Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 1, 1932, p. 4

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thursday december 1 1932 quality there is a good deal new canadian cheese per lb 12c service in the cooking of a meal but there is more still in the buying of the groceries the best food pro ducts the best taste and flavor enjoy the flnest richest flavor we handle nothing but the best our goods are fresh and first class and our prices are as low as good groceries are sold for bulk peanut butter notes and comments per lb 15c new natural figs 3 lbs valencia raisins dutch cocoa 25c bulk 2 lbs 25c per lb 10c bensdorps cocoa 12 lb tins 20c seedless raisins 2 lbs- shelled walnuts per lb 35c red emperor grapes 25c per lb 10c christies royal cream sodas 2 lbs 25c shelled almond per lb 40c sunlight soap 5 bars 25c 5 string broom special value each 25c silver crown bread flour made by aurora mill 9s lbs 195 ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 resale depot lowest prices our policy is such that we can afford to sell used cars for just what thoyre worth in unused mileage the value of the new model ford is so high so close to the cost of production that we have no leeway for making excessive tradein allowances when we accept used cars in trade thus when we resell a used car we have no in centive to mark up the price to save us from taking a loss when you buy a used car from us you pay for the miles of unused trans portation in it for its actual worth and nothing else somk unusual bargains ix dshd cars ford iroadster rumble 1930 plymouth sedan 1930 ford delivery truck 1930 chrysler sedan 1927 for delivery truck 1927 ford coupe 1926 also a number of other cars and trucks d holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario 85 persons on the old age pension in ontario county passed away in 1932 and there are now 600 drawing the pension which is a slight decrease from a year ago making a saving in dollars of eleven thousand v there are s3 cemeterits in on tario county according to a report placed before the ontario county council at whitby last week a commission was appointed to bring in a report on the number and con dition of all cemeteries there is a growing feeling that as far as possi ble persons everywhere should be made to contribute sufficient funds to maintain their own plots in ceme teries it is hardly fair for instance to asesss the ratepayers of stouff ville for funds needed to care tor the local cemetery when more than half the burials made here come from nonresident sources plenty of local ratepayers now contribute to the upkeep of cemeteries in other municipalities m a total of g7309 persons in can ada were in receipt of old age pensions on juno 30 1932 accord ing to a return issued by the de partment of labour the average pension amounted to slightly under 20 per month five provinces and the northwest territories were participating in the schemo under which qualified residents over 70 years of age were pensioned up to a maximum of 240 per year with the dominion government paying 75 per cent of the total and the pro vinces paying the balance nova scotia new brunswick and prince edward island have passed legisla tion authorizing participation in the scheme when the act is pro claimed by the lieutenant-gover- norincouncil but have not yet entered into operation quebec has not adopted the legislation necessary as never before is the automobile in the economic scheme of things might as well take away the tailors shears the carpenters hammer or the farmers plow as take away the automobile of the business man or salesman so at least decided judge costello of huron county who declared the car of an implement agent exempt from seizure by the sheriff the agents territory where he sells fertilizer is thirty miles long and fifteen miles wide and the judge de cided it would be utterly impossi ble for him to carry on his job without a car i cannot hold other wise than that this mans car is a chattel necessary for his calling said judge costello the judg ment is interesting in that it is be lieved to have set a precedent ml ifysr old age pension for everybody over 70 ten years ago facts and news gleaned from the tribune files of november 28 1932 iigigtgpgugitgi nstmas is the air and we are prepared to supply all your needs for that joyous season with prices that are in keeping with this period of money stringency hundreds of dainty little gifts with prices ranging from 5c to 500 will help to solve the problem of christmas giving in an econ omical and satisfactory manner buy early when you have the best selection cushions seasonable specials in art needlework stamped lunch sets on good quality cotton stamped in easily worked designs 1 yard and 1 yard sizes 59c and 125 buffet sets in many dainty designs that will make very acceptable gifts 25c 35c cushion covers with back stamped with very effective patterns 18xl8 each 19c also aprons towels and many other articles which will make delightful gifts lac to 200 chesterfield w s cook moved into his fine new house in the westend rev dr long of windemere ave toronto preached for the methodist church anniversary three clydesdale colts arrived from scotland for graham bros clareriiout mr and mrs hugh boyd ring- wood entertained at an euchre party and the first prize was won by mrs r rao isaac barkey the foundryman man has a new whistle its blown by steam and rests on the foundry roof although there has been a light fall of snow farmers were plow ing on nov 23 75 friends assembled at the home of mr and mrs win iuareh bethosda to bid them farewell on their removal to aurora mrs f w silvester is in ox bridge owing to the serious illness of her mother stouffville market butchers cattle 7 to sc calves 1 to 5c hogs 1025 eggs 60c dozen and butter s 2c pound the mennonito church was tax ed to its seating capacity at the opening of a revival service con ducted by the pastor rev w m mcguiro and elder c raymer at the altar s imrs chris raymer main street was given a surprise party by her sisters in honor of her birthday six sisters and two sisterinlaws were present including mrs noah stouffor mrs ab stouffer and mrs m widonian mrs s hoover mrs j bruce mrs j boadway ami elizabeth and adelaide stouffer s the polico are in town daily in connection witli the hundred thous and dollar robbery from the can adian bank of commerce the bank then known as the standard was entered on the night of october 24 1922 the robbers making away with 113000 in cash and securities approximately 12000 was taken in cash while bonds totalled over 90000 lovely j lingerie gift suggestions dainty lace trimmed garments each bloomers nicely boxed a mother or sister all the you will want one of these cushions for your own living room when you see these and they make very accept- 3 able gifts also in a variety of shapes in m rose blue gold mauve and green while k they last 49c to 225 h sweaters and pullovers a very wide range of these garments in all shades and in a variety of weaves for both children and adults nothing quite so comfortable for the cold weather pullovers 79c to 295 3 sweaters 95c to 450 j for your christmas list j bath salts in attractive boxes 59c purses solid leather highest quality rf 95c to 450 clothes hanger and brush combined 39c shopping bags 3oc ffi egg timers 25c 29c 59c i spinning tops 15c 39c games parcheesi checkers sailing ludo hare and hounds snap lost heir j old maid tiddly winks etc 25c 7 these are but a few of the hundreds j of gift articles both useful and ornamental s with which our shelves are overflowing at m prices ranging from 5c to 500 m a gift for the whole family and which would be appreciated by f every member of the family would be one of these five limoges or english china wl dinner service we carry a large stock and m our prices are the lowest commensurate m with the quality of goods set vest and lovely gift for popular shades childrens sets each 95c ladies sets each 125 and 150 separate vests and bloomers all lovely garments in a fine weave well tailored- nile peach pink mauve white 39c49c59c boxed handkerchiefs an inexpensive but always acceptable gift they are of the best quality obtainable at the price and most attractively boxed in swiss lawn and linen three in a box and priced at 25c to 95c boxes of notepaper a gift that is always appreciated is a nice box of good notepaper and envelopes in both kid and linen firish and very attractively boxed 25c to 150 framed pictures on your christmas list a new line of framed pictures which you will find exceedingly attractive many n ltf0n w fine reproductions of the old masters all 9t piece dinner set white embossed s-9- j good subjects appropriately framed and 96 piece dinner set blue floral and jfs the surprising thing is that they are so plain 1495 low in price- prices are from 39c to 225 97 piece dinner set 2450 to 3700 the w h shaw store harry and hundred tons and sold the price of 11 per ton with the exception of a few car loads which are in storage in toronto the brillinger boys al so turned out 1500 bags of carrots brillinger bros walter produced a of cabbage this year output at an average the deserted home- kjf phone 9512 stouffville ontario kitchener and london divide honors this year in the poetry contest held under the auspices of the western ontario branch of the canadian authors association william wight of the kitchener- waterloo high school won tho first prize of a gold medal for his poem the electronic beat hut what is of chief interest to tribune readers is that lloyd stevenson with his poem the deserted homestead lloyd is a son of mr sam stephenson of london and a nephew of mrs all hoover of stouffvllld lloyd is a pupil of london south collegiate and was presented with a silver medal for his prize the poem is well done and runs as follows the deserted homestead tho house is old a place of spectral fear long since the foot of man has echoed here these crumbling walls onco witnessed joy and tears now they commune with ghosts of other years once long ago these broad fields knew the plow weeds unmolested grow upon them now flowers onco bloomed thick upon this iiappy sod the dooryard now is quick with goldcnrod children once played around tills lowly door and tripped with laughing eyes across the floor sorrow dwelt here hero there were death and birth here there was many a tear here careless mirth but that is past the place is cold and still dust and decay have leave to work their will toronto saturday night a super ior financial paper throws out new thought on old age pensions which is worthy of careful analysis a pension for everybody over 70 years old would be very little more difficult to pay than the present system is here is what saturday night says the proposal for a revision of tho terms of the national old age pensions act makes it timely to inquire whether the concept of the nature of governmental old age pen sions upon which this country has operated ever since there were such things is a necessary and inevitable concept and whether there may not be a better one it is a fundamental element in tho existing pension aei that the recipient must not be in receipt of an income of more thau 3g3 a year and must not have effected any assignment or transfer to reduce his income to that level is this a desirable limitation tho enforcement of this limita tion requires a great deal of ex penditure by public authorities and causes a great deal of hard feeling it is largely left moreover to the local authorities who have the least reason for doing it efficiently be cause they contribute only the smaller part of the pension and naturally approve of a payment which helps business in their terri tory and may even diminish tho burden of local relief enforcement is therefore in all probability very unevenly and in places very in- qiliecieritly performed it is perfectly obvious moreover that enforcement of the limitation must certainly tend to promote if not evasive transfers of property which are supposed to be barred at any rate unnecessary and extrav agant consumption during the years immediately preceding qualifica tion the state can inquire whether i have given something away it is not empowered to inquire whether i have blown something in the net result of tho limitation is to ensure that the benefits of old age pensions shall be confined to two classes the definitely unlucky and the definitely improvidentthe prov ident are absolutely debarred and the unlucky are subject to an insult ing investigation to make sure that they are really as unlucky as they claim discouraging saving by poor people would any serious evil be caused by paying 210 a year the amount ought really to be adjusted from time to time with the cost of living to everybody who has passed the age of seventy and has the quali fications of residence and goo- be havior no inquiry for anything but an age certificate would then be necessary the total number of persons over seventy in canada is not reported by the available census figures but there are only s40000 over sixty and the number over seventy can hardly be a third of this tho present recipients are g 600 0 in number but they would probably be 1000000 if all the pro vinces participated abandonment of the income limitation would possibly double the number of re cipients in whatever territory were involved and might raise the pre sent 14million dollar bill to as much as 48 millions if all the provinces camo in against which there would be a substantial re duction in administration charges that some of the recipients would bo in no need of the pension does seem to be a fatal objection the less they are in need of it the more certain it is that they will be paying for both their own pension and a lot of other peoples out of their contribution to tho taxes even tho present act does not re quire a pensioner to be utterly destitute it allows him to have 125 a year before it begins cutting won second i down lis why a man who has saved himself an annuity of 125 should bo entitled to 240 a year from the state while his neighbor who has saved himself an annuity of 3g5 should he tntitled to nothing is not very clear what is clear is that the situation does little to encourage the purchase of small annuities which curiously enough tho dominion government tries to sell saw cow for first time hundreds of boston school child ren saw a cow last week for tho first time and were properly impressed a questionnaire circulated in the schools disclosed that 3500 child ren never had seen a cow many had no idea that milk originated any where but in bottles this cant go on said dr john p sullivan supervisor of school health educa tion ho ordered a cow and a calf produced so daisy and her daughter jessie visited tho william blackstono school oponmouthed 1000 youngsters watched a man sit on a stool and with nothing up hi sleeve produced a bucket that over flowed with milk its like a fau cet but it aint explained one- youngster to another less sophisti cated a little girl her eyes bright with wonder walked up to the man mister she aked is that the cow that jumped over the moon boots w o m k x wool jersey over shoes in two styles of fur trimmed and one plain with two dome fastener winter weather wear shoes m k x heavy rubbers in all black and coral shade also heavy lumbermans socks overshoes in one two four buckle misses and childrens overshoes three buckle cashmerette also fleece lined all rubber boys and youths heavy rubbers and socks overshoes in one and two buckle lehmans yarns and socks o lehman the shoe store quality phone 4301 service salt tile cold weather is coming prepare for it by having your bins filled with the best we carry the famous- philadelphia reading anthracite welsh anthracite pocohantas coal also feeds pastry flours coal and seeds cement coke sw hastings phone 169 stouffville ont ire xoe3qe xoxacoc ioe30e d o 0 o i o d 8 winter dairying pays you best prices are usually higher throughout the winter period and farmers have more time to attend their dairy herd to get the best market results you should ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone 18601 closed every evening excepting saturday after november 1st ioe30e 30e3qe 30e30z soexoi o q o o q o q o o developing holland marsh the township of west gwillimbury has sold for taxes 200 acres of tho holland marsh the buyer was jj snor canadian counsel for holland who has already brought out from holland a number of thoroughly efficient gardeners who have taken holdings erected small houses and aro now engaged in breaking in the land with tractors hoping to get it all broken up this fall in readiness for planting next spring bradford expects considerable development from this influx of hollanders and tho witness sees in tho future a canning factory a crate making plant and a cold storage plant the people who are entering on this work are thoroughly efficient in the business of gardening and will operate cooperatively their develop ment to be known as holland imarsh gardens they have already taken the precaution to register the mark hmg as their distinctive brand all their product will be sold first under tho direction of tho ontario marketing board and finally when the newcomers get their hearings they will probably be able to make their own sales that their product will bo of a high quality there can be no doubt as a grading house is to be among tho buildings erected how many of the newcomers there are is not stated by the bradford witness but thcro are evidently a number of them their holdings will not likely exceed ten acres each and if they are to havo help from assistants who liko themselves havo acquired tho art of gardening in holland tho numbers of the new comers will probably reach twenty- flvo or thirty and if they arc all family men the new settlement in tho holland marsh will run into considerable numbers stewart beare phone markham 2603 or to brathwaltea hardware 9g0i radio repairing a service you will appreciate say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville out tho now stand groceries lemon crisp cakes por lb 15c baking powder 1 lb tin 22c bread flour no 1 21 lbs gfio vanilla largo bottlo 20c floor wax 1 lb tln 10c shoe dressing per bottlo ibc steel wool 2 pkgs hie chocolato bars special c for lie a w- scott stouffville west from post office

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