Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 1, 1932, p. 3

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paris jottings peace talk to children ranees prime minister m edoaard herriot has delivered many fine speeches on ihe subject of peace le- 1 fore such august assemblies as the league of nations or the french par- llament an entirely different sort u audience however heard him speak on his favorite topic recently the c- casion was tho additlvn of another playground to the countless jardins denfants whicl make paris such a paradise for children gathered in their new terraced garden overhang ing the quai valmy a large number of iiitlc children listened intently and ap plauded enthusiastically while m her- rlot told them of frances desire for a just peace peace he said to them is at elite a question of ijve of jus tice and of faith one must believe in it in order to create it both of these necessary qualities he said abound in children and statesmen could learn much from them venture in buses oh that i could whisje a good old paris smell sighed peter ibbetson in the famous book by lu maurier ever changng yet somehow ever the same these good old paris smells are as much a part of the french capital as its famous perfumes recently how ever these romantic odors disappear ed for a while smothered under the thick pungent smell of burning tar ac- ompanied by the equally overwhelm ing sound of compressed air drills for paris was repairing its streets at such a time an ordinary bus ride be comes much of an adventure for many of tho streets of the city are so narrow that they must be closed while ti repairs are in progress and traffic therefore sometimes has to make very considerable detours the bus will swing around suddenly and you look up from your book to find it rushln along narrow winding streets lined with quaint oldfashioned houses and bearing names which remind one of longforgotten history books then just as suddenly as it began the ad venture ends the bus is ones more rolling along the old familiar noisy- route again and you turn back to your book wondering a little if you have not been dreaming toy hunting with harriot an acquaintance recently asked m herriot how it was that in the midst of such pressing problems as world disarmament state finance and politi cal turmoil that threatened to bring the government down about his ears ho always seemed to find time to spend a few hosrs of even his busiest days with his younger friends oh but children are different the prime minister replied its my greatest diversion and pleasure to be surround ed by children when the sultan of morocco was in paris on his annual visit m herriot lost no time in mak ing the acquaintance of his son mou- ley hasson aged fur a few minutes after meeting they left the hotel hand in hand bound for the toy department of one of pariss leading stores they were going to buy a motorcar that mouley hassan could drive all by him self it took quite a long ime to find one to fit his tiny legs and when he at last was seated at the wheel trying the horn and feeling very important the rather weighty statesman sugg ed getting on behind the little boy however looked up and said very solemnly oh no you mustnt you might fall off suddenly the future sultan spied a magnificent cardboard horse and instarty forgot ms motor car in admiration of it whereupon m herriot paid the purchase price of a few francs and they both left the shop highly delighted mouley hassan car rying his fiery steed clasped tightly under his arm landmark disappears chess is a popular pastime in franco and has long been an integral part of tho cafe habit which gives paris ono of its most original aspects at many of tho tables that line the boulevard couples might be seen play ing chess but certain cafes were par ticularly favored by the devotees of tho gumr and these camo u he in ef fect clubs whero chess players gath ered daly one of the most famous of these and one of the oldest tho cafo do la rotonde in the gardens of the palais royil has just been pulled down situated at one end of tho gar dens irhlch even today form a haven of quiet beauty in tho midst of tho heavy trafllc which swirls around it from the noisy thoroughfare of the avenue do 1opera tho cafe during most of tho last century was the cen ter of fashionable society in paris which promenaded in tho gardens and under tho arcades of the palace built by cardinal richelieu in 1629 paris goes colonial paris is now experiencing tho re sults of the- wave of colonial interest awakened by tho international colon ial erhibltlon held here last year tho colonial offices in tho galerie dor- jeans behind tho theatre francals have undergone a radical change of aspect whereas last year the show windows of these offices wero filled ttltb a dusty collection of colonial goods assembled with no attempt at display this year things are quite dif ferent tho principal window has been transformed into a modern and beauti fully furnished dining room made of colonial woods well presented ex hibits and interesting photographs of ko various colonies and their indus- es are on display in the other small- jrwlndown tho christian sccwe monitor hospital for sick children 67 collefie st tohoxto t country branch tblstletou n december 1sc2 crar mr editor the prolonged period of hard times has created a most difficult problem for ontarios worldfamous hospital for sick children which only th benevolent public can solve here it is in a nutshell the hospital has nursed in its coti this year 7694 small sufferers n increase of 687 over the tot of the previous year in addttton 84202 treatments were given in the great outpatlent department an increase of 16092 on one day 520 treatments were recorded in the previous year there was a similar growth in the demand for the merciful ministra tions of the hospital while all this has been going on the amounts of the donations from the kindhearted have decreased by many thousands ot dollars creating the situation of far more to bo done and far less to do it with the statutory grants obtained by the hospital fall much short of being sufficient to pay lor the actual cost of maintenance ol the little patients and each additional patient means an added dellclt the task of bridging the gap between the cost of opera tion and operating income has usually been accomplished by contri butions from the benevolent while the hospital has retained the major ity of its friends who kindly donate to its work yearly and is continually adding new ones donations dimin ished to a somewhat alarming extent in the response to last years appeal for funds and there has been little improvement in that respect through out the year it is unthinkable that any child needing the humane ser vice provided by the hospital should be refused the trustees are anxious and can only hope that the kind- hearted people of tbe province will see them through the difficulty by a most generous response to the present appeal public benevolence has built the hospital for sick children to tho proud eminence ot being the finest institution of its kind in the world its country branch at thlstletown is a recognized model and persons in terested in child welfare come from all parts of the globe to inspect it any child in the province of ontario deformed or diseased is eligible for admittance to this wonderful insti tution where the very finest treat ment known to medical and surgical science is at once available there is no class or creed distinction the very best that any hospital can give is placed within easy reach of the poorest child now more urgently than ever before is the hospital in need of contributions and no amount would be considered too small please ask the benevolent in your community to help tell them that the story of the hospital covering 57 years is not that of merely adding cot to cot and ward to ward it is the story of a battle constantly waged against disease and deformity with all the advancing resources of the medical and surgical sciences it is a story of demands which have ever exceeded the financial resources but which have always been met by generous response to appeals for aid but for this generosity the hospital would many times have been bankrupt ask your readers please to prevent it from becoming so now fclthfully yours douglas s robertson trustee ancient chinese mirrors mirrors were important to the chinese not only as aids to vanity but also because of the belief that they dispelled evil spirits and goblins ac cording to dr berthold laufer cura tor of anthropology the common superstition that breaking a mirror brings bad luck prevails in china and goes far back into antiquity the breaking of a mirro in china augurs a separation from ones wife by death or otherwise and is second in evil potent only to smashing an oil jar dr laufer said an old legend tells ofa husband and wife who were compelled to part shortly after break ing a mirror each took half of the broken mirror as a pledge of fidelity subsequently tho wife violated her promise of faithfulness and her part of the mirror changed into a magpie which flew to her husband to tell him this legend led to the decoration of many mirrors with carved or other re presentations of magpies until the introduction of glass mir rors from europe in comparatively modern times all chinese mirrors were cost of bronze sometimes alloy ed with gold or solver or of iron the reflecting surface being highly polish ed by means of mercury and some times by a coating of black lacquer the backs were usually artistically decorated mirrors were used in burials being placed faco downward in tho grave with the idea of lighting the grave and keeping evil spirits away it was the ancient belief that spirits and goblins could render them selves invisible but th t their images would at once become visible when re flected in a mirror and to avoid this they would retreat from mirrors for this reason dr laufer ays mirrors still function as charms and are sus pended in front of bed curtains note slim lines of this model by helen williams illustrated dressmak if lesson fur nished with eicry pattern our crossword puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 11 12 13 14 t r- i 16 viv 17 18 1 it 20 it ji 22 23 ii 24 26 27 i 28 29 30 31 vi 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 x 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 i 54 55 3063 a snappy dress that ill add loads of chic to your wardrobe is this wino red lough crepe silk the bone but tons its sole trim are in elf tone its sleek slender mnes makes it suilfd for the miss or the matron crepe satin is another nice choice in tobacco fcicwn shade that is very bac miiig and practical and an ad vanced fall idea its cost will be very small ftle no 3063 is designed fey sizes 10 18 years 30 38 40 and 42 inches bust size 36 eaures 3 yards of 39- inch material howto okder patterns vite your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto horizontal limited king with goliku touch race officials pledge conjunction form of insurance pronoun to cool attends a dandy point cf moon fit irritation vessels proofreaders word to support mans name girls name to shrink biblical town to arrive 38 to loot 40 positions 42 auxiliary verb 43 lines roof 45 animal 46 part of to be 47 to imply 49 look 50 elementary sub stances 52 bird 54 to scrutinize 55 animals vertical 1 patient 2 amphitheatre 3 part of to be 4 to clear 5 to suppose g provides crew 7 indignation 8 to perform 9 nut 10 leaks 1 2 cooky 13 oised 10 joins 19 respects 21 zealot 23 coins 25 color 27 overly 29 tooth 31 sea nyjphs 33 wanderer 34 meat 36 physician 37 to gnash 39 political group 41 packs 43 cabbagelike plant 44 remainder 47 vehicle 4s rather 51 toward 53 french article owl laffs repose how vainly men themselves amaze to win the palm the oak or bays and their uncessant labours see crownd from some single herb or tree whose short and narrow verged shade does prudently their toils upbraid while all the flowers and trees do close to weave the garlands of repose amrew marvell you know youve been engaged a long time old man why dont you marry her ive been thinking about it joe but where should i spend my evenings if i did christmas again we approach vliat ought to be the happiest season of the year christmas how it has always thrilled us since childhood but how about those who have not bee so fortunate this year let us spend our christmas this year in the most unselfish way that we have ever done if you do not personally know some family with whom to share a happy christmas make inquiry among your friends and they will give you the name of some worthy one in spreading joy amongst the unfortunate you aro also spread ing joy in your own heart school teacher during english les son i didnt have no fun at the sea side how should i correct that jack jack get a sweetheart miss tailor measuring a new customer what about a small deposit sir customer just as you like put one in if its stylish reading in buses is very bad for the eyes v ites an optician especially when the person whose paper you are reading wont keep still a woman someone else suggested tha it was for the same reason th they sing hymns and not hers wife john the clck fell off the wall and if it had been a minute soon er it would have hit poor mother- john i always said that clock was slow wife im going to town this after noon hubby shopping wife no i wont have time i just want to get some things i need a newsparer headline reads burg lars surprised by bank officials work ing late who wouldnt be dramatist why are you going away already there are three more acts to come guest sorry thats why im goir away most successful men are just com mon people who applied themselves in an uncommon way when someono asked why prayers art ended with amen instead of do you know aiding others tho race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other wordsworth easy teething baby cut all his teeth with no trouble thanks to babys own tablets writes mrs thomas shaw hamilton ont scores of other mothers have written in similar vein give your child babys own tablets for teething troubles upset stomach simple fevers colic colds constipation sleeplessness or whcncvci he is cross restless and fretful easy to take as candy and absolutely safe me analysts certificate in each 25cent package over loflqo packages sold h 1931 in or wlllumi babys own tablets young wife pierre is perfectly wonderful to me mother ho gives me everything i ask for mother that merely shows my dear that you re not asking for enough employer to office boy who wants afternoon off for grandr others fur- al my boy be economical dont waste your grandmothers so early in the season save them for tho cup- ties mary i didnt know ted had any idea of marrying you ann he didnt that was my idea so many people are so busy won dering what tho other fellow is doing that they themselves accomplish noth ing fell down in the street he dreaded going out a martyr to rheumatism it must have taken some time for this mans rheumatism to have be come so severe he does not say any thing about that but he does make it clear that it needed only four or five months of kruschen to make him forget all about the pain ho once suf fered this is what he writes i have of ten seen kruschen announcements in the pa ns and i think it is only fair that i also should give a small testi mony i have used kruschen salts for over two years before i started to use it i was troubled with rheuma tism very badly chiefly iu my legs i had it so bad i used to fall down in the street but this last is or 20 months i have never felt anything at all in fact i have forgotten it alto gether whereas before i used to dread going out kruschen is more valuable than gold i l each little daily dose of kruschen contains a scientific combination of mineral salts which tone up all your organs of elimination liver kidneys and stomach and keep them woi 1 ng smoothly and efficiently as nature iu tended the reward of this interna cleanliness is a freshened and invigor ated bloodstream which courses through your veins driving all impuri ties before it poisonous uric acid with its needlepointed crystals is ex pelled through the natural channels and the pains of rheumatism cease and as you continue with tho little daily dose of kruschen your whole being body and brain responds to the purifying force kruschen salts i3 obtainable at all drug stores at 45c and 75c per bottl- answer to last weeks puzzle r a p i d a r r a s r e m 0 t e r 0 0 1 e r iu p w d e m i g 0 d i n 0 in u t f m i r e d m c o b i t e r i t e n m i a r 0 c e d a r s t h r v s t d i e i i 0 v t c r e s t s m r e s i s t h e r w l e i t 0 t e a s s m l e a d s 1 n o h i t v g v e r d 0 k i k 0 r e g e h t l 0 0 t e r d 0 m e s e h d e d wrong number brown had dialled his home tele phone number hullo he said is that mrs provn yes this is jack speaking 1 say dear will it be all right if i bring home a couple of friends to dinner certainly darling did you hear what i said yes you asked if you could bring a couple of friends to dinner of course you can dear sorry madam he said preparing to ring off ive got the wrong mrs brown- young wife returning to village af ter runaway match i suppose my elopement was a ninedays wonder villago worthy it would ave been mum only bugginss dog went mad the same evenin free music lessons in your own home on the instrument of your choice with guaranteed results write for details without obliga tion mentioning your favorite instrument whaley royce co limited 237 yonge st toronto classified advertising an offer to every inventor list of wanted inventions and ull information sent free the kamsay corn- any world talent attorneys 273 ltnk street ottawa canada abticies rob sale rubber goods druggists sun dries wholesale prices write fur catalogue supreme specialty co jj wellington west toronto cutting off the frills she i dont think much of mens love they all want to marry wo men with money he you are unjust they would be satisfied with money without tho woman answers clock does household chores a swedish engineer has compl 1 a versatile grandfathers clock i li able of telling the time c psrfo i- ing many household choi- earn 500 to 1000 dslfy earn part time while learning ii- lowing lis pay trades fsnrajre uiic welding barber ng hair dreys n positions open inform imi i employment service from ooiom coast applv dominion shk hea- office 70 queen w its liver that fs you feel so wretched wake up your liver bile no calomel necessary for you to feci healthv and lmppy ir liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile ii t your bowels every day without that bile trouble starts poor digestion slow elimination poisons in tho body general wrctclicduoih how can you expect to clear up a situation like this completely with mere bowelnioi salts oil mineral water laxative candy chewing um or roughoge7 they dont wao up your liver you need carters tittle liver pills purely vegetable safe quick and sure retilts for them by name itcfuse substitutes v at all druggists vi that the caribou in the yukon migrate twice yearly in the spring they mlgrato northward and in tho autumn they migrate south ward they always travel in largo herds and not oven tho swiftest streams can stay their movement from one part ot tho country to an other the photograph shows only a small portion of a large herd on its way across the famous whltehorse iuver in the yukon philip seven years old returned from playing with a little neighbor girl after a thoughtful silence he asked philili mother is it wrong for lit tle boys to kiss little girls mother no it isnt wrong but 1 think you had better keep your kisses for mother and baby sister for a while yet philip im sorry mother if i ought to have kept em for theres seventeen gone already friend you will soon forget her and be happy again jilted lover oh no i shant ive bought too much for her on the instal ment plan slight drafts the fellow to whom harp music is distasteful is going to have a tough time in hoavon so long as you aro happy what does it matter where you are or what you havj itis all right to give te devil his due hut ai o is no sense in adding a bonus do you really think you are capable of sitting down today and telling some young man what he really should do gravity gravity generosity of soul slncorlty earnestness and kindness constitute j perfect virtue confucius i we pity in others only thoso evils which we have ourselves experienced rousseau look for ihe nome perfect p8pe the name is stamped on the bowl of every genuine dr plumbs pipe and the word plumb impress ed in white on tho rubber mouthpiece beware of imitations many different mod- to chooso fro trade inquiries to rubinovich a haskell limited 440 mcgill st montreal quo mm v 1 j- fkt yfc v v gpg help for tired wives take lydia e pinkhains vegetable compound wires get tired during these hard tlmcfl they arc the ones who must bear tho burdens of the family when tho husband cornea home with jcm money in ills pay envelope it is tho wife utio must struggle along and make the best of things if you aro tired vrorn out nervous try lydla e plnkhams vcgcti ble compound what you need la a tonic that will giro you the strength to carry on 98 out of every 100 women who report to us bay that they nro benefited by thte medicine buy a bottle from your drug gist today and watch tho results issue no 4932 iii dont take noxious drugs saik surk no monis sjpfbntxg or uncertain- tv vo nauseous medicines assured results from menstruaid absolutely harmless sufficient for sjveral treatments in plain wrapper with full directions regular size j3 special size ti postpau waltanne remedies dept w 2 college street toronto trade supplied by drurr trading co ltd and northrop lyman ltd

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