the romance of letters the rle of the post office in mans everyday existence h bed for weeks i miss kertcn was nervous pd anaemic until dr williams pink pills restored her health i believe it is my duty to tell other sufferers of the wonderful re lief 1 experienced from taking dr williams pink pills for anaemia writes miss mamie kerton badjeros experienced wonderful relief gilbert chesterton ir an essay on rudyard kipling speaking of things poetical described the mailbox as the sanctuary of human words the place to which frijnd and lovers com mit their messages conscious that when they have done so thsy are sccred and not to be touched not only ont for three years i suffered from by others but even a religious touch weakness shivering and faiutin by themselves poimg a letter he spell feeble pulse poor appetite i was adds is ont of the few things left nervous restless and always pale i that arc entirely romantic for to be was in bed for weeks at a time until entirely romantic a thing must be i put dr williams pink pills to the irrevocable test after taking three boxes i was but that is only cne side of the restored to my normal health i flecks or uistant snips mm romance the other and even mori thousands of other young women g gardens purple depths appealing pait of this romantic story have been benefitted as miss kerton t niagic kingdoms are is the faithful often ingenious bear- j was dr williams pink pills rebuild pish tha leap in s arcs ocean voyage pulse of engines underneath ceaseless faithful as a heart order shining whiteness peace current of a world apart world where days are marked by bells xights are watches and the while fleeoffoot men serve the ship mile slips by on rolling mile overhead the bright blue dome curving to the waters rim uainbovvtinted in the dusk mystical poetic dim opalescent in the dawn palely brilliant at high noon starsrewn in the velvet night cloudwracks flying past the moon all around the restless sea blown to fury smooth as glass foamlace spreading in the wake flecks of distant ships that pass ing to its destination and into the health by actually creating an abnnd- hnds of millions as if by a kind rf magic what is entrusted to the un- i states the mailbox is but a door of the sanctuary the poit office is ai institution of evoi lasting energy es emerson called it even before it t k on such mighty services as it per forms today guarded still by a cer- tin religious sentim in mankind 1 look upon it laid the great am erica sage as a first measure of civilization it is o a mere com mercial enterprise it is democracys universal schcol cf letters it is invidious or would be tc make comparison with other departments of government but i think that ill will grce with charles sumne with vhom it w3s difficult to agree in all things tha it is the most universal i its beneficence there is nothing which is not helped by the post effire here is his support of the statement with my own interpolations is business in question he asks the post office is at hand with its invaluable aid quicktning and multi- flying its activities and it has ex panded beyond any dream of his 1851 when letter rates were reduced t three cents but when the parcel post had not been thought of is it charity the jicct office is the gool samaritan omnipresent in all the highways of the- land and like the good samaritan it meets try deficits at the inn is it education the pest office is schoolmaster with school for all and scholars by the million we may now say by the ten millions for all the literate as readers of the vritten and the printed word are its scholars and by reason of the rural free delivery lo one however isolate or remote is beyond the reach of its free tuition but there is a iunction still more precious and fundamental than any of these or than all of them together the exchanges between members of families friends and lovers these are golden threads which we weave into the daily fabric o 3ur home life from our dear outsu e relationships one writing a long time ago called friendship the great chain of human society and intercourse of letters one of the ehiefest links of the chain and though the air has given a new med ium for speech at a distance it does jot take the place of the word which car be read and reriad and perman ently kept it is a significant thing that when the life cf a man of un gual attainments ird influence is written the letters which he has him self written generally offer tho rich est material seeing the carriers this early morn ing in the stieets with their burdens i recalled a statement that was made at a service in memory of their com rades a year or two ago to the effect that the living postmen were placed on earth to carry burdens but they are not ordinary burdens they are the most precious commerce of hunan exchange whether written by hand or printed the distinction of this service would end the moment that its mem bers ceased to regard fs inviolate the communications which they bear be tween human minds in sharing ex periences of joy and sorrow in ex pressing aftection and sympathy in recording the things that still help to keep this practical world a place of domance if as gilbert chestertoi said the posting of letters is jne of the few things left that are entirely romantic another of these ntirely romantic things is the receiving of letters we thank god for the united states that mystically receives them fvthfully guards thitn and religiously delivers them john h finlcy the cricket to october the long puro light that brings to earth her perfect crown of bliss wanes slow tho thoughtful droop trunk epd bough and tho faint breath of the earth- loving things say this oft when tho dews at night clasp tho cool shadows all in vain i look along tro meadows level dark to sea tho firefly lift her tender light again from the thickwoven shade where on tho redcupped moss today a crimson ray alit the bluebird sends one melancholy note up the brown glade this way anne whitney in poemo ance of new blood and increasing the blood cells thereby restoring wasted tissues and revitalizing the exhausted nervous system growing girls are greatly helped by dr williams pink pills fry them 30c a package at your druggists moon paths leadin adee de leeuw ing to a star for colds i always use babys own tab lets to break up my babys colds writes mrs wilbert cotquheuo stur geon falls ont when i see a cold coming on it is to babys own tablets that i turn writes mrs robert greenhorn philipsville ont mothers everywhere report in like vein of the safe sure results that follow the use of babys own tablets in treating childrens colds teething troubles simple fevers disordered stomach colic constipatioa 2 cents dr wlliicou 4 babys own tablets the world suffers a great deal from people who are uninteresting because they themselves are not interested in anything sir adaie roche do you know that one of the oldest town clocks in north america is situated in halifax nova scotia it was erected in 1802 and except for a few intervals for repairs it has been giving tho time continuously since that date made in canada eat drink and be merry no need lo feel sunk next day take a laxative dose of phillips milk of magnesia when you go lo bed or with your breakfast orange it rids stomach and bowels of all lingering poisons no headaches no nausea not even a coated tongue get the genuine phillip milk of magnesia substitutes are not the same aiso in tabin formt fhjllips milk of magnesia tbleu are now on ale at drug stores everywhere each tiny ublet is the equivalent of a teospoonful of genuino phillips milk of magnesia lisbon traffic wheeled traffie offers more variety n lisbon than in many other capi tals of europe modern traffic is very much in evidence motorcars of all makes hoot their way through crowds of leisurely pedestrians electric trams turning sharp corners with grinding sound of wheels urge state ly coaches to give them free pas sage by means of a nemphatic bell the coaches oblige ird with more ex pedition than do the pirate tramears already described these coaches are a link with the past they rumble rather heavily over the stono pave ment drawn by horses decked out in a brave lisplay of plated harness the coachman is generally a typical portuguese servant with long side- whiskers and he urges his steeds to high stepping rather than to speed the horses are of the breed that figures in paintings of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries having small heads and round rumps wavy flowing tails arched crests and waving manes and so much action that pace has to suffer but dignity is maintained yet more primitive vehicles roll through the streets of lisbon plain boxlike carts on solid wooden wheels of a design unchanged since roman times these carts have a talent far more pronounced than that of the pirate tram for getting in the way and impeding traffic the drivers are as impervious to objurgation as the oxen that draw these obstructive con veyances these varied forms of vehicles make up the daily pageant of the streets captain b granville baker in a winter holiday in portugal owl laffs classified advertising a unique club there has been no sign given that the ugly mens association of perth floorwalker 0 per west australia is going to change o r f information sent free tb xaasay com- k h ifji i nt klq ha3 completely lost his hearing aay world patent attorney 273 ianic the name of the institution the 1m m j street ottawa canada a n offer to every investor x list or wanted inventions and ull i second floorwalker nonsense j o eiledles for all sicknesses hes to be transferred to the complaint wfinpmwfc l 30s buru department j roxxruxa qualifications for membership which have always been simply the posses sion of ugliness have not as far as can be learned been altered no doubt the members go about full of a sort of perverse boyish j as a laboratory ss pride in the possession of their un- anything no- mpeg man prepossessing exteriors of such in- j stitutional detail one can speak but in for 4 ny formula j10c each- wk1tb answer to last wi puzzle sks 0 h h s 0 n g f u 11 l i e l i 0 h u s e d d e h i a l 1 0 a r i g 0 a 0 t m a h t m r v m 0 r g y i 0 h 1 b a s e r u e a r c i a i t a h g a t h e r s m a i f a r i 0 r e mi e l m c h i p 1 a v e i s k a p h v t i w r y f a d a 21 m h e m m j a g v a r r u d e 0 t i c e r a s 0 w r 0 b e s a p emotion has swept more than one man into the sea of matrimony when a woman cleans her- husbands pipe well she surely loves him fetch a basket have you noticed how athton drops his aspirates i its nothing to the way he drops his i vowels ive got more than a dozen of his i o us and after all isnt the modern girl fith her paint lipstick and rouge just about as real as grandmother was with the false hair and bustles v tri known by the ignorance ho is whimsical suppositions and i fancies and remember exact information is lacking on f man est one point however there remans no mafce best t quesion the record of this strange le club bears out the old quotation j mqre wave qi handsome is tha handsome does i u lt this organization which in 1919 raised 6000 to teach men carpentry blacksmithiug and other pursuits has lately purchased a farm for the training of boys in agriculture dur ing the next is months siys a press dispaeh the uglies hope to train 1000 boys if this is tlie way ugly men com fort themselves when they organize let us hope that they get together in increasing numbers what the world needs in other words is more ugly men and them organized like that famous ugly man of literaturre cyrano do bergerae the members of the ugly mens association undoubt edly carry their adornments in less material molds the christian sci ence monitor threw away his stick he oh you mustnt blame me for my ancestors she i dont 1 blame them you for to when sciatica yielded kruschen there can be no doubt that this man has finished walking with a stick for it is now four years since he discarded it he writes for is months i suf fered with chronic sciatica and rheu matism and was unable to walk with out the aid of a stick but after tak ing kruschen salts for a short time i was able to throw away the stick it is now four years sinco this happened and i have had no return of tho com plaint and have not lost a day from work i s all never be without krus chen salts as they are worth their weight in gold you can use this let ter as you please as lean honestly re commend kruschen salts to any suf ferer c f if thj eliminating organs become sluggish they permit harmful uric acid to accumulate and deposit itself in the tissues muscles and joints in the form of needlepointed crystals which piercing the nerve sheaths cause ex cruciating pains of sciatica the six salts in kruschen stimulate the elimin ating organs to healthy regular ac tion mischievous uric acid is then given no chance to collect adversity sweet are the uses of advrstty which like the toad ugly and venomous yet wears a jewel in its head shakespeare taken literally a census taker on asking a woman how old she was received the follow ing answer do you know how eld ihe hid girls next door are sure well i am as old as they the census taker wrote down as old as the hills cvngregationalist rr sa j our crossword horizontal 1 negative 4 urges 9 operated 12 anger 13 uncanny 14 personality 15 jumped 17 slang energy 19 astringent salt 21 italian river 22 to unite with 25 wheel tooth 27 mislaid 31 frequently 32 astronomer 34 whether 35 hawaiian wreath 36 grain spike 37 ncgatlvo 3s southern indians 41 drunkard 42 gallows 43 sister 44 jutting rocks 45 to leave 47 to expand 49 to attach war instrument meadow is to sing tio affirmative ci boy 02 foo 03 to obtain verticsl 1 nothing 2 mineral 3 boverage 4 to pare 5 lessening c conjunction 7 to plunge s to percolate 9 corded cloth 10 years old 11 conjunction 16 dish 18 arctic 20 large bird 22 cross timber 2 bid 21 pronoun 2g back stage apart ment 2s weight abbr 29 title 30 jogs 32 japanese coin 33 fuel 35 vassal 39 pronoun 40 to drag 41 to such extent 44 two scotch 46 formerly 48 solo 49 tho whole bo edible seed 51 cushion 52 tribe of israel 54 to silence 55 to scrutinize 56 to soak 59 note of scale all set for a massacre i told my wife i would shoot any man who had flirted with her at the seaside what did she say she told me to bring a machine- gun willie im ready to cat no mother mother have you washed your face willie no mother no what willie no soap incriminated guest your little daughter looks so good and quiet hostess i hadnt noticed come here what naughtiness you been up to now all children benefit from the body building and health promoting scotts emuiisibii ijs or norwegian mmi cod in richjn certaintyomfort healths sake k rfoulad donrrakenoxovsmlgsl a guaranteed regulator absolutely harmless no nauseous medicines easily used mary have t zutitiiht rt stvckm reitmtnt3 tjrt mar irtoeskn aita wr ftit eimeito a or dysmenorrhoea amenorrkca waltanne remedies dept w 2 college st toronto ont it was the idea of a short pretty girl who was continually being kissed on the forehead caller and what are the twins lo be named johnny johnny helen and maria caller why no johnny it cant be that johnny well thats what daddy said when the nurse brought them in j trials of the gold standard i according to tha medicos blonde sunbathers blister very easily so it i appears that blisters as well as mis ters prefer blondes the advertisement read thus be fore you put the baby on the floor clean it thoroughly with our vacuum cleaner knows his oats beginner now my man i want to hire a horse how long can i have it out groom well sir we usually leave that to the horse it takes more than one swallow to make a summer and more than one flirtation to make a vacation amusement let amusement fill lip the inks of your existence but not the great spaces thereof theodora parker grace i didnt accept bob the first time he proposed graceless no you werent there says a famous novelist a man of experience can generally tell a wo mans age but he lacks experience it he does who invented high heels asked a masarine writer one theory is that for constipation noa habit forming scientific d- plumb perfect pipe the name is stamped on the stem and the word plumb is impressed in white on the mouthpiece beware of imitations model no 1mft trad enquiries to bubinovich haskell limited 440 mcglll st montreal que be generous with the mmirds ofter youve balherl the hot mchy patls with atm wjtcr rub the liniment in veil often whai a relief help for tired wives take lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound wives flet tired during tlicio hard times they are the ones who must bear the burdens of the family whco tho husband comes home with icab money in his pay envelope it is the wife who must struggle along and xnako the best of things if you are tired worn out nervous try lydu e plnkhoma vegeta ble compound what you need is a tonic that will give you the strength to carry on 98 out of every 100 women who report j to us say that they arc benefited by this medicine buy n bottle from your ilrug- jjlct today and watch the resume its liver that makes you feel so wretched wake up your liver bile no calomel necessary for you to feel healthy and happy your liver must pour two pounds of liquid bite into your bowels every day without that bile trouble starta poor digestion slow elimination poisons in the body general wrctchedntm how can you expect to clear up a situation me this completely with mere bowelmoving salts oil mineral water laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage they dont walce up your liver you need carters little liver fills purely vegetable sfe quick and sure results atlc for them by name refuse tubstitutee 25o at all druggist m issue no 4432 i the friend of every mother v jgf- values her price 25 c correct the cause of childs failing children should not bo punished for bedwetting it is caused by weakness of kidneys or bladder mothers will find our homo treat ment helpful for their littlo ones send no money but write today for free trial treatment adults with urinary weakness will also find our treatment beneficial vanderhoof a co box 2 windsor ont for sale by leading dryggirti