nov 6th chicken plo supper will be served in basement of church by tho ladles of tho congregation this will bo followed by a splendid concert in the auditorium of the church featuring mrs d evorton jones of markham as reader rov herbert leo in read ings and local talent in musical numbers admission to supper and concert adults 35c children 20c dont miss this lets mako our anni versary occasion a big success 715 pm wednesday teacher- training class 800 pm wednesday prayer and bible study you aro cordially welcomed to all theso services

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