thursday october 27 1932 local happenings of lha there is now some talk federal government declaring remembrance day november 11th a public holiday if they do there will be a holiday for each month in the year william simpson edward street at dominion stores ltd a limit ed quantity of darwin tulip bulbs selling for only 25c a dozen while they last engagement the engagement is announced of olive mary elder daughter of the late mr and mrs miss kathleen sloan of toronto spent over the weekend with mrs h d sawyer with such fine daysjt is hard to realize that christmas is less than two months away fresh stock of peals and dried fruits for the christmas cake have arrived at dominion stores ltd letters to the editor 31arkham fair management observation under has a grapo vine climbing over a jacob boadway stouffviile to mr piece of lattice work at the entrance arthur lehman son of mr and to his garden and from it has pick ed over tour baskets rare good quality mrs isaac lehman of claremont of grapes of ontario the marriage to take place quietly early in november mr f l button took in the intercollegiate rugby match at the varsity statm in toronto on saturday afternoon when the western university of london in vaded the varsity field there wore 12000 spectators in the stands dr herbert freel is arranging to take a short post graduate course right away in new york city he will probably seo the man who is discovered to have two hearts and learn first hand how this spare tire habit works on the human body at the election of officers tor the year at the close of the annual bap tist convention held in toronto last week rev c e meleod of stouff viile was returned as secretary of the organization for the 22nd year tho president is rev dr m f mccutcheon of montreal p c stover the brooklin baker announces that ho will conduct a strictly cash business after nov 1st this is not surprising tho pro prietor pays cash for everything that enters into his business hence a customer or any number of them drain tho cash out of a normal good business the postponed mixed tourn ament held on markham greens last wednesday afternoon attracted 112 bowlers from unionville stouffviile claremont agincourt and the home rinks three games were played of 12 ends resulting as follows 1 watt stouffviile 3 wins 2 still stouffviile 3 wins 1 marshall stouffviile 2 wins 2 stewart mark ham 1 win e a grubin optometrist will be at his office in stouffviile on monday and tuesday october 31st and november lst- while farm stock sales in thic district are selling well there arj very few auctions this fall conse quently the two to bo held this fri day and saturday are likely to be widely attended on friday stock and implements on the farm of e tienkamp just south of ringwood will be sold while on saturday the stock and implements on the farm f mrs kirby at ballantrae will come under the hammer there will be no reserve at these sales while liberal terms aro extended ratcliff co are now handling maple leaf dairy milk and cream which customers may secure at their store at any time tho rev h r stephen late of claremont has been called to the alvinston baptist church and leaves next week for his new charge the eastern start will hold a euchro on friday evening october 28 at which time the draw for tho hope chest will be made this is an open evening to which all are invited peterboro defeated tho rouge hill box lacrosse team in stouff viile arena on friday night by a score of 91 the irouge boys did their best work in the first period and scored the first goal of tho evening this was the first of home and home games with peterboro in the provincial semifinals all yearly subscribers in town to the toronto globe are again re ceiving their morning paper at the post office instead of at the tribune office where however re newals should still be left and the clubbing discount obtained the tribune is the authorized agent in stouffviile for all toronto dailies the death in toronto on friday october 21 removes another former resident who was familiar to many citizens of this vicinity mrs chas hewitt whose maiden name was mary ann fisher lived with her husband east of stouffviile for the editor of an american paper published in a small western town caused a great sensation by stating that ho had been kissed by one of the most beautiful married women in the town and ho added that he would give the ladys name in the next weeks issue as a conse quence the entire issue an espec ially large one was sold out im mediately after publication but it turned out to bo merely a smart advertising ruse for the name of the lady was that of the editors wife anniversary services will be held in the united church bethesda on sunday oct 30 the rev levi atkinson of beeton will be the speaker at both services 11 am and 730 pm ringwood choir will furnish the music for the morning service and the home choir for the evening old fashioned day was ob served by the stouffviile w i at the october meeting the president mrs davey in the chair exhibition of handwork quilts blocks cushions etc and a parade of old fashioned costumes filled a very pleasant afternoon in the work exhibition first honors went to mrs r hamilton second to mrs w simpson in the dress parade mrs l lownshrough won first and mrs w simpson second com munity singing was the only music on the program tea was served at the close hostesses being mesdames lee leslie and malloy prentice prentice the veteran auctioneers disposed of the years she was 79 years of age and asslgi1 sale of the contents of is survived by three of a family the ring garage on thursday namely alfred and george hewitt afternoon of last week this was an and mary mrs smales her hus band predeceased her some years the family attended school at mon- unusual sale and was necessarily conducted differently to a farm stock dispersal each individual golia and before leaving stouffviile sale had to be settled for in cash at they resided on tho oboyle farm east main street the funeral on saturday afternoon came by motor tor interment at stouftvillo cemetery yes its pleasant to have your baking done if its done in our bakory instead of in your own home the pure- food ingredients of our broad and pastry thoroughly mixed and baked with expert skill bring to your homo tho acme of the bakers art when you order our goods by name stouffviile bakery ambrose stover prop the time it was knocked down to the highost bidder everything was disposed of in record time and a good crowd was on hand to pick up the offerings we understand that tho garage will be rented shortly and will then be open for business again mr harry peacock an artisan of unusual ability with workshop at the rear of porters store has just turned out a splendid piece of work in the form of a rolling cabin mounted on a trailer the order is for j e allan of hamilton who has now left with his new outfit for california where ho will spend the winter tho cabin is made of press councillor d h irusnell brought into the office of this paper the other day branches off a raspberry bush well loaded with new fruit this is getting quite a customary thing every fall and some people have picked a fair quantity of the fruit luther allan at bethesda informs us that they had a pie at his house a few days ago made from fresh raspberries just picked on the farm mr and mrs elias stover and mr and mrs ambrose stover attended tho funeral at- gormley on monday of this week of david wideman aged 72 years and brother of mrs elias stover he was a retired farm er of gormley living with his daughter in toronto where he died on saturday he was a mennonlte twice married and is survived by his widow one son louis wideman of toronto and five daughters mrs sloggett toronto mrs j hilton mrs e garlick detroit five grand- mrs e garlick detroit five gand- children and one sister mrs e stover of stouffviile another son ernest wideman was killed at pas- schendaele in 1917 the stouffviile and church hill christian churches have secured tho services of rev chester o sommer a young married man who comes from nova scotia and who is a son of rev fred sommer pastor for a short time nine years ago of the disciple church west end the new minister conies here highly recommended to fill the vacancy caused by the return of rev f e hyde to the usa to pursue his college course rev mr sommer has a wonderful background for a preacher as not only his father hut his grandfather were gospel ministers his father is now station ed in nova scotia he will take charge of the work here on the first sunday in november and the pulpit in the interval is being supplied by rev c e meleod while some people think that in these times of motor travel the days of the walking marathon is over it is not so for mr and mrs bert noble who struck out on foot for the city of montreal last satur day not only did they intend to hoot it all the way but they had their small baby just learning to walk in a rickety old carriage to push along all their earthly posses sions were stored in a small box rop ed to the bottom of the carriage to face an undertaking of this kinfl be more than many men ed wood obtained from scotland and the interior resembles a modern would railway coach it is equipped withjcoiliistand but noble is used to sleeping quarters and kitchen and hardship and braves it in a wonder- the total size of the cabin is gxl2 ful way his difficulties are multi- and 6 feet high for highclass plied because ho is an invalid with workmanship this latest job turned his one arm taken off at the very out at peacocks would bo hard to surpass body building firms in the larger centres normally ask just twice the price that tho cabin was produced for in stouffviile too findlay cook stoves and eaters h have beon handled by us for years because they havo proven to bo tho host stoves on the market which can bo sold at moderate prices a big fall shipment of stoves now on display do not buy until you investigate tho merits of a findlay heater or cook stovo fyw brathwaite hardware stouffville ontario pit noble is really a stouffviile boy for his father was one of the early salvation army men when a corpo was conducted here thirty years ago bort went to school with many of the present men of the village he had a steady job in toronto for years and bought a small home when he settled down through an accident ho lost his arm and be cause gangrene set in he had a couple of amputations until tho arm is right off at the pit medical bills and loss of work caus ed the fortunes of life to slip from him until his homo was gone and the little family virtually out on tho road last spring he came back to stouffviile and on various occasions last summer walked to toronto where he secured a days work cutt ing lawns in tho big city ho would walk home again at night a living that way was hard to make and ho docidod to head for montreal where his father lives and where he could tide over tho winter if there aro any kindly disposed peoplo between here and montreal wo hope that noble and his wlfo and child falls into tholr hands for they aro de serving and hate to beg in as much as the big markham fair is the only organization of its kind in this neighborhoodit is look ed upon as stouffviile and district annual fair and no one would like to see it faulter through misman agement in these strenuous days the columns of the tribune are open for citizens of the district to air their views on ways and means to make this great yearly event an even moro successful fair a nonmember writes and makes references to remarks printed by observer in the economist on october c and in order to get the drift of the whole matter we publish observers letter here with followed by that of the nonmember communications to the editor of the economistsun dear sir as one who is interested in the welfare of the markham fall fair i should bo pleased if there were certain matters explained according to reports the rink only paid 30 last season when rumour says that it should have paid at least 400 also opinion says that the rink is not being conducted to the best ad vantage from the viewpoint of the ordinary onlooker and there seems to be the feeling that if the hockey team or some other body or person took hold of the rink end of it there would be more business done the failure of a great many businesses can be traced to small leaks and markham fair comes under the same category it takes a great number of donations to make up for a loss and those interested should not spare any effort to plug these small holes and another state of affairs which i do not think conducive to the success of tho enterprise is that the markham fair board has been compared to the senate in that one has a life membership then last but not least is raising the admission from 25 cents to 35 cents during such a depression as we ar now passing markham fair is an institution so it is up to you to see that it does not fall on account of the mis management of a few of its pro moters an observer editor of tho tribune dear sir observers communication of recent date regarding the markham agricultural societys style of do ing business certainly gives us some interesting information rum ors have been afloat of something slack in their methods but not be ing on tho inside i considered it just a rumor after reading the article and having no reason to doubt its accuracy i thought it very strange especially it they are as reported short of funds if then that article is correct how many more cases of a similar nature might there be if they could be uncovered we believe as observer points out that there is too much senate connected to the board of directors and its habits we find ourselves wondering just what there is about it so fascinating to make them want to be there year after year and work for nothing it seems rather hard to bolieve that this country is becoming so defunct that we are able to meet only 7 v of our obligations there are other business concerns hit much harder than the sports yet i have not heard of any who could pay only 7 and still continue to do business however i will keep my ear to the ground and perhaps ring up again nonmember quality we wish to announce that until we can collect our past duo coal coal coke will be sold at a cash price that is cash with order or on delivery our cash price is very low for high coal coke service accounts quality schumacher feed for crate feeding of chickens or fattening ducks schumacher feed is a good laying dry or moist old hens fob mash for feeding why 1 pay more than 135 per cwt poultry supplies for laying mash phone 4501 stiver bros stouffviile ontario 3 financial report tho district medical meeting of tho ontario medical association at stouffviile on october cth show the following receipts and disburse ments dinner receipts 7s paying guests 1 each j7s00 disbursements 78 paying guests 75c each 55s50 4 complimentary guests 300 womens institute g100 miss lehman accompanist 100 horticultural society don 500 womens institute bonus 500 geo saunders decorating 200 municipal hall rent 350 7800 branch 7 kalua hawaiian studios lount e beebo teacher of hawaiian steel guitar for appointment phone 503 violin tuition harvey o hess accm of broadus farmer studios will ba pleased to hear from anyone inter ested in violin studios in or in the vicinity of stouffviile please write to 159 glebeholme blvd toronto dr ira freel counsellor send the tribune to absent friends for national advantagefor individual benefit plan now to buy dominion of canada bonds 1932 on monday october 31 canadians will have an opportunity to invest in a new issue of 80000000 dominion of canada bonds by buying these bonds you will accomplish two things 1 you will obtain the soundest investment available to canadians secured by the resources and integrity of the dominion 2 you will assist in further strengthening canadas financial position with favourable effect upon general business n otwtthstanding the trying condi tions which have prevailed during the past three years canada has established an enviable record of financing for ex ample among other accomplishments the dominion has refinanced before maturity andatareduced interest rate 640000000 of its public obligations due in 1931 1932 1933 and 1934 the new dominion of canada bonds which will bear 4 coupons will be offered at a sufficient discount to provide an income yield in line with current interest rates- within the last few months great britain and other countries have arranged import ant financial operations in each case these have met with marked success investors having quickly recognized the trend toward lower interest rates the success of the new canadian loan is important it will further demonstrate the confidence of canadians in their own coun try and this confidence will be reflected in the money markets of the worlds for national advantage and for your individual benefit plan now to buy dominion of canada 4 bonds 1932 when tbey are offered next monday this preliminary advertisement is published by the department of finance to enable canadian investors to make arrangements to participate in this offering