Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 13, 1932, p. 7

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voice of the press canada the empire and the world at large not a funeral baseball fans canada no great men ceorge bernard shaw says there are no great men or women in the world 1 can write plays and you cant that is all he remarked it i couldnt 1 should probably be a tramp as it is i am so well off that everybody pre tends i am much more respectable than i really am hamilton herald lie tanned the hideo a prominent iietou county farmer brought two calfskins to market and could only get twentyfive cents for them he also wanted a few yards of leather belt lacing he could not get enough for the calfhides to buy the few laces he was mad clear through being a longheaded scot he threw the hides back into his wagon and started homeward hang it he mut tered to himself im not going to let these fellows beat me in the old days thoy tanned hides why cant 1 he did the process entailed some work he used the river for a soaking tank he applied the proper solution to softl en and toughen the leather it work ed he cut a lacing from the hide and tried to break it he couldnt and came to town to show th result of his work lie has several dollars worth ot good strong lacing for the belts of his machines but what pleased most was that he beat the machine that was op posing him new glasgow chronicle out of place in the city there is little joy for a rollicking bigframed animal running loose in a world of crowded streets the ner vous tension of dodging car wheels and being chased from pillar to post because of a succession of wrongdo ings innocently arising ij the sheer joy of living is sufficient to arouse ir ritability in the most amauionalim beast and eventually hriiig dawn coals of fire in his i id aid lrt of his own er there re few tli is nscrj i ing or ratrr rfh whlie than the loyal company of a his goodnatured rascal who through his very freedom of though and action can make life seem n much pleasrinter business to the har ried human mind like everything else however he has his place and if lie is not intended toi the kennel or the leash that place is in the country or at least the less cramped portions of the city where he may enjoy the liberty so essential to bringing out the best that is in him edmonton jour nal wider problem although the first for eign reaction is to compel adjustment to the changed conditions auckland weekly news anglodanish relations denmark has been one of the first foreign countries to show readiness to adjust itself to the new trade condi tions created at ottawa and its pe culiarly intimate commercial relations with croat britain are illustrated by the fact that last year this country look no less than c7 per cent ot all danish exports the danish people seem determined to overcome the dif ficulties created for them by the new ottawa duties and a low trade treaty will no doubt be negotiated at the earliest opportune moment in the meantime the british exhibition will exemplify the enlightened selfinterest that draws the two countries economi cally and culturally together london times british capital in crown colonies british carital is tremendously need ed in all the crown colonies and there are bitter complaints from time to time that british investors are shy ot investments in them yet when it comes to a practical effort by a bri tish investor to begin an enterprise in these colonies he is met as often as not with a cold water douche of sus picion trinidad guardian a fallacious notion motorists who clamor for the re nioval of speed limits claim that it is not speed in itself but reckless or in competent driving that is responsible for so many distressing highway ac cidents but a member of the staff of the national safety council of the united states curtis billings argues in the atlantic magazine for october that the increase in the death rate due to motor accidents coincides with creases in the power and speed of motors in that country with the coining ot fast cars and broad paved roads the notion became fixed in the minds ot motorists that speed in it self is not dangerous that notion he says is as fallacious as it is allur ing having reviewed the statistics on the subject mr billings quotes one engineer as saying tho faster a vehicle is going tho more damage it can do because its energy increases as the squaro of its speed that is to say if the speed is doubled the force of the impact in case ot accident is four times as great this is a com monsense as well as an engineering view to take of the effects of increased speed the significance of tho argu ment lies in tho fact that it comes from an expert engaged in safety first work toronto mail and em pire too much cutting down all over the province the high schools and collegiate institutes are tryng to cut down expenses in fact all over the province everybody is try ing to cut down expenses even those who have no reason at all for doing so people who have their 192s in come are pinching like the rest this reducing ot expenses this refraining from buying anything that can be done without retards the return of business activity and yet a force like this operates inevitably and no argument can prevail against it toronto star- hanging the official hangman in poland gets j 15 per execution and says he cant make a living at that rate his ser vices are not sufficiently in demand and most of tho lime ho is just hang ing around stratord beaconherald the empire ottswa and world trade a revival of trade within the empire is calculated to increase british pros perity everywhere and nothing can prevent that from operating beneficial ly elsewhere in the world it means much that so great a commercial na tion should find its feet again ot tawa it is well said has furnished a link between lausanne and the world economic conference the ultimate outcome must bo the benefit ot all and the immediate result is to simplify the has recovery begun 1 bellfcve that the process of recov ery has begun and is well under way even though there is little visible evi dence of it as yet but convalescence must r ths best be slow owing to the terrible network of constrictive bonds in which the world has contrived to etivslop iuelf in its desperate and fu tile efforts to escape from tiie consc iences of its own economic u-y- 1 have little faith in the powers of a world economic conference to pro duce n formula for the unravelling o- the tangle the only real hope lies in a steady and unrelenting pressure or business men for the piecemeal re moval of obstacles to trade and in the natural ingenuity of the trader every importer or exporter who can find a way preferably legal through round or over a tariff quota or exchange con trol deserves well of humanity at the iip flippy lliliigjiisfiifg just a portion of the worlds series basoballers making their way through chicago3 crowded streets the fans turned out to bolster the courage of the home lads already in the soup present juncture 0 r the spectator london hobson in the reds in china the euro for the red movement in china is peace and prosperity this is not to say that active and resolute action is unnecessary but communism grows from the hothod of distress arising from famine disorder and cor rupt government aeroplanes and local volunteers can disperse a min ority of bandits and rogues but a great peril arises when normal and or derly people are drawn into such a movement then the revolt grows to tho proportion of civil war with il limitable possibilities for mischief hong kong press other opinions monotony most of us can draw up our belts an other hole and cut our lunch allowance in two for a spell ot weeks but there comes a time when it we are blest with a spark ot imagination we crack under the strain of monotonous exist- once a brainstorm sweeps away all our good resolutions the selfdenying ordinance is overborne wo are almost ready to play ducks and drakes with our insurance premums and payments to the cooperative bank and liko pip- pa give ourselves a holiday it is wortli all it costs sometimes to waste i the price of a plain nourishing meal on a red necktie or the prico of a much needed pair of shoes on a broiled lob- ster with all the fixings boston j transcript dominion seed experts survey yield prospects otc returns indicate that clov er ht aiajfa in l2 promise a much rirlkv totil yield ot ceed in canlc i- i a while more timothy and vosci alfalfa pros- jc o i- d the st cut failed to st s v arlj rad hcrt crop is exiieced i so- era t al- sike is mils i reduce in acreage in ontario and may vie end- average says a report issued last vek tie dominion bureau of statistics a con siderably reduced acreage o sweet i clover for seed is reported in the western provinces and also in on- 1 tario brome ami western rye grass i in the western provinces promise much more seed than last year owing to more moisture during the growing season the acreage of bent grass for seed in prince edward island is re ported about 25 per cent less than last year canadian to command egyptian air force alexandria egypt squadron lead er victor hubert tait a canadian has been appointed to command the egyp tian air force with the rank of kaina- kan lieutenantcolonel squadron leader tait who was attached to the royal rir force succeeds air commo dore a g board who resigned last april after a dispute with the egyp tian ministry of war which disap proved of his having aircraft brought from england by steamer when the ministry wanted them flown here by egyptian pilots autoist loses life in grade smash companion receives minor injuries at crossing near smith falls almonte out thomas burrows is dead and russell mcdonald is in hos pital here as a result ot injuries re ceived when their car was struck by a canadian pacific train at a railway ercssing near welch c cation three and a halt miles north or smiths falls late fiy they were placed aboard the train and rushed tj hospital here where burrows suffering from a fractured skull and internal injuries died mc donald is less seriously injured both mcn aro from montague station an inquest was opened here- and ad journed until october 24 empire tariff concessions become effective this thursday canadas pacts with united kingdom irish free state and south africa will be under way a winner ottawa tariff agreements made by canada to the united kingdom the irish free state and south africa at the imperial conference will camo in to effect thursday morning tills announcement was made fri day in the house ot commons by pre mier bennett who in a statement anxiously awaited by parliament and the thousands ot canadians connected with industry throughout the country said jtbat the full details ot the im perial conference agreements would be made known in the house on wed nesday the tariff changes incident to these agreements he stated would be treat ed in the same way as tariff changes made in the budget that is they would become operative on the following thursday mr bennett said that tho conference agreements with the united kingdom tho irish free state southern rho desia and south africa would be made public in parliament at i oclock wed nesday afternoon the united- king dom agreement alone necessitates 200 tariff changes giving britisl manu facturers wider preferences iu the canadian market what the other pacts entail is not knjwu as uo details 1 have been announced no moro vidid reminder has been given of the old saying about the flag on which tho sun never sets than that the time at which announcement is made concerning the agreements must be set so that simultaneous statements will be released in england where tho clock is five hours ahead ot ottawa and in australia where time is a day ahead of this country synchronized announcement announcement ot the full demits of the canadaunited kingdom pact will bo made at the same time in england the best advice here however was day that owing to the different parlia mentary procedure overseas the quotas and specific preferences given canada under the agreement would not become effective until a statute is passed by the british parliament the latter does not meet until october is present preferences given canada un der the import duties act will remain shortage of doctors teachers in soviet russia moscow soviet russia is faced with a serious shortage of physicians scientists teachers and authors be cause the communist youth would rather be an engineer than a profes sional man a spirited campaign to overcome this prejudice has been inaugurated by the government it was learned af ter an official survey disclosed that virtually all students in tho schools prefer jobs at which they can work with their hands sorely in need of more doctors and teachers the soviet authorities are assuring russian youth that it is re spectable to be intellectual the odium which attached to the socalled intelligentsia they are told no longer is tenable whether tho new generation will permit itself to be convinced remains to be seen the boys and girls of the new russia have grown up in an era when intellectuals were hunted de rided and publicly humiliated the very word intelligentsia has come to mean something affiliated with counterrevolution j the one exception in the mind of the russian youth has been the en- girl ends hike bc to alaska i czechs volunteer for army prague czechoslovakia is having tho unusual experience for a country where compulsory military service ex ists of being overwhelmed witli volun teers for the army more than three times as many are applying as can bo accepted the sause is rising un employment in the country which is now beginning to feel the effects of tho crisis two famous fighting ships to disappear london two of britains famous fighting ships will soon leave ports mouth for the last time the iron duke earl jellicoes flagship in tho battle of jutland is to become a gun nery practice vessel most ot her fit tings already removed when she was originally ordered scrapped under the london naval treaty have been re trieved the cruiser terrible which is leav ing for newport monmouthshire for breaking up became famous in the south african war when her guns and naval ratings were rushed at the last moment into ladysmith and helped sir george white to sustain tho siege for several months after lying co years in the river thames on loan from the admiralty tho training ship arethusa has finally been condemned the vessel will be replaced by the german sailing ship peking which will be renamed the arethusa the condemned arethusa was the last british vessel to proceed into action under full sail the in cident happened in the crimean war gineer though he might be classed as an intellectual he is at least close to industry and concerned with stern realities rather than soft ideas tints it has happened that the en gineering schools have been crowded while the medical pedagogical and purely scientij institutions have not left vancouver early in summer and arrives at juneau janeau alaska although lost for five days in the wilderness south of telegraph creek bc miss thea francis on october 7th completed a hike from san francisco to juneau started last starch 19 anil delivered a j letter from governor james rolph jr of california to governor george a parks of alaska after leaving vancouver bc early in the summer the girl said she hiked to hazelton and then plunging into the wilderness she followed the do minion government telegraph line be coming lost and remaining on a bar at the head waters of the bell iriving river before being found by telegraph linemen sent to searcli for her after being placed on tho trail she hiked to telegraph creek and atlin thence to skagway where she obtain ed a small boat and paddled down the lynn canal to alaskas capital that was the only transportation miss francis had on the entire trip she said although she saw many bears and moose she said she was not mo lested described as an alluring bruuetto with large extremely expressive eyes kathleen burke has been chosen as the ideal panther woman by a movie company llcr radios in use in japan the total number of receiving sets in operation in japan at the end ot april was 1103518 according to a re port of the united states department of commerce from assistant commer cial attache william s dowd tokyo in that month alone 5s951 permits were approved although all sets in private hands pay a monthly fee of 25 cents increasing interest in shortwave in ternational broadcasts according to mr down seems to indicate that the japanese government will eventually modify the ban on short waves to per mit the public to use shortwave sets such action would undoubtedly in crease the imports from the united states for a while at least because at present japanese manufacturers make only long wave sets at the pre sent time these sets are supplied al most exclusively by home manufac turers obnoxious billboards there are two counts against the billboard on the highway it not only mars tho landscape and destroys the natural beauty of roadside scenery but its garishness also distracts the attention of the driver of the car im portant traffic directions posted along the road are often lost n a welter of commercial signs in the interests i safety tho most conspicuous signs on the highway should be thoso placed there by the highway department to direct traffic st paul pioneer press heavy rains hinder harvesting in the west winnipeg for tho second succes sive time a rainy week has brought grief to western farmers heavy showers over the greater part ot tho three prairie provinces and a dash ot snow at swift current sask made up tho weeks weather budget prospects are scattered showers in manitoba and saskatchewan and clear ing skies in alberta intermittent wet weather has proved a severe handicap to cleaning up har vesting and threshing operations while manitobas crop is practically all harvested and threshed about 25 per cent of this work remains to bo done in saskatchewan and alberta if good weather follows work should be under way again but tho quality ot the grain remaining in the fields is bound to be seriously impaired j hurricane again takes toll here is a scene from devasted area near san ju an puerto rico clear away the wreckage the dead mounted to 2 00 with thousands showing inhabitants beginning injured use ontario farm products and help the farmers hon t l kennedy since he be came minister of agriculture two years ago has made every effort to improve agricultural conditions in on tario by means of public addresses and departmental activities he has sought to impress upon urban com munities the necessity for making j pj 0 loud greater use of our own agricultural products statistics show that year after year the peoplo of ontario im port a very large amount of such pro ducts from foreign countries it they turn from these foreign products and consume our own there will be a double advantage farmers will bene fit financially and they will in turn be better able to buy the manufactured articles of urban communities the result is obvious but some edu cational effort seems necessary to bring it about with this object in view the department recently an nounced an ontario farm products week from october 17 to october 22 we are gratified to note that the idea lias been taken up with enthusiasm in all sections of the province retail merchants manufacturers civic bodies and other organizations are cooperat ing to make the week a success in many cities plans have been made for parades special window displays and other attractions designed to increase loncon will observe sir christopher wrens anniversary london the observance of tho 300th anniversary of the birth of londons greatest architect sir chris topher wren on oct 20 at st pauls cathedral will be attended by repre sentatives ot various institutions and societies including the royal instit ute ot british architects the london society and the wren society there will be a special service of prayer and commemoration with an addross by canon alexander the london society has arranged for a lecture on wren on oct 21 by professor feresbnrd pite f r i b a a member of the board and faculty of fine arts cambridge wren was born at east knoyle wiltshire on oct 20 1032 the great on in 1000 which com pletely destroyed st pauls and near ly ail tho city churches gave wren a unique opportunity ot displaying his genius as an architect greatest englishwoman declares newspaperman toronto the greatest woman in britain is queen mary according to mr arthur beverley baxter in i speaking at the womens canadian club here he declared that the really great women ot the world were not those in the public eye but the good homemakers who inspire their hus bands to the highest that is in them and make their sons their own self- expression the well known newspaper man said that the british people were just beginning to realize fully the place which would be taken by her majesty when the history of the dif ficult transition years in england public buying interest in ontario farm wa3 written with society turned up- products at this season of the year tho home life of buck- there is one product which must be j palace had been a rallying disposed of quickly to the best advant- celltre 0 moral force age i ontario is noted for the high quality g g y l cannery of its fruit in other years wo have frequently been distressed by reports a large fruit and vegetable cannery of fruits of various kinds lying rot- with a capacity of 100000000 cans a ting on the ground because there was year is to bo built at sardarabad in no demand for them there is a- armenia according to the economic ways a demand for good fruit but the review of the soviet union it will difficulty seems to be in methods of cost about 10000000 rubles con- collection and distribution if fruit struction work will commence next growers can be assured ot a ready year and the plant is schoduled to be- market there will be little left to rot operations in 1031 raw material tills year the object of the ontario for e cannery will be supplied by a farm products week is to enlist tho stat0 arm in the vicinity which con- cooperation ot consumers in cities rols hectares 5900 acres ot towns and villages in making use of orchards vineyards and truck gar- tiiese products including fruit with dens these urban dwellers it should be as wo have explained a matter of intel ligent selfinterest toronto mail and empire strictly british club aids farm women florence sc five years ago a group of ibcal women organized the florence home emondslration cllub where farm women sell their produco direct to the consumer eliminating the london strictly british and adher- middlemans profit the club has ing strictly to the buy british cam- just ended the most successful year paign patriotic english who have to of its existence 10000 worth of farm do with ship christenings are no long- produce being sold the goal for 19 er using champagne champagne 33 sales ha3 been set at 15000 ana they figure is french so they have- grounds surrounding tho market placa taken to christening their vessels with have been beautified and other im- wine and cider provements have been made

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