Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 12, 1933, p. 6

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ask no questions dy beldon duff sraorsis annassa west young and beautiful kases itrldes hous itt connecticut several previous tenants had died there mysteriously and a bride had disap peared the lease stipulates that the uiant ask no question john imamond owner of a new york newspaper is in sistent that ann leave her stable boy mtto is murdered then a deputy who is put on kuard in the house is shot o death a stranger who has been riding one of anns horses at night rescues her from a morass when she seeks aid of or cranson a veterinary surgeon alva cropsey editor of diamonds paper decides to solvv the mystery he learns of a mysterious naturalist who does ail his searching at night the strange who had ridden draeula is hired to take the place of otto he gives his name as david smith he and annassa nnd the entrance to a tunnel which da id refuses to explore chapter xv i contd1 and now that you are here an- assa asked eagerly what have you discovered nothing david said absolutely nothing pointing to the wall beside which they stood unless you count that she thought a moment at last im something of an opportunist i beliave that fate serves us if we will only hold ourselves in readiness to be served this tunnel is the last stage of a org journey at its end lies the answer to your problem the man did not laugh at the sug gestion in stead he answered with absolute seriousness my dark in heritance what an apropriate place to keep itself a hole in the ground pessimistically maybe when ive met it face to face ill be sorry i didnt let well enough alone its too late to think of that now youd hate yourself for ever and ever if you turned back at the eleventh hour persuasively come lets take a look before we go back upstairs nothing like grabbing the bull by the horns you know the man shook his head if my life depended on it i could not go into that black unknown the fear that the walls were about to cave in on me would drive pie mad unless you explore that tunnel pretty scon she said trying to speak lightly your dark inheritance will get tired of waiting for you and will come out and gobble you up i cannot help it i tell you what well do the girl said at last well think about it sometimes thinking about things makes them get easier lets put the packing cases and barrels back just as we found them and go over to the house it must be well past lunch time you could tuck away a bowl of abbys scotch broth couldnt you it took but a moment to restore the cellar to its former air of littered neglect and they had turned to re trace their steps to the ladder when the souid of voices from the floor above reached miss wests ears she prodded her companion in the back quick they musnt see us down here we dont want anyone to ex plore that tunnel before we do its seth toby and his men i didnt real ize theyd had time to get back together they mounted swiftly to the harness room lowered the trap door and were in the barn before the chief of police saw them oh miss west was his greeting ive been looking for you eveiy- where and as his eye lighted on the tall stranger whos this annassa west looked from one man to the other her voiced when she answered was carefully matter-of- fact dave smith my new stable boy- hes come to take ottos place ive been showing him around the worried look did not leave tobys face can you vouch for this young man marm absolutely it was said without the quiver of an eyelash the chief of police rubbed the back of his hand against the stubble of a two days growth of beard weel i dunno a mighty desprit characte escaped from the jail at ossining two or three months ago never caught neither descriptions of him was give out at the time over the radio with a sidelong glance in the strangers direction six feet sonic inches blue eyes black curly hair had a mer maid tattooed on his chest remov ing the straw on which he had been chewing aint been in the navy have ycu annassa west knew without turn ing around that at mention of the tattooed mermaid david had put his hand to the collar of the khakicolorod shirt seeing her eyes upon him he lowered it now no was his answer to the chiefs question ive never been in the navy they all walked back to the house together seth toby continuing to scene of action pump the big stranger in what he doubtless fancied was a deep and tact ful manner for all the information elicited he might have saved himself the trouble david was as wary as a mink not so annassa conscience j manifestation of weakness for which i ing stranger had developed in her difficult state tf mind she was in no mood to listen to advice i david seemed to notice it i know its none of ray business he made haste to explain and then manlike spoiled the gesture of self- effacement by adding but i think youre making a mistake not to why the barrier which she had with such difficulty broken down that afternoon was up again between then but now it was of her building no reason in particular the giant answered rather wearily i only thought it might do you good to gat out of this atmosphere for an hour or two thanks for your solicitude she was alarmed to realize that her ton gue had become a twoedged sword yet unable somehow to stay its ce- struetive sweep but ive no inten tion of being inveigled away from the to b continued each day l goes to church on sunday an i listens to de text it sholy helps my feelins when my mind is getting vexed issue no 233 she professed the modern maidens contempt had begun its business of smiting she was increasingly aware of the fact that she ha 1 vouched for this man had made hetstlf respons ible for his behaviour to the police yet what dit she know about him nothing cxvpt the story he had told her himself that fantastic fear of crushing walls which he had describ ed for all she knew to the contrary might be only an ingenious way of excusing a mental bias toward kill ing there lay in the back of her mind a vivid picture of this same david etched in the black and white of moonlight holding together the collar band of his flannel shirt as he strove to cover a mark of some sort on his chest she walked into the lunch table leaving david to help himself in the kitchen by her plate lay a letter there was no stamp indicating that it had come by hand a nicespoken young fellow in plumcolored livery left it explained miss barth about ten minutes after ye went out from mr diamond i suppose annassa felt no immediate inclination to rind out what the letter contained bring on the food abby- thats a dear im low the able miss barth despite an acute longing to hear what mr dia mond wanted of her young mistress set forth an excellent lunch while it was being consumed she cast inquir ing glances at the troubled forehead under the thatch of red hair at last whats happened noo are ye sick no answered her nursling wear ily a blue funk thats all miss barth knew the temperament with which she had to deal if yeve taken on another man to worry about im going home its bad enough to get ourselves annihilated because of someone who belongs to us as ye might say but when it conies to a tramp a great hulkin piece of abby please im worried enough as it is and besides this hulk as you call him is a gentleman he speaks like one and looks like one i suppose was the acid rejoinder the girl declined to be ruffled ill admit he doesnt look like a park avenue dancing man but hes told me his history and i cant help being interested they sat for a moment in silence- miss barth stoneyfaced as a basilisk the girl idly drumming with her fin gers on the table top suddenly an nassa rose and with a rush of her most persuasive sweetness flung her arms around the older womans neck abby abby stick by me im afraid ive gotten myself in a worse mess than ever chapter xvi the letter was an invitation to dine at berkshire towers that evening abby who had never quite over come her old world reverence for any lord of the manor as thrown into a twitter because of it hell be sending his limousine for ye ive no doot oh yes miss west tossed the letter aside everythings being done according to hoyle nevertheless 1 lont think ill go not go the scotchwoman gasp cd whatevers gotten into ye to re fuse a grand man like mr diamond when he bids yet to his house its a bit late in the day to turn so hospitable was the enigmatic re ply ill send a note of regret by seth toby when ho leaves at five oclock nor did miss barths muttered be lief that the world was going straight to the dogs move her to change her mind not until david entered the living room with an armful of logs for the fireplace was the subject of the letter brought up again it wan the giant himself who mentioned it and ho too no pains to conceal the fact that ho had overheard the con versation that had taken place earlier in the afternoon id go tonight if i were you came the unexpected suggestion as he knelt to pile the logs in the wood basket oh you would said miss west in a cool crisp voice four hours of brewirfr over the contradictions pre sented by this disturbingly ingrauatj de sabbath religion puts a calmness in de heart but everyday religion needs a chance to do its part dars de monday religion when yous got to go to work and de tuesday religion when you musn stop to shirk wednesday thursday friday an sat urday as well needs everyday religion tliout no riugin or de bell one day a learnin bout de goodness an de light de other six ashowin dat you got de lesson right sunday brings us comfort wit de beauty an de rest but de everyday religion is what puts you to de test selected dinnertime in java margaret holloway writing in overseas magazine of javanese food says in java i had the biggest meal 1 ever enjoyed seated at a large table 20 odd javanese waiters silently bear down on us carrying shoulder high groaning dishes of food as a foun dation i take my share oc the moun tain of rice then portions of java rooster submerged in a sea of curry sauce now a taste of the vegetable dishes as the boys file past in quick succession cabbage beans young corn and many others this nice mem said the bearer of the heart of a coconut palm fearing i may over look that delicacy then liver min ced meat sausage small fish ikan kering delicious prawns and a fried egg to crown the formidable plate ful beware of the man now stand ing at your side and take sparingly of the biting pounded chiles hot chutney and highly flavored ancho vies grated coconut and hellfire sauce and still they come with further additions to the feast which etiquette demands to be placed on ones small plate rumor has it that the chinese ducks eggs have been buried for 20 years but their pres ent piquant flavor soon overcomes any question of their past stuffed scarlet peppers salted monkey nuts fried bananas kroeboeks the end is in sight a stick of pork sateh and a wedge of cooling refre shing cucumber as the last boy leaves my side the mem has enough asks an attentive waiter latest findings of science judging distance of stars tasting by electricity the new york times published last week an enthusiastic endorsement by professor harlow shapley of harv ard college observatory of the work which professor joel stebbins has been doing in judging the distances f stars judging is the only word that can be used measurement by surveyors methods is out of the ques tion when stars are so remote that there is no apparent shift in their positions in che eourc of centuries because of their staggering distance there is nothing for it but to judge distance by brightness in this field stebbins has made an international reputation for himself whet the intrinsic luminosities of nearby stars of known distance have been determined a yardstick based on light is at the disposal of the astron fresh from the gardens opiniono lull- at t pins were simply the poles of a bat tery and the acid juice of the fruit the solution or electrolyte it needed a very sensitive meter to register the feebltf electrical currents thus gener ated fortunately hitchcock had been working on a meter to measure the minute currents that flow in the photoelectric cells used in sound mo tion picture projectors and in televi sion with an intrument that could onier thereby he can gauge the re- recorj one m of an ampere or moteness of stars of the same lunnn- abut on the wingpower of an ous type thus if on i star of a given ordinarv house fly it bccan possibc color and brightness is known to be t0 test f fifty lightyears away it follows thatj testi in thu cac is more aeeuv if 1 f col of ate than tasting there is a distinct half the brghtness must be four tunes rl and as fa away since the brightness i any light falls off as the square of the distance by carefully measuring the brightness of stars with the photo electric cell professor stebbins has laid down the probable distances of many stars with what is regarded as a high degree of accuracy effect of dust in space recent studies by professor steb bins have coivinced him that there is an absorbing medium probably dust in space jist as the setting sun appears red because the amount of air we look through near the hori zon is greater than the amount through which we look wen sun is overhead so a the stars atd clusters near the central line of the milky- way appear reddened explains pro fessor stebbins because of this dust or gas in space he eaehes the con- elusion that the distances of some ob jects stch as globular clurtes are only a quarter as far off as astron omers supposed they were at right angles to the milky way where there rre fewer stars and where we can see better out in the open the obsrpticn of light is not nearly so marked so that the old distances need be correct ed by only 10 per cent dr shapley is a specialist on the size of the universe he has devoted years to a study of the subject and has laid out a program of research for harvard which can be carried out orly in many years more in his eyes the results and the technique of pro fessor stebbins are of the highest im portance in carrying out the harvard program electrical tasting while he was sitting at luncheon in the westinghouse laboratory in east pittsburgh pa it flashed on r c hitchcock that an ordinary apple is acid and that the acid must have some electrical response out of sheer curiosity he inserted the two dissim ilar pins of a very sensitive recording meter into an apple i got the shock of my life when the meter began to register he says i immediately conducted the same experiment on an orange and a lemon with the same astonishing results physicists will of course realize that hitchcock had extended the dis covery which volta made 130 years ago and which ended in the invention of the battery the two dissimilar famous runner now proud father with accurate charts of the current generated by themost luscious fruits and by the best foods with an acid content possibly the whole system of testing and simpling will be revolu tionized a fruit with a sour taste has a high oectrieal reading while a sweet fruit will register fvw micro- aperes it is even possible that with fui- ther development patients will no longer exhibit their tonjies to the doctor the prongs of the electrical instrument will be placed in the mouth and the acid content of the saliva of the tongue will be recorded on a meter how the universe began it was at the 1931 meeting of the british association for the advance ment of science that n abbe georges ivcmaitre promulgated a new theory to account for the beginning of this expanding universe thv cosmic rays and a iew othei mysteries that are uppermost in ihe irnds of physicists the theory wjs briefly presented in this department soon after it was announced apparently it did not make nearly the impression that its ingenuity merite- so the abbe has been presenting it ttgain in american universities lcmaitre ac cepts the axparding universe as an astronomical fast because pf the dis covery that the outermost nebulae are i king away with the explosive speed o 12000 miles a second this expan sion began not less than 1400 or more that 2000 millions of years ago it u certain however thai the stars are much older here we have a dis crepancy that relativists and physi cist have been trying to reconcile he abbe asks to imagine the uni verse beginning in an extraordinary i torn it had more weight than any star and it was more fiercely radio active than radium the whole uni verse would be produced b the dis integration of this primeval atom srys the abbe a world fu of radia tion transforms itself into matter which it does by condensing into stars the original atomic star soon ac- iired an atmosphere after that its more highly penetrating rays were irprisoned we seen in the cosmic rays that puzzle physicists those that escaped in the first place the abbe bids us also look for othei produts of primeval disintegration such as fas oeta rays electron alpha pai- tiles and even rays still u discovered according to this hcory the uni verse has not been expanding at a constant rate in fact it is only by invoking some such supposition that it is possible to account for stars much older than the universe thoy consti tute waldemai kaempffert in the ny times say this of horses across the ages they come thun dering on faithful hoofs the horses man disowns their velvet eyes arc wide with won dering they whinny down the wind in sil ver toues vibrant with all the bugles of old t wars their nostrils quiver with the sum mer scent of grasses in deep fields lit by pale stars hung in a wide and silent firma ment and in their hearts they keep the dreams of earth their patient plodding furrowed to the sun unnumbered springs before the en gines birth doomed them to sadness and ob livion across the- swift new day i watch them go driven by wheel and gear and dy namo we need younger men in poii to bringa more useful idl into p lie lifefred k smith my grec 1 inspiiatu leuge to attempt the imposso bert a clchelsou progress in civilization has come from seafaring nation rand russell the average american iiiic gje to the polls so he can- vote suin- somebody for the sake of ktcki somebody norman thomas the most important thing aiiyn ever told me was know everything r land use it kva ie llallietme every anarchist is a baffl cl de lator heni to mussoliir women are beginning to outnum ber men in the undergraduate univer sity courses fannie hurvt i wonder how often the sceptics imagine that they can turn the world upside down without one turnin- t the right way up again g k ciks- terton there aro passages ot jazz in bach and i understand in beethoven ceorge kershwin i am in favor of every political leader who promises social advance ment based on justice and soun 1 political economy bruce barton on matters of principle there can he no compromise adolf hitler the secret of good health is to keep on working henry ford the cultivation of good will uc tween nations is one of the principal aims of diplomacy lieury l stim- son stupidity and cupidity these arc the forces which at present control tho world aldous tluxley let us not forget that while we have lost much in this depression we still have much more o lose her bert hoover the iaw exists to guide justice tc regulate it to systematize it lord reading contentment that is vorth any thing comes from duty well done calvin coolidge we cannot eat or wear- machines if the world were one vast machine shop it would die when it conies to sustaining life we go tc the fields henry ford say this of horses engines leave be hind no glorious legacy of waving manes and wild proud hearts and heels be fore the wind no heritage of ancient arab strains blazes within a cylinders cold spark an engine labors with a sullen fire hoarding no dreams of acres sweet and dark no love for man has ever surged through wire along the farthest slopes i hear the rumble of these last hoofs tomorrow they will bo still then shall the strength of countless horses crumble the stanchest rock and level the highest hill and man who made machines to gain an hour shall lose himself before their ruth less power minnie hite moody in the na- a mothers love youth fades lovo droops the leaves ot friendship fall a mothers secret hope outlives them all holmes in some things faavo nurmi is as slow as can be recently the famous runner became a proud father and did he spread the news about he did not a month after the event he posed with mrs karat and the youngster any little soreness in the throat grows rapidly worse if neglected crush somttablets of aspirin in some water and gargle at once this gives you instant relief and reduces danger from infection one good gargle and you can feci safe if- all soreness is not gone promptly repeat theres usually a cold with the sore throat so take two tablets to throw off your cold headache stiffness or other cold symptoms aspirin relieves neuralgia neuritis too use it freely it docs not hurt the heart aspirin tfademark reg in canada thrive on a lonely isle some time ago the royal naval hospital of capo colony made a sur vey on the island of tristan da cunha the inhabitants of this island are descendants of castaways from the sea the british government seized this island in the war of 1812 and since that time the few inhabitants of the island have lived very largely by fishing raising wheat and a few animals they have no laws but the survey shows that they are moral and temperate they appeared to the in vestigators to be extremely hospit able industrious and healthy according to the investigating den- tistand surgeon from the royal naval hospital all but 25 of the 156 inhabi tants had teeth entirely free of de cay although the ages ranged up to 92 no disease was found among these people whose diet consisted of potatoes milk fish and eggs they raised sheep but kept them for clo thing and rarely used them for meat except on holidays they had a cus tom of eating only one article of food at a meal and this custom was apparently producing good results according to the investigators one meal would consist entirely of pota toes another of fish and another of eggs but whether such an uncompli cated diet is advantageous is quite problematical four houses one dog at least one dog to every four in habited houses that is how the can ine population of great britain works out according to tho latest estimate the total number allowing for work ing dogs aud puppies under six months old which are exempt from taxation is put at roughly 3500000 dogs are cleariy popular as pets and the dog breeding industry is nourishing it helps tho trade bal ance too for tho value of pedigree dogs exported is far greater than that ot the imports even alsatians of which thous ands of pounds worth have been im ported from germany since tho war can now bo supplied from home sources the most startling increase in any class of dogs has of course been in greyhounds in as recent a year as 132g only a dozen ot theso dogs were registered at tho kennel club michigan controls sand dune by extensive tree planting an excellent cxamplo ot sand dnno control by forest planting is reported by the forest service united states department of agriculture at sauga- tuck mich old bald head mountain 300 feet high and with an eroding aroa of four acres is ono of the larg est and best known dunes in the state for somo tlmo it had been encroach ing on the channel of tho kalamazaa river and threatening cottages near its base under tho direction of r f krood- sma extension forester in mcbigan the dune was planted to trees in april 1931 the city again planted tree in 1932

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