tonfftriut utthmm volxliv no 9 stouffville ontario thursday may 5 1932 a v nolan publisher radio licenses and garden seeds our big 5c packages contain more seeds than the regular 10c size of any other kind j the homo of phone quality 1003 everything phono 1s202 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance also automobile and fire automobile owners warning no matter how carefully you drive you are liable to get into an accident pro tect yourself with a good auto policy and save worry and possibly a great deal of expense h 0 klinck insurance affeut stouffvilie medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 19 6 coroner for york county dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal colleg of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ohice in grubins block phone s201 markham every tuesday office iu wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds oflice over the bank of commerce ohice hours 9 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffvilie money to loan veterinary s t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college oflice at the mansion house phone 161 successor to dr j t storey e a grubin r o eyesight specialist at stouffvilie every other monday each visit to stouffvilie office is an nounced in local columns of the tribuno phono stouffvilie 2105 a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffvilie holiday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowers for everv occasion muston sons phono 7001 stouffvilie ontario l e oneil fdneraij director and embalmku successor to w j mather to w j stouffvilie night and business phone 9801 day service rcsldcnco phone 9820 m storey druggist drugs thomas birkett insurance agency i nsurf nee stouffvilie advised to get register papers gives noah wideman until next court to produce them for mare sold four years ago co there were no cases of real local interest at the sitting of the divi sion court held in stouffvilie on monday this week only three cases were on the docket for hearing before his honor judge jackson who paid his second visit to this court george bennett of markham sued noah wideman claiming 50 dam ages because wideman failed to de liver and transfer registration papers to him when he purchased a mare at widemans sale on march 2s 192s four years ago tribune files were produced to show that the mare had been advertised as regis tered but wideman had lost the papers and held that ho was not bound to make the transfer ol registration the judge evidently thought otherwise but gave wide- man until next court to secure necessary transfer he also question ed bennett closely on tho apparent delay in bringing the case which bennett held was due to widemau repeately putting him off with promises and to the fact that for a year or two he did not know wide- mans whereabouts robt fleming tho veteran horseman from mark ham gave evidence for bennett lo show that when a man advertises an animal as registered the buyer ex pects registration papers proper transferred a f wilson of markham repre sented bennett while wideman en gaged no counsel united oils limited vs j m galloway of hagerman went agains the oil company when for the second time they failed to put iu an appear ance to prosecute their claim the case was dismissed witli costs to be paid by united oils the company in their statement claimed for certain oil drums alleged not returned to them by the dealer galloway the final case involved f g coultice proprietor of the south side pavilion at lake musselman over a real estate transaction in toronto tjie dispute held no local interest coultice was defended- by flbtttton while the real estate man o g ingram had mr cook of tor onto as his counsel eastern star inspection flames consume the fifth annual inspection of jubilee chapter order of tho eastern star held tuesday evening in the chapter rooms in the ratcliff block was an event of more than ordinary interest to fine farm house a disastrous house firpoccurred star members j shortly after tet oclockoast satur- heudie fine farm in tho district because of the preday morni since of mrs anna belleville worthy grand ontario chapters the presence of so distinguished an officer was the signal for a largo attendance and over 100 members were present for tho six oclock banquet served in fter ten aing wl boyd of home of mr archiefleming on the matron ofth concession of aiarkham went up in flames the pompt action of the tanners in the neighborhood was responsible to saving every article of furniture and clothing in the place and gfcpn a wood pile in the tax collection good as 1931 choral society radio broadcast ratelifis hall followed by the iu- at t reax- of the main house speetion ceremonies at s oclock the banquet tables were gaily decorated in blue and yellow blend ing nicely with the bouquets of daffodils which predominated in tho table decoration following a sumptuous repast a short toast list was presided over by mr clias barkey worthy patron of the local chapter in addition to the toast to the king the grand chapter was proposed by mr win griffiths and responded to by mrs boyd worthy grand matron mrs s s ball pro posed the toast to the visitors which was replied to by mrs mary pendle ton worthy matron of aldworth chapter toronto the worthy matron of jubilee chapter mrs a v nolan presided in the chapter rooms when the initiatory degrees were conferred on mrs velma mcdonald the candi date tiie work of the officers was commended by the inspecting officer mrs boyd this is the first occasion on which the local chapter has evei undergone an inspection by an officer of mrs boyds rank such in spections usually being carried out by a deputy thus an honor ol some merit was conferred on thw stouffvilie organization of which they were justly proud in addition to members present from markham toronto and other places grand chapter officers pre sent included mrs ethel malcolm grand secretary mrs sarah robert son grand conductress mrs ruth taylor grind ruth mrs davidson district deputy of district no10 and lmrs edith downer the grand executive i new i member of family was removed to a place of safety the large frame structure was completely demolished and although the fire reels from unionville and stouffvilie responded with chemica wagons they were of no avail tj stem the flames when the fire was discovered mrs fleming was in the house and said that the whole place seemed to be ignited all of a sudden mr fleming had gone to stouff vilie and when he returned the place was practically down it is be lieved but not definitely established that sparks from the kitchen pipes were responsible for the outbreak after the fire mr and mrs flem ing and two children went to the home of their neighbor mr and mrs ed nigh immediately to the south but they intend to rebuild their house immediately there was a small insurance on the place hut this will not replace the building of course icoming at this period the iloss is a severe one for mr fleming jwho is reconized as one of the best farmers in the district however ho purchased this farm from the david hisey estate just before the drastic drop in farm values and commodity prices hence he had none of the good years on which to lay up for a rainy day the foundation is fit for re building on the old site and when mr fleming is ready we hear that the neighborhood will be on hand to render assistance in rushing up a home for this estimable blue bird inn mrs w t byam wishes to announce to her many past customers in town and else where that tho blue bird inn has been reoponed for busi ness meals and lunches served as formerly died suddenly vancouver in the death is announced of win heisey who passed away very suddenly on march 27 1032 at tho provential home vancouver in his 79 th year deceased was born on june 2 1s52 in pickering township ontario and a twin brother died in stouff vilie about 25 years ago he leaves one daughter mrs g mcnair of vancouver and two sisters mrs john hamilton who is 93 and stouff- villes eldest citizen also mrs m troyer of castor alberta reeve protests hydros right to depreciate system after spending 2500 on lines the commission take 483 as depreciation council grants 100 to park decide to hold tin can collection this month john fisher was well- known horseman the death of john fisher which occurred in the wellesly hospital toronto on thursday of last week at the age of 73 years removes a widely known citizen from this section who was active until the last year of his existence mr fisher was a well known horse fancier and dealt extensively in heavy horses back in the days when these ani mals were having their innings in ontario ho also imported a limited number mr fisher was bom at bethcsda a son of tho late chas fishor and as a young man married alice brownsberger who predeceased him a year ago last july to their union two children survive being one son floyd in western canada and one daughter miss gertrude fisher at home two brothers also survivo him being charles of emo rainy river district and arthur of new- toronto tho late mr fisher lived for 50 years at rlngwood tho funeral on sunday from tho late home was ono of the largest hold in the district in a long time and further attested the esteem in which mr fisher was held inter ment took place at stouffvilie cemetery following which a service was hold in tho christian church conducted by rev e morton the pastortho pall bearers were messrs wm ratcliff david stouffcr morgan baker e r sinclair geo jlgowor and henry brownsberger declaring that he would take the bill back to the hydro and enter a personal protest reeve morden pocketed the document sent from the ontario hydro commission to the council showing the standing of the stouffvilie system for 1931 wo have a net profit of 155350 for the period but the hydro had de ducted 183 for depreciation and this proved to be the sore point it was pointed out that last year stouffvilie rebuilt the local system expending some 2500 cash to bring tho lines right up to date for the hepc to take off 183 for de preciation in the face of this was nothing short of highhandedness the writeoff evidently goes to swell the funds of the commission the reeve held that there should bo no writeoff when the line was actually improved as staled above tho amount labelled as depreciation is simply taken from tho stouffvilie earnings and held by the commis sion for their benefit if this practise is followed all over ontario that body is cleaning up a tidy sum of money in an easy way thus were sentiments expressed at tho may meeting of stouffvilie council hold on monday evening of this week all members were pre sent with reeve imorden presiding the reeve promised to take the matter of depreciation up with the commission in toronto in an effort to save the town the 183 taken from us undor this heading householders lose lights council also viewed some fifteen accounts showing customers in arrears for house lighting under the regulations light users in arrears aro to bo cut off and it was decided to stand by tho regulations so that before this is printed any who have not come forward with the sum ow ing will simply he in tho dark assessor goorge storey presented his roll which on motion of councillors rusncll and dowswell was received and monday june 6 set as tho dato for holding tho court of rovislon park grant 100 dr sangster j r hodgins and n m maclean representing tho park commission and horticultural society asked for a grant for park purposes and were allowed a sum not to exceed 100 to bo used for park improvement the grant was made on tho motion of councillors watts and weldon and was carried by an unanimous vote tin can time the annual can collection day came under discussion but was not definitely set owing to the un certainty of the bad road leading into the dumping grounds out in uxbridge township the cleanup will take place during the week of may 10 but the actual date was left for councillor dowswell to advertise and he will be guided by conditions nearer that time councillor rusnell pressed for some action on the matter of dumping ashes on the street but council was noncommittal it was said that the proper time to place ashes on the roads if at all was when they are deep in mud but no action was taken other than leave the question with the road com mittee street oiling to the fore there was a lengthy discussion on the matter of street oiling tiios jones j p was present represent ing tho municipal road spraying oiling co and quoted a price of lie per gallon for road oil in the quantities likely required by stouff vilie if they undertake to do any oiling this price includes delivery of oil and spraying one mile of 12 foot roadway will requlro 17g0 gallons of oil if spray ed thus the cost would be 1s3g0 per mile as stouffvilie has several miles of side streets it was seen that tho cost was prohibitive for oiling all streots but it was agreed to pur chase 1000 gallons for use on the 9th and 10th concessions these two main roads requlro hundreds of dollars for gravel every other year and it is expected that a similar amount spent in oil for a fow years will preserve these places and give much wider satisfaction councillor dowswell said he was willing to have any residential streots oiled if tho residonts would petition for it agreeing to pay tho cost which would not he heavy on any single ratepayer general accounts paid w hopkins 245telephone 772 ed thorn roads 4750 w morton library drain 1575 jess brown 420 bs telephone co 772 flro brigade street flushing 550 clayt baker for maskel milk 1 j gower roads 410 g kiloh street cleaning 240 h momullen 240 jess brown 240 hugh andorson hoarders 2050 trlhnno supplies 25 bell telephone co rental poles for hydro lines 103 j s dougherty stamps 425 markham township council met at unionville on monday may 2 at one pm members all present reeve gohn iu chair l f baggs at lot 15 con 2 wrote complaining of vater standing in ditch near his place as this is very low level ground water will he hard to drain off however council promised to view the situa tion in near future mr shtuu polish settler near hagerman corners waited on coun cil he would like work otherwise he pleaded for relief for a while longer council could not give any more relief but will endeavor to find a bit of work the treasurer of yongo streot radial sent in a report for febru ary of this year the loss was 1161 s9 as compared with 139s- 37 for same mouth last year al though tho operating expenses were about 1000 less than for same month last year this means that loss people are travelling on the yonge street cars w f nichols and a summer- feldt tax collector spent ii few minutes with council mr summer- feldt tax collector spent a few on east side 9sv which was con sidered extra good fjir nichols on west side was not quite so fortun ate although considering the sub divisions he must collect in he has done as well if not better than last year a resolution was passed giving 10 to the school fair at unionville and 15 to richmond hill spring fair the auditors report for ss no s 9 and 14 was on hand and every thing now will be in first class order in these section nevertheless some rate payers who have not paid their share for the past three years will get quite a shock when they get their 1932 tax bills general accounts paid j a thomson assessor for west side salary and expenses 30g74 k g prentice premium on fire truck and men 10690 g a m davison stamps etc 6 ernest nicholson sheep killed 15 w brook sheep valuator 4 wood for twp hall 6 supt newmarket home examining and conveying one david wallaec to queen st home 20 jlas walker constable salary 40 ja wsalker constable mileage 6420 willow lake garage repair to fire truck unionville to pay half 2620 charity accounts 517s72 roadforemans account ordered paid 70203 general road account 16392 the council adjourned to meet on monday may 30 at 2 pm for court of revisioniand general meet ing monday june 6th at one pm for general business stouffvilie predominated the air on wednesday evening last week when the members of the local choral class to the number of over 50 motored to toronto and put on a program over radio station cfrb the reception was excellent and everybody connected with the old town must havo been justly proud of tho prominence this undertaking brought to our community of the half dozen selection rendered two of them seemed too particularly appeal namely the bells of st michaels tower and rule britannia prior to the program over the air being rendered the choral gave a program at christie street hospital for the benefit of the soldiers the programs were under direc tion of mr h m fletcher who has been their capablo leader for some i years dr neil smith president has been receiving much mail of a congratulatory nature from tho radio audience who were pleased with the program now that our organization has shown the way so to speak to other places why not more local programs contributed by ontario towns and cities surely it would bo preferable to tho mushey stuff we get from the usa and which is constantly on the air the following members of tho choral participated in the broadcast 1st soprano mrs g kellington mrs h lewis misses d lehman d mcgrogan m stouffer miss reid miss tindall and mrs h sanders saunders and mrs leslie 2nd soprano mrs ebaker miss m barkey mrs a dowswell miss i lehman miss a loyst miss p stiles miss l waters 1st alto misses eva hoover edith hoover g lehman m m l stouffer mrs g among the churches bloomington and iuxgwood christlan churches e morton preacher sunday may 8 1932 mothers day service they who climb above the worries of the world and turn their faces to ward god have found the sunny side of life let us keep on the sunny side of life mothers day next sunday ringwood will have a choir made up of mothers 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona god bless the mothers of our land t t t t mennonite church rey w b moyer pastor 1000 1100 sunday may s 1932 am sunday school busy bethesda the farmers here are very with the seeding mr and mrs wm graham visit ed at mr luther allins on sunday misses bessie and velma bolender visited with miss janet empringham on sunday mr tompkins and family have moved from our burg sorry to lose them mr and mrs s p foote were visiting their daughter mrs wm chapman in aurora on sunday mrs wm burkholder is in stouffvilie waiting on her mother who is very ill mr and mrs j w taun of stouffvilie visited mr and mrs d snider one day last week we regret to report that mrs shaffers mother is not improving as we would like to see mrs shaffer is up in aurora taking care of her the young peoples league was held in the form of a social evening on april 2gth at the home of mr and mrs ernest steckley a very enjoyable time was spent by all in singing and games saunders 2nd alto mrs e j davey mrs g t lee miss ida lehman mrs c pipher miss b stouffer mrs c stafford 1st tenor w lehman d rat cliff j turner c wideman 2nd tenor b lehman e leh man a stouffer s stouffer ii stover l widemau 1st bass j keelor h lehman r ratcliff w tompkins l tindall 2nd bass c atkinson i barkey l barrett w hallman c pipher j reid dr n smith c stafford anne lehman acted as accomp anist am morning service mothers day service 700 pm evening service pastor in charge a cordial welcome to all t t t t christian churches stouffville uud church hil f e hyde minister sunday imay 8 1932 1000 am stouffvilie s s 1100 am morning worship 200 pm churchill s s 300 pm service churchill communion service 700 pm the fault finder a welcome to the public to worship with us t t t t stouffville baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday imay s 1932 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship a message for the boys and girls pm evening service lemonville seeding is well underway george cook spent tuesday in toronto and of course he took in the big opening ball game mr and mrs courtney and family had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs tiios spence mr ralph richards who has been acting foreman on the neighorn estate for the past two years has left hero and has taken a position in chatham owing to ill health a quartette from toronto will render special mothers day music on sunday in the local parish at 7 pm misses kathleen walsh and doyle of toronto also mr bill walsh of newmarket spent sunday with mr and mrs james cooney mrs canning and son hugh of 2 humewood drive toronto have taken up residence here for the summer and we extend to them a very hearty welcome to our com munity send tho tribune ro absent friends house for sale church street south six rooms electric and water installed mrs sid schmidt on premises 700 is the lord pleased with our modern method of turning his church into a play house prayer meeting wednesday 8 pm sunday 615 pm you are cordially welcomed to these services t t t t stouffvile united church rev thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday may 8 1932 1100 am special mothers day service the junior choirpagent by s s departmental program dont miss this also childrens baptismal service 230 pm s s bible classes business and young mens bible class 700 pm evening service mothers day service by the pastor special musical numbers are also a feature monday imay 9 swastikas will visit locust hill y p s a big turn out is expected wednesday at 8 pm prayer bible study you are cordially welcomed to these services business change having disposed of my boot and shoo business to my son ormsby i hereby thank one and all for their long and liberal patronage during tho last 35 years and i bespeak for my successor a continuance of your trade ah out standing accounts must be bo settled by may 15th after which date they will he placed iu other hands for collection a g lehman the shoeman stewart beare phone markham 2603 or to brathwaitos hardware 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate keep those valuable papers a bank of nova scotia safety deposit box safeguards wills stock certificates bonds and other valuable records against fire burglary or loss the rent of a box is small enquiries are invited established 1832 esw capital 12000000 reserve fund 24000000 total resources 265000000 stouitville branch f marshall manager