thursday decemeber 15 1932 christmas gifts that please just 8 more shopping days before christmas many a gift list will welcome these few suggestions tooke shirts the favorite brand in separ ate collar with two collars to match and collar attach ed styles in newest pat terns and colors in gift boxes if desired price at 100 150 195 250 mens initial handker chiefs of fine firm even weave pure irish linen finished with narrow hem and neat initial price 30c each 3 for 85c scores of other items suitable for christmas now on display come in and look around r e curtis mens gift neckwear irr newest winter patterns and colors hand tailored and allwool lining the very kind a man would buy for himself- price 50c 75c si also see the new wear plus tie made from silk and wool and requires no lining to make it keep its shape price each 100 boys gift belts genuine leather belts in greys browns and black neatly packed in gift boxes size 24 to 30 price 50c gifts phono 1602 stouflvillo ont depot lowest prices our policy is such that we can afford to sell used cars tor just what thoyre worth in unused mileage the value of the new model ford is so high so close to the cost of production that we have no leeway for making excessive tradein allowances when we aocept nsed cars in trade thus when we resell a used car we have no in centive to mark up the price to save us from taking a loss when you buy a used car from us you pay for the miles of unused trans portation in it for its actual worth and nothing else some uxusuaii bargains in used oars ford roadster rumble 1930 plymouth sedan 1930 ford delivery truck 1930 chrysler sedan 1927 for delivery truck 1927 ford coupo 1926 also a number of other cars and trucks holden ford dealer rural teachers pay the ontario federation of women teachers has compiled an interesting list of salaries paid lu the rural schools including a few consolidated schools but not the york couuty graded schools out of 2382 known salaries dealt with in this list liss cr almost exactly 50 per cent are under 825 the ravorite salary 6eems to be 800 there being 565 teachers or nearly 25 per cut of the whole engaged at that figure there are 31 who receive less than 600 out of the 23s2 salaries 2s6 or 12 fer cent are iu excess of 1000 only 91 or less than 4 per cent re ceive 1200 or more while the list published in the educational courier does not pretend to be a completo one t shows the present trend toward low pay for one of the most useful classes in the community many municipalities seem to think that the first and largest municipal economy achieved should be in the matter of teachers pay although there is no oilier ser vice more important to the future wellbeing of the race the stouffville school boardwhile reducing the public school salaries in 1932 were very fair in the matter paying the female teachers 900 this year which according to the teach ers union or federation is a little above the average for the province trouble with most of us is we have debts we cant afford to carry but unfortunately we cant drop egg formula is fink if the hens know it phone 184 stouffville ontario how many eggs should a flock of 100 hens lay in a day to pay for their feed it sounds like one or those little problems the teacher hands out in school but its really little more important to the farmer than that f c elford dominion poultry husbandman tells of a fairly relia ble formula take the cost of feed per hundredweight divide it by the cost of eggs per dozen and multiply this quotient by three the answer is the number of eggs requireddaily to pay for the chicken feed here is mr elfords example feed costs 120 per hundredweight eggs sell for 20 cents a ctozen applying the formula the quotient is six this multiplied by three gives is the number of eggs the flock will have to produce day after day for feed at that cost i county and city survey urged metropolitan area committee find costs unfairly divided system worn out request that the province make a survey into the relationship of the couuty ofyork with the city of tor onto in the belief that the forma tion of a metropolitan area would prevent the excessive centralization ot population was t cconinteodcd by a special committee which included reeve morden of stouffville the chairman is reeve gray of york township the committee w complimented on the report but the council felt that the problem vyas too vast to discuss in the dying hours of tho session and it was re ferred to next years council we find from the facts before us that the difficulties which the county is facing have been brought about by the unequal distribution of wealth as between the urban and rural districts and the ever increas ing expenditures brought about by the ever growing population press ing outward into the suburban com munities which in so doing forces new problems upon the surrounding areas the committee reported cheaper paving costs york couuty tries out new type of asphalt possibility of the construction of cheaper highways iu the future was held out by harvey c rose county eugineer when ho addressed york couuty council at its december session ho said the commission laid a new type of asphalt pavement dur ing the year which cost 4500 per mile compared with tho usual cost of j1s000 the new pavement was constructed west of aurora the commission will have to wait until spring to see how the pavement stands up before it could consider adopting the type the engineer said the road was a secondary one built for the use of 700 to s00 vehicles daily boots for boys hockey boots felt slippers overshoes mitts shoes suggestions for fob girls overshoes cash- merette and fleece lined rubber cosy felt slippers hockey boots christmas gifts for men for women communication dear editor your suggestion in last issue regarding returning the present council and school hoard by acclamation is certainly to be com mended it is all the more sugges tive from you since your office would benefit most by an election the present school board has lower ed expenses and the present council has lowered the tax rate both bodies have given as good satisfac tion as any successors could if elect ed why then should the ratepay ers who are most directly effected wish to incur election expenses this year in particular tax payer normal city extension largely growing urban commun ities which exist outside the lim its of tho boundary lines of the city constitute the normal extension of the city to anticipate and provide for this inevitable growth would seem to be much more the responsi bility of the city nan the rural municipalities adjacent to it the report finds the committee cites the protec tion of life and property health and sanitation education hospitaliza- 1 ot l hon relief town planning public plained in connection with markhain fair board critic mr observe r dear sir in reading a recent i see where you have asked certain matters to be ex- utilities mothers allowance and highways as reasons for the need for the establishment of a metro politan area suburban toronti are you prepared for the ommg holiday deasoi o an early selection of articles to fill up your gift list will save you a great deal of worry and anxiety and our stock is now very complete so that you will have a much wider choice you will find quality and price equal to anything you can pur chase elsewhere a small deposit will reserve any article for you bath robes on your christmas list these are really wonderful value and make a lovely gift- eiderdown with satin binding smartly cut with large collar and cuffs in blue and gray blue pink and rose rose and gray and blue and brown 250 to 450 a blanket for baby these are the lovely esmond blankets in blue and pink and are full size 30x40 a most acceptable gift for the baby 79c 95c and 125 radio covers and table runners- these radio covers and runners add a real touch of beauty to a room they are in floral and oriental patterns and exceedingly attractive color combinations a most desir able gift 59c to 225 stencilled cushions with backs these are attractive and easily worked designs on good quality cotton a very pretty and inexpensive gift 19c an opportunity a gift bag special a splendid line of all leather bags in assorted styles and colors with zipper fas teners a wonderful bag for the money- 95c and 125 other styles of hand bags up to 500 caps and scarf sets attractive in style and color just the thing for school skating or driving warm and cosy 125 to 195 special in allwool hose we have only a few dozen of these well- known diamond knee hose for boys and girls so we are clearing them out at slaugter prices- up to size 8 former price 1 now 59c over size 8 former prfce 125 now 89c allwool heavy ribbed hose splendid wear ing qualities formerly 85c and 100 now 49c and 75c to help you in making up your christmas jk list we are listing a few items aeroplanes strong and well made 25c49c trucks and autos 25c ffj large dump trucks 75c m jig saw puzzles 49c m purses 152935c m spinning tops 15c diarys 25c j pin cushions 29c m baby rattles 101525c m shopping bags 2535c m jewel boxes 1525c m games of all kinds 25c jardineires make a very useful and acceptable gift we jz have them in a wide variety of styles and at j all prices 25c to 300 js glassware an infinite variety in cut glass plain and colored unusual shapes with dainty cutting js for particular people no gift could be more i acceptable a wide range of prices js gift china j we carry such a large stock of china that we are confident that we can supply your wants in odd china pieces or sets dishes in all js shapes and for all purposes with artistic j decorations visit our china department dinner sets k one of our fine french limoges or english semiporcelain dinner services would m h an ideal gift for motluer make her proud and happy on christmas morning with one 2 of thesb lovely sets in english ware 895 up in french limoges 2430 up ffs dolls dolls such a variety of lovely dolls to bring joy 3 to the hearts of the little ones 3 we have them at 5c to 500 5 could justly claim a proportion of the five million dollars contributed annually by business and industrial assessment in the centre of toron to for educational purposes the committee declares premier henrys metropolitan bill suggested in 19 21 proposed that toronto should contribute one mill of taxes annually for education costs in the metropolitan area and on that basis suburban toronto would be entitled to eight million jj i dollars which it has never received the committee states the com mittee expressed wonder that the suburban areas have survived so long under such conditions toronto should also assist in the relief of unemployed who formerly worked in the industrial section of toronto and moved just outside the city because of lower tax rates the committee believes in this terrible crisis of unem ployment many of these persons have been thrown out of work and are now supposed to draw relief from tho place in which they have homes and not from the section to whose wealth they contributed their labor wornout system the practice of organizing these suburban communities into separ ate municipal units belongs to a wornout system and is very much in need of revision the committee finds tho metropolitan idea in somo form is proposed as a pro cedure which will make practical and effective interrelations and in teraction possible it was never intended that the present county council should be composed of a large number of ur ban muncipalities or that those which now adjoin toronto should be part of that system or if this should have boon the intention we submit that the city of toronto as a muni cipal corporation should also he a part of our county administration and hear their fair share of the ex penditures of our county which are forced upon us through conditions in the city referring to road expenditures the committee points out that toron to with an assessment of nearly one billion collars in 1929 paid 150000 towards highways while tho county with an assessment of only 114- 324531 paid a similar amount for tho information of the coun cil we wish to advise you that the premier commended county council lor the steps which they have taken to consider this matter and proorhis- ed that full consideration would be given to any recommendation which the council deems advisable the report concluded fall fair i should like to continue your enquiry as one who sees things in the same light as yourself i suppose these matters could only be answered propeny and correctly by directors of the fair board as they are the only members of the society that have an opportunity to express their views on such matters from the inside i should like some one of the said group to explain how they could expect donators to con tinue giving when the directors start donating to each other i think this is a matter that should be looked into by members of the society and by doing so wo might get some light on the subject why is- the fair not paying tho depression hrs brought a great deal of underbid work to the surface hut we hope there is none in the markhani fair board if there be we hope the de pression keeps up and by so doing plug up some of the leaks that might cause the agricultural society to be come a detriment to the country through mismanagement we won der why the minutes of the direc tors meetings is not published we feel that all members of any organ ization should be familiar with the business transacted during the year i think mr observer you were right when you referred to the board as a senate with a life membership be cause some of those in connection with the fair are so old their eye sight is unable to distinguish a child from an adult in respect to admis sion tickets if any one is able to give an ex planation of the questions that have already been asked we would he pleased to hear from them in tho next edition of this paper yours truly onlooker markhani dec 1923 brown kid leather romeos slippers in either felt or leather felt shoes with one buckle wool jersey overshoes or rub- felt slippers with leather soles ber fleece lined- fine sox and heavy ones fine shoes in ties pumps or overshoes mitts and gloves straps o lehman the shoe store quality phone l salt 4301 service tile cold weather is coming prepare for it by having your bins filled with the best we carry the famous- philadelphia reading anthracite welsh anthracite pocohantas coal also feeds pastry flour coal and seeds cement coke s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont mmmmmmmmmmmmmm 30c10 30e30e aono n o o b o o d o rn more truth than poetry in the story even at a time like this when most of us are finally convinced that money dbes not grow on trees or in the stock market some will pay real cash to an over tanned lady with a red hanky tied around her head to have their fortunes told ever since the world began there has been a keen desire to peep into the future a broker with whom we used to deal had a dream one night in which a good fairy offered to grant one wish just let me see the daily paper a year from today he requested the- publication was laid in his hands and turning to the financial page he noted quickly that certain stocks had gone up and others down he was delighted with this advance information until at the suggestion of the visitor he glanced over a column on another page where are listed arrivals into this old worldand departures from the same there in small black type but easily read was tho announcement that he had died the previous day verily it is a difficult thing to make predicitions and that is why we hesitate to give advice one thing we are sure of however is that if you ship your cream to us you will reap the best results available today stouffville creamery co n o a o a o u o 30e30i ioe30e the smokixg motorist the w h shaw store 1 phone 9512 stouffville ontario ft g teax heads plowmicx officers elected at annual meeting in heather hall agincurt a superior court judge in mon treal has ruled that motorists who smoke while driving incur a liability if their car is involved in an accident and to hack up his liiliiib ho reduced the damages in an auto cose by one half he held that the plaintiffs car was in charge of a young woman who was smoking a cigarette which interfered with her manipulation and control ot the car and such faults did contribute to tho accident and damages lemonville bethesda at tho annual meeting of the east york plowmens association in hea ther hall saturday dec 10th tho following officers were elected hon presidents hon geo s henry a j ii eckardt joseph harris mpi temperance sec mrs mckewon james ioy alex mccowan pros- sec of christian stewardship and dent gardham trail vicepresident j finance mrs w hunt l a kennedy secretary clarke missionary monthly sec young treasurer w l clark mrs w paisley bkt1iesoa wms axd v the regular monthly meeting of the w m s and w a was held in the church on wednesday after noon december 7th when tho following officers were elected for tho coming year president mrs j cherry viceprest mrs a shaffer rec sec mrs e iogan treas w m s mrs burkholdor treas w a mrs r hunt organist airs e steckley assist organist miss i foote associate helpers sec mrs v emprlngham literature sec- mrs s 1 foote supply sec mrs j gibson lemonville people may soon be expected to splash about displaying june roses from their button hole i our green house man ken pipher continues to change the hoary win ter weather into soft zephyr breezes at present ken has a green house in operation 16x20 feet in which beautiful green cress lettuce mush rooms and rhubarb are coming along splendidly hurrah for sunny lom- onvtllo tho death of thomas spence in his 57th year took place hero on thursday doc 8th following an illness of somo duration he had lived in lemonville for six years having with his wife moved from toronto ho lived more or less of a retired life and was a highly re spected citizen born in ireland he came to canada only 12 years ago with his wifo whose maiden name is sarah mcmaster they had no children tho funeral on saturday to tho local cemetery was attended by nearly all our people the ser vice was conducted by rev j a c kell pastor of lemonville church the sympathy ot all our people is extended to mrs sponco in her hour of great sorrow mrs mary canning and son hugh wore in town saturday attending the funeral of the into thomas spence stouffville christmas wednesday december 21 market stewart beare phono markham 2603 or to brathwaltes hardware 960i radio repairing a service you will appreciate say it with flowers no expression of sentiment mora beautiful used radios wanted for rebuilding gordon e cober phono 8104 radio technician student of television college chicago radio repairs stocked flowers for every occasiox muston sons phono 7001 stpuffville ont tho new stand groceries marmalade largo jar s5c catsups largo bottle lip jello 4 pkgs 2oc peanut butter per jar 20c soda biscuits 2 lbs 2c fig rolls 2 lbs 35c christmas candies etc at piilos a w- scott stouffville west from post offico