stouffville august 18 1932 quality servicb peaches we have closed an arrangement with the owner of one of the finest pcach orchards in ontario to de liver us all the better varieties of peaches these will be tree ripened which means everything as ro- gards to flavor and we will be able to give the best quality and service we have ever given the richest peach of all is the st john they come first and will bo ready in about two weeks let us have your orders early and thus get prompt delivery fresh fish every wednesday phone your order ratcliff co town delivery yon pay less for more resale depot lowest prices our policy la such that we can afford to sell used cars for just what tboyre worth in unused mileage the value of the new model ford is so high so close to the cost of production that we have no leeway for making excessive tradein allowances when we accept used car3 in trade thus when we resell a used car we have no in centive to mark up the price to save us from taking a loss when you buy a used car from us you pay for the miles of unused trans portation in it for its actual worth and nothing else some unusual bargains in used oars 1 plymouth sedan 1930 1 ford tudor 1929 x graham paige sedan 192s 1 chevrolet tudor 1927 also it number of the good used cars and trucks 1 essex coach 192s 1 fordson tractor 192s a number of trucks and other used cars all at a very low prices and easy terms arraged d holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario notes and comments western granaries are still so full of wheat that there is fear that the new crop will result in terrific con gestion and the very plentitude is assisting to make times what they are elevators full but bread baskets empty wheat stored away but bread lines filled daily its a strange world that allows itself to bo strangled by natures bounty there will bo an eclipse of the sun visible in canada on wednes day august 31st about 3 oclock in the afternoon it will be a total eclipse along a narrow strip in the province of quebec just east of montreal and great preparations are being made by scientists and as tronomers to go to quebec and study the phenomena to be found only at tho time when the sun is totally eclipsed in this part of ontario the face of the sun will be about three- quarters covered this will not be sufficient to affect the volume of light and as a result there will ba no uncanny darkness even at that the eclipse will be interesting and readers are advised to have a piece of smoked glass handy through which to look at the progress of the moon across the suns surface m a noteworthy decision was given by magistrate spereman of owen sound last week when lie gave his opinion that fishing property had to be properly fenced to keep out cat tle and sheep before a charge of trespassing could be laid agaist a peson says the flesherton advance there are numerous streams around here that aro not protected by fenc ing in any way and are therefore open for public fishing whether the fishing rights are owned by the ow ner of tho property or sold to some fishing club in order for some of these clubs to hold their fishing rights it would according to thii decesion be necessary to spend a great deal of money to build fences and the outlay would be prohibitive then the clubs would no doubt have to purchase tho land in order to protect their right therefore the outlook does not appear very entic ing from tho standpoint of the clubs in question another point is that any stream in which the fish have been deposited free by the government is open for public fish ing this is a farreaching decision and all clubs interested will receive it with dismay the general fishing public however will rejoice the pioneer public transportation service headlights economical buying a few suggestions which indicate the increasing value of the dollar when it is spent in the w ii shaw store great midsummer sale of house and street dresses we bought heavily in these lines and were therefore able to offer to our custom ers some really wonderful values we still have many lovely frocks suitable for all occasions and we will clear these out regar dless of cost note these prices the stago coach now on exhibit in the toronto coach terminal was in ser- ice between richmond hill and toronto for more than fifteen years and was still in operation when the electric radial line was completed iii 1s95 to preserve au interesting link with the past this coach has been restored by the ttc and it is now included in the ttc collection of historical public passenger vehicles illustrat ing the development of public transportation services in ontario the oldtime stage coach was one of the first public utilities in the country and its introduction in the early part of the nineteenth century ushered in the first period of vigor ous progress and development am ongst tho scattered settlements that had been struggling valiantly under the handicap of almost total isola tion in those early pioneer days com munities located inland from the main water routes were practically inaccessible and conveyances sturdy enough to navigate the crude hasti ly constructed military roads were few and far between yonge street one of the first highways constructed by the mili tary authorities under sir john craves simcoe was nothing more than a rough tortuous bush road when in 1s2s john playter and sons established a stage coach route between york now toronto and holland landing at lake simcoe the coaches wero ponderous vehicles patterned after the early english mail coach and were drawn by four horses tho steep hills and lowlying marshy areas presented tremendous difficulties for the heavy omnibuses were also drawn by four horses and could accommodate about forty passengers some of whom occupied seats on the roof with driver and tho luggage at one stage of their development tho omnibus bodies were suspended on leatherstraps but this innovation proved unsuccessful because the straps permitted the body to sway perilously in all directions and made it difficult at times for the passengers to retain their seats tho service between richmond hill and toronto consisted of one trip each way every dy with two trips on holidays and special occa sions the fare was seventyfive cents return while a trip generally occupied about three and onehalf hours the speed of the service can hardly be gauged from the elapsed time at frequent intervals along the highways gentlemen with a keen eye for business had opened up wayside taverns and the stage conveniently waited at each of these while the passengers who felt so inclined fortified themselves against the rigors of the journey tho introduction of steam rail ways spelled doom for the stage coach lines and when the northern railway between toronto and lake simcoe was completed in 1s53 the holland route passed into bolivion tho speed and comfort of the train service made competition from the humble highway carrier impossible with all its advantages however the railway service could not over come the handicap of inaccessibly located stations tho richmond hill station was located two and one- half miles west of the village and the local omnibus line to toronto if you can remember hack 63 years you will recall a similar coacli to the one above which was operated by one john palmer between stouffville and toronto the coming of the steam railway line sealed the doom of the coach sale price 98c sale price 149 sale price 105 sale price 225 reduced to 79c reduced to 98c reduced to 129 reduced to 159 also a splendid assortment of dainty frocks in all shades and styles at prices ranging from 395 to 1250 in all sizes and all greatly reduced in price beach pyjamas a few of these popular and attractive garments in a variety of shades and styles regular to 225 to clear at 98c 129 149 childrens beach pyjamas for play time or at the beach there is nothing better than these pyjamas you will save money buying them now ages to 12 years regular to 110- to clear at 69c bathing suits womens and childrens all wool suits in fine quality wool with sun tan back and at tached skirt these suits will give long ser vice and always look well prices greatly reduced sport skirts all well tailored skirts in pleated and gored styles flecked tweed flannel silk poplin all wool and silk and wool jersey knit regular to 650 to clear 195 to 395 childpens play suits and pantie dresses well made service playsuits in blue aw khaki and dainty little pantee dresses suit able for all occasions- prices ranging to 125 each 59c table oilcloth remnants an opportunity to supply your require ments at a greatly reduced price each rem nant plainly marked with size and price a special in dinner sets just received a shipment of myott sons english dinner sets plain white 94 piece sets with embossed design for ever- day use there is nothing better and best of all the price is within the reach of everyone 94 piece set complete 895 decorated dinner sets 94 piece dinner sets with dainty floral decorations in a variety of patterns at an exceptionally low price per set 1495 clear glass tumblers about 8 oz capacity plain and fluted suitable for everyday use- each 5c jelly glasses get your supply now in preparation for the preserving season complete with lid each 5c arctic flannelette blankets these are canadian made blankets second and are wonderful value at the price the nap is soft and cosy and each blanket is finished seperately with whipped ends and has colored borders of pink and blue note the size 70x90 per pair 189 pure linen towels face towels of pure linen of good quali ty size 14x26 a limited quantity only each 15c turkish towelling of fine absorbent quality 16 wide red and blue borders sells regularly at 25c per yards 21c or 5 yards 100 coaches and during wet weather demanded herculean efforts on the part of the driver and horses and frequently tho assistance of tho passengers in 1s32 this route was purchased by william weller who also had estblished services to kingston dundas and niagara in his ad vertisements mr weller guaranteed to take passengers to hamilton via the lakeshoro road by daylight and to kingston in twentyeight hours tho weller terminal at tho intersection of church wellington and front streets presented a scene of great activity and was a centre of community interest with daily ar rivals of coaches passengers and mail from points east west and north with the convenience of daily stage coach service lake simcoe soon became a busy centre of travel steamship cruises from holland landing enjoyed a large measure of popularity as an interesting and nioro or less adventurous diversion continued to prosper travellers preferred to use the more direct and convenient service and the mail was still carried on the buses after the abandonment of the holland landing service edward shepherd proprietor of the half- way house in richmond hill pur chased tho richmond hill service and later it passed into the hands of robert raymond also a hotel proprietor john palmer an omnibus owner who had operated a service be tween toronto and stouffville until a branch line of the railway forced him out of business bought the lino from raymond in 1sg9 mr palmer retained control of the service until 1s7s vt that time w r proctor secur ed a contractor to carry the mail between richmond hill village and the railway station in conjunction with tho mail business he inaugur ated a bus service to the station the return fare to toronto via this route by bus and rail was eight during tho summer to assure his cents and the journey was made in the wh shaw store passengers of the best in travel service charles thompson who owned two steamers plying lake simcoe bought tho holland land ing in 1840 two trips wore provid ed eacli way every day except sim- day and the stages made direct con nections witli tho steamers at tho landing despite the hazards and discom forts of travel during this period tho stago coaches prospered under the stimulus of comparatively easy and and convenient communication factilities now population was at tracted to the villages and agricul tural districts tho highways bo- ramo arteries of travel and com merce carrying tho vigor and vital ity of the pioneer spirit to all sec tions of tho country and wide spread prosperity and happiness gave the first hint of tho remark able future in store for this new land of opportunity besides promoting the general development of tho province tho stage coacli services contributed gonorqusly in taxes and tolls to the maintenance improvement and ox- tension of tho highways new and bettor highways created a demand for increased highway travel ser- vico and over increasing prosperity accompanied tho extension of tho full benefits of the highways throughout the country with tho improvement of the highways travel became less ardu ous and after yonge street was macadamized in 1s47 a local lino was established by a mr shuttle- less than half tho time proctor consequently secured the lions share of the business and palmer was forced to retire as there was still a demand for direct service to toronto john thompson owner of a stage line that had been established between thornhill and toronto extended his route to richmond hill thompsons enterprise proved more or less profitable and until less than forty years ago his service provided tho only direct moans of communication between toronto and richmond hill tho electric radial line to rich mond hill was constructed in 1805 end completed t ho annihilation of i he yonge street stago coach lines thompson endeavored to continue his route but his service could not prentend to offer tho speed and comfort of tho electric cars and early in tho winter of 1s9c the last of the services gave way to the march of progress judged in the light of todays standards tho stago coach and tho omnibus were crude and uncomfort able but tho sorvico they rendered to this province in its pioneer days cannot he overestimated they gave a new zest to life and a now cour age to tho struggling communities rescued from the crushing handicap of isolation at a time when tho early settlers wero all but discour aged with the trials and hardships of wrestling even a meagre exis tence from tho wild and primatlve land to which their adventurous phone 9512 jijj stouffville ontario worth to provide additional service spirit had led them between richmond hill and toroni tho eclipse of highway public to this enterprising proprietor also transportation service was brief introduced tho omnibus a more the coming of the automobile again comfortablo and easierriding ye- revolutionized travel facilities new hiclo into stago line sorvico the roads and bettor roads created a new desire for highway travel and for public highway travel facilities with all the advantages and none of tho disadvantages of the old- time stage coach with direct main street to main street service and with the speed comfort safety and economy demanded in modern travel service the motor coach won instant popular favor today the motor coach enables ontario to realize the full benefits of the splendid system of the kings highways and in taxes is contributing generously to the maintenance and extension of more and better highways to stimulate further tho continued progress and prosperity of canadas premier province the placo that the automobile has made for itself in the everyday life j of the canadian farmer was relected in a recent legal action at goderich i ontario when a farmer obtained an injunction to restrain the county sheriff from seizing his car it was jargued on behalf of the farmer that his automobile rightly came wi lder tho head of machinery essent ial to his livelihood and therefore exempt from seizure the injunction granted was temporary the judge withholding final decision in the case boots shoes sioes to fit eve7y foot andejj occasions these shoes let me tf shop in comfort it you would shop in comfort for shoes first and stop here to shop wo will fit you with shoes that breathe the atmosphere of stylo refinement and show the master craftsmanship of real shoe building our wears are bound to meet with your require ments if you want smart shoes o lehman the shoe store quality rhone 4301 service coal coke channels animal spray you cannot afford to be without it keep a gallon on hand and and your stock will be free from flies corn meal feed for your poultry or hogs always on hand just a shade more than shorts or bran cement land tile and salt flour and feeds of all kinds coal and coke ask for prices at ware house or delivered s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville ontario cement safety speed economy are the three elements to be con sidered when sending money whether it is sending money ten miles or ten thousand miles a dollar or ten thousand dollars by mail telegraph cable or radio you will find the canadian bank of commerce a most efficient and economical agency to use state your wishes to any one of the 800 branches of the canadian bank of com merce if as frequently happens it is necessary to withdraw money from your bank account to make the remittance you can complete the whole operation at one time your remittance will be despatched quickly economically and with perfect safety payable only to the person or firm you wish to receive it the canadian bank of commerce capital paid up reserve fond 30 million dollars 30 million dollars cass