i iii j voice of the press canada the empire and the world at large l youngster falls 300ft and escapes with minor injuries canada onward and upward election of mr malcotm macbeth better prospects in saskatchewan the business situation in saskatche wan is sound there is of course a similar condition to that which is pre- otlmvertonaspresident of the onjvalent throughout the dominion but tario educational association suggests trade to improving and that this sturdy canadian is worthy browing brighter it is the farmers of some personal attention mr mac- who are still the principal sufferers beth is one of the bruce county old but their troubles will pass away boys who may be found all over the should there be a favorable crop this countryany country- and as with seasonresna star cons tho real scots from the original scoti land generally in the high places in tailors decree that men s clothing the rather long ago he held high rank brighter this summer have as a boy orator and many a time the j had your blue suit shiued up- walls of the walkerton high school resounded to his fiery and usually de nunciatory eloquence in those days he generally was found in opposition to any proposal but time has exerted toronto star empire british films in british guiana we- should like to see more british upon him its customary mellowing in- films for our part where they are fluence and now mr macbeth is produced is a secondary consideration ready to support worthwhile proposi- so long as they have the english tions background the english setting and for some years the new president the english accent with which we are taught school and his square jaw and more acquainted by education or per- ample shoulders ensured peace and sonal contact moreover some of the order in tho classes as with many most enjoyable portions of the cinema teachers he heard the call of the program are the news reels and we press and at onco secured control of are prepared to wager that those done the mllverton sun milverton became by the british in britain would bo his home and that community has f more interesting to british guian- honored him in many ways in time ese georgetown british guiana he became president of the canadian chronicle weekly newspaper association andj now the ontario educational assocl atlon accords him similar distinction thus in two of his chosen fields of activity malcolm macbeth has reached the top and through it all the mil verton sun continues to shine to ronto globe making good colonial preference the dominions have grown to mans estate and because they have discov ered that their interests are not al ways complementary to those of the motherland they have gradually sought and been given autonomy such freedom cannot o course be one sided if the dominion are free then also is england free the crown col- city people sometimes forget that there are many small telephone sys- onies on the other hand are neither terns in the province as well as the j free nor is england free england large one a remarkable report has mlst stand or fa with us so ion been issued by the bruce municipal s we are governed from downing line which shows that out of 161400 street this means then that we can borrowed to construct the system a3k and receive of england and eng- onlv 14918 remains uupaid and con- and can ask and receive of us quite sidering the surplus account of 13- independently of what the dominions c43 there are almost sufficient cash ma think a it trinidad guard- accounts and other liquid assets to retire the total obligations of the 4r3 vr lindbergh pays 50000 ransom is swindled one man arrested olympic hostess child was to be delivered at a designated spot in a rea sonable time but time goes by with no word from kidnappers and no return of babe banks warned of bill numbers artists conception of scene at mary ann lead mine picher okla when threeyearold gerald collins was tunnelled out from a 300foot drill hole into whioh he had fallen inset gerald after rescue he was imprisoned twelve hours suffered exposure and a few bruises only hopewell nj colonel charles a lindbergh last monday paid out to his baby sons kidnappers properly iden tified as such the sum of 50000 for the return of the missing child at a given point the child was not re turned this amazing swindle was described at the lindbergh home here sunday states treasury has given widespread publicity to the numbers on the ran som bank notes absolutely ends the possibility of bargaining on the basis of that currency they think there may bo a new ef fort to establish contact with the pos sible stipulation that the next pay- night as the most discouraging and j meut be made in gold or bullion tragic event since little charles which cannot be traced augustus jr was stolen from his crib on the night of march 1 one man declared by police to be a noted character is under arrest his meut continued baby not at spot designated tho baby was not found at tho point designated lindberghs state- company it will be only a few years until this public venture originated by a few citizens in 1912 will be en tirely free of bonded obligations a re markable record toronto star britains comeback tariffs and foreign industries foreign firms are making haste to acquire factory sites in this country that they may have the shelter of our tariffs that will provide employ ment for our workers but it will also provide most active competition for our manufacturers if british firms are not to be ousted by competitors there is an old saying that in war great britain loses every battle but the last one apparently the same operation on british soil many of thing is true in the species of econ- tliem wi have to revise their market- omic welfare from which tho world is in and advertising methods and in suffering todav great britain carried somo casos their manufacturing pro file load for a long time she accept ed sacrifices no other nation was pre pared to make but when it came to the pinch when her own stability was greatly threatened britishers rallied to the need as they do in war and fought their way through when the history of this period of international economic adjustment comes to be writ ten as a whole as it will be some time the story of how great britain fought her way into the leadership in the short period of six months will be its mos interesting and perhaps its most entertaining chapter winnipeg tri bune cesses for they will have domesticated their rivals in their own back garden spectator london john bull leads the way in she united states income tax col lections are 8g000000 behind the total of tho same period last year in england the estimate of 272000000 for the entire year has been passed with ten days yet to go before the limit period elapses john bull con tinues to come back faster than any of them branttord expositor teachers salaries chicago now owes its 14000 school teachers an amount close to 25000- 000 and there are no prospects of tho bill being paid a community which cuts its salaries and then pays the reduced amount is just and merciful in comparison catharines stand ard science and poor mortals disarmament disarmament is becoming increas ingly good party politics since govern ments which can achieve it may look simultaneously for prestige and for a muchneeded saving of expenditure just as the depression has enforced a fashion in economy and in home buying among citizens so it may tend to enforce a fashion in disarmament among nations there is then reason made most important i london theatres bemoan contribution to mining departure of old splendour victoria bc c p browning i london guide books used to say general manager of the britannia that you could see londoners at their mines on the howe sound has been awarded the randolph bruce god medal for 1931 for the most import ant contribution to canadian mining during tho year the award made annually through the canadian insti tute of mining and metallurgy was announced at the annual meeting of the institute in montreal it was presented to mr browning as a result of the efficiency through which he reduced operation costs in the recovery and treatment of low- grade ores establishing new records and incidentally keeping about 2000 men at work during a period of de pression best in the theatre a brilliant polished gathering of women resplendently gowned and men meticulous in evening clothes that was the picture they drew of a theatre audience alas they draw it no more a londoner nowadays does not hesi tate to dash for the theatre in his plusfours if he feels so inclined now londoners are trying to bring back the evening dress habit identity undisclosed he is said to have been named by an informant as having been connected with tho kid napping beports that tho kiduappers had of fered to return the 50000 and the baby in exchange for another 50000 iu different coinage were denied at the lindbergh home expect one more demand new york new york criminolo gists basing their speculation on the known details of col charles a lind berghs payment of 50000 to the sup posed kidnappers of his sou believe not until he had waited several days and had lost hope that tho kid nappers would fulfill their part of the agreement did lindbergh make use of the numbers of the bills forwarding the list to tho treasury which iu turn notified the nations banks at least one man in new york dr john f condon still believes the kid nappers will eventually keep faith their failure to return tho baby he feels is because they are afraid of pos sible traps dr condon whose mysterious ad vertisements in new york newspapers the criminals will make at least one signed jafsie led to the lindbergh more demand for ransom contact with the kiduappers admitted they believed the kidnapped child sunlay that he had not been approach- is alive and well cared for ed first by col lindbergh and that he they believe the fact that the united had operated alono and independently autogiro minus wings flies like a bullet london senor juan de la cierva spanish inventor of the autogiro was reported recently to have per fected a machine much like the auto- north bay is assured of an 80000 arena giro except that it is without wings north bay north bay now has definite asurance that a modernly esuipped and commodious arena will be provided before next winter it will be equipped with an artificial ice plant the approximate cost of the new building will be 80000 tenta tive plans approved by the committee call for a structure with hollow tile walls and an area of 128 by 236 feet the ice area will measure 80 by 180 feet and seating accommodation will be provided for 3500 or 4000 with standing room for an additional goo or 700 persons the committee in charge is l s clark chairman mayor j w richardson alderman long weekend with pay follows salary increase san francisco having given his tax summary employees two pay increases iu the changes last year because business is so i hon e ottawa below is given the tax which were announced by n rhodes minister of fin- good with us mr roman c pell ance in his speech in the house of jr president of the pelican paper commons whereby the revenue will company here now announces the bo increased 55000000 to balance the lympi miss virginia nelson los angeles society girl will play hostess to visiting women olympic stars she is shown with the official olympic games insignia establishment of an alternate five- day week in his plant with no cut iu salaries the first increase was granted last may there was another last january beginning the first satur day in may half of his employees mr pell said would be given the day off half will have the day to themselves in a letter to employees announc ing the change mr pell said last year your company was and to have made several flights in prosperous lets keep it so it the flying machine which is now at hamble airdrome eng is on of the first of the heavierthanalr type without wings it was described as capable of bulletlike velocity get ting up and alighting in a remark ably short landing space and de scending safely and gently like a parachute technical education grants to five provinces ottawa technical education in five provinces was aided by govern- zltsmith hb7nichois j lrgau- lelt s duril the 193031 to the extent of 391397 in- dreau and s j cherry formation placed on the table of the house of commons revealed that the provinces of prince edward island average value of pound sterling set at 420 nova scotia new brunswick man ottawa the department of na- toi and saskatchewan had received toliopothatin spite of a mostlto tional revenue has set 420 as the federal assistance in technical traiu- couraging start the men at geneva may be forced by sheer fear of the consequences of failure to show re sults even at the cost of real con cessions weekeud review lon don for nearly six months a boy clar ence hastings existed in a respirator in the city hospital syracuse before he succumbed to infantile paralysis so far as he could cooperate by keep- egiance however shadowy they may other opinions ireland and great britain a london correspondent of the new york times cables the united king dom has tho whip hand and mr do valera knows it tho free state may bo legally free to secede but all ex cept her most extreme politicians re alize she is tied to britain by bonds of iron she can no more escape from britains economic orbit than the moon can cease being a satellite of the earth britain may be willing to conduct any number of friendly negotiations over the oath or land annuities and sho is now giving the free state every advantage of her own market of forty- five millions but it the free state government cuts its ties of willing al- ing his spirits up under there condl- he britain will be prepared to clamp tions ho did his best earning the title tho tarlt aga irish p of the gamest kid in america and p ccnt ko nritaln receiving thousands of letters tele- norther ireland by the automa- grams etc from all sorts of people c d ot eovln the preferen- important and unimportant while ho treatment a dominions now average value of the pouid sterling g for special duty purposes it will ap- 1 ply to entries into canada during the p advertising dollar period from april 15 to april 30 bond issue for jobless paris the chamber of deputies finance committee march 25 approv- od a 139000000 bond issue for public works to aid the unemployed back into circulation budget sales tax increased from four per cent to six per cent a limited num ber of articles not primary products now exempt are made subject to the sales tax the sales tax changes are effective april 7 excise tax on all goods imported in- the next saturday the other to canada increased by two per cent new rate three per cent income taxes the personal exemption in income taxes is reduced for those with de pendents from 3000 to 2400 and those without dependents from 1500 to 1200 the 20 per cent reduction now al- budapest a visitor arrived in lowed from tax payable under estab- hungary 10 years ago with only 100 shed schedule iof rates is dlscon- crowns in his pocket he found tinued fresh fruit prices so abnormally low j n addition five per cent surcharge that fruit was left to root on the n the amount of tax payable is to be trees imposed on all taxpayers personal and the austrian visitor saw his op- corporate with net incomes in excess portunity he gathered the fresh o 5000 ripe fruit from beneath the trees in the corporation rate is increased to the kecskemat district and experi- h- ler cent provisions relatiug to mented with various methods of dry- family corporations will be repealed lug it today he has a factory em- income tax changes will apply to ploying more than 300 workers and taxes on the 1931 income his dried fruits are exported to ger- insurance taxes many scandinavia and england he now includes dried vegetables austrian starts industry from waste fruit driving manners with the promise ot spring in the air and the consequent unpleas ant conditions underfoot it becomes once more necessary to remind drivers of automobiles that they owe it to the public and to their own re putation to give some consideration to pedestrians who may bo waiting on the sidewalks particularly at street corners how often on a dirty day do we see automobiles driven recklessly through pools of water or mud or slush sending up streams of filth and simply splashing pedestrians from head to foot ruining furs and dresses and making overcoas look as if they had been rolled in the street there is not the slightest excuse for this indeed if people would only strive to follow up such cases and secure the names of the drivers there might be a considerable reduc tion in the number of such drivers they are worse than reckless they are absolutely forgetful ot the rights of others and they show not the slightest conception of what decent conduct means toronto star can drought be predicted the drought in southern saskatch ewan was so severe last year that scientists are beginning to make ex haustive studies of tree growth in relation to precipitation for the pur pose of calculating cycles of dry and wet weather over long periods hon j f bryant minister of public the tax of one per cent on pre- for th p and chair- among his products miums received by insurance comj panies except life marine and cerl man of the drought commission states that their efforts up to date effective in d i f companies relna euecuve registration drops w reimposed british and foreign wishing sound data if it could for autos in canada combines maintaining deposits with be dlacovored that the varying the dominion will also pay this tax ottawa for the first time the tax of 15 per cent is imposed on gross registration of motor vehicles in can- m 1ad to other jnsurer3i ada showed a decrease in 1931 the total for all classes being 1206830 as oneque taxes chicagothe hoarded advertising a j w f or a dec aof siotsj mjt ex dollar should he the first to he nut of 33 vehicles or 27 per cent ana on promisory notes bills of ex- nek to work mehin l straus vice a re issu bv the do cha etc the rat i f megs q the p back to work aieiwn u btiaus e- bure statistics shows nassemrer two cents to three cents on amounts president of the straus national bu btat passeng aim d lv smn amount of annual rainfall is subject to some simple law then drought con ditions might be predicted and agri culture could bo governed according ly mail and empire toronto 49120 miles in new zealand with 189615 motor vehicles regis tered in now zealand there were 49120 miles ot highways at the close ot 1931 i bank said recently i straus said firms doing business i with tho bank would be urged to maintain advertising appropriations at normal levels dally newspaper advertising was recommended by straus as the best medium with which to stimulate buying ancient custom continues put up a great fight for his life science put up n still greater st thomas timesjournal if tho lindbergh babe has been in halt tho number of places reported it soon will bo as well travelled as its distinguished father tho globe to ronto enjoy furthermore there is a special rea son why ireland is not free to secede and become a foreign nation hun dreds of thousands of irish subjects living and working in britain many ot them in the government sorvices would be llablo to deportation as aliens and to loss of employment it tho policy of separation should bo carried to tho bitter end it follows that ireland is not free whatever her legal status and she empire preference within tho month tho adoption ot tho principle ot an empiro preference never can be freo no matter how much by great britain has added millions impassioned rhetoric her leaders use to tho valuo of the british pound stcr- ling and it is common belief that be- foro tho conference opens tho bank ot england nolo will bo worth par in tho foreign markets of tho world shcrbrookc record ind joy drowns the twilight in tho dew and fills with stars nights purple cup yeats automobile registrations decreased to 100 and six cents over 100 i recorded by new device from 1047494 cars in 1930 to 1024- 1 a flv0 cont tax is i on tele- j new york it you would like to 385 last year the decrease in new srams cables and radio messages and have your telephone answered while registrations was very heavy while lons distance telephone calls i you are out or even while you are renewal of registrations showed in- 1 0n railway sleeping car berths tho in ther is a gadget that will do creases in every province indicating tax wi bo 10 p cent w a mini- the trick the sound engineering old cars were retained in service ot 25 cents and 10 cents on corporation has announced an auto- chair car tickets matic telephone answering plan p these special taxes on cheques which employes the device now used thefts or lars in raris tickets and messages will become ef- for making personal phonograph are rated at 4vz a 1000 fective may 2 j records thefts of automobiles in paris in view of the near approach of the when the telephone bell rings an amounted to 2394 cars in 1931 ac- imperial conference the minister automatic arm takes the receiver off cording to a report received from st no change is made in customs the hook and a tiny record starts to h c scluiette united states trade tariff except on ono item relating to spin the message is recorded commissioner of this number extension to march 31 1933 ot special thereon and when you come homo 1416 were recovered by the police rate on repair parts for farm imple- just start the phonograph leaving 978 or a proportion of tour meats and a half cars per 1000 ot the 220- 000 cars in circulation in paris not i a u recovered out of the 1soo0o cars centra america to have new short- vave station ed domolbjhcd to aid in uncovering rome to raze old convent home the 400yearold convent of the mercedarlans has been order- registered in pari3 in 1930 there were 700 vehicles which vanished or eagle pass tex shortwave pro- tho ruins of the ancient roman 387 per 1000 grams from central america soon senate the convent was built will be broadcast from new 50000- af tho senate had been stripped watt radio station to bo built at of marble for use in erecting tho villa fuente three miles from pled- vatican palace prince of wales horse is champion i ras negras calgary netherhall primrose permit for the 75000 station has struck speechless clydesdale mare from tho prince of been secured two 300foot towers i its pretty hard to get ahead of wales ranch near high river wan similar to those at xer dr j r tho youngsters a teacher called the grand championship of her class brinkleys station in villa acuna for brief essays on the funniest at tho calgary spring horse show j coahulla will be erected studios thing i ever saw one boy got tho reserve grand campion is lucy will be maintained at piedras no- through several minutes before tho print owned by r roy allan of dal- gras and eagle pass i manitoba to ontario highway is completed winnipeg the transcanada high buy canadian le droit ottawa to buy a can adian product in preferanco to a wnj eas from whiicmoulh man to foreign product price and sualltyho ontario boundary has been com- being equal is not merely an act of plotcd the formal opening of the others and the teacher asked to seo his effort on this paper was writ ten the funniest thing i ever saw was too funny for words hoston transcript mrs taylor and mrs hull rcccivo their maundy money from the king at westminster abbey london according to custom as many men and women as thera aro years in the kings age 67 this year got monoy and an allowance in lieu of food and clothing imitation it is by imitation far more than patriotism but one of a practical 45mile stretch to keno will take place by precept that we learn everything business man unfortunately wo w appropriate ceremonies on do- and what we learn thus wo acquire- do not think ot this enough we m day july 1 under the auspices not only moro effectually but more thus deprive our fellowcountrymen j 0 the manitoba and ontario govern- pleasantly this forms our manners ot work by our thoughtlessness j m6n our opinions our lives burke