volxliv no 13 stouffville ontario thursday june 2 1932 a v nolan publisher do not despair if your face is disr2ured with uly pimples and blotches hey wilt soon disappear if you take wampobs grape salt promptyefhcientyyetcntlythi9ef- fervescing refreshing preparation cools and purifes the wood and cleanses the system it assists the functions of the liver bowejs kidneys and skin by nat ural meens aid relieves headsche bil iousness rhtumatiam and constipation two sizes soc and s 00 for ia by j m storey druggist thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phono 18202 stouffville marks sixty years of service a crowded church greeted the speakers at the home coining services in the church hill chris tian church last sunday for nigh on to sixty years the little white church has served us community during that time the church by the side of the road has mad- a host of friends many of whom gathered again to worship within its sanctuary rev c e fockler a former minister preached in the afternoon his message was enjoyed by all he quickly won the friendship of the children by telling then a story he renewed the friendship or old acciuuitances by recalling the mem ory of those days when he had served the church as a student minister and recounting some of his experiences and happy memories but lie held interest of all by presenting a challenge to all of those within the the salary cut i since- the members of the stouff- villo school hoard opened tho ques tion of lower salaries for public school teachers on the town staff the matter has been more or less discussed by the ratepayers and the members will be expected to take a definite stand ou the question at their june meeting the proposal to reduce the salaries of the lady teachers four to 900 has met with quite general approval so far as his paper cau learn but there are uqse who strongly oppose any such reduction and just how strong this element is time may tell while the final disposition of the mater rests in the hands of the board no doubt the popular wish of the citizens will have great weight with that body with a reduction of 100 in the salary of each of the four lady teachers the net ain to the rate- markham tp had long appeal list the township council with reeve gohu as chairman sat as a court of revision on the assessment rou on monday this week while only three appeals were registered by owners on tho east side there were no less than twenty- five on the west side it appears that the east side ltad been reduced more than the west side but in ex- plantation the assessors mado it clear that in their opinion the east side hud ben too high and in ad dition the assessors oaintrd the west side was a little more valuable than the east tiih later declaration led to a long argument on both slderf which ended by both holding to their respective views east side appeals f l button lawyer of stouff- payers would be 312 based on an v appealed against assessmont of equalized assessment of 53s2ti7 these figures vary from those published in this paper two weeks hearing of his voice to be respon- v i i i ago but the presence estimate jf sive to the voice of jesus and to help others to respond to it such a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance also automobile and fire co automobile owners warning no matter how carefully you drive you are liable to get into an accident pro tect yourself with a good auto policy and save worry and possibly a great deal of expense h o klinck insurance agent stoulvville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 19 g coroner for york county dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubius block phono s201 markham every tuesday oflice in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds ohico over tho bank of commerce ollico hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phono olhce 1011 residence 1015 legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan veterinary 6 t bodondistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 161 successor to dr j t storey e a grubin r o eyesight specialist at stouffville every other monday each visit to stouffville office is an nounced in local columns of tho tribune phone stouffville 2405 a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am l e oneil funeral director and embalmer successor to w j mather to w j stouffville night and business phono 9801 day service residence phono 9s20 is the task of the church through religious education to make the world responsive to the call of jesus mrs nellio dearborn of toronto wife of tho rev louis dearborn who also served the church as a student minister spoke in the even ing she urged upon those who were present to build christian homes to establish family altars to study the bible and to attend church services she uigd iliem to make jesus the host in their homes and in their heart her sermon seemed but an echo from the lips of other staunch evangelistic christian ministers who have used the pulpit of the little white church to warn men to walk in the way of the lord iter sermon recalled to mind those staunch pulpiters who have labor ed for the upbuilding of the king dom in the community that the chtirch served both afternoon and evening mr a livingstone brown sung his way into the heart of those present by his beautiful gospel messages in song mrs garfield kellirigton and mr and mrs clarence stafford al so had a part in the musical pro gram which added greatly to both services greetings from rev l c fletcher sprucedale united church sprucedalo ontario expressing his regrets he could not be present rev mr fletcher began his ministry on this circuit greetings from rev a t mercer minister of central baptist church bloomfield nj also a student minister were received too late to be 312 has been varified by the school inspector and is correct the government will save the remaining ss of the proposed 400 reduction by reason of the legislative grants being reduced the public school staff is highly qualified in this school each teacher has at least one extra certificate and all of them hold a permanent certificate thus tho board earn the maximum grants while each teacher is also drawing a small yearly grant direct from the government obtained for teaching a certain sub- jshjt in lie school for which they hold an extra certificate there is no doubt but that all these positions could he filled at 750 as in the case of markham where the teachers resigned but the question of fairness should enter in and such a drastic move would scarcely be approved here what the local board will do in this matter however is being watched yitl interest pioneer passes in altona in the passing of john hutchin son at his late home at aituia on saturday may 2s 1932 an octo genarian of iifelong standing in the district has passed to the great beyond although born in england s 4 years ago the late mr hutchin son came to canada when a child with his parents and they located in this neighborhood a son of pioneer parents the deceased know well what hard work meant and it was his lot to help clear much of the read at tho sunday service rev mr hand in this locality from its virgin mercer served as the assistant pastor j f state to elden vannorman from 1908 to jt hutchinson when a young 1910 ho is a soninlaw of mrs samuel hoover of church street south stouffville tho services turned out to bo a great church reunion and all agreed tho time spent in tho church by the side of the road was used to a good advantage many feel in tho word of the poet and wherever i roam it is guid ing me home tho church by the side of the roao and as they the visitors go back to their homes the little white church will go on serving its com munity go on serving and making liew friends next week a historical sketch o tills little church will appear in these columns specialy written for tho occasion by one associated with its life for tho entire co years friday nights comedy marys castle in tho air prom ises to attract a large crowd on friday night of this week this comedy is being presented in rat- cliffs hall by the victoria square dramatic club and the profits will bo applied to the needs of the stouffville cemetery commission your support will bo appreciated by not only the players but the local commission admission 25c and 15c tabernacle meeting a tabernacle meeting under the auspices of the mennonito brethren will be held at pikes peak 5th con whitchurch beginning sunday june 5th evangelist m a durham miss ruth bowden song leader two soloists miss calca marsters junior worker have been engaged services sunday 1030 am 3 pm and 30 pm services each night of the week saturday night included 730 pm a t gooding pastor box lacrosse crosby memorial rink unionville saturday june 4 at 8 pm rouge acs vs unionville dont miss this event 3000 on lot 31 con being 43 acres of land he claimed naif of this land 5 acres was worthless and the place only rented for j50 yearly with mr button paying his own taxes reduced from 3000 to 2800 a b hamilton appealed against 150 assessment on subdivision property between hagernian ami miiljkmi appea dismissed j meharg in same division on 9 acres with 800 assessment on land and 300 on building was refused any reduction west appeals enblock when truman baker rose to appeal against lot 17 eon 2 132 acres assessed at 9900 he suggest ed that all from his side the twp appeal in a body and he so heard 1hls was to save tints and was agreed to fifteen farmers on con 3 were heard through george b padgett as spokesman he attempt ed to show that the east side of township had been reduced from 300 to 500 per 100 acres while the west was down from only 100 to 200 the assessors explained their stand and said the move was to equal the two as they should be tin court sustained the assessments as they stood f l stiver appealed on three farms one was assessed for more than he paid for the property and was reduced 300 james atkinson was reduced 150 on his 7300 assessment at lot 8 con 2 allowance off being for re- forestration walter accermans appeal was dismissed on lot is eon 2 assess ment of 7300 archie fleming was reduced 900 on account of fire destroying house at lot 33 con 5 also b turner on tho 2nd con was reduced 100 on land lemonviile cleric is called to city church last week wesley united church located in the west end of toronto extended a call to rev b c french pastor at lemonviile for the pas year it is understood that the call will be accepted subject to tho approval of the toronto conference rev mr french is a preacher of outstanding ability and came to ontario a year ago from newfound land ho followed rev mr laycock at lemonviile and has spent a de lightful year in the country he has a family of seven children mr french will bo expected to fill his new charge on the first sunday in august wesloy church which is located near the corner of dovercourt and duudas streets has a membership of s7s and pays a salary of 3000 andrew graham loses second son young farmers win prizes at richmond hill local league opens box lacrosse man united in marriage with sarah reesor of whitevale daughter of one samuel reesor and they spent much of their life ou the farm just north of stouffville in whitchurch township ho took a keen interest in public events although never participated in them and was a staunch liberal of the old school in religion he was a methodist but of later years he was a wor- shipper with the mennonite brethren oclock sharp for the first battle lacrosse enthusiasts are looking forward to tho opening game in the stouffville leligueon the evening of saturday june 4 the occasion will be marked by a double header for tho price ofone admission only 25c the arena should be crowded for this occasion ball faced at s at altona which was much to liking as he never forsook the ideas of the early methodists in this country besides his bereaved wife mr hutchinson is survived by an only son oscar living near altona and by one daughter mrs archie bray of helena montana who is at home now for a brief holiday two brothers also survive being james of manitoulin island and john at bloominglon two sisters living are mrs mary meyers and mrs john latcham both of goodwood the funeral on monday place to altona cemetery look marriages carrutlicrs mitchell a popular young couple of picker ing township were united in marri age at the united church parsonage whuevalo on saturday may 2sth when ruby irene mitchell youngest daughter of mr and mrs william mitchell of whitevale and ernest ellsworth carruthers only son of mr and mrs arthur carruthers were bound in holy wedlock by rev w rackham tho young couple loft for a motor trip to western canada visiting at winnipeg regina and banff on their return they will reside on the carruthers farm in pickering tho arlon male choir of toronto with between 20 and 30 members and conducted by g wallace weesc will give 7 or 8 special selections in song at ringwood christian church on sunday june 12th at s oclock those who heard part of that choir at ringwood about two weeks ago will want to hear thorn again his which will lio between goodwood and altona following this game claremont and stouffville will stage the closing contest district deputy banquet of district no 39 at stouffvile ioof rooms en friday juno 10 at 7 pm the president of the stouffville lawn bowling club is calling a meeting of all the members to be held in the stouffville bethesda telephone ollico on friday night at 730 important business and every member is requested to be present senior boys championship and a free round trip to chicago were won by russell burr of scarboro at tho annual county junior stock judging contest held at richmond hill last friday the contest held under the direction of r e white local representative of the depart ment of agriculture attracted an unusual heavy entry list other prize winners were senior boys prize g s henry shield joe lavisou junior boys col g b little shield eber irvine novice standing cne shield lorno vvide- lnan coaches trophy lst o gra ham 2id ii clarkson township trophy 1st markham 2nd vaughan junior boys champion c mcclure councillor rateliff of whitchurch presented the markham prizes several domestic science contests for girls were held under the direc tion of the local branches of the wo mens institute may thompson was awarded the eckardt silver tea ser vice for obtaining the highest stand ing in the contests while gladys harrison and laurlna rutherford won a free round trip to ottawa other winers were mable rumble and mary constable a free trip to the royal winter fair at toronto junior nutrition joan ingram and louise kerr junior clothing mable rumble and ella brown senior nutrition hazel ella senior cloth ing anna everton ooaches prizes dorothy valllere and gwen beck township trophy vaughan king some winners from stouffville dis trict not mentioned above were miss delia steekley allan gray harry clendoning and w j brodie following an illness which baffled not only his local physician but the professional fraternitv in the hospital at toronto death re moved nelson c graham of mount albert on thursday may 2c he was 53 years of age the remains were brought to stouffville cemeterv on sunday afternoon following tho service at his late home tho deceased was the second son of mr andrew graham of this town he being survivod by his father and by two brothers messrs frank and chester graham both well known business men in western canada nelson was born ou the farm at vaudorf whore his parents lived at that time his mother died 15 years ago but he is survived by his stepmother hero for the last g years the late mr granam was farm manager for eugene rowan at mount albert whore ho was a well known and a popular figure in the district be sides his wife who is a sister to mr alonzo allin of lincolnvlllo three children are loft to mourn the pass ing of a loving father one son at home and two daughters one married and tho youngest aged 12 at home among the churches mexnoxite church rev w b moyer pastor stouffville sunday june 5 1932 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service a scriptural sign of the closing in of this age a cordial welcome to all altona the womens institute met at the home of mrs wes lehman on wed nesday may 18 and as it was the filial meeting of the year the follow ing officers were elected president mrs f wagg 1st vice pres mrs eli lehman 2nd vice pres mrs wes lehman sectreas mrs d crosier assistant secy miss b carter the regular monthly meeting of tho altona womens institute will be held at the home of mrs harmon yake on wednesday- june 8 at 230 pm the program for the afternoon will be as follows roll call recipes for rhubarb or strawberries paper on guests in the homo mrs wm reesor community singing reading miss beatrice carter report of district convention music mrs f byer demonstration on cookies by meeting of the womens liberal club will be held at tho homo of mrs borinsky on tuesday june 7 this is tho regular meeting and all members are requested to attend 21th anniversary annual mens day of the business mens bible class to be held in the ux bridge united church sunday june 5th 1932 addresses by mr w h goodwin of montreal one of the foremost laymen in canada and a speaker of marked ability at 11 am and 7 pm mr j stanley st john and his famed orchestra will lead the service of song and praise at 230 in the afternoon the mens rally service mr denton massey leader of the worlds largest bible class also at this service a e greenlaw noted colored bari tone will sing cars leave stouffville united church at 130 sharp death ends lengthy illness william gower well known citizen was only 54 years of age after an illness of at least two years one of which he was unable to leave his bed william t gower a wellknown resident of tho town passed away shortly afternoon on monday of this week aged 54 years he suffered from a weak heart with complications tho funeral on wed nesday took place to bloomington cemetery the service at the late homo south on obrien ave being conducted by rev t laiolaw the family pastor tlie late mr gower was a native of kent england coming to canada in 1s9 0 with his brother george to live with an uncle near mount albert being a man not afraid of work he readily found employment and when he came to stouffville he was engaged steadily all the time ho was once employed on mordeus express and by todd cook then later at mustons greenhouses ho last worked on laying the new road on main street in 1902 ho married adelia lemon of bloomington to which union four children were born but only one of whom survive being wilbert gower employed on the tribune staff the family lived at bloomington until 1908 when they located in townmrsgower died in 1910 and some years later wm united in marriage with sarah ann woodburn who survives him but who is now in a very precarious con dition with a serious heart trouble besides tho one son wilbert and a stopson dorian woodburn the late mr gowor is survived by two sisters mrs lehman living in michi gan and mrs penfold in england four brothers also survive being john and george of this neighbor hood and ernest and herbert living in toronto tho deceased was a member of the stouffville united church where he was a regular attendant until his health mado it impossible for him to go to this worship he was a good citizen and well respected in the community baseball officers tho stouffvillo baseball club leorganized for the season witli a wide range of officers the meeting was held in tim oneills undertak ing rooms and following the elec tion the boys had an enthusiastic talk over tho years prospects high hopes were entertained that tho best team produced hero for somo time was possible this season these present voiced their regret at the retirement of w j mather from the club ho having sold his business here to mr oneill he had been the main spring of the works for tho past few years and met with good success the officers elected are as follows honorary presidents mr e m still mr w j slather president e a button vice president a swift secretarytreasurer h c quibell assistant secretary dr n smith manager lisgar oneil assistant manager v l button delegates to meeting re drawing up schedule dr n smith ross davis committee to raise funds for the darting of the season alf pugh cliff plphor mike harding ross davis christian churches stouffville and church hiii f e hyde minister sunday juno 5 1932 1000 am stouffville s s 1100 am morning worship 2 pm church hills s s 7 pm the safety first victim a cordial welcome to all t t t t blooiungton and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday juno 5 1932 it really looks as though wo are all born here that we might make a good start for eternity for that is where we aro all boundjor we in vito you to worship at 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona t t tt stouffville baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor stouffvillo sunday june 5 1932 1000 am blblo school 11 am cheer up 700 pm homo sweet home prayer meeting wednesday 8 pm sunday 615 pm everybody welcome to all or any of our services t t t f stouffvele united church rev thos laldlaw ma pastor stouffvillo sunday june 5 1932 1000 am sunday school and bible classes 1100 a m morning worship tho challenge of pain 130 pm cars leave church for uxbridge where denton massey will address business mens bible class rally lot us go up in large numbers your car is needed 700 pm evening service the rewards of christianity- the pastor will preach wednesday 8 pm prayer and biblo study you tho cordially welcome to all these services tennis tho annual meeting of the tennis club was held on tuesday evening may 31 the officers elected were president dr n c smith vice president dick stewart secretarytreas jean collard executive committee miss eva hoover miss luella holden jack pennock reg button it was decided to make the yearly fee 150 with a fee i00 for those 12 and under a lighting system was also discussed coming events friday night juno 3 marys castlo in the air saturday june 4 box lacrosse double header monday august 1 street carnival and sports day crauel tfjc sinsjs fijjfuiaj toronto single ssc return lf5 daily service eastern standard time loave stouffvillo g25 am a 940 am c 240 pm b 725 pm a sunday leave toronto a 800 am c 100 pm 430 pm b 915 pm and holidays only b saturday sunday and holidays c saturday only coach connections at buffalo and detroit for all points in the united states parcel express between all points on gray coach lino routes except usa points gray coach lines