Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 10, 1932, p. 4

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thursday n0ve31ber 10 1932 quality service our prices are right judge for yourself ontario pays 1600000 a year in travelling expenses pure honey no- 5 pail 45c lelys hard water castile 5 bars 25c claremont brand tomatoes 3 tins 25c christies royal cream sodas 2 lbs 25c new canadian cheese per lb 12c coco castile soap 3 large bars for 25c mixed darwin tulips per dozen 28c cracked wheat porridge meal 8 lbs 25c whole wheat flour 8 lbs for 25c large fresh cocoanuts each 5c new seedless raisins 2 lbs 25c we are now handling maple leaf dairy milk and cream for convenience of our customers the accounts of the ontario gov ernment for the fiscal year 19301 paid the following items for travel ing expenses prime minister 2000 dept of education 1000 lands and forest s50 dept of mines 1000 dept of health s00 prov treasurer 1000 dept of agriculture 750 salaries prime minister 14000 cabinet ministers each 10000 travelling expenses attorneygeneral 500 minister lands and forests 900 minister mines 1250 minister public works minister of health prov treasurer prov secretary min agriculture 1000 entertainment of visitors 5s11 expenses of depts prime ministers 916 1000 1000 1000 025 ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 resale depot lowest prices onr policy is such that we can afford to sell used cars or just what thoyre worth in unused mileage the value of the new model ford is so high so close to the cost of production that we have no leeway for making excessive tradein allowances when we aocept nsed cars in trade thus when we resell a used car we have no in centive to mark up the price to save us from taking a loss when you buy a used car from us you pay for the miles of unused trans portation in it for its actual worth and nothing else some unusual bargains in used oars attorneygenerals northern development education land and forests mines game and fisheries public works 6s141 29940 114 7s3 149945 18407 74903 12952 public highways j237s health labor public welfare prov treasurer prov auditor prov secretary agriculture 75741 29614 44451 23 90s 5652 27036 26443 putting its house in order 1 ford sedan 1929 1 graham page sedan 192s 1 chrysler sedan 1927 1 plymouth sedan 1930 1 ford 1 ton truck 1929 1 essex coach 192s 1 ford ton truck 1927 a number of trucks and other used cars all at a very low prices and easy terms arranged d holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario less than a year ago we heard alarming reports as to the condition of australian finances these even went as far as suggesting national bankruptcy what can be done when governments come to their sense and face realities with drastic economies is shown in the recent budget speech of hon mr lyons australian prime minister whose statement gives a surplus of some thing over 6500000 instead of an estimated deficit of 5700000 the australian government has not been tempted oy this satisfac tory outcome to relax its efforts the budget for 193233 provides for further substantial economies in cluding another reduction in salaries paid to cabinet ministers members of parliament civil servants and prepare old weather the w h shaw store is showing soasonablo good3 that will supply your needs at prices that will meet with your approval and save you dollars buy at home and help to keep our town prosperous artistic floor coverings there is nothing that will givo that homey touch to your rooms during the dull gloomy fall weather like these cheerful artistic floor coverings and can have them in such surprisingly beautiful colour combinations which will make your other furnishings look better than ever linoleum at per square yard 00c oilcloth 1 yard2yd2k y per square yard boo small rugs all sizes at from 12c to s150 wall papers now is tlio time for economical buying of wall papers we must clear out our remaining stock in order to make room for our now stock which will bo in at the first of the year and we arc- marking down every roll it will pay you to make your selection early wo will be glad to give you an estimate of cost womens hose all wool and silk and wool hose broken lines all first quality hoso values 150 pair 7lc silk hose in order to moot the demand for cheaper silk hose wo have mado sweeping reductions in ali higher grado hose silk hoso regular 200 for s110 silk hose regular 149 for 9130 other lines at 70c and ooc fleece lined bloomers regulation style warm and comfortable sizes 36 to 44 in mauve pink poach white and sand colours 10c initialed handkcrchioft rayon a splendid line pink mnizo largo sizes bloomers regulation style in peach nilo and whito small medium and 1cujrdc flannelette we have an exceptionally complete lino of flanneletto and are able to met all your require ments at a very moderate cost in plain and striped patterns ifle to c initialed handerchiefs womens fine linen handkerchiefs large size and fino quality broken lines regular 35c to clear at 25c regular 25c to clear at 2 for 55c notions knitting needles steel per sot lc knittfngneedles celluloid per sot ire darning needles per packet ec sowing needles per packet 5c pocket comb in case each 15c dressing combs full size each 15c lingerie clasps per card of two 15c compacts very special each 15e m 25 suede belts each 15c attractive fall and winter coats a range of lovely gowns suitable for all occasions in colour combinations that are de lightfully uniquo with new neckline ami collar effects in all the now fall shades in wool jersey wool crepe colaneso and silk crepe pricos aro 203 303 150 and s875 the w h shaw store phone 8512 51 btouffride ontario need for readjustment of price relationship is evident only way to augment real purchasing power of the farmer is to increase industrial production to its former level only obstacle is financial by fred v stone in saturday night we have been told that the farmers are the backbone of the country it is said that when they produce much wealth and prosper the whole nation shares in that prosperity the abundance of their production is the basis for increased wealth among other classes what then is wrong with the backbone of the country today if according to the old adage that particu lar part of the body politic has been correctly identified is our economic distress the result of a weakening back bone not if abundanre of production is the criterion of a strong spinal column the farmers are creating as much real wealth in the way of foodstuffs and other goods as they ever did there is nothing wrong with the backbone of the country as far as production is concerned the wheels of industry may stop and factories may lie idle but the farmer keeps on plowing and harvesting no problem of unemployed for him the growing popularity of the backtothemand movement would seem to suggest that what we need is more vertebrae in the backbone of the country but already our farmers are producing a larger quantity of agricultural commodities than can be consumed- the price of farm products is less than 50 per cent of what it was three years ago in some cases notably wheat the farmer receives about onethird the predepression price and still surplus stocks accumulate call it overproduction or call it underconsumption the solution is not more farmers al ready we have too much backbone and we dont need any more vertebrae a backtotheshop movement would be much more appropriate to the needs of the nation industrial pro duction and the the distributive trades are the weak organs in our economic system the employment index of canada which relates to industry and all firms engaging fifteen or more employees has dropped from 127 in august 1929 to 86 in august 1932 this means that approximately only 67 per cent of the industrial and commercial working force is operating at the present time in other words while the farmers have maintained the level of their production during the past three years the industrial and distributive activities of the country have been severely curtailed it may be argued thatlncreased production is futile because the market for industrial output has shrivelled in the face of diminishing purchasing power in the hands of the consumer it is pointed out in particular that the farm er has no money with which to buy the finished products of industry truly he has less money not by reason of de creased production but on account of a greatly reduced price level for what he has to sell the abnormally low purchasing power of the farming class which includes about 50 per cent of the total population arises out of the changed relationship between the prices of farm produce and the prices of finish ed products the output of industry- while farm prices have gone 50 per cent or more since 1929 retail prices- and cost of services have been reduced not more than 20 per cent as a result of this changed relationship in prices the farmers purchasing in terms of finished products is priv 60 per cent of what it formerly was in other words 100 units of farm produce which formerly exchanged for 100 units of finished goods can be exchanged today for only 60 such units now this alteration in the rate of exchange as between farm and finished products can be explained by the decrease in industrial production which has amounted to 35 per cent since 1929 while agricultural output has re mained approximately constant this leads to the conclusion that the only way to augment the real purchasing power of the farmer is to increase industrial production to its former level physically there are no obstacles to be overcome in realizing such an increase the raw materials the factories fhe equipment the man power are available and ready for use the difficulty to be faced is a financial one because un less farm prices go up as industrial production increases prices of finished products would have to go down the low ering of such prices necessitates reduced operating ex penses and fixed charges in all the industrial and distribut ive trades which involves decreased nominal salaries wages and interest rates however it must be re membered that the real purchasing power of incomes deriv ed from these sources as a result of industrial and com mercial activity would not be reduced the lower nominal income would be balanced by the lower retail price level thus maintaining the level of real incomes the backtotheiand movement which is being assisted by the dominion and provincial governments as a relief measure signifies a partial breakdown in our indus trial system from an economic standpoint we dont need more farmers what we urgently require is more industrial workers busy at their jobs so as to enable industry to catch up with agriculture in the matter of production those people returning to the land today qan live only on a subsistence basis providing for themselves nearly all the necessities of life but buying or selling very little from the social point of view it is undoubtedly better to be so situated than to be on relief in the city if the industrial system refuses to provide employment while raw materials pile up and factories stand idle then a return to the semi- primitive and selfsufficient way of life offers a welcome escape from the monotony and demoralizing effect of un employment tt is a reaactionary movement which repre sents the turning back of the hands of time if and when prosperity returns through the resuscitation of industry and commerce these people will inevitably drift back to the cities where the normal trend of economic developments clearly indicates they belong the readjustment of price relationships is a prime necessity in the economic situation of today forces im peding it are a hindrance to the return of prosperity until it is effected we shall have greatly reduced purchasing pow er in the hands of producers of raw materials and mass unemployment among industrial workers the clarion call to industry is carry on and reduce costs of production in a measure commensurate with the decreased money incom es of that great body of consumers upon whom the market depends cuts in old age and invalid pensions by means of those economies mr in addition the gold bonus is sus- lyons is able to balance his budget ponded until there is a reduction inlfor the coming year without any tho price of gold in the past years i new taxation and to ease eonsider- favorablo showing tbo very heavy increase in income tax was a big factor in getting more revenue ably the burden upon the primary industries on which australia re lies to pay her way boots rubber shoes men and boys light weight overs also heavier ones with rolled edges a heavy rubber suitable for wearing over a heavy boot rubbers womens high cut rubbers in two styles misses and childrens rubbers to protect the shoes from the fall days libbers lehmans yarns and socks now in stock o lehman the shoe store quality phone 4301 service salt tile cold weather is comii ig prepare for it by having your bins filled with the best we carry the famous- philadelphia reading anthracite welsh anthracite pocohantas coal also feeds pastry flours and seeds coal coke cement s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont aocatoc xoeioe 30c30k aoesoi s winter dairying pays you best l prices are usually higher throughout the winter period and farmers have more time to attend their dairy herd to get the best market results you should ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone 18601 closed every evening excepting saturday after november 1st o 0 o 0 o ioboi ioe gordon e cober radio technician student of television college chicago radio repairs stocked for prompt service telephone stouffville 8104 stewart beare phone markham 2603 or to brathwaltes hardware 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville out tho now stand groceries carbolic soap r calces 25c castilo s cakes 25c mojali tea per lb- 35c mojah coffeo per lb 35c peanut butter 1 pint jars 20c graham wafers per pkg 20c a w- scott stouffville west from post oftlco rntiel i fje ins 3bijjfjuinj j toronto single 85c return ir3 daily service eastern standard time leavo stouffville leave toronto b 715 am d 915 am c 330 pm d s30 pm b dally holidays j c e c 1100 am 130 am 530 pm 545 pm except sunday c saturday only d sunday holidays only o daily except saturday sunday holidays coach connections at buffalo and detroit for all points in tho united states parcel eapress between all points on gray coach lino routes excopt usa points gray coach lines

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