thursday decemeber 15 1932 christmas suggestions yes ave need the cash but can save you money we have slashed prices some to below cost and we are taking our losses while you stand to gain ladies slippers regular 100to 125 going at 69c fancy slippers regular 150 to 175 going at 95c handkerchiefs for the kiddies 6 for only 25c handkerchiefs boxed at from 30c to 50c ties in good silk big bargain at only 39c to 50c socks fancy at 35c pair going 3 prs 100 high grade caps regular 150 175 200 clearing 100 fedoras regular 295 to 359 now only 195 mens work sweaters christmas price 145 fine all wool sweaters regular up to 5 now for only 295 ladies goloshes to clear at 98c work shirts for men holiday prices only 85c to 1 work pants for men good and strong from per pairl boys heavy wool mackinaw socks per pair 69e mens underwear for two weeks only pants 75c vests 75c boys sweaters v neck going at only 95c call in and look around no obligation george h saunders next to ratcliffs grocery store miss macphail on inflation writes open letter for tribune readers dear editor the inflation of currency is a much talked of subject these days it has entored the realm of practial politics efforts are being made to frighten people by the use of the word infla tion and there is confusion in peo ples minds in regard to it j an expansion of national currency i to correspond to an increase in na- merry christmas dominion stores ltd dixie egg mash a quality feed at a price you can afford to pay your flock to be profitable must lay now we also carry a complete lino of poultry food ingredients at rockbottom prices all items listed here are on sale all this week mincemeat 10c lb mixed peel 23c lb lemon peel 19c lb currants 15c lb tional wealth ought inflation indeed crease in currency deflation and falling wishing my many customers and friends a merry and hoping for a more prosperous new year- christmas 9k he forgot dont let it be said ot you that you torgot to have that radiator of your car properly repaired before filling up with costly autifreeze with the re sult that while thinking you wore free of cooling system worries your troubles had just commenced west end garage is fully capable of taking care of you on all your repair requirements be they battery motor engine or what have you our mr cook can solve your trouble and will suggest the most economical solution dont court a large repair bill by neglecting some little wrong west end garage george cook carl bondway farmers information teratoel tfjc jvtngjs jsmcjfjtoap toronto fclnglo 85c return 103 daily service eastern standard time leave stouffvllle leave toronto b 715 am d 1100 am d 915 am c 130 am c 330 pm e 530 pm d s30 pm c 545 pm b daily except sunday holidays c saturday only d sunday holidays only e dally except saturday sunday holidays coach connections at buffalo and detroit for all points in the united states comfortably heated coaches provide home comfort for winter travel 1000000 pounds of turkey sliip- ped to great britain it has been reported to the on tario marketing board that be tween november 10 and december 9 over one million pounds of can adian turkey meat will have been shipped to great britain in spite of the fact that the tur key meat originated in the western provinces this constitutes good news for the ontario producer in asmuch as local markets will be re lieved to that extent british apple market mr andrew fulton overseas fruit representative in a recent re port states that the prospects for good quality ontario apples in tho united kingdom continue satisfac tory he emphasizes that it is im portant that documents such as certificates of origin and the specifications of the shipment should reach him ahead of the shipments to which they refer also that coun ter marks on each barrel are abso lutely necessary when a shipment consists of more than one car imr fulton observes that the amount of money lost to the shippers through not using counter marks has been tremendous in past years a separ ate bill of lading for each carload would greatly facilitate distribution at u k ports figures furnished by mr fulton reveal that the british market imported 7000949 cwt of apples in 1931 as compared with 4- 000134 cwt in 1921 and 1830 21u cwt in 1901 this reveals the po tentialities ot the british market for absorbing the apple exports of ontario field crops report tho statistics branch has re cently issued its sixth crop report of tho season covering yields of field crops for ontario fall wheat yield per acre is now placed at 2s4 bushels as compared with the pre liminary figure of 301 bushels and tho estimato of oats has been re duced from 335 to 329 bushels per acre the injury done to fall wheat by lodging as revealed by thresh ing operations was greater than at first believed yield of oats was cut down in southern ontario due to unfavorable weather at seeding time and in other sections oats are light in weight due to too much rain and heat while filling total production of both beans and po- tatoes is much under last year the acreage of potatoes was reduced 7 per cent this year but the yield per not to be called uuless such in- is forthcoming prices result acre showed a drastic reduction dry rot has been prevalent many fields showing as high as 50 per cent rot late crops such as sugar beets turnips mangolds corn and buck wheat benefited from favourable growing weather during the fall and yields were very good the li cornborer was worse than for some years hay and clove crops yielded well except in the east where growth was checked by midsummer drought and rains came too late to prevent damage to hay crops but in time for corn and grain pastures are in ex cellont condition and livestock is go ing into the stables in good condi tion farmers generally sowed- fall wheat later this year to avoid the danger of hessian fly though having less top than last year it is very healthy and goes into the winter in good shape price re ceived for crops are generally less than a year ago although potatoes and beans are above last year the total value of the chief field crops was 114073408 for 1932 as com- pared with 125221100 for 1931 i in a land of plenty a land of burst ing levators and overstocked ware houses we find much unemployment factories idling and an impoverished agriculture the gross annual re venue of canadian farmers dropped by at least one billion dollars in the last four years farmers debts re mained fixed in terms of dollars which means that farmers must sell from two to throe times as much pro duce now to pay their indebtedness as was tho case three years ago their cost of living and production has fallen but slightly the contin uance of such conditions will drive the agricultural industry into bank ruptcy and canadians into as yet unknown suffering the lack of farm purchasing power is the direct cause of business stagnation the rising tide i of unemployment and the huge de- ificits of governments which are re in general business paralysis something must be done and that quickly which will enable canadians to use the wealth they possess and that something in my opinion s j 5 lb chocolates globe chocolates almond icing christmas cake glace cherries candied pineapple christmas crackers salted peanuts roasted peanuts xiits grapes 2 lbs dates 3 lbs cooking figs 3 lbs 95c box 15c lb 29c lb 29c lb 39c lb 50c lb 49c box 15c lb 10c lb 19c lb 19c 25c 25c fresh christmas oranges grape fruit lemons lettuce celery coconuts sweet potatoes cran berries etc paul boadway manager stouffville bran shorts oilcake meal hominy feed at greatly reduced prices salt etc coming events thursday evening dec 22nd tho stouffville christian church is having a christmas entertain ment every one is invited to attend saturday dec 17 shooting matches at dan halls and fred allans in whitchurch and at jos kirks in markham twp tho united church s s christ- of money by the federal tn xvi tiike i on wednes- the issuing government against goods and ser vices without interest in quantities suliicient to move goods and absorb services such ac ion would prices force rhubarb for winter to have fresh rhubarb for thcj winter table all one has to do is to take a portion of a crown from the garden in the late fall or dig it up during the winter let it j freeze solidly then put it in the cellar where the temperature is from 50 to co degrees fahrenheit no earth is required tho rhubarb crowns or sections themselves con taining enough stored energy to produce the edible stalks and for the best color they should be kept in almost total darkness coin- automatically increase the of exportable farm products enable farmers to pay their debts withdoliars nearer in purchasing power to those which they borrowed some years back enable farmers to buy goods on tho market start factories running and thus absorb the unemployed lower the expenditures of govern ments for relief of unemployment increase the real revenues of gov ernments ease the railway problem through an increasing volume of traflic stimulate exports and revitalize tho west with accruing benefits to eastern icanada place canadian farmers more on a parity witli their chief competitors in australia and south america ii would not impair canadian credit abroad since australia has been able to fm- anco in london at 3 with her currency far below the pound sterl ing prevent refunding debts in new york which involves only a change in our american creditors prevent meeting interest charges in new york as these can be made in gold or goods cause the cost of living to rise as quickly as the prices of basic com- i modifies and would give at the same day december 21 at s pm thursday evening dec 22nd an nual school concert will be held at ss no 11 markham wahneita m taun teacher silver collection proceeds for relief current crop report top prices paid for winter wheat custom grain grinding daily dicksons hill mills phone 5505 far for sale l three good cutters one vessett grain grinder ono set sloop sleighs ono i hp engine peter hamilton cutting box second hand cream separator repairs on hand at half price mccormick deering peter hamilton fleury r a lister farm machinery also common sense fanning mills you can have it now a new cream separator for a week on trial for the asking fakm for sale or rent immediate possession and equipped with stock and implements phone 15204 frank baker stouffville the standard garage curlers reorganize an enthusiastic meeting of the curling club was held on friday last j when the following officers were j elected hon presidents dr w a sang- ster walter brillinger president mervyn watts vicepres j blake sanders 1 secreas h w sanders membership com cd h rusnell j r curtis henry brillinger t the membership is already 29 special match game committee f l button and f marshall pay first s high inort- waxtki have clients who will as 10 per cent for gage money funds wanted for building loans at excellent rates personal supervision lewis raxlen barrister etc 331 bay street toronto phono adelaide 26cg or sab 15 black giant pullets a number of barred rock pullets 10 small pigs mrs warren rae phone s403 stouffville christmas market display petition for farmers the department is making a grant to all regular weekly pro- ducersconsumers markets as part of a provincial wide effort to in crease the demand for homegrown products prize money will be time greater security ot employment awarded for best displays at christ mas market or market first pro ceding christmas exhibits will be breaking point the govornmein land increased personal revenues the economic strain has reached quality 70 j introducing the new mcclary canadian range heats cooks and bakes if your household likes good cooking canadian wont dis appoint you it has a goodsized cooking top on which you can cook the biggest meals the oven is evenly heated ensuring perfect baking and roasting no range could serve you better than the mcclary canadian in cooking roasting and baking and in short order you can build a roaring fire to keep you cosy and warm during the bitterest cold spells- no range made can equal the canadian where heating is concerned what more could any one ask of a range than that e d mcgrattan the tinsmith judged as follows points 2 effective and attractive display ontario farm products only 30 points the regulations are as follows 1 open to anybona- fide farmer or gardener no entry fee 2 displays must be ready for judging not later than 9 am 3 only ontario products to bo ex hibited fruit vegetables honey maple products dairy products eggs meat and poultry 4 any or all farm products may constitute an exhibit 5 one exhibit to each farmer g products must be raised or grown by farmer exhibiting 7 exhibit to bo arranged or dressed by members of family of farmer exhibiting the prize money will be divided as follows 1st 10 2nd 5 3rd 3 4th s2 ten prizes of 1 each each exhibitor is urged to be ready for judging before 9 am and should any article be sold it is suggested that it be tagged with purchasers name and arrang ed to hold until judging is com pleted each local contest will be under direction of tho district agri cutural representative can relieve the strain will it do it yours sincerely agnes macphail toronto dec 12th 1932 bloomington phone 177 stouffville ont goodwood some very interesting news is likely to burst forth next week mrs mayo spent a few days visit ing in raglan last week sunday visitors in toronto in cluded mr and mrs chas watson miss gladys wagg is assisting in the store during the ohritmas trade the final meeting of uxbrldge township council will lie held in goodwood today thursday for 1932 election breezes are beginn ing to blow and unless they calm down thero will be a contest in the township miss tholina hess and brother harvey of toronto spent the week end as guests or miss marion llrumwell our school concert is being held on wednesday evening dec 21st admission 15c on monday evening dec 5th a surprise party in the form of a shower was given in honor of mr and mrs harvey swain at the home of mr e a storry thero were about fortylivo present and the bride received many useful and valuable presents the evening was spent in games and refreshments were served the ladies aid of the ichristian church was held at the homo ot mrs w a focklor on wednesday after noon mrs law and son herb were in toronto at her daughters on sunday the members of mr bruce mor tons ss class gathered at his home on monday evening to welcome him home after being in the hospital for three months with a broken leg mr and mrs w smith of union- ville were at his mothers on satur day dufferin county reports that 20 purebred rams have been pur chased by farmers there through the bonus encouragement offered by the live stock branches com mercial price of potatoes in duf ferin remains around 50c with frs- qtient inquiry for them halttri county reports seed growers doing work on exhibits for regina and that a small clipper mill installed in the local agricultural office last year lias been used extensively to supplement the work ot commer cial seed mills on show samples when an exhibitor got down to small quantities peel county al falfa seed received more favorable publicity when robt j shaw 20- yearold farmer won first and re serve championship with his sam ple of ontario variegated alfalfa seed at the international hay and grain show chicago peel also had the highest ontario prizewinner in tho timothy class by lansdcll bros a shipment of 10 head of purebred holsteins was made from perth county to usa recently ilaldimand county live stock in dustry has suffered by reason of tho discontinuance of shipments by ono of the oldest companies con ducting live stock drover busi ness there average yields of sugar beets in kent county are high and will exceed those of 1931 the sugar beet growers of kent will receive upwards of a million dollars for their 1932 crop a few of the best fields of soy beans turned out around 30 bushels per acre the price of buckwheat in victoria county is reported to be disap- pointing to men who have used ii as a cash crop in the last two years at tho annual napanee poultry fail- approximately 120 tons of dressed poultry was marketed the lennox and aldington pool did the largest volume of business and during the two days of tho fair they received 103597 pounds of dressed poultry over 35 per cent ic this tremendous turnover was graded milklel as compared with only 17 per cent in 1931 better marketing methods sale of turnips i charles e broughton member of the departmental staff points to the operations of the blackwater turnip growers association as a striking example of the possibili ties for producers increasing their markets even in times of depress ed trade this cooperative organization has direct control of some 5 00 acres of turnips and the choicest of these are being washed branded and waxed as a result of this operation an excellent local market has been de veloped and export possibilities for the future look most encouraging the association has erected a plant on a cooperative basis and house this plant includes facilities for storing washing and grading thereby placing this group of grow ers in a position to market a uni form product a shooting match for thirty geese will bo held on the farm of fred allan lot 10 con 5 whitchurch bethesda on saturday dec 17 shot guns and rifles shells supplied increase start 1 oclock 25 and 30c a shooting match for good fat geese and fat ducks will be held on the farm of dan hall lemonvillo on saturday doc 17 at 130 shot guns and rifles ammunition supplied for guns a shooting match for geese will bo held on saturday dec 17 on the farm of joseph kirk lot 2g con s markham at 1 sharp fee 2fc shot guns only ammunition provided property to rent 3 acres on 9th concession whitchurch mile from stouffville good soil first- class house barn and garage phone 5003 p e winterstein 1 shooting match for geese monday dec 19th on the farm oi herb jarvis lot 30 con 5 markham shot gun and rifle 20 and 25c for sale or let edward street stouffville 7 rooms bath room largo pantry hall and cellar apply o e crockford 5 westbrook ave toronto phone grov g974 key at s mckeowns mill street stouffville live fowl wanted highest market price paid for all live fowl hens geese duck s goldon orders taken at pennocks shooting match jor geese will bo held on the farm of anthony hoover on monday dec 19 th lot 29 con 8 markham dicksons hill shot guns only ammunition supplied start 1 oclock sharp sale register keswick pioneer dead shooting match will be held on the farm of ii pointon lot in z lxbridgo a itomt thursday december 15th for is fat young geese usual conditions 25 and 20c i start 130 a member of one of tho pioneer families ot north gwillimbury d hamilton died satuday dec 17th following a short illness at the home of his son robt hamilton he wasi in his 88th year hedevolod his earyl years to farming later moving to newmarket where ho was engaged in his ssth year he devoted his early retirement a few years ago he is survived by ihree sons and two daughters the funeral took place from his late residence tuesday with interment in the queenville cemetery thursday dhc 155 acres of standing timber mostly beech and maple in acre lots on lot 23 con 7 markham the property of w morris sale at one 10 months credit prentice prentice auctioneer thursday dec 15 about g acres standing timber good heavy hardwood beech and maple also quantity of poles cut in piles and quantity dry hard wood 4ft length to be sold at lot 19 con 6 whitchurch wood lots 14 acre more or less 3 months credit sale at 1e honsberger prop f w silver- sides auctioneer farm implements at low prices cutting boxes all makes and sizes delaval separator 450 lbs cheap also several excellent choppers and fleury oat roller to sell 2furow riding plow with wide bottom foot lift cockshut 2furrow riding plow lever lift deering make ben rexlin highest prices for fat poultry woo and hides stouffvllle ont phono 192 notice to creditors in the estate of mary ann wright lato of the village ot stouffvllle deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estato of mary ann wright who died at tho village of stouftville on the 12th day of may1932are requlrt their claims duly on ed to forward proven to the undersigned on beforo tho 31st day of december card of tnks u932 after which date tho assets of i wish to express my appreciation tho said estate will bo distributed to those who assisted me when my dated at toronto this second horse was stolen especially to town day of december 1932 constable mr ptigh who proved his oliver edward crockford executor ability in the lime of duty by ritchie keys his solicitors jas w melton j 371 bay street toronto thos carlyle horo on earth wo are soldiers fighting in a foreign land that under stand not the plan of the campaign and have no need to understand it see ing well what is at our hand to bo done we bring to tho prac- tico of our profession tho necessary study and expe rienced knowledge an equipment that is splen didly adequate and a pollto demeanor of ser vice g r clendening funeral director markham phone markham 9000