voice of the press j canada the empire and the world at large l canada j helping a brother there is something more than mere ly good news in the announcement that britain and canada have come to the assistance of newfoundland in its financial roubles it is an instance of members of the family helpng a broth er out ot temporary difficulties it might be said in the vernacular that britain and this dominion have chipped in that the ancient colony may bo able to meet its interest obli gations bn jan 1 this is the more notable at a time when other members of the family are themselves not any too well off in the financial sense both britain and canada have enormous bills to meet but they have strained a point to help the little dominion canada may be younger than newfoundland but has grown to be the big brother and re- cognlzos a big brothers obligations altogether it is a very human ac tion this lending of a hand and it is fully appreciated by the people ot newfoundland nows from st johns indicates that the loan of 1250000 has been received with touching evi dence of thankfulness following the premiers announcement that help was assured members of the govern- bent joined involuntarily in singing land ot hope and glory the maple leaf and god save the king and with it all there has been no hint as to the advisability of confederation with canada thus the altogether satisfac tory business is marked by two admir able features generosity and good taste but there is no telling to what it may lead toronto globe the tragedy of youth one of the most serious features of tiie present economic depression is the lack of employment for young men just out of collegiate institutes and universities thousands of youths having completed their educaton are finding the doors to employment bar red londou free press censorship members of the british board of movie censors have recently rejected nearly three hundred films because they included blasphemy ridicule of religious beliefs death treated with flippancy and the portrayal of vicious lives some more pruning of the same kind would be an excellent thing everywhere brantford expositor canadas new cattle market the end of the embargo means however that canadian cattle have a much wider market in britain that many irritating restrictions have been removed that their movement once landed 13 not restricted that inland markets are opened that expensive veterinary charges are largely elimin ated and that certain grades of cattle formerly prohibited will now be ad mitted only when the exchange situation rights itself will the full force ot this measure he appreciated by canadian livestock men ottawa journal pace that kills people of today think that the pace of life is fast much too fast to be conductive to old age but they are not the only ones who have had that feeling and still the pace grows fast- or and peo le continue to live to a good old age this thought is em phasized by an american writer who recalls that as far hack as 1832 there wero people who sa- in the mad hurry of that ago an omen of ill for the future chatham news ciean hands it is affirmed that paper money 13 a carrier of disease germs it it were tho only source of iufectioi a lot ot people would be almost immune these dayi edmonton journal trade with west africa palm oil in bulk is boing shipped from nigeria direct to halifax this new movement through allcanadian channels i3 a direct result ot the im perial economic conference agree ments under which palm oil is given a preference and to secure tho pre ference it must come in through cana dian ports tho use ot thi3 produce in canada ot course is not new and what this dominion has consumed has been coming in largely through united states ports now canadian ports will get the business and also the bulk of the export of soap as well halifax herald barley smothers mustard experimental work carried out at the central experimental farm ot tawa shows conclusively that barley pan bo used most effectively in smothering out mustard it has been found that barloy sown at tho rato ot 3 bushels per aero is most effective for this purpose incidentally it is also ahown that heavier seeding produces i heavier yield o grain per acre de partment ot agriculture i the empire fiveday week a shorter working day and a shorter working week without diminution ot wages arc increasingly looked upon aono of the most effective way3 of reducing unemployment this is op posed bjr employers in various coun tries on the ground that it would place them at a disadvantage in competing for foreign trade but it there is in ternational agreement for concerted action this objection fail3 such an agreement may be legitimately looked for from the world economic confer ence london dally herald canadas turn an important canadian firm is to es tablish a branch in blackburn for the manufacture ot electric cookers re frigerators etc after a preliminary survey ot various lancashire towns representatives ot the firm who were searching tor suitable premises de cided on the india mill blackburn brought to their notice by the lanca shire industrial development council this building contains an area of over 40000 square feet and it is expected that employment will be found for several hundreds of work people the firm celebrated their jubilee this year they were the pioneers in canada of their particular type of manufacture and will be the first canadian firm to establish a works in lancashire in dustrial britain discrimination against shipping british shipping is excluded by many foreign countries from their coastal trade thus british ships may not carry cargo or passengers from new york to charleston or san francisco american shipping is not treated by us in this manner it can ply from port to port in the british isles and engage in interempire trade the day has come to end this onesided and unfair position if a nation discriminates against our shipping similar discrim- inaton should be applied to that na tions vessels in our ports london daily mail 14600000 arrives from britain john bulls bullion is unloaded at new york a tiny truck came alongside tho giant majestic and 14600000 iu gold was transferred india accepts ottawa india should now enjoy a large ex pansion of trade iu the colonies and dependenie3 while she yields nothing that should act as a bar to her indus trial progress that for the first time she is to give preferences to certain british industries is of immense im portance especially in view of the new constitution to which india is now looking forward we hope that by the time it is actually established the mutual gains arising out ot the ottawa agreement will be such that it will be accepted by all parties as the basic economic principle of anglo- indian trade relations london daily telegraph american understatement as for the longnecked subject ot un- derstatement three new items have recently been added to the collection there was for instance that bit of the plaintiffs testimony in lilienfeld v lilienfeld a suit for separate main tenance brought by a brooklyn bride it seems that on one occasion the husband had beaten her blacked her eyes scratched her torn her night dress and otherwise maltreated her her counsel asked what her comment at the time had been well said mrs lilienfeld i was quite sur prised not to be outdone justice schmuck awarded her the relief she sought on the ground that mr lilien feld had as a husband been neither loving nor lovable the new yorker canadian wheat prices stronger britans record there are no blots on the british war debt record but there will be a very largesized blot on the record of american government if it does not alter the british debt agreement bo- fore the next semiannual payment i3 due providence journal u s jobless 11590000 labor chieftan reports washington an alltime peak of unemployment in tho united states according to a report by william green president of tho american federation of labor who estimated that 11590000 were out ot work in november noting that this figure was greater by 130000 than tho previous high mark reported for august he added that word from affiliated trade unions indicated tho total for early december wa3 oven greater than that for the previous month those out ot work are in greater need now than ever before for aftor threo years of depression their re sources aro exhausted green said in tho year ended october 1932 un employment increased co per cont7 but the number of families aided in creased 945 per cent and tho amounts of relief given s8g per cent odo encouraging fact however is shown by tho novembor unemploy ment estimate and by our trade union reports for november and december unemploment is increasing less rapid ly this fall than in any other depres sion year she frantically jack babys swallowed tho ink ho absontly i suppose that means you want to borrow my fountalnpon what do you take as a remedy for your insomnia a glass of wine at regular intervals doe3 that niako you sleep no but it makes me content to stay awake advance of cent or more in all futures despite light exports winnipeg speculators and invest ors bought wheat on the winnipeg grain exchange on friday for tho second time in the new year and with outside markets standing firm wheat prices brushed aside lightness of export figures and scored gains of a cent or more in all futures may gained ivi to close at 47 3s july was up an even cent at 48v4 while october closed at 49 78 1 3s better j prominent factor in the rise that left futures a good three cents above where they stood after the sharp dip of december 16 was a spirit of op timism prevading transactions on all grain exchanges broomhall of liver pool declared the near future would see substantial increases in world wheat trade which would tend to off set shipments expected from southern hemispheres chicago also registered substantial gains liverpool was steady while buenos aires is closed until monday canadian wood ordered by famous british firm montreal huntley palmers limited british biscuit manufacturers have decided to purchase canadian lulhber for tho manufacture of pack ingcases following tho imperial economic conference at ottawa the british firm negotiated a contract in this country and jan 5 it was an nounced that tho first shipment con sisting of 1000000 feet had reached londou it required 350 english freight cars to transport the umber to the biscuit factory at beading abrupt medical officer any scars on you nervous recruit no sir but ive got a small packet of cigar ettes it youd like one train derailed 12 are injured three coaches roll down 75- foot bank near hawkes- bury hawkcsbury jan 8 three pas senger cars of a canadian pacific railway train rolled down a 75foot embankment between calumet que and pointe aux chenes causing miliar inuries to 12 persons who were brought to hawkesbury hospitals for treatment heading for montreal the monte- bello train ran into a broken al just before 1 caching a railway bridge over the rouge river while the oconio- tive tender and baggage car of the train remained on tho track the three passenger cars containing 17 persons rolled down the bank and were wreck ed on trees and rocks tho cars were reported ts having turned over two or three tmes in tho fall six children of mrs emile gaston 36 f verdun montreal and their mother were arong those brought to hospital here they were suffering from shock and general braises but their condition was regarded as favor able doctors stated all injuries were superficial and not more than five of the injured were expected t stay in hospital long widely distributed tree ottawa aspen poplar is one of the most widely distributed trees in canada being found in every pro vince of the dominion its northern limit extend almost to the arctic ocean at the mackenzie delta from the wood of the aspen are made excel sior boxes and barrels for foodstuffs and certain kinds of woodpulp lum ber made from it is difficult to sea son and very perishable in the prairie provinces it is an important source of fuel forest service dept of the interior canada nations leaders pay last respects to dead leader hoover attends funeral ser vice of coolidge neigh bors throng to lying in etate northampton in tributo to the memory of calvin coolidge who had served as president of his country the nations leaders and the neighbors of years standing joined together on sat urday iu last respect one morning hvur was allotted for the men and women of this connecti cut valley city to pass by the bronzed coffin in which lay the body of the thirteenth president soon thereafter a youth of the church was to conduct a service in the presence of calvin coolidges successor herbert hoover and other representatives of interna tional officialdom and finally toward midafternoon in the green mountains a hundred miles northward there were to be the rites committing to his last resting place the man of now england who won the highest honor within the gift of his nation blackdraped town calvin coolidges fellow citizens still stunned by the suddeness ot his passing needed no proclamation by mayor homer c bliss to close their shops during the services and until noon such a proclamation was mere formality hours before the service began and long before tho body was transferred from tho beeches to the church crowds gathered in the streets pass ing beneath buildings draped in black hurrying to be first among those who would pass by the bier for a final glance at one who was to all of them a familiar figure to a few a familiar friend they who had known him as presi dent and in other official capacities did not go to the church for the privi lege of seeing him as he lay in state they waited until it was time for the service immediately after which they departed only mrs coolidge her son john and his wife the former florence trumbull and a few of the widovs most intimate friends followed on to plymouth after the service message from the king london the king sent the follow ing message of condolence to mrs cal vin coolidge the queen and i are deeply sorry to learn of your tragic and unexpected bereavement and we hasten to assure you ot our profound sympathy with you and your family in your irrepar able loss bird mystery may be solved scientists seek to determine why murres fly to their death each year ottawa canadian scientists hope to solve this year one of the great j mysteries of birdlife wly thousands j of murrei periodically fly from far- northern waters to tho st iawreice j itiver basiu only to die tho strange migration already has started the first in many years flocks of the arctic seabirjs have been ob served passing high over quebec city i hying toward montreal toronto and ottawa ill a few days they will be j found dead iu inland waters no one knows what causes the deathflight why the birds desert the arctic or why the st lawrence river basiu always is chosen for their tragic ending but scientists this year hope to provide answers because it may be years be fore the next migration murres are about the size otacrow but with smaller wings the breast is white the back dark the feet are webbed and the beak sharp and point ed the erratic warderingj of murres in the past have taken them as far in land as toronto and ottawa tl is be lieved they perish in the southern lati tudes from lack of natural food but it has not been established even if they attempt to eat on the deathfljht it is all a mystery to science as much a mystery as the disappearance of the wild pigeon a rising young man duke of gloucester starts on hunting trip london the duke of gloucester third son of king george accompan ied by captain e w brook has started for marseilles frauce en route to the sudan in north africa where lie will spend two months hunting besides shooting big game with a gun the duke plans to do d great deal of camera shooting for whicli he has taken several hundred feet of moving picture film before starting the duke was no tified by the war office that he had passed the promotion examination for the rank of major in tho hussars for which he sat a few weeks ago london store reports increase in business london a great london depart mental store reports an increase in the 1932 christmas business ranging from 15 to 25 per cent over 1931 what some men think has more ef fect than what other say lord ches terfield ten perish in tokio fire hera is a general vlow ot tho rocent department storo flro la tokio which took ton ilve3 and brought injuries to over a hundred note canvas chute used effectively to slide patrons to 3afoty britain gripped by technocracy feace essential between man and machine says lloyd george london jan 8 technocracy or some similar theory put into practice mty save the world from utter chaos and ultimate revolution in tho opin io of david lloyd george englands wartime prenier expressed in rn article in the sunday dispatch lloyd george is one of the numer ous men high in the confidence of the people who have l3en giving serious consideration t the problems created by mans competition with machinery he wrote until peace has been made between man and the machine there will be chaos unemployment and ultimately revolution his comment was one of many in the sunday press indicating the grip with which technocracy has seized popular imagination the new theory hs swept the british isles and eur ope with a rapidity similar to that which reports indicate it has taken on the united states thirty injured in dublin riot more serious trouble feared as rival armies clash dublin jan 8 rioting which i roke up a cosgrave meeting and sent at least 30 to hospital brought the- prediction that todays was the first serious outbreak of a series between now and election day col t f higgins leader of tho socalled white army supporting cosgrave in an ultimatum to the re publicans declared this election will be fought with free speech for all or free speech for none leaders in the irish republican army have declared privately that they will not submit to cosgraves rule if elected tilden will retire and become promoter new york william t tilden i former worlds amateur tennis cham pion now a professional has an nounced he will retire from competi tive play late this year and probably promote large indoor tennis plants at brooklyn and white plains ny ill be 41 in february big bill explained and i feel its about time to quit ive boon in bigtime tennis since 1911 both as amateur and pro fessional at present tilden is engaged in pro fessional tournament appearances after appearances in new york and a possible coasttocoast tour tilden will head a group of players making a european trip about june 15 on his return to america he expects to begin arrangements for building his indoor tennis courts theyll cost about 100000 he estimated j canadian decorated for service in burma toronto capl and btmajor ken neth sanderson torrence mc a graduate of tho royal military col lege has been awarded the obe on tho approval of the king for distin guished service in military operations in burma during the period december 1930 to march 1932 r l torrence of guolph is his father capt torrence is a member of the 2nd battalion manchester regiment his name was brought to notice by general sir philip chatwodc com manderinchief in india in c6nncction with thv royal corps of signals when constabulary dutys to be done somebody else can do henri vors share he chucked his job as a parisian cop now sings and produces opera unidentified bird band ottawa recently the national parks of canada dept of the inter ior received a report stating that a wild goose wearing a band of pink celluloid inscribed canada 99 was killed near princeton illinois any one knowing anything about the plac ing of this band would help materially by advising the dept of the interior at ottawa so that the record for hi bird may be completed the cana dian and united states governments cooperate in banding investigations and in this way much new and valu able scientific data concerning the mi gration and of breeding and winter ing grounds of birds is being obtained the use of other than official bands is not encouraged because unofficial bands have a tendency to confuse tha official records information about the free distribution of official bands may be had upon application to the commissioner of national parks dept of the interior ottawa canadn had never been whipped under these circumstances tha sentence is one months imprisonment with nine strokes of the birch this was the punishment given a lgyearold english boy benjamin grant who was found guilty at leeds assizes of demanding money with menaces a holdup with an unloaded revolver justice goddard said that probably he had been living too soft the boys mother in answer to tho judge said that lie had never been whipped well said justice goddard we will see what we cau do for him in that matter i do not want to send him to prison but i am compelled to order him a short period of imprison ment or i cannot have him whipped simply because lie has the right to ap peal within ten days it that were not so i would havo him whipped at once and ue announced the sentence true story a late passerby in the shopping centre of cologne surprised threo shopbreakers who ran away at his approach lcavirg a broken shop win dow all the wax figures in the win dow save one had been stripped oi clothing and the intruders on taking flight had left this clothing in a heap on the floor the police summoned by the new comer awoke the shopowner who was on an upper floor and he exam ining the window was gratified to find that he had lost nothing a last look round in the darkness before return ing to bed suddenly awakened hire- to the knowledge that he had even gained something a clothed dummj which had not previously been there this figure standing in the atti- tudo of studied elegance expected ol tho waxen inhabitants of shop win dows at first remained obstinately immobile but when a policeman pro duced a revolver it came to life and decided to go quietly bad luck a beautiful english girl who went out to the argentine to be married was told by her husband that the male inhabitants of her adopted country had pretty freeandensy methods of becoming acquainted with women who took their fancy they think nothing he said of going up to a lady who may be looking it a shop window and pinching her so that they may engage in conversa tion so dont stare in a shop win dow when youre alone a few days later he saw his wife eyeing the windows of a large store and thinking to press home his warn- in he approached stealthily and treated her to an extra hearty nip however when the girl turned indig nantly well it wasnt his wifo