Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 17, 1932, p. 4

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thursday november 17 1932 quality there is a good deal new canadian cheese per lb 12c service in the cooking or a meal but there is more still in the buying of tho groceries the best food pro ducts the best taste and flavor enjoy tho finest richest flavor we handle nothing but the best our goods are fresh and first class and our prices are as low as good groceries are sold for bulk peanut butter per lb 15c new natural figs 3 lbs valencia raisins per lb seedless raisins 2 lbs- shelled walnuts per lb shelled almond dutch cocoa 25c bulk 2 lbs 25c bensdorps cocoa 10c 12 lb tins 20c red emperor grapes 25c per lb 10c christies royal cream sodas 35c 2 lbs 25c per lb 40c sunlight soap bars 25c 5 string broom- special value each 25c silver crown bread flour made by aurora mill 9s lbs 195 ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 farmers taxes on the instalment plan resale depot lowest prices our policy is such that we can afford to soil used cars for just what theyre worth in unused mileage the value of the new model ford is so high so close to the coet of production that we have no leeway for making excessive tradein allowances when we accept need cars in trade thus when we resell a used car we have no in centive to mark up the prloe to save us from taking a loss when you buy a used car from us yoa pay for the miles of unused trans portation in it for its actual worth and nothing else yomk flnusuaii bargains ef used oars this is the time of year when many taxpayers are at their wits end to know where the funds are coming from to meet their taxes this is especially true of municipal ities where taxes are not paid in instalments the township of mulmur in duf- ferin county has its new system of paying taxes in instalments under trial this tall for the first time and from all reports it is working quite satisfactory the sponsors for the new system had the idea that it would be more advantageous ti many to pay their rates in instal ments rather than in one lump sum also that those who could and would pay early in the fall should receive a discount this would it was hoped held to finance tho years expenditures without having to borrow so much from the banks the new system necessitated a general speeding up the works the levy is struck in june instead of august as heretofore the tax collector makes his demands early in august and a discount of 2 per cent net is allowed for payments made on or before august 15th a discount of one per cent is allow ed if paid on or before october 15 from october 15 to december 15 at par after december 15 a penalty of one per cent is added for every month up to the time the collectors roll is returned on march 15th although an entirely new system mulmur officials are said to be well pleased with results several thous and dollars were received early on which the discount was paid the bylaw provides that one halt the ratepayers total tax may bo paid early and receive the discount and the balance paid in later government house not included in vital and essential institu tions sweet dreams ford iroadster rumble 1930 plymouth sedan 1930 ford delivery truck 1930 chrysler sedan 1927 for delivery truck 1927 ford coupe 192c also a number of other cars and trucks p holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario 14 1932 to a the stouffville nov to editor of tribune just a note ot thanks distracted citizen silence rooster i think the owners of roosters have been practising the golden rule wo are not disturbed by tho night singers like we were just before the letter was printed silence the roosters a thankful citizen the evening telegram ontario reciprocates the warm greetings extended by hon dr bruce upon his entry into the olfico of lieutenantgovernor the un animity of the congratulations which have been showered upon him in convincing evidence of a general opinion that the honor has been worthily bestowed there will bo less unanimity in the reception of his first message from government house there is a growing opinion which refuses to agree with tho assertion that either government house or the office of lieutenantgovernor is an institu tion which is an essential and vital part ot our national life the legislature of ontario has been described as a glorified county council in his associations with that body a lieutenantgovernor is about as vital and essential as would be a lieutenantgovernor of the county of york or of the city of toronto in the social duties of his office a lieutenantgovernor is to ninety per cent of the population known only as an unnecessary source of expense the administration of sir william mulock illustrated that the office of lieutenantgovernor is neither vital nor essential to cne despatch of legislative business in him ontario had a worthy representative of hi majesty at all public functions it must ho admitted that there are diverse views as to the reten tion ot government house and the office of lieutenantgovernor in view of this divergence it would be traditionally correct for the lieutenantgovernor of ontario to recognize the limitations of his odico and to refrain from expressing his own opinions on the subject level crossing accident shocks claremont folk highland creek rev alexander mclellau aged cc minister of the united church at claremont and brougham who was struck and instantly killed by a cpr passenger train at 405 wednesday afternoon of last week cu the level crossing on the brock road just south of tho 4th con cession of pickering township caused a great shock to his numerous stouffville friends on many occasions he had participated in masonic functions here the minister driving a mclaughlin buick sedan was on bis way home from pickering when the tragedy occurred as he pproached the crossing he apparently did not see the last train travelling east no doubt on account of tho driving rain and fog two pickering boys on their way from school lloyd mark and harry hasty told trafiicoflicer sidney hilliard ot whitby who investigat ed tho accident that they waved to the minister to warn him ot tho ipproaching train but apparently he did not see them tho train was in charge of engineer b haig and conductor r barlow when tho engine struck the car it was carried about 200 yards down the track the body being badly bruised particularly around the head in the opinion of dr cart- wright coroner of pickering the minister died instantly he was a heavily built man and one who travelled extensively throughout tho district in his motor car his rural charge was at brougham boots shoes heavy rubbers heavv rubbers for men boys overshoes in one two and four buckles foot and hand mitts and gloves y17f a o for every day use also line ones nf s l ti4i for best- vf jlarii lehmans yarns and socks o lehman the shoe store quality phone 4301 service salt tile centennial young peoples society arij holding their annual reunion- on sunday november 20th at 730 concert in connection will he held on tuesday evening nov 22nd at s15 pm everybody welcome hands off the motor coach says royal commission our business and our pleasure is to supply your needs at a price as low as possible consistent with good quality are glad to serve you and you can be assured of courteous service at the w h shaw store we your winter coat if you have to get a new coat this fall you will be well advised to make your selection at once while our stock is complete in chongo cloth and tweeds trimmed with fox muskrat lynx and french beaver prices ranging from 1695 to 2750 flannelette blankets we have had a great run on these blankets and there are only a few pairs left we cannot duplicate these at the same price- they are double bed sizes soft napped cosy and warm white with pink borders singly whipped stock up at this low price pr 189 all wool blankets these are first quality all wool blankets white with pink borders you will need a pair of these warm and comfortable blankets for the cold weather sizes 66x84 pr 750 lined kid gloves a splendid assortment of lined kid gloves of best quality warmly lined just the thing for cold weather childrons lined gloves 59c to 79c womens lined gloves 125 to 169 womens fur trimmed gloves 200225 berets and scarves lovely knitted berets with scarves to match just fine for school or skating cosy and warm per set 150 159 179 195 scarves these scarves are in the new kite and square shapes also ascots and regular long scarf in such lovely color combinations which will add just that needed touch of color to your winter costume priced at from j 25c to 375 dolls dolls dolls for those who like to secure their christmas gifts early we are showing a very complete line of dolls- make your selection now and get first choice we have them at all prices from 10c to 500 come in and see them christmas cards it is not too soon to get your christinas cards for overseas and for particular people who like the best now is the right time to buy- we have a wide range of imported cards which are both appropriate and artistic 2 for 5c 5c 10 and 15c waste paper baskets these are an inexpensive necessity in your rooms tubular style with bright colored design each 25c pitchers pitchers for every purpose and in all sizes from the small individual size to the large two quart size and in both plain and fancy styles make your selection now table oilcloth our stock has never been more com plete a very wide range of patterns and the same fine quality but a new low price 1 yard width 49c l yard width 39c buy handkerchiefs for christmas for a very inexpensive and acceptable gift nothing is better than a nice handker chief ladies handkerchiefs cotton each 5c childrens handkerchiefs 5c linen handkerchiefs 15c 25c 35c 50c boxed fancy handkerchiefs 3 in box 25c to 95c the wh shaw store phone 0512 h stouffville ontario that the steam railways would not benefit from restriction of mot or coach traffic and that there is therefore no justification for in creased taxation of interiirban mot or coach services is the verdict of the royal commission on railways and transportation on the much vexed question of the relation be tween rail and highway passenger carriers examination of the full text of tho commissions report recently released from ottawa reveals that the recommendations regarding highway transport are much more significant than was indicated initial news despatches some suggestions are made for further governmental control of motor truck traffic but the existing status of the motor coach in the passenger field is completely justified the commission finds that the motor coach is providing a satis factory service of great social and economic value to the commun ities through which it operates attributes tho growth in its popu larity to its greater convenience as compared with that of railway ser vice and declares that the effect of motor coach competition on railway passenger earnings has been relatively small when compared with that of the private motor car the report also states that a free and unhampered uso of all forms ot transport which demonstrate their efficiency is essential to tho gener al welfare and asserts that the railways in their own interest should cooperate with highway services rather than seek their re striction the section of the report dealing with taxation of the various types of road transport definitely explodes i ho theory that tho motor coach us es a subsidized right of way the commissioners finding that tho coach pays a fair share of the cost of the highway over which it oper ates after examining tho evidence re lating to the contention that the motor coach was now paying more than its proper share of tho cost of highway construction and mainten ance tho commission records its verdict as follows though in the case of motor trucks next to be dealt with it would appear that there is room for stricter regulation and for increas ed taxation in tho case of the motor coach there is little prospect that cither by further taxation or in creased regulation will- the rail roads henollt there does not scorn therefore to ho any necessity to recommend ad ditional taxation and regulation of motor coach iterations in the inter est of tho steam railways of ctn- ada figures tho quoted showing that tho gray coach lines in ontario paid in 1911 highway taxes of m0 per coach or at tho rate of 143 38 per annum- for each mile of high way used which amounts tho com mission states are at least at fair contribution for highway vr a popular minister the late rev alexander mclel- jlan had been the minister at clare mont church for over 15 years and was dearly beloved by his people both at claremont and brougham when the presbyterian and meth odist churches united in clare mont in 1920 he became the minis ter when church union was con summated in canada in 1925 he be came the pastor of the joint united church charges at claremont ami brougham where he labored faith fully and with a considerable de gree of success he was an earnest preacher of the gospel and a won derful worker in all departments of tho church the news of his death shocked the community on wed nesday night as no other event has for many years not only in the church but in the community will he be missed prominent mason the deceased was a prominent member of the imasonic order be- j ing a past district deputy grand master of toronto b district a member of suceoth chapter ux- bridgo and a member and past master of brougham union lodge claremont about three weeks ago ho gave an address at keystone chapter meeting in whitby h was regarded as a man well versed in the craftsmanship of masonry graduate of knox born in dresden ontario ho lived there until he went to study for tho presbyterian iministry he was a graduate of knox college toronto deceased is survived by one son john with tho hydro in toronto and two daughters miss margaret with the civil service at ottawa and miss mabel of the vocational school staff at st catharines his wife passed away in july of this year stouffvillo friends attended the funeral service in claremont on friday afternoon the remains be ing taken to dresden for burial on saturday it is learned that tho deceased minister was identified after the accident by traffic officer hilliard by a biblo in his pocket which con- tainetl the name of one of his daughters dangerous crossing tho crossing where the tragedy occurred is regarded as very dangerous the view coming from tho north is not very clear but it is not too bad going north it is thought that the noise of tho car engine and tho poor visibility of tho afternoon were factors against tho minister hearing or seeing the approach of the train the force of tho impact did some damage to tho front of tho engine his last act the late ministers last official act was to preside at a chicken pie supper and concert at claremont community hall on tuesday night last sunday ho preached at a memorial servlco for veterans at lnmbton mills cold weather is coming prepare for it by having your bins filled with the best we carry the famous- philadelphia reading anthracite welsh anthracite pocohantas coal also feeds pastry flours coal and seeds cement coke s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont ta aoaot 30e30e i 30e30i d o o d o winter dairying pays you best prices are usually higher throughout the winter period and farmers have more time to attend their dairy herd- to get the best market results you should ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone 18601 closed every evening excepting saturday after november 1st d 0 o d 0 l closed every ei jaftei ocao i 3qe3qc 30eioc contly at the residence of mr robt thompson whitby the members ot tho board who were all reappointed are mr robt thompson chairman of whitby mrs g m forsythe claremont ont mr charles stewart port perry mr levi ellins columbus ont aitd miss ella richardson secretary whitby the members all of whom glvo their services without an remunera tion in any form are always glad to give any desired information and make out all applications trying while dealing fairly witlr applicants to also keep in mind tho taxpayer at present five applications arc under consideration by tho head board in toronto four other applications have been granted dur ing tho past year making in all twentynine beneficiaries with seventyfive children under sixteen years of ago at a cost of 08000 for tho past twelve months this amount is paid to beneficiaries by cheque from tho provincial treasurer at toronto south on tario being billed for 50 per cent of this amount gordon e coder radio technician student of television college chicago radio repairs stocked for prompt service telephone stouffville 8104 stewart beare phone markham 2603 or to brathwaltes hardware 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful and maintenance tho following item rrom a let- tor from tho provincial secrotary may prove of interest in regard to expenses i un derstand no expense account has been rendered by any member of your board which is indeed a re markable record to find voluntary workers who aro willing to give their time etc to this work with ono or two exceptions the south ontario board has remained un changed for years and it harf always the board of south ontario for given spondld servtco and co-opcrat- the mothers allowance commission led with tho commission in every held their annual meeting re- 1 way mothers allowance officers elected for south ontario 29 mothers were helped flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ont tho now stand groceries sodas 2 lbs 25c fig rolls per lb 18c assorted cakes per lb 23c chase san born tea 12 lb 25c breakfast meal 6 lbs rolled oats best qual chocolate special reg 7 lb 35c 2oc 25c 30c a w- scott stouffville west from post ofqco

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