Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 24, 1932, p. 6

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withthem lonescouts chinese staunch defenders greetings from austria a scout bird sanctuary r l g o sobotka ot vienna ausi with the consent of the quebec gov- trla who is a friend of lone e re- ornineut the minister of the interior ceatly paid a visit to toronto and ha by proclamation made- mystery expressed his great interest in the island the permanent roy scout camp canadian ttoy scouts and in particular ne ottawa a bird sanctuary there the iouies are several such scout wild life sanc tuaries in various parts of canada mr sobotka travels extensively all over europe and frequently visits this side of the atlantic and he stated that the people in practically all of the countries that he visits have great faith iu the boy scout movement be- lieviug it ts bo one of the most instru- mental factors which will lead to a boa 01 canada and the island wilt better world understanding and a per- b so designated on a new map to be j mament peace in the days to come iuwisued by the topographical sur- mr sobotka sent his very best vt wishes to all canadian scouts this- j being his first trip to canada and tilin lone scouts can do during mystery island on the map j the name mystery island given the permanent scout camp being dej veloped near ottawa has been oflij daily confirmed by the geographical expressed the hope that a goodly num ber of canadian representatives would visit the jamboree in hungary next year world scout jamboree will be held the statement in a budapest des patch to a toronto paper that fiuauces will prevent the holding in hungary of the projected 193 world gathering of boy scouts ha been specifically i denied by dr vali hungarian inter- 1 national scout secretary conditions are not as bad as painted and the j jamboree will be held a planned dr vali declares march and april for easter and the easter holidays j arrange an easter egg good turn i this consists in making a collection of new laid eggs from all your friends and neighbors and donating them to your nearest local hospital for the benefit of the patients there in plan out your 1932 garden try to have a continuity of flowers and veg etables all the season spring cleanup during the first few weeks in april arrange to cleau up around the house and barn col lect all that old rubbish which has two chinese civilians are shown presenting food and bottles of wine to a chinese soldier at woosung fort until the japanese literally blew them out the defenders put up a great fight balanced budget now in sight been busy during the for the commencement of in the making of more j ations bird houses for spring lone k hopes that the lone scouts hay yust month bird houses for the convenience of their feathered friends you know the birds are very loyal and if you can induce them to build in your vicinity they will come back year after year to the same nesting place unfortunately with the expansion of ceived world into a new age of prosperity mr baldwin branded as fictitious ports that a cabinet crisis had iseu concerning the composition of tiie british delegation to the imperial been lying around all winter and which i current statement of british conference at ottawa next july has been hidden under the snow take butwt will not show i the lillkuu lle saill v to iame it to a convenient place and burn it h fi 1 r j c delegates for three conferences gen- 1 l deficit baldwin bays eva disarmament lausanne interua- tional finance and the ottawa par- borrowings stopped r which would be in session sim- endeavor to earn t least one proi jultaneously ficiency badge or make some progress denies ottawa conference we k wiietnep the house towards higher scout rank j caused dissension in dominion and ontario nearing mysteries of fog agreement on st lawrence seaway now revealed agreement may be definite before legislature prorogues power costs cut ontario to bear more than half expense of joint works report ottawa that the province of on tario and the federal government are nearing agreement regarding the joint development of the international sec tion of the st lawrence seaway was reported to be no more than a few- weeks away following a twohour con ference here saturday between pre mier henry and the bennett cabinet when the conference ended the me ment of more th a half the cost he province will be able to develop about massuchusetts research sta tion discover makeup boston fog is at last yielding its impemrabiluy to the student who has measured and photographed the minutes droplets of which fog is 900000 horsepower at a cost of not composed this work has been car- more than 125 a horsepower this ried on at the research station of figure obviously compares very favor- he massachusetts institute of teeli- ably with the s13s per horsepower cost oology at bound hill mass and the of the chippewa development at results were made known by irof niagara j edward l bowles director of the it is conceded that it will be some station years before power can be delivered knowledge derived from this study from the international section due indicates that fogs composed of point outstanding between the two however to the provinces foresight comparatively urge particles are parties was said to be the division of anticipating the power needs of the most easily penetrated by a red the costs of the extensive joint works piovince jis delay in getting the st shi and that foss of very small which are equally necessary for the lawrence power does not involve anv droplets yield most readily to greeu nonunion s navigation projects and danger of a power shortage the on- light facts that should the provinces power development moreover an understanding had been reached on this matter premier henry left saturday night for toronto tario hydii electric commission will receive delivery within the next two years of 500000 horsepower on its beauharnois and other contracts this to siumit the dominions views on j amount it is considered is ample to cost division to his own cabinet h ministerial colleagues acquiescence o the terms tentatively discussed by mr henry and the federal cabinet will presage an early announcement of a complete accord hon w d herridge canadian minister to washington sat in at the take care of the provinces consump tion for some time to come agreement not far off opinion here is that an agreement between the dominior and the united states is not very far off the order- incouncil recently passed by the fed be of con siderable value to the navigator it is believed by means of a specially designed microscope the measurements and photographs of fog particles were made by mr henry g houghton jr a research assistant who with dr julius a stratton of the institute fac ulty has made a comprehensive study of various types of fog the pictures are made by permitting natural fog to drift across a flat glass slide cov ered with a thin coating of grease which captures the fog particles to and have things lojkihg neat and tidy pring oper- boys training as firemen cabinet last year 673 canadian scouts re- uforu essex eng stanley bald- fire prevention training and kvin lord president of the council he concluded civilization the natural haunts and qualified or th scout firemans announced last week that the current surroundings of the birds have been j badge the training in most cases is budget would balance destroyed and they f d it increasing given by fire chiefs or firemen since j fl t c diflicul to find nesting places near to the tramug was started 1919s boys k he ule natiollal govern tae vicinity ot humans have qualified as scout firemen every louie therefore should make r a special point of building three or if you would like to become a lone four bird houses to encourage the j scout write for particulars to the boy birds to stay in the vicinity of his j scouts association lone scout dept h in- you still have time for this 330 bay street toronto 2 of commons can rise in time to allow- as many ministers as we desire to send to ottawa to get away it is difficult to say who can be spared for ottawa lausanne and geneva years tenants if you get busy at once loxe e predicts return seven lose lives to gold standard in plane crash the conservative sir campbell stuart says he machine strikes high ten thinks britain will act j sion wires and falls in merits cabinet leader said today we are in a position when we know that the budget will bal ance we know that borrowing on current accounts has been stopped and i hope stopped forever we are in a position to look with observant sympathy on those great countries which have not yet succeeded in bal ancing their current budget v strength of sterling mr baldwin continued today swedish farm produce shows continued expansion stockholm swedens total agricul tural production has been more than doubled in the last 60 years despite a remarkable movement cityward of the agricultural population which has been reduced by 40 per cent since 1870 it was revealed here in a report of the scandinavian credit company wheat cultivation has increased con siderably in the last 10 years the report shows while less rye and oats have been sown tlie most success ful branch of swedish agriculture is animal produce more than 40 pet- cent of the entire cultivated area of eral government to make the beau- conference and presented the views of 1 harnois canal an integral part of can ine united states government on j adas share of the seawav construction ue studied through the microscope points where the interests of the re- was an important step forward j t1is study has further revealed public may he affected by the provini in manv quarters it is held that the tuat fo at soa are caueii l sai1 cialfederal plans nearly all the solitary point outstanding between the tossei tie ar hy breaking ministers of the federal cabinet were two nations has to do with chicagos waves invisible grams of sodium present at the discussion in the old water diversion division of costs and chloride combine with particles in council room in the east block where other such matters including the en- 1 ho alv lo tonn the tlr which every canadian cabinet has held its gineering end hae all been the sub- tile basis ot to u was de meetings since sir john a macdonj jeet of tentative agreement aids time henry highly confident premier henry had little to say to the newspapers but he appeared high ly confident we are making very good progress toward an agreement he declared ontario it is understood will have meanwhile quebecs opposition oj electric eye continues the waterway is understood to have to widen scope of use san francisco an electric eye has been detailed to look after the lighting of the 40g stop and go signals here ordinarily these signals are not lit during the day but it has been found that on cloudy or foggy days it is sometimes hard for the pedestrian fr soon montreal conditions in england are definitely on tlie upgrade aud it- position viewed as a whole is better than in probably any other country in the world sair sir camp- be s uart a director of the times publishing company of london in a rcceci interview here england had against its will to 5 i off the gold standard he con- tjiitod and i think that in the not vry rtn ant future it will return to i the qualities that have gone to make up splendidly in the present crisis baldwins standing down in favor of macdoiiald was a great ges ture and lie now stands higher in public opinion than ever before great interest is being taken throuhout the length and breadth of the- laud on the subject of the coming ottawa conference and par ticularly does this apply to the po sition of australia premier ben nett is going to preside over one of the iu t momentous parleys in the history of the british empire one result of it ih be we hope to make canada less economically de pendent upon her stiothern neighbor canada of course has to balance her budai and will be obliged to undergo certain hard tipsi but i have no use for those without faith in their country canadian naval ship skeena back at base victoria returuiiig from her an nual winter cruise to southern waters hmcs skeena with com mand- victor g brodeur rcn in charge steamed into esquimau har bor on saturday she had been absent mtuo shortly after christmas the trim destroyer enjoyed per fect weather during a long cruise the feature of her trip was the call into el sawador where there was an uprising late in january the skeena and the vancouver remained there seven days and took aboard a num ber of british refugees and cared for them until conditions calmed on shore flames redlauds cal flying low through i dense fog that obliterated vision an we are looking to sterling in many parts of the world as the one safe sweden is grass land the yield from and national anchorage six mouths v is abundant and profitable onlv ago foreign money was pouring out oneeighth of the vegetable output of of the country today it is pouring the country is used for human con- iii which shows we have regained su while fourfifths are used american airways plane carrying the confidence which was very near- fol f domestic animals fiv passengers and two pilots j 1 shattered six months ago although the actual stock of cattle struck a high tension wire and crash- the fact that great britains export has not increased in the last 20 years ed into an apple orchard ten miles trade showed a slight improvement improved methods and better feeding east of here saturday niht six of hiring the last quarter of ho was have increased the productivity of the the occupants were killed instantly j a h sik he a th breeding of pigs has de- i which meant the country m very veloped rapidlv milk production has or burned to death the seventh timos wm howmg us owu reache1 4 tons a year most died sunday in a redlands hospital the last quarter of last year he re- of the agricultural products of sweden the iargeilane burst into flames j called there was an improvement in are home consumed exports being cooled somewhat the united states threat of an allamerican route through new york state is said to have thrust upon quebec the stern realization that delay now may mean the ultimate removal of a large part to bear more than half the cost of j of the traffic handled by the port of j the joint works this is because the montreal should an allamerican development of power is more costly canal be built much shipping which to rea1 the 0 tm than the provision of navigation fa- j now goes through montreal would be go t t u cilities neve even at pay- diverted through the unitedstates j s be illumilmte 011 those dull days that is where the electric eye an instrument no larger than a mans watch came in mr ralph w wiley chief of the citys department if elec tricity desinged it using a photronic cell when light intensity falls the mechanism actuates an electric relay that switches on the lamps iu all signals and when the clouds roll by it turns off the lights vienna- vienna to insure purity japan seeks market for fish products though the japanese themselves are great consumers of fish their iirius- trial interests are seeking to develop sir william clark says his- 1932 outstanding year in empire markets for the sale of fish abroad at tokyo the government maintains a fishery institute which offers several courses designed to promote the fish ing industry there are five fishery and marine products organizations engaged in the export trade salmon and crab are two of the most important items exported in their efforts to increase exports the japanese fishery prod ucts companies receive every aid from the banks as well as support from the government the latter has in recent years been obliged to take a hand in political questions which have arisen in kamchatka and c-ise- where between japanese fisheries and tlie soviet government during the iast two or three years considerable reckless fishing has been done in those waters tory likely to mark it so montreal i feel that our children may look back to ottawa and the year 1932 as an epoch in the rela- of its water supply is using an elec tions within the empire sir wil- trie eye which automatically liam clark british high commis- watches the condition of the citys sioner to canada stated in an re- water and gives warning of any pollu- cent interview here he was uracil hon impressed with the list of delegates the british government was send ing to the forthcoming economic con ference the enthusiasm with which british the water to be tested passes through a lightproof glass tube fitted with electric lamps rays from the lamps penetrate the water flowing hrotigh the tube and react on an tlie ground near a the volume of production in the manu- comparatively small witnesses dragged the facturlng industries which had been when it highway only living passenger out of the continuously trending downward dur- british museum receives wreckage before the flames reached ing the previous twenty mouths him he was arthur it thomas of that he maintained looked as tucson ariz so badly injured he though the country were beginning to died on sunday turn the corner and coupled with a bodies of the other victims were reduction in imports showed great burned beyond recognition only j britain had reasonable grounds for one was definitely identified the renewed hope nassenger list carried besides the national government to the thomas the following names hugh a mckellar los angeles sound and it was not going to break district sales manager for the fire- if he could help it he declared iu stone tire and rubber company conclusion he expressed the hope identified by a charred business j that before tlie government surren- caid c m goldsmith of st louis dered its charge iuto the hands of stone which fell on july 27 united kingdom was most impres sive sir william said it showed a real desire on the part of every member of the public to help the cause england is now on a tariff basis and can deal more easily with the other units of the empire we all look forward to a lowering of tariff the british museum of natural his tory has been the recipient in recent riionths of two unusual donations of fragments of other worlds the first is the gift of professor kerr grant and includes one of the many masses of meteoric iron found in june 1931 best ot his knowledge was pretty 1 around the large meteoric craters near the henbury cattle station ou finite river centn is a piece of british geologists to fvnlnra anrla wa as thi te t0 improve 10 explore naes thjg niav we one effect of the lima peru a briish expedition conference within the bounds of the gifts of meteor fragments dr j gregory professor emnire and anv such move would the next few years sir william concluded ral australia the other very coarsely crystallized i f 1 empire and any such move would of geology at glasgow- university has t result on the rest of the arrived in peruvian territory on a world this i think is likely to be journey through ecuador peru bo- the trend ot ivia and chile to study the geological formations of the midandean range miss m mckinnon a london na tural scientist is the only woman member of the expedition she said that the party vould eventually leave mountains by way of the oodsvere being bought in the j electrophotographic cell fitted at one end of the tube when the water is pure the electric tension in the ap paratus remains unaltered any pol lution produces a dimming effect in the light rays on the hotocell affect ing the electric tension vienna is believed to be the first public body to make use of the inven tion which is in operation at the gam ing waterworks in lower austria air siegmund strauss is inventor of the device healthy future seen for western cattle trade winnipeg mon livestock ship- rents from western canada showed a large increase during 1031 accord ing to a report prepared by the can adian national railways during the year 7501 cars of stork invention by dane speeds typewriting 11 l robinson of yonkers ny j the people the country would again v 31 at tataouine south tunisia albert coburn 21 son of fred co burn former president of american airways inc the pilot wa harold j kelsoy of los angeles former veteran of the canadian royal air force the co pilot was h h campbell of lo3 angeles was flying in fog tilo trimotored fokker carrying the seven men from phoenix en route to oiendale was an hour be hind schedule as it roared low over the fogbanketed vucaipa valley witnesses said it appeared that a mistake in judgment or momentary loss of control caused the accident when the ship hit the wire plung ed to the ground and burst into tlauies six of its occupants were trapped before they could attempt to escape even if they had not been killed or badly hurt in the crash i j a iemay a rancher russell j bevans state registrar of motor vej bo busv and thrivingasitiedthe tjm if sft of dr marcel solignac hef du service geologique copenhagen an electric typewriter claimed to be twice as fast as the or- 1 were delivered to winnipeg as com es of the amazon river djnary mechanical models has been pared with 5961 in 1030 the increase traveling afoot and ly canoe at leas invented by mr hans reinholdtsen of being 510 carloads a great part of six months will be required to com- this city a ships machine master the increase is attributed to the pleto the geological survey and to the inventor says that the machine heavier demand from great britain reach the atlantic coast i can makc 20 touches per second as snow king pays surprise visit to rome lieiles and dr a c rrennau who j were among the witnesses hurried to the llamlng wreckage and dragged mild not reach stamp issue suggested for imperial conference thomas away they the other victims montreal the suggestion that canada is3ue a set of pontage slamp id commemorate the forthcoming im- oispi perial economic conference to be 1 will do what 1 can to what lield at ottawa is contained in a re- light i have shine disputation is j solution adopted by the st lawrence moke and serves only to obscure the 1 stamp collectors club of montreal light it i to no jr and i do like and forwarded to arthur same post- to give and to get the 5ood of things aslergenerai j dr ueorge macdoninj j against the present maximum of 11 women make debut touches the explanation of this added speed is that the type bar on the new danish machine travels only 3 mm whereas the average typobar has to travel 15 mm it is claimed that the machine can type a speech as quickly as it is spoken thus eliminating tlie use of shorthand as voters in greece i athens grcace women have voted for the first time in the history of greece the occasion was the muni cipal elections of piraus near athens only about 200 women availed them selves of the franchise granted under the newly adopted elections lay al though the total male and female vot ers entitled to vote in the election was mexico builds skyscraper mexico city a thirteenstorey building called mexicos first sky scraper is under construction in mex ico city it rests on 373 wooden ps each one foot in diameter and 110 feet long snow fell at rome recently a rare occurrence bridgo blanketed by newlyfallen snow picture shows tlie tiber river and the xomentana old scottish iron works visited by prince of wales falkirk scot part of a castiron steam cylinder made at canon in ltcj for james watt inventor of the first complete steam engine was shown to prince george during his recent inspection of the carron co iron works at falkirk cannons and naval guns manufac tured by carron from 177s were also shown io the prince the molding of argentina plans insect barrier lotter pillar boxes was another item buenos ayres ten and a half n-il- of interest shown to prime george j feet of wire netting is to be on his tour of inspection stretched across he north central pro- i v 0 argentina r an effort to halt advantage the advance of locusts the ministry a man may have a legal right to of agriculture has announced take advantage of another but hej can never have a moral right to do it selfisinccs and the moral law will decide against for eveiy progress in streistiouj him every time with no appeal human work for god there must have been law lia a limited range moral law a slaying ot tlie selfishness which conditions the unlvorso and no one urges us to work in our own steagu in the end can escape from iu de- and for our own sake f d iiuntlng- cisions dou

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