stouffville ontario may 19 1932 local happenings1 m mrs richard it warmington were guests with and son mr and mrs george collar jn sunday markhain public school board has reduced the salary of the lady teachers on the staff from 1000 to 730 a rather drastic reduction opening lacrosse match arena tomorrow night in the thursday may 19 can the grand valley chautauqua has left a deficit of 10 each for the guarantors to pay a lot of stouff- ville men know just what that means collection auto license marker no 05101 j lost finder please notify warren a bad smash beach or leave at tribune office but no wreck is too bad if you bring the remains to us for rebuilding the the old franklin house at mark- j bou f bumped squeaks re- ham a former popular and well moved and upholstery and tops put quality service mr and mrs john mckinuon were the recipients of no less than 150 beautiful roses on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary one beautiful gift came from the staff of the canadian bank of commerce plan to attend the piano recital by pupils of t v eaglesou on saturday evening may 2sth a very interesting programme of instru mental music has been prepared all who are interested in the formation of a baseball team for stouffville for the coming season are requested to gather at the ball diamond or friday evening of this week at 70 pm this meeting is called by last years president constable all pugh the tribune is anxious to have a correspondent at every country point if your district is not repre sented in these columns and it is in tho neighborhood send us in the news we will furnish stationery and postage and supply you witli a complimentary copy of the paper owing to the wet condition of the ground leading to the town dump over in uxbridge the can collection which was to have taken place last tuesday was cancelled the collet- lion will he undertaken today thursday dominion stores where quality counts the stouffville cemetery com mission greatfully acknowledge the gift of 5 from miss hattie smith toronto to help along their fund to pay for the new rest room at the cemetery grounds- spring grain crops are shooting up and the ground will shortly be covered with its summer greenness pasture laud has been exceptionally good from the early spring this season the business and young mens bible class met last sunday at 230 pm with a good attendance mr laidlaws subject in mciuoriam made a fueling reference to mr ward as a man and coworker in tho church an expression of sincere sympathy was passed by the class and ordered to be sent to mrs ward and family perfection floor wax tin water glass 2 tins zinc wash hoards 5 string brooms picnic lunch wafers box marslimallows lb kirks ilardwater soap 4 for red pkg tea lb domino tea lb chateau cheese 2 pkgs iiolled oats 5 lbs special sliced paeon 2 lb lux for sweet pickles quart maple sugar lb tin baking apples gal milk chocolate buds lb pineapples lettuce carrots onions beets asparagus celery toma toes spinach paul boainvay maxagku stouffville ontario 2- 2c 2c 45c 2c 25c a the government flag over the stouffville post office flew at half mast all day thursday of last week by order from ottawa out of respect to tho late president boumer of france who was buried on that day known hostelry is reopening business again this spring for commencing june 1st all wickets will be closed at 7 oclock pm at the stouffville post office the lobby will be open for boxholders as usual until 9 oclock each evening eleanor marshall eldest daughter of mr and mrs fred marshall was removed last week to the sick childrens hospital toronto where she underwent an operation for appendicits her recovery has been highly satisfactory so that she may bo able to return home the latter part of this week harry peacock shop rear porters ico cream parlors this is can collection day mr and mrs lome kester were up from agiucourt at the end of the week visiting his mother tho business and young mens bible class will close for the sum mer on the last sunday of this month with a mass meeting to he held sunday evening and rov dr mcdougall of toronto will give the address uxbridge bmbc orches tra will be present ii 5 at the mens store underwear specials mens fixe 1sabi5iuggyxs combinations g9c penmans long wearing bal- briggan combinations in no button style with short sleeve and ankle knee length full comfortable sizes 21 to 12 mens rayon combinations 100 the double wear nonrun quality fine ewn weave rayon regula tion athletic styles cool and comfortable for summer wear sizes 34 to 14 boys and youths bal- briggan or nainsook combinations 55c boys fine quality combinations in buttoned and non button styles short sleeve and knee length sizes 22 to 32 boys and youthsbroad cloth pyjamas 125 made from extra fine quality stripped broadcloth at this low price you should take advantage of this offering and secure the summers supply size 2634 tho motherly instinct of a female cat came to the fore on the farm of levi forsyth last week when the tabby undertook to be nursemaid to a batch of motherless rabbits of the wild type the little bunnies were found in a helpless condition when the old mother was destroyed but puss stepped in and is giving them their daily succor until such times as they can care for them selves hundreds of motorists are inter ested in the goodyear tire contes being advertised in this paper you do not have to buy anything aid every car owner is entitled to mr a branscomb of plcton who rendered a cornet solo so beautifully in tho united churchy was the guest ot mr e a grubin although the local stores are open three nights per week tues day thursday and saturday the patronage accorded them on tues day and thursday thus far is not great backward spring weather has accounted for this and with the one or more guesses just call on wa weather now apparently at the local goodvear dealers brath- haud the crowds in town on open waits hardware or delbert holdeu m ma ue expected to grow as and fill out the contest form you other j may win one of a score or more prizes in cash if bert hopkins barred rocks down at mongolia fail to produce tho largest egg reported to the tribune this spring they at least have tho distinction of presoutin the first last week mrs hopkins gathered one egg weighing four ounces and measuring s inches the long way by six and a half inches round this doubleyoked sample of hen fruit will give the average biddy something to think about editors are always getting in wrong and some of them have a special penchant for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time the other day someone pointed out in our presence and before a musician who lias high regard for the saxa- phone that the saxy and a cow make the same kind of a noise the musician took tho remark as an in sult when we made the untimely observation in defence ot the animal but a cow gives milk wallpaper we are headquarters for boxers semi trim med and sunworthy wall papers call and see our samples r e curtis having retired from the boot and shoe business this month mr amos lehman is devoting his whole time to his splendid garden on obrien avenue and now has potatoes up over three inches if the frost docs not overtake them and the potato hugs do not take this information as a formal invitation mr lehman will surely have new murphies long before most of our citizens this summer as tuesday may 24th is a public holiday tor school students too the schools in oakville are going to have a holiday on the monday also to give them a better roundedout vacation alas children theres a catch in this good news however as the oakville students will attend school on the saturday previous to compensate for the monday holiday at that it is a good idea neverthe less and one that is fair and sure to be popular the morning service last sunday in the united church was of special interest to the large congregation which assembled to hear mrs j r aikenhead wife of a pastor here 24 years ago preach her subject grow in grace held a strong appeal for the attentive audience the service marked the anniversary occasion of the womans associa tion and an all female choir supplied the music mrs warming- ton nellie george was present from toronto and rendered a couple of solos both of which were very appropriate to the line of thought expressed by the speaker and were in themselves inspirational rev mr aikenhead was also present and offered the devotional prayer during the service phone 1602 stouffville mx smsmmsbiimmimmmmi 1st prize 100000 cash 2nd prize 50000 cash 3rd prize 20000 cash 4th prize 1 00 00 cash 5 prizes each 5000 cash 95 prizes each 1000 cash 104 prizes totalling 300000 there was a good joke on one of our west end men going round on tuesday afternoon the gentleman complained to the tribune office that the can collectors had lifted everybodys rubbish but his which was then lying on the front lawn looking much out of place and whero it had been since five in the morning before he got wised up to the fact that the collection had been postponed ho was more or less wrathy at the way things were be ing done tho stouffville market has dwin dled to such small proportions that the attendance last thursday was not noticeable in town butter sold at is cents a pound and eggs at 10 and 12c a dozen if the business mens association want a real prob lem to tackle the market question would make a live issue there are those who maintain that with better market quarters and the addition of more buyers the farmers would patronize the undertaking there seems no good reason why uxbridge and sunderland both enjoy good markets while stouffvilles is allow ed to be slowly strangled through lack of cooperation we believe some merchants are of tho opin ion that nothing can bo done about stouffvilles dying market l e oneill successor to w j mather deserves the cake for being the busiest man in town last satur day on the day pvevious he went to toronto intending to undergo an operation of raore or less critical nature for ear trouble for which an incision would have had to be made through the skull at the back of the ear saturday was the date set for this undertaking and on the same day he had two funerals to conduct in stouffville which of course his predecessor mr w j mather han dled for him but this wasnt all just when the day was ended he found himself tho proud father of a baby girl born to his wife that afternoon if any man had any more to think about last saturday than tim oneill they are worthy of special mention in history the nice feature of it ail is like in the story book everything ended happily mr oneill found on arriv al in toronto that he may be able to escape undergoing this operation and immediately returned to greet tho new daughter in his home and thus officially take on his duties as dad there was a goodly number of summer campers from the mussel- man lake district out from toronto last week to attend tho funeral of the late mr a j ward at the brierbush stouffville the late mr ward had been their pastor at the lake for several summers and was highly regarded by the campers who appreciated the service he rendered them by preach ing every sunday morning through the summer at the little church nearby the tribune must apologize to the sporting element in the district for having announced the opening box lacrosse game for friday night last week instead of for friday night this week may 20th many of course recognized the error for bills were distributed announcing the game we hope that the incon venience anyone suffered was not serious and that the error may re sult in still greater attention being drawn to the proper date in order that the crowd in size may be fully up to the expectations of rink manager clayt baker anyone froma family where a car is owned may enter except tire dealers em ployees of rubber companies and the families of both see the six goodyear tires of various sizes types and plythicknesses on display here then estimate the number of cords in each of these tics find a total and divide by six to obtain the average you may examine too a section of rirc cord fabric also on display sub mit your estimate on the standard entry blank which is free no other require ment you dont have to buy nrything closing date june 5th 1032 address the good year supmvist corel con test new toronto toronto 14 ontario how many supertwist cords mix average cccdyeaft tire v fyw brathwaite stouffville ontario como in and see supertwist cords demonstrated and got a hcipful booklet of contest directions in the death of william mcnabb on thursday afternoon last stouff ville loses a resident of 30 years standing mr mcnabb came here to establish tho willow works in the east end of the town which he successfully conducted for years but the business has since passed into the discard with tho coming of modern machinery and the central ization ot such industry in the larger places since his retirement from tho factory tho deceased lived a very quiet life and being a great reader he pent much of his time in his own home born in glasgow scotland s7 years ago he migrat ed to tho usa as a young man but after a few years spent in philadelphia came to ontario 50 years ago his wifo died hero 22 years ago and mr mcnabb is sur vived by an only son william ot flint mich who reached town on friday morning on learning ot his fathers demise there are no other relatives excepting two nieces and two nephews living at distant points tho funeral of this aged citizen took place on saturday afternoon to stouffville cemetery tho service being conducted by rov t laidlaw at the late home almost opposite queens court the pallbearers were all members of the masonic order tho bereaved son being a member of tho stouffville lodgo one of the few remaining good building lots on main street was sold this week when mr john forsyth disposed of the 55 foot lot just west of his brick residence opposite baker avenue to mr fred w betz who is now getting material on the site for the erection of a modern bungalo of good average proportions the drainage at this particular point and the lay of tho lot makes it a highly desir able location the house will be of solid brick and equipped with all modern conveniences terabcl tljc sings soifjijuwy toronto single 8oc return 155 daily service eastern standard time leave leave stouffvillo toronto 025 am a s00 am 940 am c 100 pm 240 pm 430 pm 725 pm b 915 pm sunday and holidays the mennonite church grounds have been greatly improved this week by the planting of shrubs and shade trees which will show forth their beauty at some distant date while the men were busy improving tho outside surroundings tho women of the congregation were also em ployed inside the building giving it the annual spring clean as cleanliness is next to godliness and beauty the handiword of the lord these people are but putting into everyday practise what they read and preach on the sabbath day just hero it might be timely to remind parents to warn tho children against swinging on tho many young trees set out in town this spring a- only b saturday sunday and holidays c saturday only coach connections at buffalo and detroit for all points in the united states parcel express between all points on gray coach lino routes except usa points gray coach one o whitchurch townships oldest native born citizens and a resident in stouffville for 10 years mary ann wright succumbed on thursday last week to a short ill ness sho was in her s3rd year l miss wright was well known at j lemonville where she was born and spent nearly all nor long life her father the lato robt wright is remembered by our older inhabit ants as a local preacher and a sturdy hard working man mary ann as sho was so well known by is tho last of the family her brother thos having died at lemonville be fore they gave up tho farm the aged lady until a year ago was able tc attend all her own household dutiesand papered the kitchen of her home and dug her own garden when she was si years of age tho funeral on saturday afternoon from tho lato home on edward street took place to bloomington cemetery the sorvlco was conducted by mr a e crockford of the faith and truth temple toronto ot which faith the deceased adhered the pall bearers included three members from the temple at toronto messrs wagg ashley and palmer and three cousins messrs frank weir aglncourt john and william mains ot newmarket schumacher feed a feed for every purpose the price is as low as millfeeds seed corn a splendid quality the germination is the price is 110 per bushel for ii high improved leaming golden glow and other varieties mangels turnip cabbage carrots essex rape seed king bug killer a dry dusty powder for plants mix in soil for grubs and cut worms when sowing and planting stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario new low battery prices extra for the next few days heavy duty extra 11 plate battery only 1050 standard 11 plate battery at 695 standard 13 plate battery at 750 recharging and battery repairs has been own specialty for years swifts garage phone 195 stouffville ontario goodrich x goodrich goodrich any way you look at it omorefyr uom no t u x o e a o o x o 5 a o o o x o 5 a o o o x o e o o o o z 26 more tread wear new goodrich s super cavalier sensational thrift tire for 1932 actually 26 more for your mony ix in the new goodrich super cavalier compared with any tire at anything like tliepiice 26ninio wear 26 more t tac tion 26 morcsidewalt protection over sized thicker stouter sturdier all the way tbrouch in siorta goodrich tircbuilt to goodrich specificationsworthy of the name and pticel lower come in x o 5 o o o o x o e o o o o goodrich j h silverthorn central garage stouffville ont goodrich goodrich goodrich bargain for quick sale antique oak dining room suite bedroom suite with long mirror also 2 stoves and tapestry cover ed couch mrs l b hand phone 1902 the public health citizens are requested to com ply with the public health act notice is hereby given that all rosidonts of stouftvlllo are required forthwith to clean tholr collars drains yards pig styles water closets outbuildings and other premises and remove therefrom all dirt refuse manure and other substances which may endanger tho public health and to havo the same completed by the first day of june next on which day tho sanitary in spector will commence a general in spection and further tako notice that tho section of tho public health act prohibiting tho keeping of hogs between tho 15th of may and the 15th of november except in pens at least 70 feet from any dwelling house and 50 feet from any street or lane with floor kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will bo strictly enforced all citizens aro earnestly request ed to keep their premls 3 constant ly clean and thoroughly disinfected dr w a sangster modical officer of health stouffville may 19 j live fowl wanted highest market price paid for all llvo fowl hens geeee duok 8 golden orders taken at pennoeka livery ontario seed corn kent county high quality hand selected no 1 government grade early whito cap and golden glow at 125 per bus longfellow at 150 per bus all sacks free and freight paid on 3 bushels or more government gormlnation test of 97 per cent to 100 per cent ship ment made only to stations with a freight agent terms cod or cash with order j g gleeson fletcher ontario rr2 groceries soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c ginger snaps per lb loo toilet soap 1 cakes 23c peanut butter per lb 18c cooked spaghetti 2 largo tins 25c baking powder 1 lb 22c salad sauco rog 25c bottle 21c candy special reg 30c lb 25c a- w soott