fruit production in peace river owl laffs i do youjlemember so other piece of jewelry has ever meant the same to mo as the simple little ornament concerning which i sing lefs give a word of fulsome praise to the trinket of our childhood days the horseshoe nail the blacksmith bent and made into a ring toronto daily comments on latest products of north ern orchards we recently called attention to the fact that several varieties of ap ples and crab apples have been grown for several years in the peace river country we spoke of a small shipment of theso fruits received from the experimental substatfon of the federal department of agri culture at beaverlodge in northern alberta the substation is in charge of mr v d albright super intendent and mr e c stacey ba msc assistant superintendent we now have a communication from the same source stating that the or chard production at beaverlodgo this year included five varieties of plums namely prunus nigra manitoba wild plum prunus americana a policeman caught her in the act opata oka and tho tom thumb of tearing a letter into tiny bits which cherry socalled tho opata oka she threw to the ground in the park and tom thumb are really hybrids and the following conversation took of the plum and sandcherry bur iro of very fair quality indeed we heck in england to take orders means to enter the church peck its slightly different over here you enter the church get mar ried and then take orders young husband do you know my dear theres something wrong with the cake it doesnt taste right young bride triumphantly that is all your imagination for it says in my new cookery book that it is de licious soon much stronger also have elderberries ripening for the first time in our experience the bushes which produced ripe fruit were obtained from brooks alta and morden man elderberries receiv ed from ottawa in 192s are still in magnificent bloom but will ripen no fruit so far as plums are concern ed we havo grown them before in sparing quantities and a consider able mimbor of peace river settlers have done the same in this and pre vious years though i hear of more numerous successes with plums this year than in previous years one place policeman you ought to know bet ter miss than to throw rubbish around in the park she what impudence thats not trarh thats a love letter from my very best boy friend the wreck no sir the trouble is not due to any lack of care on you part it seems to me that your power is not being transmitted properly and its my opinion that there is a breakdown in tho ignition system ot course if you in st i can have one of my me chanics thoroughly overhaul it but i oldier settler had about two bushels fear that it would bo a completewaste of very good plums they grew on 0 time i feel reasonably certain that bushlike trees the damage is irreparable my advice although there have been touches j t0 you my s is to purchase an- of frost this year commencing with ot cigarette lighter tho last night of august and ran teeling terrible mrs mckenzie strongly recom mends dr williams pink pills for wornout women i was complete worn out frcm looki lg after a very cross baby night and day writes mrs james mc kenzie glenboro man i became very thin and had seveal bad spells of dizziness my legs and back ached and 1 was feel ing just terrible when i started takl g dr williams pink pills i soon real ized i was getting much stronger i gained in weight and felt like a new- person i strongly recommend dr williams pink pills mrs mckenzie is but o- ot thous ands of women who have been won- derfully helped by dr williams pink pills and who have written in to tell how the rich new blcod created by these pills rebuilt exhausted nervous systems and restored these sufferers to vigorous health give dr williams pink pills a fair trial for rundown or nervous conditions 50e a package at your druggists our crossword puzzle therefore a healthful form of exerciso and with a good looker a fellow wouldnt mind doing his daily dozen slave driver our idea of the meanest man in the world is the man who was deaf and never told his barber ing down to 28 degrees f on the night of september 19 these frosts have not killed any except the tender er vegetables and on october 4 a souvenir de claudius pernet rose which has been absolutely unpro tected all fall had a beautiful cream bloom while a hugh rickson rose was opening a lino bud whose outer petals had been slightly frayed by temperatures i should be candid enough to state however that while such are the conditions on the brow of tho hill where our experimental work is conducted an entirely differ ent condition obtains at the slough half a mile distant and 107 feet low er at that point the lowest nights reading during september was 17 dogrees f at the middle of the month such a difference will be puzzling to an easterner and is ac counted for by tho fact that in dry climate there is at times a pro nounced tendencv to inversion of temperature by which is meant that within tho limits of local topography the cold air settles to the ground at night with readings progressively less extreme as one ascends to a height of several hundred feet be yond which we have presumably the usual prevailing tendency for the air to be rarified and therefore colder as the altitude increases wo havo been keeping systematic records for several years on a slope with a fall of 131 feet in 211 rods and are quite sure of our facts eastern canadian agriculturists and horticulturists will bo interest ed in this information from superin tendent albright though the peace illver country has a great futura in wheat growing and mixed farming it is never likely to be a great fruit district but it is very reassuring to know that a region so far north of tho international boundary line and even of edmonton can produce and ripen apples and small fruits of no mean quality agricultural can ada marches steadily northward toronto mail and empire the safety net bottcr hang out the sheoak net was the phrase in a nautical hook that caught our fancy the other day and with the journalistic thirst for infor mation about now things wo hunted up some information about its mean ing it is a common expression ot raillery among deepsea sailors and it seems to havo its origin thus in the days of tho windjammers in the seventies thcro was a very potent drink t- ho had at sandrldge and wil- liamstown in melbourne called sheoak beer this was said to bo mado from tho bark ot tho sheoak treo ono or two glasses would knock poor jack over with the re sult that a largo number ot drunken men woro drowned when going aboard thoir ships lato at night to minl- mlzo this an act was passed making every ship hand n net under her gang way before nnyono was allowed aboard or ashore this act is still in forco at all ports even tho large pas senger ships havo to placo it under their gangways this net has always been called a sheoak net st thomas timesjournal old lady on platform which platform for the montreal train porter turn to the left and youll be right old lady dont be impertinent my man porter all right then turn to your right and youll be left the only man who became a physi cal marvel through correspondence courses is the mailman who carried th- lessons about on his back policeman why did you call me is that man annoying you old maid no but hes trying to get away experiments stimulates the show that heart action kissing and is for 600 i will set you up in business showing 100 per cent profit of a rapidly selling article a few ex clusive territories open for hustlers send 50c to over cost jf sample postage packing and particulars mr littler suite 29 14 toronto street toronto mrs onthego they say mrs tea- whiflle plays golf just like a man mrs clubber she should be ashamed ti use such language many man who thinks he is lead ing a bride to the altar is being pushed there himself but doesnt realize it bim my wife has been nursing a grouch for several days bam oh i didnt know you were ill a woman asks why it is that when a woman complains of being tired and worn out the doctor always asks to see her tongue diner whats this leathery stuff waiter that is fillet of sole sir diner well take it away and see if you cant get me a nice piece of up per with the buttons off most married men expect to find all bachelors millionaires they would be it it wasnt for the girls record apple crop owen sound a recordbreaking apple crop for 1932 in the beaver bailey district both as to quality and quantity is forecast by george ii mitchell of the georgian bay fruit growers limited mr mitchell said that the georgian bay fruit grwoers limited would ship this year fully 25000 barrels this is several thousand barrels greater than in any previous season plan 5 hydroelectric plants changchun manchuria five pow crfulolectrlc plants to bo built in tarious parts of this new state form ono of the latest government projects the government hopes that foreign capitalists and engineers will bo in terested as manchukuo cannot fur nish all the capital and technical ksill made in canada if rich foods disagree it need not mean a weak stomach sourness and fjas doesnt mean indigestion just lake an antiacid to sweeten the system and enjoy life before meals or afterward when distress is felt do this awhile and stomach and bowels will be in fine order use only genuine rhillipsmilk of magnesia it is standard the other preparations do not have the same antiacid action atso in tabiet formi thillips milk of magnesia tablets are now mi aale at drug stores everywhere each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a tcaspoonful of genuine phillips msi of magnesia ho zontal 40 want 12 jog 1 ladies 42 floor cov ing 13 tforp shaped 6 homeless wanderers 13 pertaining to court 1c bonds 11 charm 45 to understand 19 lacking 13 finally 4g exists 21 flowers 14 higher 47 sharp cornered 23 rhymsters 15 those suffering for 49 sun god 25 nobleman faitli 50 releases v dry 17 article 52 merchant 29 old war instrument is rtodern 54 revises 31 shakes 20 french river 55 discards 33 ceased 21 litis iece vertical 34 river ot japan 22 gin 1 to cow 3c grinned maliciously 24 beverage 2 electrical unit 37 selfrespect 25 to unito 3 greek letter 39 combat 2g son of seth 4 treo 41 loved ones 2s narrow 5 sea mammal 43 insects 30 targets c article of the same 44 vehicles 32 cpikes of grain class 33 black 7 beast of burden 4s cheer 35 to defile 8 pronoun 37 kitchen vessels 9 boast 51 note of scale 3s roll of hair 10 church body 53 prefix dovn does own house- at 70 with the help of kruschen for nine years now i have used kruschen salts and could not do with out them i take a third of a teaspoon in a cup of water as hot as i can irinlt it no sickness no headaches now i am 70 years of age in april and just with taking kruschen salts am able to do all my household duties myself i recommend kruschen to all my neighbours before i began taking it i was never away from tho doctor but now i never need him i used to have sick headaches and then was not able to do anything but now it is differ ent thanks to kruschen sal mrs j g kruschen keeps the organs of the body working actively cleanses all clogging impurities from the system and sends clear vigorous blood cours ing through tho veins and the re sult an end to all lifes minor and miseries no more headaches tiredness depression nerves cr constipation instead a sensation delightful freshness high spirits happy outlook in short sheer good health traditional sea terms retained in british navy london after a hot engagement the british navy has driven off those two modern raiders left and right and nailed its whoei to the timehonored tern port and star- board but tho encounter has left its mark hitherto naval helm orders have resulted in the ship turning to tho left when the man at the wheel was apparently being told to turn it to tho right from jan 1 1933 however direct orders will be is sued for the first six months of tho new system the order will be wheel to port or wheel to star board afterward tho precaution ary wheel to will bo dropped tho original proposal which aroused the fiercest opposition among seafaring folk was that not only should the helm orders bo direct in stead of indirect but that port and starboard should also mako way for plain landlubberly left and right though port has scarcely acquired its sea legs having only ousted lar board a century or so it has al ready mada itself a general favorite both fore and aft resolutions against tho plan poured in from old salts in all parts of the country in the end both sides emerged triumph ant with halt their original demand satisfied tho new helm orders will come into forco for the british mercan tile marine on tho same day as for the navy smart street frock bv helen williams ttstrated dressmaking lesson fur nished with every pattern clear all wires put up your hands commanded the larger ot two bandits who had stopped tho coach were goin to rob the gents and kiss all tho ladles no remonstrated the smaller one gallantly well rob tho gents all rjght but woll leave the ladles alone young man snapped a female passenger of uncertain age mind your own business tour friends managing this boldup legion weekly deightfully becoming smart and wearable is this coat type frock fol iate summer and early fall its lircs are io fluid and slimming- thcro are several ways of carrying out this model for instance in hya cinth blue crepe silk its stunning fol iate summer for fall a borleuxred tweed is sportive and decidedly new and smart blac crepe satin is another nice medium stylt no 3085 is designed for sizes 16 18 years 36 38 10 and 42 inches bust size 36 requres 4 yards of easy teething baby cut all his teeth with no trouble thanks to babys own tablets writes mrs thomas shaw hamilton ont scores of other mothers have written in similar vein give your child babys own tablets for teething troubles upset stomach simple fevers colic colds constipation sleeplessness or whenever he is cross restless and fretful easy to take as candy and absolutely safe sec analysts certificate in each 25ccnt package over lofioo packages sold in 1931 243 dr williams babys own tablets plug tobacco saves money for smokers dixie only 20 a big plug 39inch material with yard of 39- inch contrasting how to order patterns wtite your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you vant enclose 15c stamps or coil cein preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service is west adelaide st toronto answer to ast weeks puzzle j i g s p 0 r e s p a 0 n e t a x e d h e w b a n t e r m i g n 0 r e t 0 p ft k n e e d h 0 x y i w i s m a d i t a n v wi l a d s t y l e l i v a h i g a s m i n l 0 g i c fl b i d f a t s k u g i s i h t o d s r 0 m p s 1 o i d e g r e e 1 i a m b i c i l l s l i h g o l 0 0 e k e a l 0 m e e h d classified advertising a n offer to every inventor list of wanted inventions and full information sent free the- bamaay com- oay world patent attorneys 23 hank street ottawa canada remedies for ali sicknesses write mr9 anna v- liner 30s burns st winnipeg man plilets yealtllno hens and cockerels barred rocks white kecks wyandotus ami leghorns j c tweddle fergus ont if made of itubbeh write folt catalogue rubber specialties rubber stamps cameras balloons universal specialty co ltox 01 montreal robmbm 4 ny formula s10c each write midland laboratory ms burns it innlpesr man issue no 46 32 tunnel money saver paris a tunnel which in a few months is estimated to havo saved motorists in france more than 500- 000 francs 20000 at 25 has been officially inaugurated at yenne on the eastern edge of frfance although less than 400 meters in length the tunnel reduces the time required to go from lyons to ais lesbains by half an hour for auto mobiles and by more than two hours for trucks it is cut through the mont du chat a steep slope which isolated tho rich agricultural district ot yenne from the rest of the depart ment of savoie that depressed feeling is largely liver wake up your liver bile without calomel you nre colinir punk simply became your liver o t pouring its dnily two ptnimln of liquid bile into your bowels dictation and elimination ro both lmmpcpod and your entire system is being poisoned what you need is a liver stimulant some thing that goes farther than salts mineral water oil laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage which only movo the bowels ignoring the real cause of trouble vour liver tnko carters little liver pills purely vego tft no harsh calomel mercury safe mure ask for them by name itcluse substitutes c at all druggists 63 when a man goes lishing he may not catch a long fish but he generally comes home with a long yarn magazine agent men or women to handle the town agency taking subscriptions to all magazines an opportunity to make a splendid 1 i ving wri te mr kail dominion publications bureau 21 king- st east toronto dont grow mushrooms earn s30 and upwards week ly growing mushrooms in jour cellar or outbuilding we buy write for free booklet pioneer mushroq co 32 orchard view blvd toronto tb a free book 5000 to be given away any sufferer from tills lisease who has not yet read the book recently published at od by aa knrlisli phy sician on the treatment and euro of tuberculosis may have a copy whilst the supply lasts lent free charge to any address applications enoch j ewlcfccr itcv germany nx sluggish intestinal systems lower re sistance to colds cleanse them with fecnamint the modern chewing gum laxative gentle safe non-habit- forming more effective because you cheio it for constipation perfect the name ii stamped on tho slern and tho word plumb it impressed in whito on the mouthpiece beware of imitations 100 model no 1c8ft trade enquiries to rubinovich haskell limited 440 mcgiii st montrcalqu cuilcfjka wuicldy heals pimples rashes and eczema l soap 25c f ointment 25c and 50c f ono thine that helps virrn a dilli pour in min- arda then rub the liniment fjently simply worn out take lydia e pinkhnma vegetable compound can nytblnit be more wearlnh for women than tho ctamltaa round ol houeboididutle you hare no time to be aide you aro tired klllnft yet cannot atop there comee a time when eomethlna anapa and you had yourtell imply worn out 1 lvdta b pmldiama vegetable com- pound will help you aonlc action wui turayou renewed atrenatb and will make your dally tatka atem taaler to you f n ont of eeery 100 men who report to ua aay that they are benellted bytwa medicine buy bottle m jur t- fclt today and watch