l smiles l au oldtimer is a guy who can le- member when the hero of a novel didnt kiss the heroine until the last iage pointed brevity has anyone remarked on the way you handled your car oue man did but he didnt say much what did be say ten dollars and costs early winter shorts the ideal wife is one who works harder keeping down expenses than keeping up with the neighbors many of these cases of love at first sight will not stand the test of a second look it is much easier to acquire a fault than it is to inspire a virtue our idea of the prize optimist today is a pick pocket some men seem to have re duced blundering to a science the world deals goodnaturedly with good- natured people women may be the weaker vessel but man is the more of ten broke he who goes the wrong nay must make his journey twice a tombstone always has a good word for a man when he is down love at first sight frequently should consult an oculist a girls heart is like a good watch once its dropped its never juite tho same if wicked looks could really kill some peoplo would never have any use for a mirror gold mining stocks buy hold sell our semiweekly mining toylos wilj keei you informed about the teaming gold lasota one particular gold mining stock low priced traded on a local ex change should in our opinion advance sharply because of developments under way we will send you without coat or obligation nam and report on low priced issue which la o opinion s cue for an advance in price a e brodie investments 302 bay street toronto 2 travel lllnc55iort5 att fnrid an say uiggah how come you so bang- id up i was talking when i should have cen listening mrs uesiyle at modistes as pretty models display gowns which do roil like the best robert dear husband i prefer the tall brunette it er that is i mean the pink chif fon my dear man criticizes woman for her ex travagance but she never wastes two dollars worth of shotgun shells in order to get a twentylive cent rabbit nor goes into a restaurant and buys a 25cent meal and gives the waiter a 25cent tip because he smile 1 at her nor uies twenty gallons of gasoline and pays 25 boat hire to get where he fish arent boss wheres the cashier stenographer gone to the races boss what gone to the races during business hours stenographer yes sir its his last chance of making the books bal ance a perfectly harmless illness may leave you with serious after effects tako love for instance even if you do get over it it may leave you with a wife on your bands father take off your coat and ome upstairs with me 3oung man im going to attend to you son but dad youre not going nhip me are you father jm certainly going to didnt i tell you i would settle with fou if you misbehaved ourself 1 son yes dad but i thought it vas only joke like when you told the grocer you were going settle with bim encounter with scotland yard new scotland yard as distinguished from great scotland yard is possibly the most celebrated police and detec tive headquarters in the world it is located near the palace of westmin stercommonly called the houses of parliament and the thames embank ment the approach to this famous place is by way of an insignificant street running east from parliament street a continuation of whitehall the name scotland yard recalls the time when scotland acknowledged the overlordship of the english monarch and on the original site was the palace where the emissaries of the scottish kings lodged during their frequent visits to london the story i am about to relate had its setting on a day when with a mem ber of my party i went to see the color ful ceremony of the changing of the cavalry guard at whitehall after this we had strolled down to no 10 down ing street the official residence of prime minister ramsay macdonald in the hope that we might see some of the cabinet ministers passing in or out a burly london bobby came along and suggested that we keep mov ing we did so but the lure of that black front door so attracted us that we soon returned to our post of obser vation a few moments later the same policeman passed us and in a friendly tone remarked gentlemen i thinks as ow i arksed you to move and if i remembers correctly i did so very politely we moved proceeding back along whitehall past the cenotaph the horse guards and the admiralty arch we turned in to cockspur street and went to the offices of the canadian pacific to make arrangements for our homeward pass age as we approached the counter my friend put his hand into the inner pocket of his coat and exclaimed my wallet is gone a careful search re vealed the fact that his discovery was only too true so as the wallet con tained some papers as well as his steamship tickets i advised him to go across tho street to canada house where they would afford him the as sistance to which he as a canadian was entitled he had no sooner acted on this suggestion when the steamship clerk who had left the counter to see what could be done came back hur riedly and said where is mr fegan when i told him he continued scot land yard is on the wire they have caught the thief and want you to go there right away it didnt take me long to get mr fe gan hail a taxi and speed away with him to the famous police station on arrival there we were ushered into a i university veterans league room where after the detectives had application for reservations for the satisfied themselves as to our identity j dinner and rugby tickets are now being sir arthur currie to address veterans on armistice night reunion of canadian univer sity men who served over seas to be held in toronto at the royal york hotel a reunion dinner for veterans of ail canadian universities and men who served with university units will be held in the royal york hotel on armis tice night 1933 and will be addressed by sir arthur currie principal mcgill university and canadian corps com mander veterans from coast to coast will at tend and after a lapse of fifteen years will recall old war time associations as thousands of canadian university men served overseas in all services and on all fronts during the war four organization meetings have been held attended by representatives of many canadian universities and it seems certain that the reunion will re sult in the formation of a permanent organization to be known as the our idea of perfect cooperation is nheu all tho freckles on a girls face ome together and mae one beautiful an son it wont be long before ill be the flower of manhold father shut up you blooml diot the clipper her sails are strong and yellow as the sand her spars are tall and supple as the pine and like the bounty of a generous mine buntouched her brasses flash on every hand her sheer takes beauty from a golden band which sweeping aft is taught to twist and twine into a scroll and badge of quaint design hang on her quarters insolent and grand she drives her stem rings loudly as throws tho hissing sapphire into foamy waves while on her weather bends ihe cop- perblora in burnished splendor rolling down i she lives her high black sides until the scup- per flows 1 then pushing out her shapely bow she braves the next tall sea and leaping on- ward goes thomas fjeming day in songs of sea and tail new york rud der when in toronto stay or rat at the new statieb hotel 114 queen st west modern equipped rooms radio in every room showers hates single room one dollar perfectly equipped restaurant and grill in connection with hotel best of foody lowest prices in the city phone wavebfcey 7115 makes itself known to you here are the signs ncrrousnma frequent headaches neuralgia feeling of weakness indigestion sleeplessness loss of appctlto mouth acidity nausea sour stomach j autolntoxicatlon we were shown an emaciated looking individual a greek who had been ap prehended after he was observed in the very act of abstracting the wallet during the ceremony at the horse guards as he took refuge in the pre tence that he did not understand eng lish we were forced to await the ar rival of an interpreter who was being bought from the east end of london we had the privilege of being present when he was questioned there was not the slightest semblance to third degree methods as this man was apparently one of an international gang of pickpockets which up to that time the police had been unable to trace the capture created much in terest and a desire to register a con viction as well as to find the other members of the gang particularly when on being searched it had been found that this man had over 100 on his person our adventure terminated at the al most equally wellknown bow street police court where the trial was to j take place immediately after lunch tho magistrate a kindly softspoken man with a keen sense of humour dealt summarily with the various cases as they appeared many of these were the usual drunk and dis orderly cases one poor woman being badly battered as the result of a fight and the- magistrate remarking that as she had apparently received the worst of the argument she was dismissed with a friendly warning other in fractions of the law for which a fine of 10 or 15 shillings was levied came under a new statute being in charge of a motor vehicle which was creating unnecessary noise the case in which we were particu larly concerned came up at last the lawyer acting for the defendant made a feeble attempt to hide behind a tec- nicality but only succeeded in obtain ing a remand for later sentence af ter our return to canada we learned that a sentence was imposed follow ing which the greek pickpocket was deported mr fegan got his wallet back this had been hold as materia evidence and all ended happily as far as we were concerned one might not call this a very thrilling episode perhaps it might be termed one of the unexpected happenings that occur in the course of travel little things like this often prove to be highspots in lifes experience we who partici pated in this series of incidents in old london found it so i next week i shall relate an interpstj ing circumstance in connection with a j visit to oporto portugal received by the secretary george f mckelvey university post office tor onto norman a keys is chairman of committee in charge excess mtdue to rheumatism best quality shaving brush free for poker hands shaving is a real pleasure with a fino quality shaving brush like this one bristles set in rubber a gift youtj surely appreciate and use given in exchange for only 5 complete sets of turret poker hands one 20c package of turret fine cut will prove the quality and economy of this mellow cool virginia cigarette tobacco you can roll at least 50 cigarettes from one package and cigarettes of sweet virginia fragrance and flavour supremely satisfying t pays to oil four own wish fine cigarette save the poke cut tobacco r hands one remedy for the two troubles having rheumatism so badly that she could scarcely walk this woman began to put on a load of superfluous flesh in a letter just received she writes i had a severe attack of rheumatism in both knees it was so bad that for three weeks 1 could not put my feet to the ground i was also getting terribly fat through not getting my usual exercise 1 started taking kruschen and persevered the first thing i no ticed was the tonic effect it had the next that my rheumatism went and better than anything i lost the wretched fat i am a woman of 50 and when i tell you 1 do exactly the same work as women halt my age without the least difficulty i think you will un derstand why i swear by kruschen salts and recommend them wherever i go me the six salts of kruschen assist the internal organs to throw off each day the wastage and poisons that encum ber the system then little by little that ugly fat goes slowly yes but i surely the rheumatism and head aches disappear you feel wonderful ly healthy youthful and energetic- more so than ever before in your life buffalo herds moved northward what to do for it take 2 tmspoonfuis of phillips milk of mag nesia in a glass of water every morning when you net up take another teaspoonful jo minutes alter eating and another before you go to bed or take ihc new phillips milk of magnesia tablets one tabid tor each teaspoonful as di rected above if you have acid slomacli dont worry about it follow the simple directions given above this small dosage of phillips milk of magnesia acts of once to neutralize the acids that cause headache stomach pains and other distress try it youll feci like a new person but be careful you get real milk of magnesia when you buy genuine phillips milk of mag nesia sec that the name phil lips is on the label 150 dutch families to settle near toronto the dutch government has decided to support emigration of dutch settlers to canada for this purpose the dutch emigration office has purchased 7400 acres of land near toronto on which 150 dutch families are to be settled under the scheme 19 families will leave for canada next year 22 in 1335 and the remainder at various intervals as the earlier arrivals are settling down the scheme is bolstered by the fact dutch farmers who havo already settled near toronto are said to be very well satisfied with the results the canadian and dutch governments are understood to be carrying on ne gotiations regarding the new scheme earl of ranfurly passes suddenly london lord itaufurly governor of now zealand from 1897 to 1904 died here- on october 2nd he was 77 his grandson viscount northland succeeds to the earldom uchter john hark knox fifth earl of ranfurly was born august ii 1s5c he succeeded to the peerage in 1s75 he was educated at harrow and trin ity college cambridge became a lord- inwaiting to the queen in 1895 and two years later was appointed govern or and commanderinchief of new zealand lord ranfurly was created a privy councillor for ireland in 1905 he was a grand commander of the order of st michael and st george a knight of justice of the order of st john of jerusalem in england and an officer of the legion of honor he married in 1ss0 the hon con stance elizabeth caullield daughter of the seventh viscount charlemont there were two daughters and a son the son a captain of the coldstream guards was killed in action in 1915 aiso in tablet form each tiny tablet is the sonful milk equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine phillips of magnesia maoc in canada phillips milk of m great britain great britain has been the principal source of supply of anthracite coal for canada in tho past five months ac counting for 631 per cent of the total against 3c9 per cent from the united states according to tho latest report of the dominion bureau of statistics the united states supplied 9c9 per cent of tho total bituminous coal im ports however and great britain the remainder intelligent mothers could end wars new york mrs annie riley hale defeated opponent of senator william gibbs mcadoo in the last california democratic primaries believes women cause wars women are responsible for wars mrs halo asserted at a meeting com memorating tho fifth anniversary of the signing of tho kellogg pact but one generation of intelligent mothers she added who trained their sons to look for higher things could end wars dr sydney strong writer on inter national affairs and former congrcga- tionalist minister in chicago and seattle opposed mrs hales viewpoint and said that the maintenance of peace depends upon the women larger preserves opened as the herds grow in numbers toronto about one thousand buffa loes are finding new grazing ground this year as the surplus of canadas in creasing buffalo herds at wainwright alberta are moved northward to the larger preserve in the orthwest ter- itories by train and boat durin the autumn months the canadian govern- ment sends the overflow of young buf faloes more than a thousand miles northward to the 17300stnutremile park where this once nearl extinct species of north american big game has plenty o room to expand some twentyfive years ago the cana dian government bought th last re maining herd of american bislns 709 animals now re are o many buf faloes on the governments game preserves that if left alone they would soonbreed to numbers similar to those which existed before the coming of the white man once they dotted the plains of the west from mexico to great slave lake in millions now it is es timated that more than 20000 are un der care of government game wardens wainwright a small stop on the transcontinental railway has the dis tinction of being the only place on the continent where there is a annual buf falo stampede the thunder of 6000 animals on the run penetrates for miles around and he dust hangs thick above hardriding cowboys drive the yearlings and 2yearolds into corrals where other cowboys brand the shaggy animals with a big w to denote their origin at ihe wainwright pieserve off to grazing grounds from ihe corrals it is not far to the loading platform and so into the rail way cars which lead the buffaloes on the first stage of their force migration to new grazing grounds up the plank the bisons are shoved led or coaxed and as one car is filled another draws up to the platform til a string of cat tle cars loaded with snorting buffaloes is ready to pull out from the station to i tho end of the railway at waterways half way to the new stamping grounds at this frontier post which is more nccustomed to seeing prospectors than financiers the bisons arc unloaded in to corrals of untrimmed logj and then transferred to liatbottomed river barges the flotilla starts off on the athabasca river to lake athabasca and along the slave river to fort smith capital of the northwest terri tories now the buffaloes are practi cally in their new territory rangers lead them to the stampinp grounj where already some 1500 buffaloes have proceeded them ranger cabins trails and telephones throughot the vast preserve the largest on the con tinent keep the government informed as to how the new animals mix witi the older inhabitants these large herds of bmtali s bad their beginnings in a quartet of calves which a young indian brav- took home as a peaceoffering to his fatherinlaw according to the now accepted theory as to where the canadian govern meuts herd came from this happen ed on the flathead reservation in montana in 1s73 the calves grew and bred until soon then a small herd michael pablo a mexican bright ten of the animals for 2500 pablos ten multipii to 709 which he sold to the canadian government for the same price per head that he had i it 250 that was after e had offered them for sale to the united states government zoological gardens supplied now the large herds which have grown from tiiis small beginning sup ply most of the buffaloes which are found in zoological gardens the world over for every year canad has re quests for some of these animals from distant countries in addition tin- supply oiias and coats for the mounted police and steaks and pemmicrn for northern travelers classified advertising i 1 ii fabms wallted e venue producing piiopkr- ttks exchanged for equipped farms preferably clear good buildings stock and equipment for good toronto pro perty showing good returns and cash write john stark co 331 eglinton west toronto after 50 scotts emulsion is a great comfort it warms strengthens enriches the blood the emulsifying process makes it easy to digest patents an offer to ever inventor list of wanted inventions and full intormatlon sent free the bameay com pany world patent attorneys 273 dank street ottawa canada at wainwright the ouffrioes graro on the 100000acre preserve in sum mer along with 2500 deer 1000 elks moose and antelopes in winter they graze as best they can when the sno is not too heavy if it is there is a large tonnage of bay available grown on the preserve lakes dot the acre age and in them the beris can cool off in hot weather sciatica wab he oainful part wi with wann water then rub id plenty at minard and youll feel better mm8mmmm good way to stop acid stomach any druggist will tell you the best way to stop acid stomach and indigestion is to take a little liisu rated magnesia in water after meals this will stop your indigestion and sweeten the stomach get rid of fjas and belching in no time ask any druggist now i feel full of pep after taking lydia e pint- hams vegetable compound thats what hundreds of women 3ay it steadies the nerves makes you eat better sleep better relieves periodic headache and backache makes trying days endurable if you are not as well as you want to be give this medicine a chance to help you get a bottle from your druggist today light itself is a corrective a thou sand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear like owls and bats before the light of day james a garfield during cleaning operations at the church of st marylcstrand london hundreds of pigeons skeletons have been removed from a space between the roof and the chancel arch bestfcryou sndbiby focx when work worry pull you down the great tonic thxtsoothes nerves- enriches blood builds new vigour at ill good dru9 a dcpl sloier salei agent harold f ritchie 4 co ltd toronto 26 issue no 42 33 the b5rth soclfll ul hamllun liltaliuijt 1 will mall ihe oomphlci outlining its work and aimt liom a lociol political economic and icligious ipect on receipt ol s5c itomot that depressed feeling is largely liver wake up your liver bilo without cnlomcj tou are feollnjj punk clmply beraurc your aver lent pouring ita daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowele d oro both hampered ox being poieom w bilo into your bowele dircfttlon ami elimination both hampered aou v gpoifonod at you need i a liver sumulnnt our tdtiro ayptein u 6om- ehlnp thnt soea farther tbanealte mineral water oil laxative candy or chewing jjum or rougtiar which only move tho bowel- jgnoiing tbe real eiuino of trouble your liver take carters uitlo ijvct pilla purely rese- table no harh calomel mercury safe sure atk for them by name kcfue lubatitutea 5c ftt ftu druffote t13 high school boards and boards of education are authorized by law to establish industrial technical and art schools with the approval of the minister of education day and evening classes may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the department of education theoretical and practical instruction is given in various trades the schools and classes are under the direction of an advisory committee application for attendance should be made to the principal of the school commercial subjects manual training household science and agriculture and horticulture are provided for in the courses of study in public separate continuation and high schools collegiate institutes vocational schools and departments copies of the regulations issued by the minister ol education may bo obtained from tho deputy minister parliament buildings toronto