Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 24, 1932, p. 4

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stouffville ontario march 24 1932 duality service fablers daughters dont count grocery bulletin rennies best popping corn- per lb 10c small white cooking beans 10 lbs for 25c roman meal a nonacidforming cereal pkg 29c choice milled rolled oats 8 lbs for 25c thrift pastry flour 24 lb bag 50c christies soda wafers large pkg 10c apricots choice per lb 22c prunes large meaty per lb 15c prunes small but sweet and juicy extra value 3 lbs 25c seed tapioca commonly called sago 3 lbs 25c very large white tapioca 3 lbs 25c watch our window for a full line of chocolate easter novelties ratcliff go town delivery you pay less for more notice model a and model t fords we accept in trade are recondi tioned before we resell them everything tigthened and ad justed new parts where needed a guarantee goes with all used mode as many model ts we have used cars of other makes too youll save money here for we dont need to mark up prices in order to recoup unreasonable tradein concessions here is a sample of the many bargains were now offering ford sport coupe 1930 standard coupe rumble 1929 ford coupe 1929 ford m ton truck 1929 roosevelt marmon sed 1929 std ford coupe 1929 ford ton truck dodge k ton truck essex coach 1928 ford sport roadster 1930 cadillac coach 1925 2 fordson tractors 1927 we also have a number of other good usel cars for sale 1929live stock i fresh cow and 1928 4 near springers for sale d holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario notes and comments tjio heading of this paragraph needs some explanation or the editor of thse columns wouldnt have the life of a dog with the girls from the concessions who so ahly debate large problems at the meeting of the junior institutes coming in and giving the scribe a hot time we mean that like the wives of house holders they do not count in mak ing up the number of the voters lists which would clutter up the county council still more by giving almost every township in a county a deputy reeve as well as a reeve for the first time next election girls on the farm over 21 years will j have a place on the municipal voters lists there is a weakness in the act inasmuch as widows daughters unless the widow in her own rights tenants daughters un less the father has a fiveyear lease and farmers sisters are not eligible to voto at municipal elections the flood gates might better have been opened wide enough to let all the sisters in the limited municipal franchise of the spinsters was opposed in the legislature last year by f w elliott mpp for north bruce who favored putting all the grownup girls on the farm in the same class hero is the exact word ing of the bill introduced in the legislature by hon mr finlayson minister of lands and forests to prevent farmers daughters being counted for the purpose of fixing county council representation the number of municipal elec tors shall be determined by the last revised voters list but in counting the names the name of the same person shall not be counted more than once and the name of a per son who is a municipal elector by reason of being the wife or husband of the person so rated or entitled to be rated for the land as mention ed in clause d of the subsection 1 of 56 or who is entered on the list as a farmers daughter shall not be counted by au amendment to the crituiaa code introduced into the house ot commons by the minister of justice grand juries are to be eliminated this is a move in the right direc tion the subscription rate for the tri bune is 2 per year and 250 to united states points the label on your paper indicates the expiring date of your subscription see that your subscription renewal is attend ed to before the expiring date newest merchandise 97 piece dinner sets of modern design the new modern shapes of the various pieces in this attractive set of strong english semiporcelain dinnerwarean unusual value finish ed in blue floral pattern on a smooth ivory glaze background remarkably low priced for such a goodlooking set 97 pieces special 1495 simplicity prints a peter pan fabric new and original designs in these new prints a practical fabric as all the colors are absolutely fast to tub and sun a strong wellwoven cotton the quality that every homesewer needs for wash frocks and girls school dresses width 36 a yard 39c at shaws largest variety guaranteed good value new wallpaper in your rooms will brighten up the entire home and give a new lease of life to furnishings that have done duty for years we are showing wallpapers of wonder ful artistic merit at prices that are most moderate pay us a visit we feel that we can help you in your decorating problems frilled curtains very popular lowpriced ruffle curtains of service able marquisette launders well and will give every satisfaction ruffles edged in rose blue gold and green 2 v yards in lengths special pair 69c special in print 36 wide sun and tubfast in red gold and mauve per yard at 15c new spring prints individual in design endless in variety smart cleanlooking patterns in these practical cotton prints for your tub frocks and think what wonderful value you get when you buy them serviceable easy to wash and all the colors are guaranteed sunfast and tubfast width 36 yard 25c the holding of a general election ou a sunday as was the case in tin german elections is somewhat of a shock to canadians they do some strange things in european coun tries however and the sabbath in many of them is just another day it is stated that the object of hold ing the voting on sunday is to give everyone an opportunity of going to the polls a fine example of the brass band methods of united slates po lice is seen in the lindberg baby kidnapping case it looks as though the american police officers high and low are more interested in getting their names on the front page of the newspapers than in ap prehending the criminals every move made or contemplated seems to bo advertised in the press thus playing right into the hands of the offenders sought imagine scotland yard acting that way indemnities of york county councillors for committee meetings have been cut about 0 per cent warden milton logge stated we cut about five days off the january session thereby saving hundreds of dollars in indemnities and the june session will last for only live days instead of the usual ten ho promised the midyear session will be started on monday juno loth with june 15th the date for the annua wardens excursion to port dal- housie and all the work will be completed by saturday june isth the committees of the council will all have reports ready to table during the first two days of the june session we expect dixon hill radio picked up on the air sunday night march 6 the newest supersilk creation in chiffon hose the finest pure silk yet exquisitely sheer with an extra high twist that adds much to the wear theyre all silk to the picot top the heel and toe have tripleply reinforcement sizes 8 to 10 special pair 125 to 150 womens house dresses in the prettiest print you have probably ever seen at this inexpensive price a smart home frock with short setin sleeve or no sleeve and trimmed in a contrasting color sizes 16 to 44 special 79c see our new shipment of linoleum step out easter morning smartly dressed new crepe frocks special 695 to 1050 smartly springlike with high waists new necklines and flared skirts in new shades with contrasting trimmings prints and plain combinations sizes 16 to 42 special 695 to 1050 floor oilcloth and last week the council in tx- bridge town struck its tax rate for 192 at the abnormally high figure of 02 mills this is an increase of 3 mills over last years rate the main causes for the increase said to be a grant of 5500 to the oxbridge war memorial 200 to the board of trade additional de mand by the board of education and road expenditures last year running beyond the estimates there by causing an overdraft our sister community could hardly have hit on a worse time to levy a peak tax bill than at present we note that the assessment of the munici pality dropped 9u00 which is something the council could not hinder but other causes and the chief ones which went to increase the tax rate could have been avoided for instance a municipali ty with such a burdensome tax rate could not afford a live hundred dollar grant for even so patriotic a purpose as a war memorial then the matter of schools comes in many places are reducing salaries one public school recently advertis ed for a teacher and received 3 2 answers from unemployed teachers at s00 annually despite this the educational hoards in places like uxbridge would not likely engage a teacher at s00 with councils un willing to rule with a stiff upper j lip and refuse money for any but the most necessary and pressing de mands and with school boards pay ing salaries beyond what they need to pay in some class rooms the situ ation for the hardpressed tax pay er is not likely lo improve but is liable to grow steadily worse a 52 mill rate in uxbridge under 1932 conditions will stagger a greater portion of the tax payers than a 00 mill rate would have done three years ago before the depression having said this we trust the 1932 council in uxbridge will not resent the tribunes comment for we hold no personal animosity to the members of either school board or council in the home town of the writer for kitchen livingroom and diningroom picture the bright touch these distinctively new patterns would give to a room lovely color tones are blended in this popular floor covering service weight and semiservice weight hose exceptionally good quality in womens full fashioned hose a heavy weight that will give you splendid wear the popular french panel heel good value all through sizes 8v to 10 all the new shades special per pair 95c to 200 womens french kid gloves specially smart for easter slip on style and fancy cuff just what you require to complete your easter costume shades in black and white sand beige and grey sizes 6 to 7 x special pr 159 to 225 shaws store phone 9512 stouffville ontario sale register thursday march 21th at lot 1c con 8- pickering 1 a mile south claremont farm stock and implements belonging to william licorish sale at one f w silvorsidos auctioneer saturday march 2g at lot 2 7th lino markham credit sale of miles dairy cows and heifers belonging to j s honey 30 head of choice animals and 3 bulls watch for ontiro sale list in this paper next week sale at 1 prentico and prentice auctioneers it was a nreuis mat tuesday march 29 farm stock in love sale of entire stock and imple- hmeiell in loieuith ments on the 100 acre farm be longing to foster wagg lot 20 con 10 markham mongolia no reserve terms cash salo at one oclock f w silversides auct tuesday march 29th credit auction salo of farm stock imple ments ford truck ford coupe swine fowl harness and furni ture the property of x baker lot 29 con 2 markham sale at 1 pm this sale was postponed from tuesday march 22nd on account of the bad roads terms j of which now constitutes we gathered the following in formation from off the air com ing from lloyd raymers sunday evening broadcast so we are not re sponsible for its accuracy here is what we heard over that almost suphuman instrument whose principles we do not understand but we know they work what must john raymer lloyd raymers great grandfather do next just to think 200 acres of ancient forest where man has never yet applied an axe from the trees of this vast forest he must build a home and this home must be built right in the forest hewn from the trees which now stand on the spot where the gap must be made so that in course of a few long burden some days would be the site of one of the first structure and signs of habitation in this new and primi tive land known now as dixon hill between markham and stouffville it is hard for us to imagine when we stop and think that this is what lloyd raymers grandfather and others had to do and that this scene was within twentyfive miles from what is now one of the great est shopping streets in canada dauforth ave i just wonder what the dauforth residents think of this and little did lloyd raymer as a child on the old farm at dixon hill ever dream that he would some day bo one of dauforth s leading business men owning and operating a modern bakery right in the heart of this great shopping street yet this dauforth district was in grandfathers early days a wild and uncultivated part of the country and toronto called then muddy york contained a few log and slab houses a post office custom house and trading post but we must not forget that grandfather and peter raymer are still without a home what a problem yes what a task to build a house out of the bush and with only the aid of 3- or 4 tools namely the saw axe chise and adze of course you know there were no architects no saw mills no lumber yards no builders supply houses no power except man and oxen in fact nothing but vast and endless bush streams of water wild animals and lots of land but few men to cultivate it the soil was rich if only cleared the trees were full of life and glorious to behold life existed everywhere even in the still of the night the silence was broken by the life of some nearby wild animal roaming about the forest the pioneers and early settlers erected their first home near a stream of water caring not how far they were from the main line water was the great attraction and was in the case of grandfather raymer xear a stream must the site be chosen and the log house built but picking a suitable location in those days was a difficult one just picture yourself standing in the presence of 200 acres of bush trees that have seen the seasons come and go for hundreds of years yet here was a man in solitude prob ably discouraged twentylive mile away from the nearest trading post and only to be reached by a trail through the dark and weired forest marked by the patn of the oxen and cart yes the early settler had many a dark and gloomy hour to live through times when life seemed to be anything but sweet yet they bore there sorrow and grief and suffer ed the hardships and accomplished their task they set out to attain but the site for the log house was decided on so the mighty trees had to give way to the bushinans axe and one by one were layed to the earth the gap was made and by persverance the trees were sawn into logs and hewn into timbers and so erected to constitute a home sweet home the log house was built just a few rods from this sparkling unpolluted stream of water which still flows on to this very day at dixon hill well soon other pioneers from pennsylvania became neighbors and settled in this part of york and in passing i would like to mention a low of the old pioneers names and i assure you it gives me great pleasure to be able to do so one of grandfather and peter raymers nearest neighbors was abraham grove at a later date i will loll you about the time grandfather and abe grovo walked all the way to pennslyvania and hack over 10000 there were movers and in moyeis bush many an old fashion ed camp meeting was held this was right at dixon hill there was widemans reesors hoovers liarkeys and hreuls and by the way t was a hreuls that grandfather and at a later date married there was mitchells meriens and iehmans and one of our eventide quartette mem bers george lehman is a descend- dit of this lehman family there was piphers byers holdens vagaes buttons connors and stouffers the latter name stouffer is how stouffville acquired its name abraham stouffer from pennsyl vania settled in whitchurch in the very early days and became possess ed of 600 acres of land a itortion the town coal coke coal grain seeds tile we are buyers of grain and seeds alsike red clover alfalfa we have feeding molasses on hand by the barrel seeds of all kinds also salt coal coke and pokohontac coal s w hastings phone 169 stouffville out salt cement can be said of them and surely we must honor and pay tribute to these old and noble pioneers who lived labored and died they served and sacrificed and their bodies lie in different graveyards around mark ham stouffville dixon hill but their lives still live though their voices are silent so may we all try to be more faithful unto each other and to bo brotherly like the old pioneers and enjoy life so until a later dato we leave lloyd raymers great grandfather until a later broadcast of iraymers eventide hour troubles of the farmer according to the border cities star dr l j simpson mpp for centre simcoe draws in the legis lature a harrowing picture of the plight of the farmer who has to sell 10s bags of potatoes to buy an auto mobile license and six dozen eggs to purchase his drivers permit it is rather a sad commentary on our distribution system that a days revenue rrom a flock of 72 hens is required to give the farmer the right to drive his own car on which he has already paid a sales tax to the federal government and a licenseplate tax to the provincial government over roads for which he has already been amply taxed using gasoline on which he is taxed j heavily now and on which well- 1 authenticated reports suggest lie will have to boar an event greater levy before long mark axtlloy it takes a man who tells the truth to find the truth in others a lie gladly garmented oft outshines the naked truth lasting beliefs are pro moted by actions and not words we are content to bo judged by our method of conducting a ceremony and by our manner of service rg clendening fuaerjl director markham telephone markham 9000 gormley an army of friends both young and 3k gathered at the home of mr joseph cherry on monday evening of last week and gave a miscellan eous shower to miss cherry who is to bo married shortly to mr gray of the third line sorry to lose mrs edna glover and her bright family from our vicinity they moved to stouffville on tuesday their many friends hope they will enjoy their new home and new associations air ellis klinck is scurrying around these days getting an equip ment ready to begin operations on the joseph icober farm when spring opens up the teachers in the victoria school misses birnie and nichols messrs caiman nichols and foote attended the york teachers banquet at the royal yorkc the teacher of number seven markham louis l nichols was elected to office of president announcement widowers furniture and other goods will be sold by auction on saturday april 9 on the vacant lot next taits butcher shop good home for elderly lady about time he flowers will be blooming and the birds singing their songs of love must be clean and efficient and with a christian heart and no encumbrance jacob yake jeweler and real estate agent stouffville stewart beare phone markham 2g03 or to hrathwaites hardware 9001 radio service a service you will appreciate radio repairing repairing done on all kinds of sets sets checked over free of charge if brought in estimates cheerfully given gordon k cohfr member of radio international guild grrg to toronto for easter 155 return weekend schedule provides convenient service lkave stouffville leave toronto eastern standard time 725 am a 900 am a 1040 am c 200 pm c 240 pm 530 pm b 825 pm b 1015 pm a sunday and holidays only b saturday sunday and holidays only c saturday only 6 months credit prentico prentice auctioneers of stouffville and while speaking of theso brave men nothing too good coaciiks stop at any point to pick up iassfxgeiis signal plainly ijy hani to the driver chartered coaciiks for all occasions at moderate rates for information communicate with gray coach lines yonge at front toronto gray coach lines i ss

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