stouffville ontario april 14 1932 groceries brooms reg 45c 89c brooms reg 60c s3c soda biscuits 2 lbs 23c floor wax 1 lb oc lemon oil large bottle 10c hand cleaner per tin 10c lye two tins 25c castile soap s cakes 23c a w scott there are some young walnut tree- silver birch maples aad other varieties in the nursery grounds at the park and any citizen is wel come to help themselves to any of these trees it they wish to plan some out this spring these trees were secured a few years ago when only a foot high in the hopes that citizens would avail themselves of their use in a few years they should be transplanted this spring and there are many places in town where a tree would greatly improve the appearance of things let the tlogan be plant a tree this spring to builders and contractors the richmond hil concrete block co in position to accept orders for their high grade product plain rock acd granite faced blocks prices on application silo blocks a specialty for s 10 and 12 inch units farmers information anticipate vour requirement and place your to insure prompt delivery orders now telephone 07 richmond hill cheaper implements when bargains are needed most we are well stocked for spring season with every dis- cription of implements why buy new when we can supply you at a big saving with years of life in every article plows here we have disc drills international hoe drills massey harris cultivators stiifor spring tooth disc harrows binders cutting box and blower mowers etc oat crusher fleury make single or double riding plows tractor plow oliver truck and wagons iron wheels cream separator melotte cap 650 lbs land rollers cultipacker chopper 18 these implements are by well known makers and many of them are just like new fordson tractor good order with double furrow plow all just like new evaporator for making syrup wanted 2000 fat hens we pay highest prices telephone and we will call on you b rexlin phone 192 stouffville ont jiwc 5 maljl gray coach lines limited supplies you with service at the cost of providing it pays its full share of the expense of ontarios highways has never received any form of subsidy is providing a convenient and necessary service under strict pro vincial regulation daily coach service stouffville toronto single 85c return 155 leave stouffville leave toronto eastern standard time 725 am a 900 am a 1040 am c 200 pm c 240 pm 530 pm b s25 pm b 1015 pm a sunday and holidays only b saturday sunday and holidays only c saturday only coaches stol at any point to pick up passengers signal plainly 11y hand to the driver chartered coaches for all occasions at moderato rates for information communicate with gray coach lines yongo at front toronto gray coach lines free trees available many farmers are taking advant age of the opportunity to secure trees from the forestry branch this spring for reforestation pur poses the former limit of 3500 trees for one individual has been rescinded and the land owner can secure as many as he wishes for reforestry work the limit of 500 trees for windbreak purposes still applies the trees are sent out the latter part of april so that inter ested farmers should act quickly write to the forestry branch par liament buildings toronto and secure an application form with the necessary instructions weekly crop report bruce oouuty reports fall wheal to have come througn the winter well although showing some brown ing on top quito a percentage of clover in elgin particularly sweet clover has heuvea dadly about 25 per ent of cheeso factories are running in froutenae moore seed grains have been reaned at the local cleaning plant in grenvillu than ever before fall wheat and clovers are in good condition in huron several southern counties report sales of dairy cattle to unit ed states at good prices prepar ation for spring work is tho oiar of business on mosi farms at pres ent all machinery is being re paired with purchases o new equipment at a minimum eight carloads of agricultural limestone wore brought into peel county in the past year a considerable number of hogs are being market ed in peterborough sheep owners in prince edward report a splendid lamb crop in waterloo fall wheat alfalfa and clover have come through the winter in good condi tion prices received for livestock generally are disappointing many orchards in welland county are be ing pruned ooo dairymen organize eastern ontario dairymen pro ducing milk for the manufacture of cheese recently organized a new association with the object of 1 working for the consolidation and amalgamation of present manufac turing plants and having these operated throughout the year in stead of during the summer months 2 the establishment of stoiage facilities for cheese and to arrange for a more equitable and uptodate system of marketing 3 to work for the elimination of duplication of milk and cream transportation costs 4 to im prove the quality of the raw mater ial supplied to cheese factories ooo care of hutching ejjgs this is the time of the year when tho farmer with a good poultry flock finds hatching eggs in big de mand too much care can not be- exercised in culling eggs which are intended for hatching use a metal bucket should not be used because the slightest contact with a hard surface may cause a check or crack in the shell straw or burlap gives protection there should be plenty of nests available to the hens from 12 to 15 nests per 100 birds when culled hatching eggs should be kept in a cool room germ growth starts at a temperature of go de grees and the room in which the eggs are kept until delivered to the hatchery should not be more than 50 to go degrees eggs should bo delivered to the hatchery as soon after they are collected as possible ooo clean the henhouse with the coming of spring tho chickenhouse should be cleaned thoroughly doubtless there art breeding places for lice and mites that should be routed out and de stroyed before the warm weather comes to increase the pests by thousands firstly remove all perches nests feeding hoppers water containers and other mov able equipment clean out all the litter and sweep the floor and walls to remove dust cobwebs and other dirt after tho first job has been completed the interior of the chicken house should bo washed with hot soapy water a broom is a good tool for doing this task well and quickly spray the walls and floor with some good disinfectant the house should be thoroughly dried and ventilated after the spray ing beforo the chickens are allowed to enter miniature flower show the horticultural society purpose holdiug au exhibition of daffodils tulips etc when they are in their best bloom the exhibit will be displayed in the windows of shaws store will those possessing such bloom furnish to the president secretary or one of the committee mrs nolan miss eva hoover miss cora wideuiau h w watson the following information 1 your names of varieties 2 the names of varieties colours that you grow tho subscription rate for the tri bune is 2 per year and 250 to united states points the label on your paper indicates the expiring date of your subscription see that your subscription renewal is attend ed to before the expiring date departmental exams u e ream dtnere forty british sportsmen will makeup live arties which have arranged to tish trout and salmon on the mirarnichi river nb during 1932 according te an nouncement by the provincial director ol information and tourist travel i tho timetable for the annual de partmental examinations has been announced by the department of education the middle and upper school exams commence on mon day june 20th the lower school on thursday june 23rd and the en trance examinations in the local high school will conclude on june 30th as ah economy measure the department has decreased the pay for presiding officers as follows h s exams presiding ofiicer si 2 to 10 assistant from 9 to 750 entrance exams presiding officer 9 to 750 assistants 7 to 550 per day canada shipped more than 5000000 pairs of rubber and rubbersoled boots and shoes valu ed at approximate 140s100 to more than 80 countries during 1931 according to information given out by the dominion depart ment of trade and commerce goodwood the lol 572 will meet in the hall on monday night april istti tor now business dr rawleigh middleton still has plenty of medical dope to sell when the roads clear up our township council meets next saturday april 10 with over 2000 of unpaid taxes to think about mr and mrs banks of mount albert have moved into this village as mr banks is working for fred baston iliiss gladys wagg has gone to assist her aunt mrs kendrie of toronto who accidently tell while papering we understand that mr w t kobinson who has farmed hero for a number of years has handed the reins over to his son fred and daughter louie this place was isolated on sunday on account of muddy roads some motorists from toronto and other distant points got within a mile or two of goodwood then became fast in the mud some turned back while some secured teams and were pulled through likewise the rest less inhabitants had to stay at home ii eison has moved from the late jos alsop farm to the r rhodanz place while mr wilson has vacated it and gone to the gourlie farm which was vacated by e mantle who has moved to the wm whittjetons farm d elliott who gave up farming last year on the second and took up itawleigh agency at stayner has returned to the farm he vacated a year ago talbot bros have rented the alsop farm and mr imortson has rented the jackson farm vacated by reg hopkins a fair young lady you all know all drosed in finest calico walks in from the country side to shop at the corner store she did stop a shy young clerk he did take her eye much more than anything she could j spy she threw out hints that none could miss save a shy shy boy with ignorance bliss twas apparent she wanted company home only this young clerk for her cliaperono for the night was dark and tho way quite dreary my my what company for this sweet dearie still he hesitated and refused to go although ho longed for the lady so but the road was mud and his shoes i quite low so he last decided not to go travelling canadian pacific across the dominion from detroit and visiting niagara falls toron to ottawa montreal and saint john prior to sailing by ss melita for their home countries eight european ford motor dealers were lavishly entertained at all cities they stopped at ss montclare the ship that inaugurated canadian pacific ocean passenger service at halifax this winter after a lapse of twenty years saluted the port with a shrill blast of her whistle good friday evening when she ended her last visit to maritime ports for the 19311932 season farmers listen spring work is just around the corner but you should be prepared we have full line of repairs for inter national harvester co peter hamilton r a lister machin ery also common sense fanning mills used implements for sale good buggies and harness fordson tractor and plow second hand cream separator repairs no need to buy new parts good horses for sale also milkcow and several young cattle phone 15204 frank baker stouffville the standard garage book your order now wo are scotland will send an official trade mission ship to canada this spring with a view to developing closer business relations with the dominion over a hundred scot tish firms have already booked space on the ship which has been fitted out for the purpose by the corporation of glasgow her majesty queen mary and her two sons the duke of york and prince george showed great interest in the canadian industries section at the british industries fair at olympia london on the occasion of their visit the royal garty was received by hon g toward ferguson high com missioner for canada the highest canadian mountain ski ascent was made in march when russell h bennett of min neapolis clifford white of banff and joe weiss of basher accom plished the unprecedented feat of climbing to the peak of the snow dome centre of the vast columbia ice fields the peak is over 11000 feet above sea level bargain rates are forecast for western lines of the canadian pacific railway said c b foster passenger traffic manager of the railway on his recent arrival in winnipeg after an official visit to the pacific coast the successful experiment in popular low rakes excursions in eastern canada thta year has invited consideration of extension of the project to the west he added public auction sale mongolia wo heard of a very interesting jieeting over on the 9th line which took place last week and for same- thing unique wo think it takes the cako as the saying used to run mr and mrs bon widdowson one day last week celebrated their wedding anniversary day it being their 4 4th they entertained on that occasion guests from toronto in tho person of mr and mrs spencer who wore also celebrating their 4 4th wedding- day thats not all other guests present were mr and mrs duncan and mr and mrswehber of toronto this latter two coupjes were each celobrating their 19th wedding day now if any one can surpass this for something out of the ordinary we want to hear from them right away sale register thursday april 14 mortgage sale of valuable farm property being composed of east 41 4 acres of lot 24 and cast 25 pcresi of lot 25 both in 9th coa ofj of household furniture etc to be sold by public auction at lot 2 concession 5 whitchurjch on saturday april hi 132 the property of j p morris oak dining boom ex table s ft oak sideboard kitchen chairs 2 wicker chairs rocking chair platform hocking chair morris chair box chair box set lee wicker settee small wicker table small centre table 2 kitchen tables oak chiffonier 3 wash stands 6 beds high wardrobe couch sanitary icloset complete folding couch sink 2 kitchen cupboards glass doors upright piano al condition extra piano stool 5 tubo radio demonstrated day of sale gramophone table model records hall scat j dominion circulator heater large wood box heater small size 2 coal oil stoves 2 and 3 burner j for your seasons fertilizer requirements local distributors of scottish and gunns surga1x fertilizers and can quoto attractive prices see us before placing your order dixie brand poultry feeds for greater profits high ill quality low in price for sale by your dealer or direct quality feeds for all your needs dicksons hill mills quality feeds for all your needs phone 5505 strawberry plants for sale for sale barred rock it different varieties fred ramer chicks bred to lay strain 1 phone gg07 i brown phono i7g stock mare jess for sale 3yearold for sale thorobred durham broken also 7 pigs chunks bu yearling semi cook phone 211 j phono 209 biki custom hatching i am pro- fo sale pared to do custom hatching accommodation for 700 eggs setting april 19 price 2ac ernie strong phono 1913 j quantity of alfalri hay phone 5511 e tieakamp ringwood for service purebred tain- worth hog h summerfeldt con g markhani phone stouffvile 4112 i lost tire and wheel for 1931 chev g truck tire 30x5 be- tween mrs kirbys and stewart raes finder kindly notify the j tribune office i car for sale 1929 model a ford 2 door sedan looks like new for sale bargain for quick turn over beni rexlin stouffville certified seed potatoes i quantity of fully certified dooley potatoes for sale these have been inspected and approved by dept of i agriculture also have a few cobb- 1 lers for sale ii u harper good wood phono stouffville 5910 stock for sale one cow just due also number of brood sows and sows with pigs g myland j ringwood for sale or exchange pair of clyde geldings rising 4 years i will sell or exchange for springer icows s w hastings phone 109 house for sale well located on church street south stouffville 7 rooms electric and water in stalled excellent repair apply on premises to miss laura forsyth live fowl wanted highest market price paid for alt live fowl hens geese duck s golden orders takeu at pennocks hatching ec1gs 4 per hundred livory oao white leghorns and ban- tjot r rtrtrtc ed hocks baby chicks 10 to i iklil lxeaijluluh 12 per hundred a thurlweu to advertise our superior wash- goodwood ington bulbs wo are giving away several thousand gladiolus premu- spec1al hatching eggs nms hybrids a new type of gladio- white leghorn eggs 2g to 2s oz us highly recommended on account to dozen 5 per 100 eggs also of tho long flowering period and ichieks hatched from same at 14c the exquisite pastel coloring if each order now phone mt albert planted in succession they will 290s bloom from may to november mail this adv with 25c tno stamps for warning i desire to warn the packing and mailing of one packago citizens that i do not send out containing 24 bulbs guaranteed to any peddlers with meat on my be- bloom half i always accompany my own rig and hold a license to sell partiespurporting to represent me should be reported at once to the authorities j b ireesor this offer is good until april 15 puget sound bulb co 329 republic bidg seattle washington ontario seed corn kent county high quality hand selected no 1 government grade early while cap and golden glow at 125 per bus longfellow at 150 per bus all sacks free and freight paid on 3 bushels or more government germination test ofj 97 per cent to 100 per cent ship ment made only to stations with a freight agent terms cod or cash with order j g gleeson fletcher ontario rr2 altona mills chopping and rolling every day a specialty at gc a bag the best in fineness and quality for stock and service w e hows am prop thinking step ladders 2 rugs 9x12 qp building strips carpet j oil lamps house and frame barn and other buildings seo bills for details sale at 2 pm on premises mccullough button solicitor f w silversides auctioneer saturday april 1g household furniture to be sold at lot 2 con 5 whitchurch tho property of j p xorris watch for com plete listing this week sale at 130 a s farmer auctioneer tuesday april 2g auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain etc at lot g con 4 scarboro 4 milo north of hill side church and straight south of cedar grove the property of donald reesor sale at one no reserve prentice prentice auct runner 2 linoleum runners hanging twin lamps hanging aladin iximp 3 toilet sets coleman gas lantern i coleman gas iron hand clippers masters transplanter 5 gal pump fire extinguishor i stewart clippers ss gal milk cans metal coal oil bbl 30 gallon crosscut saws cant hook axes hammers and number of tools pots and pans other articles too numerous to mention quantity white leghorn chickens terms cash half cash on piano with 7 months credit on balance sale at 130 pm alvin farmer auctioneer mrs i h cook spirella corsefiere stouffville and district phone stouffville s30i j3irtkf lapp at the home of her parents in stouffville on april 11 1932 to mr and mrs whitney lapp a son stewart beare phone markham 2g03 or to brathwaites hardware 9g01 raido service a service you will appreciate we are in position this spring to manufacture ce ment blocks people build ing will save money by using our material no order too small or too large we make delivery any where screened gr for sale g w baker sons phone 0304 gonnley franklin impetuousness wounds often- er than formality a quiet tonguo finds it easy to bo polite a formal dignity that is not overly austere shows in the ceremony arranged by us rg clendening faieril director markham telephone markham 9000 tropic ranges and heaters designs before buying that they are superior in see our newest you will be convinccu capacities and finish they are unsurpassed in cooking heating and economy frank baker stouffville ontarla