Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 2, 1933, p. 4

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stouffville thursday february 2nd 1933 sockeye salmon special s 15c pink salmon sunflower is 10c 3 boxes matches 23c 5 stringed brooms 25c choice quality corn no 2 tin 3 for 25c 12 lbs cooking onions 25c cannington reeve wardenoutario county honor accorded to george itlake johnston after sixth ballot had been taken election came as surprise real pearl laundry soap 8 bars 25c maple mixed creams 2 lbs 25c natures best peas choice quality no 2 tins 3 for 25c 1 lb pkg liptons black tea and one brown betty teapot 50c ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 depot resale lowest prices we have a number of good used cars for sale that we will sell very reasonable for quick sale we will allow 10 per cent off any used car bought this month a few of our cars listed below we also sell the famous service distillate oil at 14c per gallon in 5 gallon lots 15c for smaller quantities cities service coal oil at 20c per gallon try it it is the best alcohol glycerine and cities service antifreeze goodyear tires from 420 up tubes from 85c up special inducement on all goodyear truck tires call and enquire all sizes of tubes in stock all prices we have an s0000 stock of tire3 and tubes to choose from heaters for model t model a model b and vs ford cars if you are thinking of trading your old car in the spring call and see us now so that we qan look up a prospect for your car and can allow you a better price ford roadster 1931 ford 12 ton truck 1930 essex coaoch 1928 ford 12 ton truck 1927 ford touring 1927 2 ford one ton trucks 0 holden ford dealer ipione 184 stouffville ontario reeves of reach uxbridge town and brock were also in field committees elected george blake johnston reeve of the village of cannington was elec ted warden of the county of on tario for the year 1933 he was elected on a sixth ballot a deadlock existing for nearly an hour other candidates in the race for the wardens cluiir were reeve grant christie of the township of reach john m low reeve of ux- bridge town and john e mcdon ald reeve of brock township the latter was eliminated from the race on the third ballot the successful candidate received a majority of 12 on tho sixth ballot over grant christie who got tho next nearest vote election n surprise the election of mr johnston as warden came as one of the most complete surprises in ontario coun ty council for years the new war den was certainly a dark horse in the wardenship race for prior to tho council opening the two men prominently mentioned were reeve grant christie of reach and reeve john lowe of uxbridge town and the vote on the first three ballots showed that it was a close race be tween the two j e mcdonald reeve of brock was a factor in the fight it is learned that the hew warden had no idea of seeking the ofiice until it was suggested on monday that he allow his name to stand so far as the south part of tho county is concerned there was a feeling that reeve christie of reach would wear the wardens gown this year- in the case of reeve mcdonald of brock although ho is a new- man some members felt that as brock township nad not had wardenship for many years the lion our for 1933 should go there markham officials all agree to salary reduction real burden however is county council taxation c ave time and mon and that is exactly what you do when you shop in the w h shaw store our prices j are the lowest consistent with good merchandise and our aim is to serve you promptly and courteously extraordinary bargains in teapots here is an opportunity to replace that old teapot with a new one of excellent quali- ty and adequate capacity these are not seconds but best quality english ware and we are offering them at a price that has not been equalled our stock of these special teapots is not large so make your selection early and avoid disappointment in 68 and 10 cup capacity each 19c chamosuede gloves rugs at half price fine slipons in all the popular shades it is seldom that you will have such and in all sizes plain and fancy cuffs an opportunity of purchasing high quality j regular 100 to 150 sale price 69c 79c rugs at so low a price very colorful and i artistic color conmbinations in attractive i aprons for every occasion designs especially suitable for living room a splendid line of aprons made from room d or bedroom only one peter pan fabric sunfast and tubfast and farrymore rug size 6 9 x9 reg 3000 cut in a variety of attractive styles and in 5 pi w 0 i ons very dainty patterns each 59c w only rugs size 12 x9 regular 3000 we have just opened a new shipment of s p v al v toinr i aprons i desirable styles and patterns and t only rug size 9xlo 6 regular 2500 at a remarkably low cost price 25c 39c 49c bale pnce ltw towels colorful jute rugs in bright at- large size with deep soft nap and tractive colors and with long wearing quali- very absorbent qualities exceptionally fine ties fine for hall den or bedroom 72x36 color combinations these are seconds but regular 2 59 sale price 1 25 are a splendid buy at 58c g 4 regular l49 saie price 75c turkish towels in striped patterns size 18x38 special 15c street and afternoon frocks dress goods exceedingly attractive gowns in wine a special cotton material in tweed black blue brown and green cut in the effect heavy quality in flecked pattern ad latest styles gowns that give that comfort- very attractive and serviceable per yd 35c able feeling of being well dressed a wide range of styles priced at 295 to 975 house dresses a few winter coats still left and these must be all cleared out all new and a splendid showing of new and desir- uptotheminute styles and at below cost able designs and patterns made in high qual- prices call and seq t lty sun and tubfast prints all sizes priced at 79c 98c 125 149 sweaters and pullovers dust caps see our display of these garments in dainty little caps made of good plain and fancy weaves and in all the popu- quality print each 10c lar colors very moderately priced table oilcloths our stock of table oilcloths is very complete both in tile and floral patterns al so in plain white blue yellow and green at the low price we are quoting you can afford to keep your table coverings fresh and bright 1 yard width 49c 114 yard width 39c 1 m yard squares with border all round and with very attiactive patterns per square 85c the w h shaw store the revision of salaries in the township of markliam as introduc ed at a special meeting of the town ship council and reported in our last issue appears to be well re ceived by tlie ratepayers it is but natural that the farmers who pay these salaries should wish to see things come down in keeping with the prico of farm commodities the reductions then are approved even though they may mean little to the individual tax payer in lightening his load because the county taxes are so burdensome and unreason able and are the real source of tax trouble in townships like markham regarding tho salary question reove padget said that tho farmers pay 94 per cent of the taxation in the township and they are today passing through very strenuous times when the present salary scale was set i got 132 for wheat when i got my tax bill last year wheat was selling at 40 cents the reeve quoted other farm produce prices to show the drop in the income of the farmer our backs are to the wall ho said and it is hard to find a farmer who is breaking oven on his operations deputy reove r a smith said he heartily agreed with the seuti- monts expressed by reovo patlget he favored a cut in salaries i have taken that stand in the past he said and i am of tho same opinion to day councillor yv l iclark said ho thought the time had come when re ductions in salaries had to come councillor charles hoover ex pressed the opinion that the time for salary reductions was overdue the income of the farmer was cut and the advice was to cut down hit cost of production one way to do this was reduce taxation he be lieved the officials expected a re duction and would be disappointed if they didnt- get one councillor coakyell said ho agreed with the other members that reductions should be made he didnt however believe in cutting things too low bectcuse he felt that you get what you pay for the first salary to be dealt with was that of clerk and treasurer the former salary of this official was 150000 per annum and the reeve asked each member write on a reso lution form his suggestion regarding tho future salary reeve padgets paper showed a suggestion of a re duction of thirty per cent deputy reove smith and councillor hoover suggested a 20 per cent cut and councillors clark and coakwell sug gested a reduction of 10 per cent speaking to the question clerk gam davison said he was quite satisfied to take a reduction and he agreed with the different members who thought this to be a time of retrenchment i am interested in markham township he said ami wouldnt be sticking with the ship if i said i wouldnt take a reduction to help out in these difficult times he pointed out however that the work had increased greatly in recent years and was mounting in volume each and every year many people who criticise land say that the clerk didnt do much work didnt under stand much about it many a time 1 am working in the office when the hands of the clock are going down wards he said he pointed out that his salary had never been high as at no time did it exceed 150000 while in other municipalities it had been much higher in the vote on the question reeve padget supported the resolution ask ing for a 20 per cent cut along with deputy reeve smith and councillor hoover councillors clark and coak well favored a ten per cent reduc tion following tho samo practice as in the former case each member wrote on a resolution form his suggestion phone 9512 stouitville ontario ro tlie road superintendent reovo padget suggested a salary of 500 per day when working councillor clark suggested a cut of 20 per cent deputy reove smith a 25 per cent cut councillor coakwell 20 per cent councillor hoover suggest ed this official ho hired and paid by the hour at ills juncture the following pct- tition was presented to hie council by mr p forsyth one of the road foremen of the township wo the undersigned being ratepayers of the township of markham with the view towards reducing needless ex penditure and altering a condition which will bo in a short time un bearable owng to reduced income nnd business depression do make the following request for your approval that whereas one w g maxwell holds tho office of road superintendent in markliam town ship at a salary of 150000 per year and is paid for full time work together with serving on the jury and attending various plowing matches throughout the province and is not in our opinion a man qualified for the position wo ask that his resignation be demanded same to tako effect april 1st 1933 speaking to this petition mr p forsyth said it was signed by about 200 ratepayers including two other road foremen messrs bennet and shadlock as far as he was concern ed he said there was no spite or hard feeling toward the road superintendent and it was his only wish that tho township get a square deal speaking following the presenta tion of the petition road superin tendent maxwell said that the mem bers of council were elected by the ratepayers to transact the business of the township and he didnt think they should pay too much attention to a petition taken around by two agitators in regards to salary he was ready and willing to make a sacrifice as he knew very well the hard times the farmers are ex periencing he had been a farmer himself and knew all about it re garding the suggestion of work by the day or tho hour he didnt know- how this would satisfy the depart ment reevo padget tlie depart ment cannot dictate to us if we go down to them with some proposal and they didnt see fit to sanction it w can go back to statute labor wo wont take any dictation from them icouncillor hoover said that in whitchurch the superintendent is paid by the hour if it was alright there why not in imarkham mr maxwell thought it would be fairer to compare markham to lie townships on either sides tlie super intendent in pickering was getting 2000 and it was now down to 1800 in vauglian the superinten dent had received 150000 and got a 10 per cent cut reeve padget if a man over in pickering should hang himself sliould wo do the same moreover whatever wo pay im going to seo that every man employed by the township gives full days work for his money ho said he knew a man working for the township who went to sleep at 1230 pm and was still asleep at 3 pm we wont stand for that it was moved by mr padget sec onded by mr hoover that the road superintendent tie paid at the rate of 50 cents per hour while at work although deputy reeve smith formerly moved for a 25 per cent reduction in salary he supported this motion and it was declared carried constable walker was reduced from 40 per month to 35 per month his mileage allowance of 6 cents per mile remains unchang ed this was decided on motion of councillors clark and coakvell with councillor hoover supporting the motion reeve padget and deputy reeve smith moved for a salary of 3000 per month and 5 cents per mile speaking to the question con stable walker said he thought he was already underpaid reeve padget said lie didnt want to be niggardly with any man but if any employee thought he had been unfairly dealt with lie had the priv ilege of handing in his resignation at the next meeting on motion of councillors clark and hoover tho pay of the weed in spector was reduced from 40 cents per hour to 30 cents with the samo mileage allowance of 5 cents per mile reeve padget and deputy reeve smith had moved for a rate of 20 cents per hour it was moved by reeve padget seconded by deputy reeve smith and carried unanimously that the indemnity of the members council be reduced by twenty cent of per claremont alfred moles employee of the chas cooper hardware store is at ills home in myrtle convalescing from a servere attack of flu rev j e and mrs glover of sniithfleld were in clareinont on tuesday of last week mrs dr tonilinson spent a few days with friends in london during tlie past week mrs o c rennelt of toronto is the guest of mrs h g mclntyro a number of the young people of the united church were at icourtice last friday evening attending the young peoples rally held there adam spears was in claremont last week performing his annua duties as township assessor an illustrated lecture held under the auspices of tho public library board and entitled viewing eng land and scotland by proxy was given in tho icommunlty hall on friday evening last to a fairly large and appreciative audience the lecturer was mr f c jennings in spector of public libraries and he was assisted by mr herbert who was in charge of the pictures the funeral of tho late mrs geo morgan who passed to her rest on jan 21st after a few days illness from pneumonia was held from tlie family residence on tuesday after noon jan 24th and was largely at tended by friends and relatives of deceased the service was conduct ed by rev p l jull of rrooklin and interment took placo at the union cemetery mr3 imorgan was daughter of the lato robert and mrs bowes and had been a life long resident of claremont and vicinity boots shoe february bargains boys boots 100 to 295 mens boots 100 149 womens 2 7s b 4998 cts womens bargains in goloshes mitts and socks at yg mens heavy rubbers 1st quality sizes 6 10 11 12 at 195 o lehman the shoe store phone 4301 quality salt service tile ullets and you can get 100 pounds of lay mash 100 pounds of scratch grain and 1 bale straw all for 350 at our warehouse oyster shell and grit at special prices purity flour always on hand at lower prices famous reading anthracite coal and coke on hand all the time- we are always in the market for clover seeds s w hastings phone 169 coal cement stouffville ont coke a premium with the permission of the dairy department we are now paying a premium of 2 cents per lb of butterfat for special grade cream over 1st a good many of our shippers are already reaping that benefit it will pay you to take that little extra care of your cream our splendid service whereby you can bring your cream as often as you wish and not having to wait until your can is full helps you considerably another very convenient thing is our system of testing and paying for your cream while you wait if you ask for it especialy it is convenient for those who are not steady shippers you can bring your cream in any quantity whether in our can or any other cream can in a few minutes you get your cash and your cream can back make use of your spare time by bringing your cream and thereby get tho most for it if you are not one of our shippers you stand nothing to lose but much to gain by a trial shipment open saturday evenings stouffville creamery co j specials for friday and saturday february 3 4 jlawsons economy store stouffville ont west end salada tea 23c pkg westons soda wafers 9c box pearl soap 6 bars 19c corn tomatoes peas full size 3 tins 27c handy ammonia 5c pkg marvel flour 71b bag for 17c sugar 10 lbs 49c white or brown phone 182 cash prices we deliver i

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