stouffvflle ontario thursday may 251933 il miss vera tarr spent the week- cousin local happenings miss verna tarr lisisisdddissdisasdddissdddd can collection friday miss blanch kirk ha3 been spend ing a week or ten days visiting lriends in toronto value that outlives the guarantee goodyear tires usually far outlast the guaran tee those thousands of extra miles are like found money prices on goodyear tires are surprisingly low ask us for the price on your size keep an eye on lawsons westend grocery for weekend specials an nounced in this paper weekly mrs truman holden is spending a few days in markham village misj frances ratcliff left on mou day morning for brantford owing to the death of her uncle there mrs a s collins took advantage of the excursion to london ontario last week and went to brantford whero she spent a few days visiting her brother mr jess davis who is recovering from a serious illness mr lud hoover has been employ- subscriptions to daily newspapers ed this month on the erection of a summer cottage at couehiching beach orillla for a toronto owner eli ramer assisting on george watsons house on obrien ave is also slated to work on the orillia job this week the morf s sale of eight acres of land ti rame house and barn the corner of the ilderoad just south of lemonville was sold- under mortgage sale last thursday after noon for 000 the purchaser was a toronto party this property has been tte home of w e taylor for some years should not be renewed with strang ers when an official agent is in your territory the tribune is official agent for all toronto daily news papers and can quote you the low est rates obtainable rev thos laidlaw preached an anniversary sermon in the united church at dunbarton on sunday evening while his own pulpit was occupied by rev mr burgess the dunbarton pastor who is a former pastor of the lemonville circuit a number of his old parishoners from bethesda were out to hear him pathfinders guarantee against road hazards hardware store f y w brathwaite our bread is made from the best of flour and therefore is wholesome and nutritious for both the youngsters and the older folks 7c per loaf delivered at your homes bread rolls fruit bread buns cakes visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 189 after spending the winter in tor onto at the home of his son mr ab yake is back in town for the summer season at least he is occupying a house which he ownes on main street near the presbyterian church mr yake was 90 years of age last november but he is game enough to do his own house keep ing and is living by himself during the past week the town reservoirs which contain our supply of drinking water were given their annual cleaning first the east reservoir was cleaned and allowed to refill when the larger one to the west was emptied and cleaned the water supply is highly satisfactory and what a great privilege it is to haive this excellent service in our homes a new flag is proudly flying from the mast over the municipal hall tower and percy memorial clock tho ensign placed there last year wore away so badly that not enough could be salvaged to make a pocket handkerchief when taken down last week the joanne hairdressing parlors my patrons at hardings barber shop will kindly note that i will open tho joanne parlors at mrs bert smiths residence main street west this week new and pld customers solicited at the new premises efficient work on ladies and girls hairdressing ha mcguire watch for tho joanne sign quite a number of citizens are having their residences painted just now besides being an ideal time to do this work before the flies get bad it is a benefit to the community in that the village has the advantage of the better premises all through the summer season there is no better insurance against the ravages of time for a building than a coat of paint the betty beauty shoppe have your summer permanent now imr williams of edwards white limited toronto- will be at this shop to do permanent waving on may 30 and 31 for information and appointment telephone 3206 stouffville please make your appoint ment early the maples are in full leaf again mr and mrs d j atchison and daughter motored out from toronto on monday afternoon to spend a few hours in the old village plan to attend tho piano recital by pupils of t w eaglesou on friday may 26th at s pm small admission to defray expenses mrs arthur rogers wife of the editor of kincardine news was the guest of mr and mrs hugh w watson obrien ave for a few- days hear the harmonica sextette from toronto at the swastika club united church next monday night may 29th cars washed and simonized tor only 3 washing only 75c orders executed on short notice satis faction assured harold quibel phono 9s01 the swastika club of the united church are holding a social oven ing monday may 29th good pro gram be sure to come and hoar the harmonica sextette of toronto victoria day was quietly observed in town with all places of business closed excepting of course garages and gasoline stations the rural mail men did not make their rounds as they are now entitled to the legal holidays owing to there being no races at the uxbridge fair the usual crowtl did not go north from here quality service highland creek one of tho new teams in the east york lacrosse league will play in the local arena on friday evening against the scarboro grads known locally as rouge hill dont fail to see this fixture in the local league the rouge lads have designated stouff- villo for the entertainment of their visiting teams the faster they grow the bigger your profits you get higher prices for early eggs and early market birds guarantee these greater profits with fulopep chick starter fulopep growing mash no change in price improved leaming no7 golden glow white three veteran fishermen return ed with a full hat on saturday after a threeday outing in the parry sound district at hawk lake messrs frank stiver delbert holden and hugh boyd brought in the full quota of ten each the seed mer chant landing the largest one caught a nine pounder these lake trout are said to bo even finer eating than the much sought for brook variety they metjonathan gould in the north enjoying the annual sport stouffvilles private nursing home church street graduate nurse in attendance medical convalescent and maternity cases accepted private and semlprlvate rooms weekly rates 20 and 25 inspection invited phone 191 mrs e r good special for friday and saturday may 20 and 27 lawson economy store geo lawson prop west end stouffville ontario iuone for it minute tapioca instant poatum bakers cocoa posts bran flakes cake flour jello 15c 30c and 50c 25c 2 for 23c 29c 3 for 25c phone 182 cash prices we deliver the report circulated in town last week and reported in this paper to the effect that a mannamed brown living on the concession of whit church had been found guilty of maltreating a girl of 12 years and sentenced to a jail term is now- proved to be entirely incorrect brown is home again from- toron to following the trial and was ex onerated in the case browns friends are glad that he was acquitted lid this paper is anxious to make known the real facts relative to the final outcome of the case j the new fstanley talkie picture theatre in stouffvitle will be com pleted early in tune and will likely open with ft very special weekend program tflie front of the building is now beingcompleted which with flooring pjastering and tinting the walls will finish the structure ready for the seating and the sound effects for the talkies to be installed few theatres outside the larger centres will compare with the uprtodatc stanley in stouffville the open ing date will not definitely be arrived at for a week or two mr t w underwood the well known veteran citizen of markham village is being congratulated by the local newspaper of our southern neighbor for bolting from his party because of alleged extraga- gance in administration says the economist mr underwood is on the right track and should be back ed in his endeavour to have the gar ment cut in accordance with the amount of clothes on hand mr underwood is known as an avowed conservative but evidently intends to be guided by his judgment and not his politics when he votes next election x as the season advances the town is less pestered with hitchhickers and globe trotters seeking free meals and a place to lay their heads over night however on saturday three or four of these visitors blow into the village and in a partial state of intoxication proceeded to beg from the citizens chief pugh was in the north country chasing for fish hence reeve imorden stepp ed into the breach and in the even ing escorted a pair of the wanders to the station whero he pointed the way to the bright lights of the big city tho briarbush property in the east end of stouffville is to be offer ed under mortgage sale at 2 oclock on saturday afternoon next on the premises this fine old estate one time the home of the late r p coulson has recently gone slightly into disrepair but a real bargain awaits some enterprising citizen tho briarbush has two acres of splendid fruit lands and is well located on main street of recent years the property was the home of the late a j ward who christened it with the present name the sale promises to attract considerable interest a large audience filled the baptist church on sunday evening to hear rev w w fleischer de liver his farewell sermon on the eve of his departure for brantford where he takes over the pastoral duties of centennial baptist church on sunday next locally no steps have been taken we understand to fill the vacancy in the stouffville church until a call is made the pulpit will be occupied from sunday to sunday from the toronto supply among the graduating class at the toronto general hospital this sssson is miss barbara campbell miller daughter of mr john miller of ashburn nurse miller whois a niece of our mr robert mivlcr graduated with unusually high honors winning no less than four special prizes for proficiency in various departments of the nursing j course they included a scholarship entitling nurse miller to a post graduate ceurse mrs roht miller from stouffville attended the gradu ating exercises in tho city last week a function of outstanding import- janco and a ceremony very beautiful to witness mr j m storey moved his drug store business from tho collard j block to his newly renovated prem ises one door west of buttons law office on wednesday of last week tho premises onco the dwelling and harboring shop of tho lateb j doten has been fashioned into splendid quarters by the new ownor the modern show windows and inviting entranco is a distinct im provement to our business centre this layout is fashioned after one of yongo streets loading drug quart ers tho entire store gives more accommodation and permits of ample display while good attention has been given tho matter of light ing all of which is good for busi ness tho purchasing public lovo to shop in attractive surroundings whore goods are displayed to the very best advantage tho vacated premises in tho collard block are rapidly being converted into a har boring shop the proprietors of which will bo frank harrison and robt snowball recently of agin- court mr e j mcdonald who is on a banking staff in mexico city was in town last week visiting his grand father mr wm stewart and his aunt miss sadie stewart the southern visitor hails from hami- ota man when he left mexico on the fourth of may harvesting was just completed tho big city dairies in mexico are not able to exploit the farmers as it is alleged they do in ontario and other canadian cities fact is tiny do not purchase their milk supply from the farmers who do not go in for iairyin to any extent one of the largest dairies keeps 1200 cows and the work is all done by hand labor this does not mean that mexicos milk supply is less uptodate in the matter of cleanliness for tho entire herd gets a regular hath and scrubbing by the army of attendants which sur passes our modern methods of care- ing for the cows which supply tho local cities mr stewart will visit his father in the west before return ing to his duties mr robert leslie manager of tho shaw store was called away last week owing to the death of his sister mrs lena miles which took place at hamilton deceased was the widow of the late george miles who died some yeavs ago mrs miles is survived by live grownup children and by two brothers and three sisters the funeral on friday of last week took place to the family plot at owen sound and mr leslie has been absent from town for several days in the northern city owing to his sisters death cap other varieties seed corn mangel turnip carrot seed 24 lbs first prize pastry flour 45c stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario for the man who wears the best- tooke sb3rts pay tax arrears for home owners province to provide for 1931 payment in monthly instalments- effective on june 1 ontario homeowners on relief were last week brought within the field of shelter assistance an orderincouncil passed by the henry government arranges assist ance to the extent of meeting taxes owing up to december 31 1932 on a payment basis of onetwelfth per month of the total annual tax bill for example if a man is in ar rears of taxes for 1932 and his tax bill is 9g he will under the scheme be paid by the government a sum of 8 per month for 12 months it he is in arrears for 1931 as well the monthly aid now provided will still bo s per month those who are in arrears of taxes for tho current year canexpect no assistance until 1934 and then only provided the policy is extended all such shelter payments will he made direct to the home owner by cheque and tho homeowner will then endorse the cheque over to the municipality in which ho resides strictly speaking it is up to tho two of our local business men messrs john and james ratcliff have suffered a second bereavement in their family within a couple of weeks following closely on tho death of their younger brother fred l ratcliff prominent whole saler of toronto on sunday last their brotherinlaw georgo s matthews of brantford passed away suddenly from a heart attack he was 06 years of age and is surviv ed by his widow frances ratcliff two sons and one daughter born in lindsay mr matthews was educated in lindsay school and at woodstock baptist college he started his business career with georgo matthews packers in lind say and later was appointed man ager of the peterborough plant of the company ho located in brantford 30 years ago to take ovor tho management of the farmers cooperative pack ing plant when it became part of the matthews company mr matthews was a member of the parks board there and bosldes being a member of the ontario parole board was very actlvo in tho northern ontario relief commltteo after the fires that dovastod a largo section of that country and out of this becamo activo in tho ontario red cross of which ho was honary treasurer ho was a membor of tho board of govornors of mcmastor university and was an actlvo worker in tho first baptist church of brantford he was a former prosidont of the ruddy manufacturing company and was on tho board of directors of tho crown electric company phone 1602 recurtis stouffville ontario municipality to see that the recipi ent does not use it for any other purpose than the taxes payoft for which it is being provided the now policy comes into opera tion on june 1 thousands of home owners who have been facing pos sible eviction from their homes will benefit by it calculated on a year ly basis tho extra relief expenditure it entails will run over fl 000 000 while no agreement has been enter ed into with tho dominion govern ment regarding the scheme juoens park expects that the same basis of contribution toward the payments a threeway split between the feder al government tho province and the municipalities will prevail the actual wording of the order- incouncil or relief regulation as it will bo designated is as follows where a person who is on relief owns a liouso in which he resides on which at least one years taxes aro owing as of december 31 19 32 an allowance may be made under the heading of shelter not exceeding monthly onetwelfth of the total tax bill to which the annual tax bill on the premises amounts but no auow- ance may be made for water and light this said premier henry com menting on the scheme will en able tho municipalities to earn and will be a relief in relation to the mortgage in that the mortgage will have security which will not be interfered with we aro furnishing this assist ance stated hon dr j d mon- teith chairman of the unemploy ment cornmittee of cabinet owing to the fact that many of this class of people have been threatened with eviction on account of being unable to meet their taxes and mortgage interest due to lack of employment this shelter unlike shelter aid provided the renting tenant will not dr monteith pointed out come jmder the requirement of 60 per cent of the expenditure for food and 40 per cent for clothing fuel medical services water light etc it is an arrangement all by itself said he ioc 30exoi xoeior xoexoe loraoc epression trices a saving of up to 60 per cent on your purchases tires and batteries carry the regular guarantee one year guarantee certificate issued on all perfection better by miles tires if desired batteries are made by one of our most reputable and largest battery firms on this continent other goods are first class substantial reduction in labor charge on all makes of car repairing below just a few of the most popular lines g o d o tiresize reg reg hyduty super hyred 4 ply heavy 6 ply tubes 20 495 590 790 21 495 595 795 19 585 675 830 20 595 695 865 19 730 895 20 750 935 29x450 30x450 28x475 29x475 29x500 30x600 29x440 21 standard tube 100 woven brake lining lx316 per foot 20c 150 ix316 per foot 24c 150 2x316 per foot 82c 150 ford a sets drilled and countersunk 140 150 chev sets drilled and countersunk 140 180 180 spark plug c 1 o d o n hy duty 30x5 1550 extra hy 2000 batteries i guaranteed 6 v 11 plate 450 6 v 13 plate 600 6 v 13 plate hy 795 prices subject to change 50 champion 50c other sizes 65c sets 4 250 6 375 discount on standard lining in stalled on your car patching rubber 25 sq inches 5c oil burner twin for range 2950 bulbs 3 bulbs and one fuse to suit your car with bulb holder com 100 stonehouse garagemarkham aonoc xoexoz phone markham 4905 ioe3qe i xoe 30exoe o d o d o n