iibmie vol xlv no 17 stouffville ontario thursday july 6th 1933 a v nolan publisher insecticides we curry a full line of insect kidcs fresh and full strength paris green arsenate of lead blue stone dichloricide flytox flit suredeath black leaf40 flycoils wilsons fly pads tanglefoot struck a snag bylaw hoisted j m storey the druggist home of quality drugs stouftvilles private nursing home church street graduate nurse in attendance medical convalescent and maternity cases accepted private and semlprfvate rooms weekly rates 20 and 25 inspection invited phone 191 sirs e r good medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce ollice hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary s t btxlendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 161 successor to late dr j t store the village council on monday evening introduced a bylaw to appoint a tax collector but struck a snag when it came to fixing the pay which resulted in nothing definite being decided on and the council in committee reported progress and thoreby gave the bylaw a hoist un til the next meeting in committee of the whole coun cillor walls moved that geo storey be appointed collector councillor weldon moved the name of l lownsborough reeve morden voted with councillor watts and councill or rusnell supported councillor weldon creating a tie vote which was broken by the committee chairman george dowswell who named lownsborough for the job however anything may happen this bylaw at the next meeting a lively discussion ensued over the failure to appoint someone to chase up the delinquent tax payers when reeve morden declared that 1500 of the 2000 outstanding could have been collected had an effort been made councillor dowswell said ho had been in favor of a collector all along but was not supported a motion from councillors dows well and weldon to shut off the domestic water from all parties in arrears brought a vigorous protest from councillor watts who saw the move a real people was not suffering and it was not costing anything to be charitable to peoplo in unfortunate circumstances who had hitherto paid up councillor dowswell weldon and rusnell carried the motion to en force the bylaw which means that all water accounts not paid in 30 days will have their supply cut off and the clerk said before the motion was put that if it carried lie would see that it was enforced the next council meeting was set for july 24 instead of on the first monday in august at this meeting tho tax rate will bo struck in readi ness for this the clerk presented his halfyearly statement of the receipts and expenditures for tho year receipts to june 30 totalled 2251 33 which included a balance in the bank of 92444 from 1933 the ex penditures for the same period amounted to 1999 showing a bal ance of cash on hand of 25533 the largest items in the expense account is debentures 77922 and under miscellaneous 344 icharity which is the bugbear of hundreds of places only amounted to s6 farmer wins verdict against milling company brechin milling company must pay mara township man 752 damages twkxtytwo witnesses heard case which started on tuesday not concluded until early saturday morning after deliberating for almost five hours on friday evening the william lamb a neighbour of the plaintiff testified that he had met mr dure on the way home from the mill mcnab on tho stand contended that the seed supplied to dure was some that he dure had brought in to be cleaned and was returned to him after this process had been completed dure was told the wit ness stated that the grain contain ed noxious weed seeds but he took it nevertheless no record was mad judgment reserved in assessment appeal whitchurch twp the appeal entered by tho mens hostel of toronto lesee of the van- ostraud estate at vandorf of some 350 acres came up for hearing be fore judge widdifield at aurora last week when his honor reserved judgment without holding out much hope for the township being able to collect other than school taxes on the property tho toronto hostel leased the farm which has fine barns and a largo house familiarly known as the white house where 40 men mother and babe stilled in death the companys books as part of aro now being fed and kept while ml re nn a t i the seed brought in by dure to be jury empanelled to hear evidence cleaned was purchased by the coin- in the suit brought by edgar dure pany of the township of mara against the brechin milling company for damages alleged to have been caus ed by weed seed in grain sold to him by the defendant company brought in a verdict in court at whitby in favour of the plaintiff and awarded him 752 damages the jury in coming to their finding in regard to the damages sustained calculated that the plain tiff should be awarded 69 for the ploughing of the land 48 for the loss of his hay crop 93 for the loss of the land 300 or the de preciation to his arm and 242 tor the loss of his crop of clover following the finding of the jury a hardship for some iw roebuck of toronto counsel for ho said the water account the plaintiff asked that the costs of a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire tkomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phono 18202 stouffville legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 180 milk ticket special for this thurs day friday and saturday of 30 pint tickets for 100 at sawyers snow white dairy get our tb tested milk of pure richness we also give is quarter pint tickets tor a dollar why pay more h w sawyer county tax rate higher in markham the court be given the plaintiff his honour judge iruddy concurred in this request and ordered that the costs of the former trial as well as of the appeal be charged to the defendant and taxed on county icourt scale gd conant kc of osliawa counsel or the defendant company was granted the usual stay of thirty days mr conant asked for a poll of the jury which lesulted in a unanimous verdict in favour of the plaintiff the hearing of the case was a most lengthy one commencing on tuesday morning and continuing until late friday afternoon eleven witnesses were called by each side the addresses of counsel were heard on friday afternoon with the address to the jury by his honour being heard after the supperhour the jury retired about eight in the evening and did not return with their verdict until one oclock satur day morning as will be remembered the action was one for damages alleged to have been caused by the sale by the de fendant company to dure on april 29 1930 of a quantity of clover seed in which it was alleged was the seed of a weed known as field pepper grass which sprang up in the plaintiffs fields the next year and smothered out his crop of clover as well as rendering his crop of hay a loss due to the fact that the cattle and horses would not eat it in addi tion it was claimed that the farm was free of the weed prior to the sowing of the seed obtained from the defendant company and that due to its presence the plaintiff was put to considerable expense in an effort to remove it the evidence of mr dure which was corroborated by his son earl was to the effect that he purchased the clover seed from malcolm mc nab manager of the mill on april 29 1930 having been told that the seed was first class ho claimed that he paid cash for it part of which he borrowed from his wife norman a keys h scott rltchlo ritchie keys barristers solicitors continental life building 371 bay streot toronto 2 telephone ad 9t67 l e oneill successor to w j stouffville mather funeral director and embalmbr night and business phone 8801 day service rosldence phone 9820 stewart beare phone markham u0s or to brathwaltes hardware 9f01 radio repairing a service yon will appreciate send tho trlbuno to absent friends york county tax burden will lie brought home in still greater force to the ratepayers of markham town ship this fall when they are con fronted with their tax bills the rato is higher than ever before be ing 116 mills which will make the townships contribution for county purposes 59167 icounty council has held more daily meetings than ever and still more committee meetings with little effort to save the members pull down 7 per day and mileage thus being the highest paid councillors in ontario i ii 1 tho township rate this year will lyllillster iiklicied at ho tho same as last year four mills while bridge debentures require 115 mills thoso rates were struck at tho regular july meeting held on mon day at unionvlue reeve gocrgo padgett presided tho yongo street railway report ed a profit for may of 60462 relief account for tho month was passed totalling 170 while tho general road account totalled 2500 othor items paid included lake wilcox garage repairs to fire truck r5s richmond hill water works 3910 and a rebate made to the markham township veterans of s11s12 mr conant referred to what he jury pointed out that the main question before the court was as to whether two bushels of clover seed had been purchased from tho brechin milling icompany all other evidence being corroboration or de nial of this act the issue before the court being as to whether the seed was purchased from tho mill mr conant reffered to what he termed discrepancies in tho evidence of the plaintiff as well as in the i evidence of the witnesses called to substantiate his statements one of the instances of this was stated to b in the time the alleged transaction at the mill took place mr conant contended that there was a dis crepancy in the time given at a previous trial and that given to the court at this hearing mr conant also drew attention to the difference in the evidence given by mr dure and his wife as t o what the tele phone conversation as to the quality of the seed had been he also point ed out that professor elliott of ottawa who examined the seed had stated that the sample of the residue of the seed sown produced in court was not tho same as that sent to him mr conant drew attention to the tact that the witnees had testi fied that he had found some 250 field pepper grass seeds in an ounce of seed supplied to him this was the highest weed count in the analyists experience mr conant submitted that under the circum stances it was not probable to sup pose that such a dirty sample could have come from the mill it was pointed out that the evidence of moses dack was to the effect that the plaintiff had told him he had not saved a sample but later told the witness ho had sent away a sample of the seed it was contended that the evidence adduced went to show that the weed had been present on the farm prior to the sowing of the seed mr roebuck in his address to the jury pointed out that few people had hotagraphic minds which en abled them to remember word for word what was said in conver sations or to remember the exact happenings at some time prior to their being questioned in the courts he submitted that in his experience where two witnesses took the stand and gave evidence exact in every de tail word for word it was usual to suppose that their evidence had been specially prepared mr roebuck stated that the jury was placed in tho position of having the obligation of protecting the farmers of canada from tho sale or impure seed he contended that it was not simple for mr mcnab knowing that the seed was bad not to make any entry in tho companys books out of employment if the scheme the untimely death of mrs harry ratcliff which occurred in stouffville on tuesday morning brought great grief to the many friends and relatives of tho families concerned only a few hours before her death mrs ratcliff gave birth to a stillborn child but despite medical attention and careful nursing the situation was hopeless mrs ratcliff whose maiden name was ida brownsberger was only 26 years of age and was born at ring- wood a daughter of mr henry brownsberger besides her husband she is survived by two brothers edward and mervyn and by one among the churches zz u institution l mrs r v also b ner may purchase the property which parents they now pay a rental for the township council refused to relieve the estate from liability for taxes at the court of revision held in june and an appeal was entered the assessment is 10500 aged mother succumbs to heat she was married two years ago to harry ratcliff and tho happy couple established a homo on the 8th just opposite the well known ratcliff farm occupied by his father william ratcliff the funeral on thursday afternoon will take place to the sixth line baptist cemetery from the late home on lot no s the service will be at 2 oclock stouffveliie baptist church sunday july 9 1933 1000 am bible school 1100 am imornlng worship 700 pm evening worship please remember the prayer services wednesday at 8 pm sunday at 615 pm you are invited to all of the above services t t t t stouffvujm presbytkrian church rev w h fuller b a sunday july 9 1931 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship the band of willing helpers meet- on tho third monday night of each month one of the oldest women born and raised in the county of york passed away last thursday in the death of mary ann stonehouse widow of the late henry kennedy of bloomington born in scarboro daughter of real pioneer parents to the township mrs kennedy would have celebrated her ssth birthday on july 1st last week had not the grim reaper inter vened just a few days before mrs kennedy was active right up to the day of her death when she was pro strate with the heat following her marriage to her late husband the couple settled at bloom- inglon 30 years ago locating on the acre and a half of land on which the busy country store stood at that time here they lived until their death mr kennedy passing away ten years ago forty years ago their store and dwell ing was burned down and this mark ed the end of tho general store al though the late donald mathan con ducted a store in the village even to a later date the kennedys rebuilt their dwelling house only mrs kennedy who was one of the very oldest personages in whitchurch is survived by three sons and an only daughter miss gertrude at home the sons are j t kennedy of st paul mia justice kennedy of aberley and edgar of toronto an only sister and the last surviving member of the deceased parentage lives at lorkport ny the funeral on saturday took place to the bloomington cemetery tie service being conducted by rev a j kell of the united church to which denomination the aged mother belonged beware of waste the domestic water supply is again being taxed this summer and users should be warned against un due use of hose the bylaw permits the use of lawn hose two hours per day but the regulation has been greatly abused by many house holders and the supply of water in the reservoirs shows a susbtantial drop the past couple of week there is ample supply of water for all domestic purposes but it be comes limited almost every summer when extra demand is required for lawns and gardens should a fire break out that demanded a quantity of water a serious situation would arise the remedy for an ample water supply that will lift us above all danger is more storage capacity that would take care of the water running to wasto six months of the year bethesda mrs arthur steckley of spent the week in death of jvdougherty uxbridge church ringwood a resident of this locality of long standing albert holdon has tempor arily moved from his farm south of dickson hill to live at todmorden rev ed f bishop was inducted with his brother ill health caused as minister of uxbridge united his retirement and we all hope that church friday evening just fifty the change of conditions will do some- years after his father the late rev thing in restoring him to activity george i bishop became pastor of again the same church mr bishop re- 0 little village is saddened over places rev a e owen who is tak- death of mrs harry ratcliff she ing a pulpit at unionville after snrv- 1 wa8 beloved here and the breaking township clerk ix hospital mr h iroach clerk and treasur er of the township of uxbridge who for some time has been in more or less bad health is at present in tor onto undergoing specialist treat ment at tho toronto general hos pital tho ratepayers of uxbridge will all wish for their obliging clerk an oarly return home and a complete return to better health p s slnco the above item was in type mr roach has returned to goodwood satisfied that ho has located the source of his ill health and hopes soon to be well recovered ing eight years at uxbridge induction services were conduct ed by rev j a miller while rev t laidlaw preached tho sermon rev j j coulter addressed the minister and a d bruce addressed tho congregation a reception was held for tho new minister and his family following tho service up of her happy home is a sorrowful event a onetimo resident of stouffville and until the time of his death one of rainy rivers most popular and respected citizens passed away at winnipeg a couple of weeks ago in tho person of charles v dougherty at the ago of 43 years death took place in the general hospital follow ing only a short illness mr dougherty was born at stouffville on may 1 1s90 and went to rainy river district when 22 years of age living at a place called emo for a limo where he was engaged in the lumbering and railway business ho leaves to mourn his loss one daughter arlene and two sons don and gordon his father and step mother mr and mrs james dou gherty who reside at wildwood alta also survive mm as well as one sistor mrs dr saunders of port arthur and threo brothers earl and baudetto fred of saskatoon and clifford of saskatoon mr and bethesda kitchener james morley a one time citizen of bethesda is dead at winnipeg aged 79 years deceased left hero just 50 years ago for the north west where he followed the painting and decorating trade his wife is a king township girl the late mr morley is survived by four sisters and an only brother wm morley living on stouffville mail route no4 who recently returned from visiting his brother at winnipeg mr wm morley recalls how he lost a young er brother 52 years ago he was to have gone west himself but his youngest brother went in his stead and making the trip by boat from owen sound the old aza went down and his brother was drowned with the other passengers and crew t t t t balijantrae bloomington idffimonvhilib united churches rev 3 a o keu pastor sunday july 9 1933 friday jnly 7th yps will meet at home of mr otto tranmer at bloomington 11 am musselmans lako church dst sunday school in the ballautrae church at the usual hour 300 pm lemonville 700 pm bloomington services on standard time we are fortunate in having rev arthur barner with us for this sunday mr barner comes from the home mission department of the united church t t t t stouffvhjjb united church rev taos laidlaw ma pastor sunday july 9 1933 1000 am s s bible classes 1100 am morning worship the golden rule 700 pm evening service mans second chance you are cordially welcome to all these services t t t t mennonitb church stoupfvhjub rev s cragsman pastor sunday july 9 1933 1000 am sunday school 1100 am preaching service 700 pm evening service 700 pm altona do not miss the opportunity of gathering in gods house strangers welcome engagement births fnirles at lincolnville lot 12 con 1 uxbridge july 1 1933 to mr and mrs eldon fairies a son steckley to mr and mrs edgar steckley victoria square on june 27 1933 a daughter edna marjorie ratclilt at the private nursing home church street stouffville on july 3rd 1933 to mr and mrs harry ratcliff rlngwood a son stillborn theatre opening while the definite date for tho opening night of tho new picture theatre is not yet fixed it is lairly likely to bo next week and around july 13 tho fine building which will house tho talkies will be a revelation to most people it is well appointed in every detail and every opera seat in the house will command an easy view of tho curtain or stage tho peoplo of the town and country aro requested to keep a weather oye open for tho initial showing date tho annual 2nd markham baptist sunday school picnic will be held at irobert ratcllffs park on satur day july 8 everyone welcome picaso bring baskets the engagement is announced of evelyn mary youngest daughter of mrs charles harper and tho lato mr charles harper of goodwood to mr eugene l beech ba of oshawa tho marriage to take place about august the first dickison cove a quiet but picturesque summer wedding was solemnized at the homo of mr and mrs d j tran atha ontario when miss margaret cove was united in marriage to mr max dickison of antler sask rev j bick of whitevalo officiated and mrs a noal of toronto played the wedd ing music- tho houso was artis tically decorated with ferns peonies and roses tho bride who was given in marriage by her undo mr goorgo j tran looked charm ing in a bridal gown of white silk rough weave crepo with graceful train her veil of lace and net was caught with lily of the valley she carried a bouquet of blue delphin ium tho wedding supper was serv ed on tho spacious lawn and imm- odlately following tho happy couple left for oakville and western points after which they leave by motor for their new home in antler sask for travelling tho brido wore a smart costume of brown crepo with match ing accessories cedar beach dance gardens north shoro musselmans iakc music battle r saturday july lej continuous music geo smiths commanders two orchestras russ barrkca and his famous orchestra t t t t bloomington and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday july 9 1933 these aro days in which we may all do good and write our names in kindness and love on the hearts of humanity and leave behind us a moment of virtuo that the storms of time can never destroy services next lords day 1100 am bloomington 700 pm ringwood true worship is always admired by all heaven who is there among us that does not liko admiration t t t t stouffvbltjb and church boll christian churches chester o sonuner minister sundiy july 9 1933 stouftviilo 1000 am ss biblo classes 1115 aiu regular sunday morn ing service nb mr jacob grove ot ring- wood will conduct the morning service evening services will be withdrawn for month of july the midweek meetings will be cancelled as well churchill 200 pm ss biblo classes 800 pm service in charge of the young people thursday 800 pm c e meet ing at tho home of mr and mrs lazonby miss leono lazonby will lead the topic how to make the world christian all aro invited to the services old tyme and modern dancing every thursday by the junior farmers orchestra gontlemon 25c ladles freo ji tribute to j p forester at tho recent sunday school convention hold at lemonville a very fine tribute was paid to mr j pforester formorly of white rose and now a resident of king town ship who for 28 years has acted as secretarytreasurer of tho whit church township sunday school association few mon havo served tho interests of boys and girls and sunday school worker more falth- t fully