Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 24, 1932, p. 3

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sunday school lesson march 2t lesson xh jesus rises from the dead easter lesson john 20 1120 golden text but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept 1 corinthians 15 20 analysis i thk appearance to maev 20 u1s ii thk apreaknce to the disciples 20 1920 istkopuctiosf johns aim in this chapter is to show the gradual dawn ing of faith in the resurrection among the disciples until it blazed into full light in the confession of thomas v 28 lie is concerned mainly in bring ing out its spiritual meaning for the church the church was built on the faith that christ was til alive and active in the world that faith was based on the experience of those who were convinced that they had seen the ixrd and upon the evidence that he was alive in power among his followers in this very world whence his fees thought they had banished him and going on with the work which calvary had interrupted the resurrection faith was in hit first place therefore based upon the resurrection appear- ances i tiie appearance to mary 20 1118 the body of jesus having received only temorary burial on friday even ing was to be properly embalmed a soon as the sabbath vas past mary magdalene it was when went early as the grey dawn was breaking to the tomb y 1 to find the stone which had been laid against the face of it remov ed something told her that her lord was no longer there raising a nue and cry she soon hd others at the tomb v 2 upon the disciple whom j jems loved flashed that the lord was risn but both he and peter were still uncertain had they thought the tody had been stolen they would have informed joseph of arimathaea had they been convinced that jesus had i come- to life again they would certain ly have sought tiiiri utit and arranged a lodging as it was they were per plexed and they went home to pon der over it all but mary lingered near through her tears she saw a vision of angels but from them she learned nothing becoming conscious of some one the gardener who else would be abroad so early 1 she asked tell me where thou hast lain him and i will take him awry v is with h r weak arms btu eager love knew no weakness then cams the greatest recognition seer in all iterature mary rabonni two words but they changed her world for her and for us all ir tlie first flush of her joy she started forward to embrace lim touch me not he said or cease clinging to me dr moffatt marv are the vvondr of those who hae not the serct fear not ha says to all i am with you the essential thing about the resur rection is the continued life and pres ence of jesus christ had there not been something more than a bodily appearance nothing much would have happened it is the something more that has made all the difference the thing that matters is not how the still living lord nade himself known to a few people nineteen hundred years ago but that since his death on calvary he has been touching men i with the same quickening and renew ing power that he always had whatneyork is wearing by annkbelle worthington reminiscences illustrated dretswaki nisked with fv- must now learn another and a higher bodice top of course you ant a satin crepe blouse in that flattring lyonraise pink shade its luxuriously lovely worn with black transparent velvet skirt thai by the way is attached ro a camisole v ay of knowing her lord this high er way will not however begin until he has ascended v 17 this is johns way of teaching that the true proof of the resurrection and the true posses sion of the risen christ arc not to be our in a resurrection appearance or physical contacts they are io be rn lized in the normal experience of the believer he sends her immediately to tell the brethren not his bloodrelations but his spiritual brethren his disciples the rcc siring of the good news is al- v ays followed by the sharing of it with others ii the appearance to the disciples 20 1020 that same- evening the first chris tian sunday evening the eleven were together locked in for fear of the jew v 10 when the news would the vionnet bkusc gives the figure a iong slim line for sports wear its splendid in dark brown spongy woolen with brown wooden buttons with the skirt in vivid green spanish tiie crepe de chine with the skirt of brown woolen is fascinating and exceedingly wearable stvle no 2528 is designed for sizes 14 16 18 20 years 36 38 and 10 inches bust siz9 10 requires 2is yards 39inch for blouse and 2 yards 54inch for si irt how to order patterns writ your name and address plain ly giving number and size of 3uch patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap reach the authorities that the body of it carefully for each number and jesus was gone suspicion would most ey fall upon his disciples of steal ing it hence the locked door christians are still living behind the closed doors of fear afraid to be con sidered enthusiastic afraid of public opinion ant thereby render their lies largely useess we often close the door on ci t unwittingly sometimes our friendships close the door on many noble thinss among them the oeauly of jems christ but he comes through our closed vor suddenly the master was in the room with them r 19 coming he brought puae to his own inner poae in the midst of outci conflict such ir the christians heri tage aha- iijivuiicc does religion make irara life for one thing it car keep him cool and brave when other are faltering enable him to live through lifes hazards and confusions with a bigness ail a courage which address your order to wilson pattern senice 73 west adelaide st toronto ted looks like out on i lark bill yet and i was having a bird o tom has bi should time one of the stories told by elsie janis in her breezy reminiscences so far so good is of her first meeting with mary pickford it was in the 1890s when as child prodigies both appeared on the same bill at sheas theatre toronto mary pickford- then known as baby gladys smith was playing in a sketch while euie janis as little elsie did an act all by herself she was seven and something as a star already having been on the stage for two years mary was younger for elsie recalls they had to carry her on the two kiddies became great friends as did thir mothers by the way for they had much in common and have remained so ever since elsie remembers that mary would gaze wideeyed at my array of dresse hanging on the dressingroom wall a different ore for each performance and two performances a day mother she would say plaintive ly do you suppose i will ever have pretty dresses like those there are lots of chuckles and just a few sighs in the janis book beginning with the title itself so far so good as all the world know elsie was married recently this is how she started reminiscing there can be no doubt that i have reached the years of indiscretion for the first time in my life i have lost my sense of humor over a man peeps at celebrities caruso at dirno in the janis apartment singing his requests for more potatoes and ahahahahing right up to high c for another piece of bread then drawing caricatures of us all on the company tablecloth what a good bad little boy he was irving berlin irving became like a son to mother he reminded her of perce elsies dead brother he didnt remind mo of anyone but i loved him i still do and ill slap his face if he ever says he felt like a brother toward me more peeps queen alexandra in the royal box at a london thatre where elsie janis in her makeup had been presented to her as i was leaving queen alex andra pulled one of my curls and said ah they dont come off i murmur ed something to the effect that if they came off for anyone they would for her shook her hand again and saying goodbye your majesty i ran out michael arlen the novelist born ari armenian i met michael arlen whose answer to my inquiry as to what nationality ho was is typical im the last of the armenian atroci ties he said elsie janis tells an amusing story about one of her youthful admirers the grandson of a wealthy brewer who was a constant visitor at the janis home and whom she nicknamed happy because of his smile he it was she chuckles who when the san francisco earthquake occurred and his grandfather donated 100000 to the relief fund telegraphed that dis tinguished philanthropist remember governor charity begins at home to which happy who was busy cutting classes at yale and capers in new york replied if you were where i am you would never go home t n the utter inability to recognize photographs of themselves or of their surroundings is characteristic of oil savages says martin johnson in congorilla adventures with pyg mies and gorillas in africa he tells of taking pictures of the pygpiies who accompanied him on a camera hunt for gorillas in the congo and afterwards showing them prints they would take these pictures ho says turn ihem upside down and all around without the slightest con ception as to what they wre v x i v i would display a perfect likeness of one or more of a group but net a pygmy would recognize a person ir the picture he adds it was exactly he same with scenes i wild take a voprcf uction of a native hut show the scene of a pygmy and also the pictutc lo would have no idea of what the photograph meant and could not asso ciate t with the original russian grows latest notes hybrid grain of science crossing wheat with rye said to produce better quality moscow xew foodstuffs which are expected to alter radically the char acter of russias crops and which may revolutionize tho worlds food supply have been discovered hero these discoveries aro the result of experiments iu breeding hybrid grains composed cf wheat and rye carried out during tho last decade by prof g k meister in saratov professor meister has succeeded iu obtaining two hybrid grains oue of which is called erythrospemum the other lutesceus heat of human body high pressures birds vs planes the human body has a temperature about 20 degrees fahrenheit higher tiian that of a normally heated room a hot body always imparts us heat to a colder body heat runs downhill like water hence it follows that the human body must be giving up its heat to surrounding colder objects i dr l b aldrich of the smithson- ian institution has been making a i study of the human body as such a i radiator and has reached conclusions that ought to be of interest and valu o the designersof school houses as- an aiea of about 20 acres has been scmwv r0011is ami other halls where sown with these hybrid grains com- and evw humlrcds of hsaltfcy human bodies are exchanging heat with one another and surrounding o5- richard landry ottawa valley boy winnerof ilie khvanh dog derby at pembroke a few days ago with lii3 dog and sleis junior h paderewski 1912 1032 a cabin door irl sitting on the upon the upon a curiously enough some are able to grasp motion pictures but show little i interest in them mr johnson inj stances a special show lie gave the boys who had accompanied the expej and the slow dropping of golden notes cutton after watching the motion j upon the bov and picture in which most of thenrapj steps outside peared silently they talked together the great ship heaves in low tones finally one of thenl waters walked up to johnson i a up above the while gulls are fly when do we get paid he asked lag paid shouted johnson what do you mean paid well you told us to come here that was the native reaction to my efforts to entertain these afrban black comments johnson the publication of a book by beau brummell male and female cos tume written over one hundred years ago when the king of the dan dies was at the height of his glory recalls that it was said of him that women admired him but men almost reverenced him the beau never mar ried but that he was not indifferent to the companionship and charm of the ladies there is ample evidence lewis melville in his life and let ters of brummell tells of an occa sion when the beau as staying at a country house i must leave here this morning he said unexpectedly to his host but the other expostulated you were not going until the end of the week true quite true the beau con curred but i really must be off his host however was not satu- fieu and plied him with questions until at last brummell in despera tion blurted out well the fact is i am in love with your wife why my dear fellow so was 1 twenty years ago remarked the ladys husband hoping to put his guest at his ease then a thought struck him and he inquired is she in love with you i i believe she is that alters the case the host said with decision i will send for your posthorses immediately us leads in telephones the united statei continued in the first rank of countries using the tele phone statistics compiled by the canadian government show that the united states ha one phone for every eight inhabitants canada one for every seven new zealand one for every five and denmark oue for every four and a half persons dipping circling and floating tropic sea and tho golden notes are dropping slowly upon the boy and the girl you have forgotten the ship paderew ski you have forgotten the bov and the girl but the music you have not forgotten and i who sit here today have forgot ten nothing like a great orchestra you are beating agaiust the bronze doors of time the white gulls are no longer flying the page that was not written has been written france has taken and poland spoken but above the wild beating the notes of liquid gold remain a jacqeuiue shaw in the christian science monitor com parative tests carried out over a three- year period show that erythros-per- uium affords a yield of more than 33 per cent in excess of that of the best grade wheat while the yield of lute- scens is botweeu 20 and 25 per cent iu excess of that of wheat a baking test based on the amounts of protein starch and moisture the amount of flour obtained and the ris ing of the bread resulted iu the fol lowing evaluations erythros-per- mum s3 utescens s2 best grade wheat 7s although the hybrid grains represent a crossbreeding of wheat and rye they yield pure white bread the new grain has proved tougher and more resistant than wheat and consequently can be planted in regions where rye has hitherto been the chief grain crop this it is believed makes possible a great extension of the rus sian wheat belt similar experiments in the crossing of wheat and rye are being conducted in other countries they were made available to the englishspeaking na tions last year in papers published by the imperial bureau of plant genetics school of agriculture cambridge eng land russian agricultural investigators profess to have discovered that corn grows best when nights are long and consequently believe that by making artificial darkness in regions where nights are short corn could be suc cessfully cultivated i jects he finds that on a cold winter day when a schoolroom wall in direct contact with the chilly air outside may easily be ten degrees lower than the i air of the room a child may radiate twice as much heat from the side of i its body nearest the wall as from the other side there would be a 25 per cent increase in the total amount of radiation a demand is made on the body for more heat sometimes too heavy a demand j suppose the pupil has the usual i healthy body temperature of 98 de- i grees fahrenheit and that the tem- i perature of the surrounding walls i raised to the same figure from about i 71 degrees radiation loss from tha body is negligible discomfort results i the radiation from a human being dr aldrich finds is almost entirely j from the skin and clothing approxi- mutely 7s per cent of the total comes i from the clothing the shoes are re- i sponsible for an additional f or lj i per cent approximately 8 per cent comes from the exposed skin face i neck and hands and about 5 per i cent from the hair world at high pressure at the joint meeting of the ameri can physical society and the optical society of america held in cam bridge dr p w bridgeman of har- vard university told something of tho the hot climate which is naturally new strrnge world that he has created has required for cotton plantations is found in the soviet union in central asia and to a lesser extent iu the transcaucasus but the soviet union is not satisfied with the present acreage under cotton cultivation and looks for new fields to develop so a campaign of active ex perimentation is being carried on for the purpose of discovering just what cotton needs for its successful growth a road ocross europe eight countries are combining in a scheme for making an international highway across euroe for motorists the road is to run direct from lon don to constantinople a distance of nearly 2000 miles and in each country the authorities are boing urged to make it a uniform width jt is probable that a 24hour cus toms service will be arranged in each of the eight countries and new cus toms officers established by the road side if the scheme is carried out all this is good news the more we see of our neighbors the more we should understand them and under standing is one of the most powerful peace makers in the world the war cry london antinoise in the station dorothy why do people use the expression in the dead of win ter dick because it is usually shortly after tho holidays when everyone is broke farm implement exports ottawa canadian farm imple ments exported during january were valued at 120324 an increase of 300 over december 1931 the best purchaser was the united states at s434sg croat britains purchases totalled 13806 in his laboratory a world in which matter is subjected to pressure some times 40000 times greater than that which we must bear in ordinary life- gases become dense as liquids mole cules which compose the gases and atoms which in turn constitute tha molecules are driven together the most striking effect of high pressure is the change of melting point thus when mercury is sub jected to 176000 pounds pressure to the square inch it melts at ordinary room temperature many soft and pliable substances completely chang their character under pressure under 60000 pounds to the square inch oil becomes so stiff that it no longer flows paraffin wax becomes harder than steel in fact professor bridgeman finds no difficulty under high pres surein making a piece of steel flow by pushing it with a piece of paraffin soft rubber becomes so hard that it can be used as a die to mold steel professor bridgeman has discovered six different kinds of ice which call exist only at high pressure collisions with birds when airplanes were slow a pilot gave little thought to the birds now that machines are faster than any liv ing thing birds have become a men ace most airports lie in the country and are therefore infested with in the big paris railway station j sleepy hawks crows buzzards and the station master used to wave his kites depending on their location in flag the guard blew his whistle the driver let off a little steam and the train slowly moved out if as you reached the platform you heard the guards whistle you knew you had better he quick but the activities of the antinolso campaign have changed all this trains now whistle only when it is strictly necessary if the station is equipped with loudspeakers all is well for these warn you when the train is going to start but if there are no loudspeakers you must bo alert or else before yon realize it the train will have slipped silently away a man may know his own mind and still not be very wise the pages of tho british periodical the aeroplane a flyer reports an en counter with a kite only thirty feet from the ground a propeller blade was torn oil and the machne turned over in a field more stirring and dangerous wan the encounter of a british army offi cer at 1500 feet with a kitehawk in india a sudden shudder through tho plane prompted him to moke a rapid hut careful landing the leading edge of the port bottom plane had been c ushed by the mow the kitehawk itself was picked up by the mechanics every bone in its body was apparently broken the editor of the aeroplane is con vinced that we shall arrive at a stabs of affairs when all vultures eagles kites and buzzards which are too slow- witted to get out of the way of air planes or so pugnacious tha they at tack them have been killed off in col lision not being a very good biolo gist he also suggests that possibly a race of quickwitted and peaceful birds will evolve after some airplane have been wrecked with the loss of human lives w k in the ny times bug say your father must ha a rich guy centipede why bug look what h oosu fart ta keop yon in nhoof

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