tibiiite vol xl v no 32 stouffville ontario thursday october 26th 1933 a v nolan publisher storeys special cough mixture an improved treatment for coughs colds and affections of the throat chest and bronchial tubes boy darts in path no settlement of motor car and suffers two fractures on both legs above the knees relief is quick obstinate cases in the most t especially valuable tor dis tressing night coughs prico 50 cents m storey in sidewalk case the druggist home of quality drugs medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phono 19g coroner for york county briarbush private hospital main street stouffville graduate nurso in attendance medical convalescent and maternity icases accepted private and semiprivate rooms weekly rates 20 and 25 inspection invited phone 191 mrs k it good dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in qrubins block phone s201 markham every tuesday office in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary s t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary collego office nt tho mansion house phone 161 successor to late dr j t storey a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am a motor accident which had shocking results for robert fong aged 11 years occurred on friday morning about 1045 when the littlo chap ran out onto the road directly in front of a passing auto driven by win ii quimmell of 100 shepherd street lansing young fong was struck by the passing car suffering a double fracture of both legs the accident happened in front of the post office and the driver of tho car stopped almost on the spot the unforunate young chinaman who is quite a favorite among the lads and other folk too raced onto the roadway in an effort to cross the street he darted from behind a parked car and a standing express wagon so that the driver had no chance whatever of avoiding the accident eye witnessess say the auto could not have been moving more than about 12 miles an hour it stopped in four feet the boy was struck by the bumper both legs be ing broken just above the knees and again just below the thighs no other marks were on his body he was rushed to the local hospital mrs sam goudie and mr a c burkholder were eyewitnesses of the affair and agree that the lad ran from behind the parked car and horse drawn vehicle his limp body was picked up just under the runn ing board but the wheel of the cir had not touched him the fractures were set at the stouffville hospital by dr s s ball and dr h freel he will probably be on his back 13 weeks and a complete recovery may be expected according to the doctors the little fong lad lives at the cafe which is conducted by the elder brother harry master robt and an other boy alex aged 14 came to stouffville two years ago and attend school here they were born at port albernie on vancouver island where their chinese parents still reside the driver of the car quimmell is a bond salesman and was on his way home from toronto he was visibly affected by the unfortunate occurrence constable pugh did not lay a charge on the ground that the cause of the accident was entirely due to the boy neglecting to exer cise necessary caution and because of the low rate of speed which the driver was going quimmell was in the threatened court action over the building of a new cement side walk abutiug the tailoring shop of mr john monkhouse and the chinese laundry by dr ira freel tho landlord proceeded a step fur ther on monday evening when the doctor and his legal adviser mr f l button met the sidewalk com mittee of the council composed of reeve morden and councillors d ii riisnell and george dowswell the reeve said the meeting was called in an effort to learn what peaceable settlement of the matter could be made it there was any reason tor seeking damages at all the reeve said he could not under stand why it should be such a high figure as 375 he felt sure the council would not entertain paying any such amount councillor irusnell said he could nt find a ratepayer but what had said tho walk was a benefit to the property which stands almost opposite obrien ave on main st north side just over the creek to this mr button retorted that the laying of the walk at a different level than what had been agreed on was a piece of highhanded business im a ratepayer said mr button and i dont want to see the town stuck and my advice is that you gentlemen put the walk back to the level agreed on the reeve sought several times to get a final offer but dr freel said that his original offer would stand well call a ratepayers meeting said councillor rusnell well call the judge said dr freel the original offer is for the town to pay 375 less 40 which owner would assume as it repre sented repairs the meeting concluded with the understanding that the reeve would consult his councillors and report the decision of the whole body verbal tilts between dr freel and councillor rusnell featured tho meeting in which the doctor said that if there was any way to lodge a personal charge against the coun cillor he would do so on tuesday of last week dr freel served a legal seven clay notice on council which intimated that ho would appeal to the eounty judge for arbitration failing a satisfactory settlement we understand that at a subse- lemonville boy wins silver tea service the annual plowing match of the north york association held on tho farm of mr walter woods aurora on wednesday of last week was the largest in the history of this young organization which has been func tioning for only some ton years from an entry list of 2s a few years ago this years match showed no less than 75 contestants in the field mr woods farm was an ideal lo cation for such an event while the land was idea for plowing except the west by motor stouffville sept s 1933 dear mr editor its impossible to cover our trip from southeastern wyoming to stouffville in one letter how ever i must do my best with the limited space following down the north platto river by numerous old forts of the hudson bay co and though hun dreds of miles of irrigated river bottom lands rich in sugar beets and corn wo swing across the state of nebraska coming onto tho lin coin highway at ogallalla spend small attendance disappointing for mass meeting in interest of bible society among the churches for mass sleeting in lintcrcst bible- society of perhaps that used east of the barns which was a bit difficult to handle i i the night of sept 1st at grand however there was plenty of excell- island on tho platte river and ent plowing land and seldom is a j entering the state of iowa a few list of competitors favored with so mites north of omaha by way of the much suitable sod and stubble to big bridge over tho missouri river work on blair we found most- of tho during tho afternoon the toronto state of nebraska very dry and hunt club came along with their j apparently unproductive except tor bright show of rod coats and enter- the irrigated valleys and the eastern tained tho spectators with their portion brilliant spectacle another feature of the town again on saturday to look into mee f the council on iiwif n l was determined to fight tho case before the county judge rather than make an offer of settle ment tho welfare of the boy and has offer ed to do something toward paying the expenso involved local happenings a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance also automobile and fire widow urgently with children needs work apply tribune office mrs d e jones me co j elocutionist markham wishes to announce that she is open for con cert engagements terms on appli cation to her at markham village thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phono 1s202 stouffville legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phono iso a halloween euchre will be held in the oes roomstuesday oct 31 refreshments and good prizes admission 25c we appreciate items of interest contributed by our readers for this column birthdays serious sickness es weddings visitors to or from your home all mako acceptable in formation for us to write about tailor asks damages as a sort of appendage to the threatened arbitration suit between dr freel and the village mr john monkhouse has written the council through his solicitor asking for damages alleged to have been caus ed his tailoring business through the condition of the sidewalk or premises in front of his shop the letter asks for unstated damages and contains a demand to abate the nuisance alleged to exist altona afternoon was the plowing done with a pair of bulls owned by jerry sibley of whit church this attracted a good deal of interest as did the several fine teams that were in the competition for best turnount the presbyterian church at aurora served meals from a large tent pitch ed on the grounds and did a splen did business jim hall of lemonville won the eckhart silver tea service the complete list of prize awards is as follows class one in sod open to all e l timbers g tran s thomp son crown and finish e timbers second class in sod jointer e timbers w ferguson a black tjguelph don jarvis milliken lloyd turner stouffville crown and finish ed timbers third class in sod a julian castlemoro w tapscott milliken l c kennedy agincourt norman smith uxbridge f leader new market crown kennedy finish julian fourth class in stubble lloyd steekley stoufcville g anderson bdgely g timbers milliken a mcneill woodbridgo 5 r smith uxbridge crown and finish f steekley fifth class in stubble open ii pickett hornby n steekley whitchurch elmer gray gormley ichas irwin agincourt w scott maple crown and finish h pickett sixth class in stubble jim hall lemonville theodore wideman gormley f kennedy aurora f beelby stouffville f ball aurora crown and finish j hall seventh class in stubble bert smith gormley g moore uxbridge don hall lemonville h botliam aurora louis walls aurora icrown b smith finish gmoore eighth class in stubble f hall lemonville garnet booth locust hill roy smith gormley e mcnelly cedar valley crown mcnally finish booth ninth class in stubble tractor h walker markham f ferguson stouffville allan meyers stouff ville e seaton king tenth class in sod tractor f timbers stouffville g hostrosser malton e evans maple elgin walker markham norman a keys h scott ritchie ritchie keys barristers solicitors continontal lite building 371 bay streot toronto telephone ad 9767 l e oneill succossor to w j stouffvlllo mather funeral director and embalmek night and day service business phono residence phone 9s01 9820 stewart beare phono markham 2603 or to bralthwaites hardware 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate postponed tho lecture announc ed to bo given in ratcliffs hall last tuesday evening by mr john f clark on behalf of the horticultur al society was postponed on account of bad weather the lecture will now be given on tuesday nov 14 and during tho evening the prizo money for tho recent ex hibition held in tho arena will he given out if you have something coming to you be on hand to receive it sale register thursday pct 26 extensivo auction sale of farm stock and implements hay grain etc at lot 11 con 6 markham tho property of archio empringham no 7 highway no resorvo terms salo at 1 sharp prentico prentico auctioneers thursday nov 2 household furniture slolglis wagons scales otc tho estate of tho lato ichas dennle will bo sold at tho lato resldonce at victoria squaro no resorvo salo at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer friday oct 27 entire house hold furnishings of homo of imr harold taylor will bo sold in front of lawson block stouff ville salo 120 f w silvorsldcs auctioneer mrs wm iclarkson spent thurs day with mrs thos lewis mr and mrs arthur wagg visit ed with his grandparents mr and mrs goorgo wagg on saturday a number from altona have been attending the special meetings in tho mennonito church stouffville the altona womens institute are preparing for a concert to bo held in tho school in the near future we extend congratulations and wish much joy to the bride and groom mr and mrs richard jones neo viola bunker fred and earl mcnair howsam also millard reesor atten ded tho bicycle race at toronto on monday ovonlng did you hear the cow bells on monday night this is a sure sign that the past has been wedding bells tho applesauce and elder mill has been very busy over sinco it has been opened apples aro a low prico this year and farmers cant afford to waste anything in these times misses olive and hilda madlll accompanied by harry thorno and gordon bartholomew attended a birthday party in toronto wednes day evening cash sale for farm western arrived by his mr john paisley has sold his 114 aero farm in whitchurch to mr forofor soninlaw of mr j tor- ranco markham tho salo price s 3000 cash mr forefar hails from canada and has not yot the salo being engineered fatherinlaw mr paisley leaves tho old home stead with considerable regret ho was born on tho place and spent his life thus far there he now looks forward to a well earned rest and with his wife will live at ballantrae they have purchased the pryno house church hill tho churchill institute naro hold ing a halloween and masquerade party at tho homo ot mrs a williams shadow lake on monday night october 30 prizes awarded for the best costumes everyone not coming in costumo must pay a fine ot a nickel everybody como and havo a good timo admission 10 cents an appreciation tho following resolution was passed at the regular meeting ot library board that tho stouffville library eoard expressos to mr frank sangstor its sincere appreci ation of tho splendid gift of about fifty books which will materially lncreaso the range of subjects in the various departments of tho library wo would heartily commend the generosity of mr sangstor who after reading theso books has made it possible for othors of his fellowcitizens to onjoy tho samo privilege only dress salve removes corns calluses ingrown toenails warts storeys drug store stouttvllle ontario iowa appeared to us to be much the most fertile and productive state of all the soil is rich tho land gently rolling there is little waste land and as far as one can see in any direction it is corn corn corn there appears to be little variety however and fruits are not successfully grown in spite of tho apparent prosperity the farmers here are hard hit by heavy mort gage and tax burdens arising from the optimism of a few years ago at ames we spent an hour visit ing the university and state agri cultural college where the writers eldest brother held forth as a pro fessor years ago at cedar rapids a city of 50000 people we spent sat urday night and sunday forenoon among ideal camp surroundings on sunday afternoon wo cross ed the mississippi at fulton and in illinois found conditions much more like in ontario except that it was very dry and fruit was very scarce wo reached elgin 111 early in the eveninghere wo looked up mrs page a sisterinlaw of mr rat- cliff and enjoyed the hospitality of her and her family as we took in the sights in the environs of chicago including tho great air races leaving the watch city early tuesday morning we wormed our way through chicago to tho grounds of the century of progress exposition and footsore and weary repaired to our car liastened from the great city and had refreshing slumber in a little hexagonal cabin at indiana harbor not far west ot gary indiana you will se from the above mr editor that our party is not fully qualified to give a detailed discrip- tion of the great fair though we may he authorities on some par ticular portions of it wednesday found us skirting the eastern shore of lake michigan to st joe and benton harbor then on through a good fruit growing country to the celery centre at kalamzoo at battle creek we visited the famous sanitorium and the cereal plants incidentally din ing at tho kellogg hotel through jackson and ann arbor we hasten ed on to detroit and darted through the great tunnel into ontario ex cept for tho bears mentioned in my last letter we were absolutely un molested by bandits in our entire trip across tho united states leamington ontario welcomed us to bod but tho night was the hot test ot our entire trip the boiled lobster could put nothing over on j w that night yesterday we traversed tho tobacco fields and fruit lands bord ering lako erie wo called on friends in st thomas and ate ontario grapes and peaches turn ing north from jarvis as wo approached hamilton wo entered a region rich in pastoral beauty productivity and all tho blessings a kindly providence can bestow wo viewed the city from the mountain then passed aiong tho lovely lakeshore road to tho queon city and out through the familiar scence to homosweethome hav ing experienced on our 8000 milo trip a great variety of conditions but having found no spot as thoroughly livable the whole year through as that to which we have returned tho question and answer column will bo conducted by mr ratcllff and mr brllllngor jointly many thanks mr editor for your valued space h o kllnck tho mass meeting in the interests of the upper canada biblo society held in tho united church on sun day evening attracted but a halffill ed church dispite the fact that it was intended to be a gathering of not only all tho congregations of tho village but those of the surround ing district as well through some unforseen circumstance a mix up iu the dato was allowed so as to con tlict with tho special meetings be ing held in the mennonito church although tho mennonito pastor row s cressman was on hand to pro claim tho worthy cause of this great organization the hope was express ed that tho financial support hereto fore splendid from tho local district would not show tho samo slump in 1933 as tho interest in the mass meeting did irevjsharrington was the guost speaker and his sermon carried a profound interest and message for his hearers tho work of the biblo society he made clear was purely undenominational its sole function is to translate and distribute the bible to the world he stated that the bible has been written in no less than 650 different tongues no other book has ever approached anything like this magnificient record last year 10 million copies were sent out and not all to heathen lands either as more copies were sold and sent out in the english language than ever before the speaker point ed out that the society of which he had the honor to represent was founded in tho napolianic days in tho year 1804 it was a period of great depression the british nation was armed to the limit to repel dread invasion the stock markets had crashed to a greater extent than tho present slump had touched and the british consol was selling at 50 per cent of par value distress stalked the country yet in such debacle the biblo society had its birth no ono suggested that a moro convenient day should bo awaited hence the world was given a society which mr icressman said in a brief speech that tho missionary work of his church in africa could not carry on without if we are our brothers keeper then tho sooner we formulate a program to lift him both spiritually and nationally and this earth will be a better place to live said mr harrington councillor d h irusnell president of the local society acted as chair man while the secretary mr lam bert stouffer read the report of last years contribution from the district showing a total of 34737 marriages strong boake on october 19 1933 mr ernest strong was united in marriage tj miss sarah may boake rev s cressman pastor of the bride and groom performed tho ceremony mr and mrs strong will reside in stouffville best wishes from all their many friends jones bunker a quiet wedding took place on saturday october 21 1933 at midland united church parsonago when viola beatrice dauglrtor of mr and mrs norman bunker altona was united in marriage to richard healing jones of mark ham tho rev w r auld former ly of markham officiated tho bride woro a gown of french- blue crepe and matching accessories after a short honeymoon mr and mrs jones will take up resldonco in markham ontario berths hackett at tho private hospital stouffville on october 20th 1933 to mr and mrs fred hackett markham ont twin son and daughter soebcck at tho private matornlty nursing homo stouftville rr nol on octobor 20th 1933 to mr and mrs frank soebcck a daughter woodland mate the marriage was solomnlzod on thursday at the baptist parsonage uxbridge of marjorle phoobe eldest daughter of mr and mrs john imaye goodwood to harry watson son ot mr and mrs f g woodland pastor homer officiated with rev e s bishop assisting tho brldo wore a floorlength gown of oasis green silk crepo brown turban and matching accessories tho bridesmaid was miss ollvo thompson and tho groomsman was mr alger mayo brother of tho bride ladies notice at hardingp barborshop mr albert shamflold will bo in town for tho next few days and will off er croquignole permanent waves at 200 also croqulgnolo combination permanents at 250 to 750 every pormanont is guaran teed from 6 to 9 months also specialist in personality halrcutting at 50c per cut make your appont- ment early stouffville baptist church sunday october 29th 1933 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship please remember the prayer services wednesday at 8 pm sunday at 615 pm you aro invited to all of the above services t t t t stouffville presbyterian church rev w h fuller ba sunday october 29th 1933 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship everyone invited t t t t mennonite church stouffvullk rov s cressman pastor sunday october 29th 1933 special meetings at our stouffville church aro well attended a splen did interest is taken through the ministry of the workers miss yeo and miss snidor many aro receiv ing spiritual help meetings will continue until sunday oct 29 unless otherwise directed gods blessing is manifestly present in theso services full salvation through the atonement of jesus christ will deliver from sin if ho is accepted as such t t t t ballantrae bloomingxon lemonville united churches rev jac keu pastor sunday october 29th 1933 300 pm lemonville special ladies aid service at both ballantrae and lemonville mrs pateman of toronto will speak and the stouffville ladles quartette will sing 700 am- bloomington rev dr g g duncan of mount albert will preach friday evening the yps will hold a halloween social in the basement of tho lemonville church t t t t bloomlngton and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday october 29th 1933 the person who sits down and waits for a fortune to come better be prepared for a long session even in the kingdom of god back bone is more valuable than wish bone services next lords day 1100 am bloomington 700 pm bloomington rev f fagley dd from new york state will preach at tho morn ing service we are fortunate in having such an able preacher como our way come and hear him t t t t stouffville and church hill christian churches chester o sommer minister sunday october 29th 1933 stouffville 1000 am ss bible classes 1115 am worship and preaching 700 pm worship and preaching wanting our own way no4 in a series messages for today from the lives of some old testament characters wednesday 800 pm meeting for fellowship in worship and study o the second chapter of titus at mr and mrs leslie rowbothams church hill 200 pm s s bible classes 300 pm worship preaching friday 800 pm meeting t the home of mr and mrs herbpegg mr jack beech and mr martin will be responsible for the program t t t t stouffvtllk united church rov thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday october 29th 1933 1000 am s s bible classes 1100 am morning worship autumns glory on fading and falling leaves 230 pm business and young mens bible cias3 in the church auditorium let us turn out and help to make this class a real blessing to tho young men of the town 700 am evening service tho search for the best 730 p m wednesday teacher training class in tho basement of church conducted by the pastor wednesday 800 pm prayer and biblo study sunday november 5th church anniversary 1100 am rev e h toye ba of kingston road united 700 pm rev wm mustard ba bd ot scarboro bluffs monday nov 6th chicken pie supper in church basement keep in mind the ladles associ ation meeting at tho homo mrs k g tarr oct 31 wanted used soxvlng machine must bo good order phono 3703