stouffville ontario thursday august 24th 1983 r9 exhibition specials daily except sunday august 26th to sept 9th round m qc reduced trip fare includes admission to exhibition and coach transporation to and from terminal inside the grounds good returning until september tlth leave stouffville leave toronto 815 am bay at dundas standard time 945 pm gray coach lines bethesda jack iclubine was tho sunday guost of iteesor steckley school days aro just too weeks off i wonder how tho children like the thoughts of that mr and mrs s p pooto have been holidaying with friends at goderich this last week miss annie redman of uxbridge visited her cousin miss dorothy yake over the weekend rev and mrs burgess and son jack of dunbarton spent sunday with friends here in bethesda vernon atkinson of beeton is visiting with his uncle mr clarence atkinson at present mr and mrs will madill wero in this vicinity on sunday mrs madill is a speaker for wednesday at the mennonito sunday school conven tion held at stouffville sale register saturday augv 2g good house hold furniture belonging to mrs valder 2 doors west bank of commerce stouffville terms cash sale at 2 oclock p w silver- sides auctioneer private maternity nursing home medical and convelesceiit casos accepted privato semi private rooms weekly rates 1000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phono 7s0s stouffville r r nol altona men are still busy improving on tho altona cemetery which adds beauty to the surroundings misses myrtle and kffio davis spent ouo day recently with misses mabel and mary spang ross stover and j bradley spent tuesday in toronto mr and mrs o madill and marjorie visited the weekend with her sister mrs arthur pledger at meaford a largo number attended the service provided by the altona talent at bloomington on sunday morning mr and mrs norman bunker and son mervyn spent sunday with mr and mrs arthur wagg the sunday school convention which is being held in the mennonito church school has been well attended by the altona members ballantrae alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducter anywhere rates moderate phone stouffville 0312 address gormley p o tho corn and weiner roast stag ed by the whitchurch veterans association on the farm of w e card jp vivian on the evening of august 16th was a most enjoyable and successful event over 300 veterans and their friends gathered around the bon fires with their issue of corn rolls and woiners after disposing of the eats community singing led by sgt major edwards of tho toron to scottish regt also dancing kept the crowd engaged until all wore satisfied tho central executive of york county veterans association was represented by major a g condie and capt hac bruels of toronto capt jakoman of ballan- trae was active on the local com mittee tho misses mckiunon of qriwa and mrs e palmer claremont are visiting mrs geo lee miss mckinn- on was a former member ot our continuation school thedominionstores stouffville shop at our store this week and save domino baking powder 15c molasses icisses 3 lb 25c campbells tomato soup tin 8c i quart pen raid oil 125 xxxx quaker flour 21 uptons tea h- pkg 23e lifebuoy soap 2 for 13c penmenl rncon lb 19c sugared egg mnsh 10 lbs 25c 5 lb crown syrup 30c bulk vinegar gallon 33c cocoanut lb 21c bulk tea 3 lbs 05c information for farmers i o the nazarene domino coffee lb 20c a savings account and its 4 selling points ricluucllo coffee lb 30c lux soap 3 for 21c jar rubbers 2 pkgs 15c p roadway mnnngor toronto milk shippers s a v er ajfety hundreds of millions of dollars worth of conservatively valued bank assets ensure the safety of your deposits va i lability whatever the state of business or the money market your deposits are at your immediate disposal dollar for dollar a l u e increases through the halfyearly compounding of interest encouragement to thrift through a service which receives throughout the dominion day in and day out thousands of savings deposits large and small and which aims at giving every depositor courteous and careful attention the canadian bank of commerce paidtjp capital reserve fund 80 million dollars 30 mfflkm dollars a meeting will be held in the unionville council hall on thursday night august 24th at 8 oclock to protest against the undue advantage the toronto dairies are taking with the quota system for your milk como and give the executive of your association your assistance by being present at the meeting which will bo addressed by mr clarke and mr wllmot let us have a packed meeting to back up our executive against the dairies unfair dealings j h wallwork secretary no 6 district toronto milk producers six roomed house to let hard and soft water electric lights robt stewart phone 1208 radio for sale 7 tube west- inghouse electric cabinet size must bo sold a real snap en- quiro at tribune office for sale feed oats also choice i mixed grain for lien feed alfalfa i hay and choice mixed hay phone 21 os jos bef stouffville for sale doforost crossloy s tube radio set complete with loud speaker tubes batteries bernard musgravo stouffvlllo phono 2103 for rent g roomed houso hard and soft water and electric lights apply on premises to robt stewart phono 1208 for sale 4 foot silence show case also ono coal stove with oven and piper fncob yake farm to rent 92 acres being south parts lots 1314 con 9 pickering good buildings and residence co acres workablowoll watered and running stream convonlont to public school and claromont continuation for further particulars apply to wm waddcll stouffville wells cleaned and pumps ropalred well drill ing dono by experienced workman this is tho season to attend to this work my rates aro reasonable geo ilnrman phono 9907 for sale ok to let fine brick residence hot water heating hardwood floors sun room garden garage modern convonlonc- op terms reasonable immediate possession apply nathan forsyth church cooking schools with a view to assisting rural homemakers in the choice o pro per foods and their preparation the department has conducted four cooking schools the first was held in aylmer on august 14 and 15 the second in strathroy on august 17 and 18 exeter on august 21 and 22 and in st marys on august 24 and 25 the general plan ot demon stration was based on the idea that tho needs ot the family can be met through the use of canadiangrown products at each session a care fully prepared program was carried out and recipes of real worth dis tributed plans are being considered for holding similar demonst rations n many parts of tho province at a later date x x x x ontario junior team third at reglnn in competition with teams rep resenting ave different provinces and three states of the union on tario placed third in tho junior seed judging competition held at the worlds grain show reglna the ontario toam composed ot maurice baker durham county clifford marshall oxford county oliver smith durham county and john wallace perth county won a total of 620 in prize money with maurice baker securing the third high aggregato score this is a real achievement for ontario jun iors particularly so when it is realized that they were only ex pelled by teams from the gratij growing provinces pt saskatchewan and alberta which placed 1st and 2nd respectively the standing of the team is 9 splendid tri bute to tho all round programmo being carried on with the junior farmers throughout ontario by the agricultural representatives x x x x crop conditions the official survey made by the department of crop conditions in ontario early in august is now available the continued drought during june and july so seriously affected the growth of crops that condition figures for the principal ones at the end of july were the lowest recorded in any year since 191s the first year in which figures were compiled spring grain which was at the ripening stage during the last half of july suffered sev erely from the heat early oats and barley turned out better than anticipated while fall wheat show ed a wide range with many fields having an excellent yield pastures wore so badly burned at the end of july that farmers generally were forced to stable feed their dairy herds early august rainfalls how ever have improved the pasture situation a much smaller yield of both barley and flue cured tobacco is indicated- the condition of dry beans is much below average in western ontario x x x x ontario won numerous prizes at grain show the corn growers of south wes tern ontario captured the lirst nine prizes in the late flint class at the worlds grain show and thereby demonstrated to the world that the banner flint corn grow ing areas no longer lie south of the 49th parallel tho outstanding success of the ontario corn grow ers led by wm weaver turn- ervillo is only ono of the triumphs of ontario farmers at the greatest worlds grain fair ever held which recently camo to a success ful conclusion at rogina mrs mary e maycock of prince edward county very decisively clinched her right to tho worlds white bean crown by securing first prize in small whlto field beans and second in medium white beans mrs maycock has secured the bean championship at tho chicago international grain and hay show for three successive years and her recent triumph is a monument to her energy and abil ity in tho selection and growing ot this important cash crop in on tario x x x x r s leo chatsworth r r 1 took first place in the small white field poa class northorn ontario camo into promlnenco by securing first hon our in the class for field peas any other type this prize goes to a e browning oxdrift douglas h hart woodstock had tho distinction of winning tho largest single prize coming to on tario by securing 125000 as second prize in tho white winter wheat class seven other prizes camo to ontario in this class d l scott city view who won tho 50000 canada malting company prizo at tho 1932 royal winter fair secured a similar amount with second prizo in tho early oat class at rogina statistics on tho world grain exhibition show that there were a total of three thousand entries from n forty countries states and provinces ontario forwarded 300 entries and secured ono hundred and fiftyseven prizes in forty of the fiftysix classes tho fact that 72 ot the classes shows very clearly the wide diversity of on tario agriculture ontario farmers including the judging teams won a total ot s93s200 cash being outdistanced in this respect only by alberta saskatchewan tho united states and british columbia each winuing large or small tepresents in most cases years of careful study efficient crop management and hard uphill striv ing for something better x x x x ontario kgr situation in ontario as practically over the whole of canada said t a benson federal poultry branch toronto the production of eggs has dropped and with any increase in demand may easily drop below the level of consumption the lack ot an active demand tor eggs from ontario and to some extent on tho ontario markets has caused a temporary further reduc tion in prices this condition how ever is not unusual at this season and may result in a somewhat in creased consumption as indicated by a better clearance of eggs on the market early this week receipts on the montreal mar ket as of august s were consider ably lighter titan those of tho samo date last year all this may herald tho turn ot the market in an up ward direction which is about due usually such a turn comes quite quickly at this season everything wiiuld appear to de pend upon consumptive demand rather than upon any likelihood ot increased supplies although tu some extent economic conditions have handioapped sales of tho higher grades the demand for ex tras would appear to he increas ing at tho larger centres x x x x the provincial fruit branch and the dominion fruit branch have joined forces in the inspection of tho apple crops of ontario in con nection with the export regulation of the destructive insect and pest act that prohibits the export of apples to any country other than the united states unless the ship ment is accompanied by a certifi cate of inspection issued by a dulyappointed inspector it is in tended to inspect only those or chards from which apples are lke- ly to be exported any grower who proposes to export apples is requir ed to submit an application for in spection with the exception bl growers who have been carrying out control operations this season under the ontario fruit branch under the orchard certification plan these growers have already been listed the inspection began on august 23rd and any varieties found free from infestation may be exported subject to further examination by the dominion fruit inspectors at the time of packing when certifi cates will be issued applications should be forwarded to the secretary destructive in sect and pest advisory board department of agriculture ottawa 25 westinont ave toronto august 23 1933 dear sir i was delighted to have you in quiring about our welfare as a local church and the changes and bene fits ot our recent move iu becom ing a uuit of the church of tho nazarene in reviewing our past churc year that closed on march 31 it is gratifying to say that we have en joyed what we feel is tho very best year of our history perhaps with out exception have wo ever been iu such a strong position financially this was tho cause of great rejoic ing in our largely attended annual business meeting in april previous to tho business meeting i had written to tho church of the nazarene offering myself and ser vices to them they gave me a gracious welcome afterwards grant ing full recognition of my cruden- tials as an ordained minister of the gospel i might say that i had made one or two stipulations in my coven ant with them in the first place i asked tho privilege of labouring in my own native province and second ly should my local church vote to go nazarene and desire my services as pastor i should feel duty hound as well as it being my own ohoiee to servo them still 1 am happy to say that after a few months have rolled by we find ourselves in the midst of our seventh year in this parish having tho very best and happiest time of my experience in the ministry toward the close of tho last century a movement for tho spread of old tinio religion developed al most simultaneously in different parts f the united states out of this great urgo came the birth of several groups of churches which finally united becoming in 19 os what is now known as the church of the nazarene the great impulse of this move ment lias been the emphasis placed by the scriptures upon the fact that in the atonement jesus christ has made provision not only to save men from their sins but also to perfect them in love this is identical with the doctrine taught by the wesleys end all the bishops and preachers ot the old methodist school in brief it might be truly said of the church of the nazarene that they are con tinuing methodists they were also described by the associated press in april last as the fastest growing protestant body their total mem bership exceeds one hundred and eighteen thousand their sunday school and young peoples society work i think is unexcelled it is tho strongest missionary churches found anywhere with their hospitals training schools and vast army of workers iu the foreign land it is a notable victory that thus far they have not had to retrench the membership of the church of the nazarene increases at the rate of ten thousand per year and in the michiganontario district to which we belong there has been a total in- increaso of over fwelve hundred in the past two years locally we are responsible for the holding of tent campaigns in three different centres this summer eacli one registering conversions and be ing carried on at the same time we are trusting to have two more tents erected before the snow flies it is a great joy to bo backed yea crowded out into this great field iu an effort to serve this generation that is pass ing with us to the judgmeut by a church with such a vision and passion for souls i believe that the distress of nations and perplexity and alarming condition religiously morally and commercially iu tho world today will not be relieved by effort of car nal man new orders religious tho ccf nor any change of govern ment will never bring about a solu tion the trouble is men have for gotten god the human race is sick the prophet isaiah iu chapter 5 verse 34 has tho cause 1 thiuk quite accurately pictured as fire devour- eth stubble and flame consumeth chaff so their root shall be as rott enness and their blossoms shall go up in dust because they have cast away the law ot the lord of hosts and despised the word ot the holy one of israel yours very truly w m mcguiro for sale piano table side board 0 chairs writing desk bed springs and mattress number of windows extension ladder mrs david meyer main street in meiuoriani dixon in loving memory of stella dixon it is just a year ago today our darling stella passed away and oh how lonely it has been not to see you coming in and tho many tears that have been shed but your memory lingers yet lovingly remembered by mother father and brother- wilbert and stanley irwin in memorlaiii baker in loving memory of our dear mother mrs abrani baker who passed away august 25 1922 dearest mother how we miss thee here in loneliness we dwell oh how oft we think about thee as thy part thou didst so well as a kindly precious mother thou didst well a mothers share and we never shall forget thee i for thy tender loving care lovingly remembered by her son and daughter clarence and maggie doner in meinoriniu pcnnock in loving memory ot our dear grandmother mrs elijah pennock who passed away august 30th 1932 we have your lovely memory to remember our whole lives through but the sweetness will linger forever as we treasure the imago of you grandsons harry and jack pennock in fond and loving memory of my dear mother mrs elijah pennock who passed away august 30th 1932 we are thinking ot you to day dear mother thinking of the past picturing you in memory just as we saw you last you left behind some aching hearts that loved you most sincere that never did nor never will forget you mother dear sadly missed by ed and nettie pennock n z1 for best tl values in town mviuvtl sgagyr this sign tells you wc sell goodrich safety silvcrtowns with the lifesaver golden ply which makes them three times safer from blowouts we sell the goodrich standard cavalier an amar- ingly rugged and durable tire at a real price saving we sell the goodrich commander the best tire it is possible to make at bedrock price goodrich safety silvertown safest tire ever built guaranteed for 12 months 44021 29 x 440 884 45021 30x450 0 47519 28 x 475 1088 50019 29 x 500 1 1 75 52518 28 x 525 1322 goodrich standard cavalier this fine rugged tire at these prices offers amazing value guaranteed for 12 months 44021 29x440 s750 45021 30x450 840 47519 28x475 033 50019 28x500 1003 52518 28x525 1132 goodrich commander poiitivcry the best tire that can be made to sell at these prices guaranteed for 9 month 44021 29x440 45021 30 x 450 2t 47519 28 x 475 008 50019 29 x 500 700 8s we seed money and will sell valuable used imple ments away below their value in order to make the turnover we require useful binders with years of service 6 and 7 foot cut 2 furow riding plowos farmeds friend oliver and other makes stiff tooth cultivator the new m h machine throe drum roller bissell make why buy new repairs at tho high rate you have to pay wp have all kinds tor almost every machine and they will serve you like new toten hay car witb 80 foet ot roimd track draw rope pulleys all complete for only 15 for quick sale hen rexlin phono 102 highest prices for wool fowl free thlbcmhtcm with red re flector pro tects you if your tail light jfoei out come in ami join i h c si 1 vcriown safety lcikuc streo north stouffvlllo ont ontario farmers made entry in j h silver rhorn central oarage stouffville ontario undertaking and funeral service the people of stouff ville north markham whitchurch and uxbridge townships will find our undertaking business in stouffville a satisfactory place to transact business in this lino open all times we maintain a constant ser- vico and only experienced men employed our chapel is available to you if you desiro as part ot tho regular sor- vice with no extra charge my personal attendance at all funerals r g clendening funeral director phone stouffville 263