Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 8, 1932, p. 1

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sfefbmte volxlivno 39 stouffville ontario thursday december 8 1932 a v nolan publisher gifts for everyone face powders yardleys cotys day dream etc hot water i lot tics 2 ot guaranteedredbluegreen heliotrope with eiderdown cover flashlights 39c to 150 talker pen and pencil sets 250 to 500 ibitli salts ill fancy and useful containers mens shaving sits yard ley colgates etc county pay cuts to start 1933 local graduates make good argument spirited but good natured fine stationery in fancy boxes 25c to 200 j m storey druggist thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 18202 stouffville a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 19g coroner for york county dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ollico in giublns block phone s201 markham every tuesday office in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over tho bank of commerce office hours 8 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey- ancors c buttons block stouffville money to loan norman a keys h scott ritchie ritchie keys barristers solicitors continental life building 371 bay street toronto 2 telephone ad 97g7 harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc office 26 bloor street west toronto telephono kingsdale 5545 stouffville daily after 730 pm and saturdays phone iso veterinary s t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 101 successor to late dr j t storey e a grubin registered optometrist at stouffville every other monday and tuesday each visit to stouff ville office is announced in the local columns of the tribune eyes examined phone stouffville 2405 a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am automobile owners warning no matter how carefully you drive you are liable to got into an accident pro tect yourself with a good auto policy and save worry and possibly a groat deal of expense h o klinck insurance agent stoiifivllle l e oneill funeral director and kmhviimer successor to w j mather stouffville night and day service business phone residence phono 9801 9820 york county council last thurs day made drastic cuts in the salaries of its officials and at the same time effected a reduction in the per diem indemnities and mileage allowance to its members all of which come intj effect next year this was decided after a hectic debate and when reeve w g gohn of markham presented the re port of the committee making the recommendations reeve george b elliott of north york attacked the move which he said should not have been kept until the dying hours of the session a motion sponsored by reeve w e mc donald of new toronto which sought to have the matter shelved until next january however was lost on a division difficult to keep order when discussion on the proposal was then resumed reeve a j b gray who presided over the com mittee of the whole found much difficulty in keeping order at times four and five members essayed to speak at once while at intervals the chairman had to order members back to their seats despite the con fusion the discussion was carried on in a goodnatured spirit reeve r 01 leslie of east york suggested that there was something more than appeared behind the proposal and hinted that two or three mem bers were interested in loading themselves with the positions held by the clerk and treasurer de puty reeve meighan of east york warned his colleagues against what ho described as effecting economies at the cost of compromising effieney most unpleasant duty reeve gohn who introduced the resolution said that this was the most unpleasant duty which had fallen to his lot since he entered the council but declared that the step proposed would mean a sav ing of 9000 in one year to the tax payers of the county while icoioiipi r j stuart of york favored a 10 per cent reduction all round reeve h kidd of whitchurch was of the opinion that if- the matter was left for the 1933 council greater cuts than those proposed by the committee would be effected deputy reeve dr h im cook of forest hill in taking a gloomy view of the immediate future opinioned that conditions would become still worse before any im provement came we havo not touched bottom yet he declared the committees report as finally approved provides for the reduction of councillors indemnities from s to 7 a day while the customary mileage allowance vas reduced from 10 cents a mile one way to s cents the ages of all county police officers was reduced rrom 35 to 30 per week with mileage allowance set at 10 cents a mile one way tho most drastic reduction effect ed was that in the salary of treasurer d j macdonald which was cut from 4000 to 2600 and that of clerk r w phillips reduc ed from 4100 to 3000 other cuts made were police court clerk from 2400 to 2200 pro bation officer from 1s00 to 1- 700 icaretakor from 2040 to 1500 ami superintendents at house of refuge from 1900 to 1700 corresponding cuts were made in tho weekly wages of the assisting staff not excepting that of the switchboard operator who suffered a reduction from 17 to 16 in tho caso of the county engineer and the superintendent of tho childrens aid society it was recommended that inasmuch as theso two officials salaries were not wholly paid by tho county a reduction of 3 0 per cent be effected while admitting that it was only locently that tho salaries of many county officials wero brought to a fair basis tho committco pointed out that gowrnmcat and munici pal officials unlike those engagec in industry did not suffer from layoffs a bylaw will bo prepared for tho january session giving offect to tho new scale of salarioa recommended by tho committee a motion introduced by deputy reeve tyrrell of scarboro con gratulating mayor w j stewart on his refusal to accord count von luckncr a civic reception was with drawn after many members had oxpressed tho opinion that this as a city matter which did not concern at the markham high school got good start in homo school the very high standing gained by students from tho stouffville con tinuation school in finishing their dual academic course at markham high school is worthy of special note two cut of the three upper school prizes awarded at the com mencement exercises in markham on friday evening came to stouff ville students hugh thomas and blanche atkinson in addition students of the local school made a wonderful record during the year two pupils in the school made the signal records of passing ten papers in one year and one of these was a student from stouffville hugh thomas three pupils in the entire school were able to clean up on eight papers and strange to say all three are stouff ville continuation scholars 5 pupils passed on seven papers and three of these came from sttouffville while three out of the eight who passed on six papers also came from our school the signal success of our con tinuation pupils surely implies that they got a wonderful grounding in tho local school that enabled them to make such splendid success at markham not only is this gratify ing to pupils and parents but to the local staff and board of educa tion stopped at the border unpleasantness caused cana dian exhibitors at the bord er forgotten by ringwood farmer who won many prizes- tax returns goodlteam entered in as last year held for more than two hours at port huron mr james brodie of ringwood was one of the ten canadians enroute home from the chicago live stock exposition des cribed as wrathy over the treatment meted out to them by american customs officers who needlessly de layed the exhibitors as they attempted to cross- the border en- route home it is charged that ehroute to the fair some exhibitors were dis courteously treated by theso officials causing a protest to be sent to ottawa caught on the way home the canadians were closely questioned by the yanke officials and a hot wordy battle ensued herbert leo a husky young high- gate farmer threatened to trim the american officer but was quiet ed before any roughness commenc ed his friends will be glad to note that mr brodie returned home quite unscathed and with his usual basketful of prizes on south down sheep that will make him forget any unpleasantness caused him when stopped at the border extravagance charged by east york liberals as need for election a glance over the history of this liberal party is big enough and country is enough to prove that i broad enough to attract to its liberalism has something to offer to the people of ontario and of canada- as years of liberal rule have invariably been years of pros perity and progress said dr l j simpson mla centre simcoe speaking at the annual meeting of the east york reform association held at agincourt last friday night in 1923 the ferguson govern ment was elected on the cry of economy said the speaker they banners all those who seek a re turn of safe sane and economic government in the best interests of all the people we have in mitchell f hepburn as the j leader of the liberal party in ontario who can give us aggressive leadership he is himself a farmer and under stands to the full problems and anxieties which are perplexing those engaged in agriculture today i would suggest to the henry went up and down the length and government that it is time to hold breadth of this province telling of a general election said dr simpson the terrible extravagance of the they tell us the cost will be about drury government but we have a half million dollars but even if it since learned to our sorrow that tho would i submit that the great drury government were mere babies majority of the people of this pro- in the matter of spending money as vince would consider it a mighty compared to the conservative ad- fine investment right now and ministrations which have followed when that general election comes the total debt of tho province has and the people have the chance to increased from 23900000000 at pass judgment on the extrava- the time of the drury government gance of the past years there will to 51s00000000 in 1931 and the i not be much left of the tory running expenses of the government machine in queens park the tory have increased from 2900000000 1 party has been in power too long to 6000000000 in 1931 these and i will go so far as to say no are indeed startlinj figures he said party should be left in power too tho county council and despite tho increase in debt the taxation in this province has continued to increase uutil to day it is a very heavy burden on our people it has almost reached the breaking point and our farmers and people in all walks of life are ask ing the question how much longer can we stand it the expenses in the department of education alone have increased from five and a half million in 1921 to thirteen million in 1931 in his homo town of barrie dr simpson said tho high school was visited by five inspectors in a year whereas ono used to do the job it is not a case of a need for that many inspectors said tho speaker it is simply a caso of the department of education being us ed to provide jobs for party heelers and hangerson even tho ministers of tho govern ment admit the extravagance said dr simpson ho quoted tho hon william flnlayson minister of lands and forests who when speak ing in centre simcoe had stated that the department of education had become a sort of hobby for prime ministers and was wildly extravagant hon t l kennedy the minister of agriculture has stated that tho farmers of ontario aro the highest taxed farmers in the world when the next general election comes round the great issue before the people will be the wild extravagance of the conserva tive administration it is not surprising that under such conditions new movements spring up such as tho common- wealthy party recently launched i am not surprised such things happen becauso peoplo aro being driven to desperation by tho fiscal policies of tho bennet government and the extravagance of the conservative government in queens park under a mackenzie king administration at ottawa no such movoment would havo been started because there would have been no cause for dis content and although i am not rson dp long try as ho may to restore economic administration mr henry as premier is in the grip of the tory machine the pressure from behind is too great he is at the mercy of the patronage sobkars the party- heelers and has cluttering up every government dr simpson tion of tho ontario hard a said in my own ri that some farmer his farm onto tho the work of a lifetime h the hydro policy of lb on monday evening tho muni cipal council passed tho bylaw appointing the necessary officers to take the vote of the electors on january 2 1933 should a poll be demanded the nomination meeting will be held in ratcliffs hall on monday dec 26th from 630 to 730 oclock the usual public meet ing will immediately follow in the event of an election the polling places will bo at albert lehmans harness shop for north side voters and the municipal hall upstairs for south side tho deputy returning officers appoint ed are tross davis and thos rae poll clerks ralph rae and morley barker the pay for the dros will be the same this year as that meted out to poll clerks namely 3 each tho treasurer reported on tho outstanding taxes which are about on the level of 1931 or 1300 out of a total collection of 1s000 reeve morden said the council should look into the agreement with the ontario hydro commission under which stouffville supplies power to users from the east sub urb to altona ho is of the opinion that tho demartd has doubled since the agreement started and that the town therefore may not be getting enough to pay for the power sold the reeve was advised to take the matter up directly with the com mission on behalf of the cemetery board mr john ratcliff requested council to procure them some receipt books request was granted a bill for 9 plumbing repairs at a b stecklys house obrien ave was rejected the tank in mr steckleys bath room sprung a leak after the town water was turned off and then on the jolt from the returning pressure was held to be too much for the tank fear of establishing a precendent and the contention that the system is only 56 lbs pressure which any tank should withstand were reasons for rejecting the account motions were passed transferr ing 1000 from the water works to the general account as interest payment od capital and paying 600 from the general account to the water works for hydrant rental a loan of 1000 made by the water works to the town account was also repaid by resolution tho school levy of 4175 and county levy 5670 were ordered paid on thursday dec 15th council will hold its filial session of the 0hain1ermediate among the churches the hockey club has entered a team in the oha intermediate series and have been placed in a group with port perry uxbridge stouffville bobcaygeon beaverton and sutton who will play at beaverton rink tho schedule will bo drawn up at a meeting to be held iu port perry shortly the opening game in stouffville will be marked by tho presentation of an electric floor lamp to the lucky ticket holder for that evening- while tho date is of course not known there will be an advance sale of tickets issued this week the boys require funds with which to meet necessary expenses and a liberal ticket salo will there fore be greatly appreciated the officers for the local club are hon presidents clifford case mpp col t h lennox mp col w p mulock and f l button president george saunders vice-prest- harold quibel secy treas n e kay manager gordon haight trainer chas griffiths coach w a wilkinson mknnonite ciiukch stouffvuilie rev s crcssnian pastor sunday dec 11th 1932 communion services in charge of rev c n good pe services thursday and friday evenings at 8 pm sunday at 10 am altona at 7 pm stouffville at 7 pm in charge ot tho pastor a special time for christian fellow ship a welcome to all stouffville baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday dec 11th 1932 1000 am biblo school 1100 am morning worship enjoying the comforts of the faith 700 pm evening worship the glorious possibilities of simple faith in god your are also invited to attend our prayer meetings wednesday 8 pm sunday 615 pm everybody welcome- t t markham tp council altona market stouffville christmas wednesday december 21 the regular monthly meeting of the altona womens institute will be held at homo of mrs m diini keld on wednesday li- i4 nil markham township council met in the council chambers at union- ville on monday with the members all present t t c wrote stating that profit for october on yonge st radial was 58334 compared with a loss of 28605 for same month last year the profit to date for 1932 is 150975 while the loss for same period last year was 595s67 this was very gratifying to council a contingent of medical men waited on council and asked that the local doctor be allowed to at tend indigent patients half the cost to be borne by municipality and half by county tho womens home of toronto sent an account for 15720 ex pense for one patient as this patient had moved from markham to another municipality over a year ago council refused to pay mrs whaley and mrs smith asked council if something could not bo done to clean up and im prove the looks of the township hall mr george martin decorator gave an estimate of what it would cost as this is used by other soci- ties council stated they would bear one third of cost this seemed to be very satisfactory and it is thought that work will be comenc- ed soon tho police village of unionville sent a bill for 79500 for hose for new fire reel this was tabl- until next meeting relief calls won the largest yet and ill wera dealt with vbvy carefully council rotu id ro- ief several v ucji it was it o thai thoy tr j laeas jngink tho program roll oil than for christmas community payins and a report of tho t iron- tho eo cut ion music by mr i t vmo qrdi aaplng the willow l throughout jga-m- d by hov wl-bconomla- li ex- j walko lei a paper istmas snrit aim year will be givi fleischer tiieit of situcco not driven olf roadside losing claimed henry government was playing into the hands of the big privately owned corporations and wandering far from tho ideals of the founder sir adam beck the speaker said that the pros pects were never brighter for the return of tho liberal party in ontario everywhere from ono end of the province to the other there is evidence that tho peoplo are sick and tired of the rule of extrava gance under tho henry government and they aro looking to the liberal party under the vigorous leader ship of mitchel f hepburn to re store once again in this province sane and economic administration the liberal party he said is ready and prepared to do this at the first opportunity other speakers included alex macgregor k c of toronto harold a sanders of stouffville dennis mccarthy of east york russell reesor of markham officers elected are as follows president lyman kennedy agin court vice presidents john mac- kay east york mrs webloy east york sectreas j e smith rich mond hill district vicepresidents stouffville blako sanders mrs geo storey markham township a d bruce mrs harvey moyer mark ham village a wldeman mrs r a mason richmond hill t h trench imiss ollvo switzer scar boro thomas maxwell mrs arnold change mad candj christmas gifts iur auto for sale cadillac coach would nnko an excellent i surprised that such things happen truck for garageman must be submit that thero is no need tojthomson east york frank bage sold quickly at a bargain eltako that lino of action to help tho mrs meek north york john thorn phono 740s stouffville jsltuatlon bad as it may bo tho j mckonzie leasido jamos muirhcad mr and ma georgo thompson u- piekoriug have moved over to mongolia having purchased a small acreage from john turner the auction sale last week while well attended did not realizo high prices there were no cattlo to sell but the three horses capable of doing many a days work yet all told only brought 30 the total sale was around 400 with farm prices stiffening a little hogs advanced last week auction sales will prob ably realize bettor prices too mr and mrs thompson will be missed in the atha territory where they have lived for years the toronto telegram published a photograph tho other day of interest to altona peoplo it show ed five generations of a family as follows mrs a e davis of al tona holding her greatgreatgrand daughter baby madlll mrs thos lewis altona 87 years old who lives with her son arthur lewis others in the picture wero mrs madlll of brougham and her mother mrs joseph wild of north markham mrs imadlll will bo known to stouffville and altona friends as ivy wild until her marriage to all of them altona extends congratulations repairs 23 7ft i sc sou 2650 4000 45 00 800 1000 1650 15094 constable sal jas walker mileage rgclondening transporting wright taylor ambulance j wperkins repair town hall charity accounts road foremans ace 810 00 gen road bridge ace 23200 a grant of 25 was made mark ham township veterans council adjourned to meet on thursday dec 15 at ono pm deaths wagg at hoiseys hill on november 28th 1932 arthur ross wagg infant son of foster and mary k wagg aged 3 months 5 days funeral on november 30th ser vice at stouffville christian chur ch interment stouffvillo cemetery engagements tmr and mrs edgar rose of van- dorf wish to announce tho en gagement of their only daughter myrtle irene to mr arthur morley andrews only son of mr and mrs fred andrews of sharon tho marriage to take place the middle of december township council meets saturday tho second to last regular meet ing of tho whitchurch township council for 1932 will bo held at vandorf on saturday this week as the bylaw for holding the nomina tion meeting was passed in novem ber only routine business is to bo expected following next satur days meeting thero remains only tho regular statutory meeting to bo hold on december 15th after which the bopks of the municipality aro closed for tho year the regular monthly meeting ot tho churchill womens institute will be held at the homo of mrs wilfred lazenby on tuesday dec 13tb roll call is a christmas receipt there will bo an exchange of christmas gifts at this meeting bloomington and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday dec 11th 1932 i havo failed to find the word reverend more than once in the bible and in that place it has re ference to god therefore i have been very reluctant about having rev added to my name some have asked why that is the answer there is only one real failure in life possible and that is not to be true to the best one knows services next sunday 1100 am bloomington 700 pm ringwood we have a friendly welcome for all t t t i stouffville united church rev thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday dec 11th 1932 1100 am morning worship not conformers but transformers 230 pm s s bible classes young mens bible class at the parsonage 700 pm evening service the pastor will preach at both services monday 800 pm swastikas reorganization meeting wednesday 730 pm prayer and bible study your aro invited to theso services t t 1 t letkcaviuo ballatrae bloomington united churches tier j a c kol2 m juinister sunday dec 11th 1932 1030 pm ballantrae 230 pm- lemonville 700 pm bloomington sacrament of tho lords supper will bo administered at all three services the y p s will meet in the parsonage at lemonville on friday evening this week you are invited to these services t t t t christian ohurcbteo at stouffville nna churoh hhji rev chester o sommcr minister sunday dec 11th 1932 stoiutvillo 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship preaching 700 pm worship preaching what is the truth about christ church hill 200 pm s s and bible classes 300 pm regular sunday service the educational task of the church wednesday 730 pm meeting for christian fellowship and the study of the book of james friday 730 pm christian endeav or meeting at the homo of mr martin everybody is cordially invited to all services and meetings guests at tho united church parsonago last sunday with rev t laidlaw and family wero mr and mrs victor marshall miss viola doan and mr georgo plante all ot owen sound used radios wanted for rebuilding gordon e cober phone 8104 radio technician student of television college chicago radio repairs stocked

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