Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 24, 1932, p. 2

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the aztec mystery a thrilling story of the old west by murray leisster the sun went down over the moun tains as the stagecoach rattled over the pits toward moleville a sudden coolness defended immediately be fore the light had faded complete away the breaths of the horses were already showing misty in the chill the sir in the stage shivered and drew hrr coat more closely about lier and rearranged the laprobe her com panion had somewhat officiously ad justed the driver turned hi head and spar you fellers he observed acid ly to a tar of lounging figures in the hack of the stage ymight get that swallowed artillery of yours unlimbcrcd make a u a n show o earnin yuh pay anyhow a match glowed as r cigarette was lighted there was the creaking of leather s if hosters were being eased coach tnu ain the man beside precaution of into position inside girl stirred uneasily mr tilford are guards of course said her easily just course theres no ral danger the girl frowned but is th state of things really so ha just a precaution repeated til- ford easily then he added with be lated gallantry the stage has a valuable cargo tonight j know said the girl her frown persisting the mine payroll tilford murmured in her ear ill go into details later it isnt wise to j talk just how then in his natural voice he added theres moleville ahead you can see the lights about the mine he pointed and very far away and far below there were little glowing ye- w pinpoints of light with brighter j ones of a different color bunched o- gether i were a good ten miles away ry i road i the explanation was cut short th i guards the cockin of the sixguns sounded strangely loud in the stillness that fell rhout the stage and yet there was silence no sound or movement from the hill the stage driver sat like a statue with his hands held aloft the girl in the stage bit her lip again tilfords teeth chattered on in the stillness for a moment and stopped then the driver stid in a peculiar bitterness it kinda looks like yuh got hi i this time tilford tilford stirred he opened his mouth ind courage returned you men go up and make sure he ordered loudly if ite when you reach him dont hesitate to shoot to kill there was another cautious pause a movement below the stage then another the two guards moved care fully forward their sixguns ready they reached the rirst of the boulders i and two shots sounded as one one of the guards spun half way around and dropped his six- gun the other i reeled and fell silence again the girl gasped in horror now and the chattering of til- fords teeth was pronounced then a voice said quietly dont be scared lady neither of em aint dead i got one in the shoulder an creased the other they was kinda outline against the sky a figure materialized suddenly am ong the stones and came confidently down to the road it was a young man quite unmasked in chaps and shirt of orthodox cowpuncher style that there he drawled it was a right good idea tilford but yuh for got i got brains too an yuh forgx theres some light still left pass out the payroll against clocks j by amanda benjamin hall in troubadour put not your trust in clocks i say for docks are faithless fellows begrudging further stint of day poor lads before the gallows such tedious talkers tick on tick their discourse is the bane of persons lying parched and sick for they inform the pain how long its pulse how long twill run j before it finds surcease at last when fevered nights ate done j when there is light and peace they set a swift inpatient pace with a beguiling chime j ive known one wear the straightesl face j and tell the falsest lime on wreathed with the household word for tea fresh from the gardens t soviet to stage own fashion revue this spring newspapers in the school of future on a biiltoi flower in thyme and sunsweet clover i a clocks face leaning from a tower espied me and my lover i two having neither dials nor charts j to count the minutes by with but the beating of their hearts i to gauge eternity lilian ellis famous continental actress born in wales whose fea tures will beautify barcelonas bonds the spaniards know how- to pick them dont you think i affronted then- it told the it drove its engines hard i and fast it would nut down l1eir fury nor retard have yuh to be my excuse for upsett ho started to back away their haste when love lay like a seed sown deeply silently rt still ticked on nor heed i see said the girl coldly youre tlia lime i stopped for not only out as a thief tonight but moscow the soviet capita will soon witness its first fashion show it will he so different from similar shows in the outside world that it scarcely deserves the name an exhibition of sartorial models submitted by designers artists scien tists and ordinary mortals is being or- ganized with prizes for those ad judged most suitable for soviet con ditions practical and sanitary con siderations it is pointed out here rath er than fashion or style will de termine the winners the exhibition under the auspices hroiwe of the clothing trust raises an interest ing question about the future of soviet clothes will the new russia follow the dictates of paris and other for eign style centers or will it develop styles of its own as yet the question is somewhat academic there are not enough clothes to go around and no margin to spare for style women in moscow leningrad and other large cities who are interested schoolbooks and newspapers may becomo as inseparable as the three its tit parents heed the advice of prof walter b pitkin of columbia uni versity professor litkin advises that children bo drawn into tho family circle ot news discussion this to serve as an important supplement to their school work and arouse their in terest in world affairs tho suggestion is an excellent one but to carry it out with benefit to the children parents and big sisters and brothers will have to assume a re sponsibility sometimes overlooked when news is discussed at home they will have to make a habit of thinking and speaking on constructive subjects and avoiding the printed gossip they sometimes repeat to their own and in clothes do not think twice in 111s- their childrens detriment wering tho question they definitely j the suggestion that newspapers be want to follow european styles they 1 used to aid in educating their children watch carefully foreign motion pic- therefore implies that only the best tares the few- foreign fashion maga- publications ot this class can be used mag slues that are smuggled into the couu try and the dies for guidance the clothing trust how so sure about this issue n selecting a paper for this purpose of foreign visitors parents should ask themselves what sort of thinking they would have their iver is not children do would they have them its officials j develop outlooks through which they talk about the socialistic aims of i might view world affairs with some their industry rather than its fashion i understanding would they have side a spokesman of the trust said them finding out how mankind is ad- that capitalistic countries spent mil- vancing economically politically relig ions of dollars in producing new iously or would they have taken styles and discarding old ones this exercise their curiosity in finding out was a form of waste he said which in how many ways a crime may bo the soviets would avoid committed by their answers to these tho methods fashion show for interesting one of the questions they may guido themselves seemed to sonnysel for an instant his i rn treasures jaw clenched if you was a man found in algeria maam he began unsteadily algiers algeria important dls- jake interrupted from the drivers coveries have been made in the ruins seat yuhre goin to make me mad jot a former roman town near sauk- yet sonny he said venomously i ahras south of bona in the depart ment of constantiue algeria it is evident that the excavated area shut up an git that stone outer the way this is four times yuh held me up an one day im goin to et real fretted an blow hell outer yuh the highwayman seemed to be tilfords knees crooked automatic- struggling to control his temper he i ally but a small haul was laid on h grinned suddenly anl swept off his arm the girl made a quick move- 1 hat maam he drawled i pay compliment leaders of the team abruptly sine 1 mmt a dlv fo rc soweu and crme to a stop dawone said a plaintive voi from the box a boulder had een dislodged froi the hillside above and now eitectu hy barred the way the narrowness of the road and the drop to the left and the steepness of the hillside to the right ruled out any ilea of a detour a soft voice came from the boulder strewn hill put em up jake its me the driver jerked his arms skyward with a pained expression dawggone yuh sonny yuh make me tired whos with yuh asked the drawl ing voice from the boulders tilford an a lady an a coupla fellers the stage lurched quietly as if a weight had been removed as if some one had dropped noiselessly to th road it lurched again inside til fords teeth chattered suddenly th girl bit her lip and searched the hill side witli her eyes tumbled rocks si owed vaguely in the deepening dusk though the sky wrs bright with the clear uniliuminting sight of the sun set afterglow there was a curious deadly still- ness the drawling voice came once more im after the mine payroll j tilford can chuck it out sorry t dis commode the lady bang a heavy calibre pump gun went off beneath the stage it went off again then there were two guns at work pouring in a deadly raking lire of 4310 bulks at the clump ec rocks from which the voice seemed to have come the two repeaters set up a roaring that was deafening from the hillside there was no re ply no flash of flame no shot not even a cry below the stage the stabbing hashes of light spat out the curious reek of burn powder drifted upward in strangling thickness the roll 01 rile fire rattled on and 0 i hn suddenly it slackened one gun was empty the ritles clatter in the stone roid rs they were dropped and sixgum took their places in the hands of the 1 more or less steadily upon the high waymans breast he was no more than three feet away now said the girl crisply low yon put your hands up the highwayman eid not obey in stead he looked straight in her eyes and smiled and then deliberately j made lil green apples placed his cupped hard over the muz- the girl shrank back the outlaw zle of her weapon i aint just cerj turned on his heel and went to the tain maam he drawled pleasantly boulder just how t handle a situation life this if yuh pull that there trigger yuh the compliment of savin yuh made me madder than any man i ever saw put laurier murdered my uncle when he stole the aztec even if he- hired it done an i wont murder him if i get him ill give him a gun maam an ill give him a fair show but ill kill him as sure as gawd this undertaking every one has been invited to submit sartorial ideas the prizewinning models will become standards for mass production the public in in the purchase ot their newspapers was the necropolis of the ancient town for a large vault has been unearthed containing several niches for lamps and gold and silver ornaments hid den in a deep well that has not yet been sounded were three marble sta tues one probably represents the roman god sllvanus similar to a sta tute in the louvre egyptian cotton for hungary the egyptian government has made an offer to the hungarian textile works for supplying them with cotton according to hungary of today the proposition has not been accepted yet especially because the egyptians wish to fix their prices only some six j months later and give as reasons that the prices of today may not be regard ed as real ones as the hungarian works do not wish to undertake such a risk it is probable that no business will be entered into with the egyp tians 1 weller business college champions or the wohlb toronto 936 bloor stect weit orangotiuoi boa 41 let champion of the world instruct you vou win attain greater success jind better positions ftst flva can adian and world omtsis won by hlg collef- lat kvpiiing o corf-spon- dence corns s write at illustrate booklt a besi for lie laid her little weapon down and rounded a curve in the roai a moment later a horses hoofs were heard clattering away along the rocky road they dwindled in the distance and ceased to be continued cut flowers chances amid the clangour of the citys street j we miss uie best chances lor doing the busy plying of industrys loom i good by fixing dates the commonest there is a spot where noise and nature i days may be made immortal to us and meet to others by fidelity to every passing yuh goin to mess me all up but i hope yuh aint got the nerve t pull it he was making no move to wrest he revolver away he was smiling at her as he pressed his hand against the muzzle but the nare of triumph j l g 1 tax in the girl s eyes faded to a look 01 1 r horror as she looked involuntarily at i for cultural development her own weapon an explosion mosow soviet citizens heretofore she gasped in horror at the thought paying only one genera tax on their of firing it pressed close against hs incomes must now- meet a special new flesh she jerked her hand away in a panic lest it go off and the high- he iitt ayman tossed tne little weapon 11 e air and caught it thank you maam he said grave- tax for cultural purposes the levy is being collected to help achieve the governments fiveyear plan for cul tural and economic development in the villages the schedule contemplating t erection of schools clubs and theatres workers who receive less than 3750 monthly are exempt from the new tax for others it runs from 4 to t5 kulaks or peasant farm owners a spot whence comes the soft sweet scent of bloom fresh as the morn the fragrant flow ers lend a touch of colour to the drab and grey and heavyladen toilers as they wend look on them and are spiritborne away to some far lonely garden where tho sun is shadowed by the treetops all day long where harmony and happiness are one and naught is heard save aii the birds sweet sound huddick millar moment and in their discussion of aflairs with their children xo doubt parents will acknowledge that by following professor pitkins advice they will gain as much as their children for they know that to ans wer the direct questions of a child re- i quires a clear knowledge of the snb- i ject under discussion the discipline thus put upon their thinking would re sult in a more alert mentality and in something of that simplicity for which sages have admired children another noteworthy aspect of pro fessor pitkins suggestion is that it would place upon newspapers a re sponsibility that too many of them deny the responsibility of molding thought the newspaper already has taken an important place in educa tion whether or not it cares to accept that fact and no amount of side- stepping can release it from tho duty of occupying that place to the benefit of the newspaper reader the chris tian science monitor unthrifty pigs this delicious table syrup is just full of nourishment and costs little try it swiss flier without oxygen rises to 24606 feet oltitude j geneva without the use of oxygen 1 the swiss aviator xyfcnegger piloting the 200horsepower monoplane comte happiness every attempt to make others hap py every sin left behind every temp- of tho schroeder swissair company tltlon tram tthu every step attained an altitude of 24606 feet last tonvnrrt in thc callsc of what i8 g001 step nearer the cause of christ i wish i hd known about line when 1 raifcd my first baby to oianv mothers tell us fretful crying babies make mother row old our new baby welfare ook telle how to keep your baby laughing and well a joy rather lhan a care write today and it will be irailed to you free b tt ptijn co ljmttrj g 1s oot st tcronto oil 1 cellttctl btj vttnt y mmnm 1 y td a known how to handle j i gunman but a guniady is kinda new j out thisaway his voice changed j tilford hand me that there payroll trembling tilford obeyed the highwayman tucked the satchel under his arm im right sorry tove held yuh up like this maam he said population already taxed heavily on apologetically ill leave yuh gun 1 their property holdings must pay 100 on the boulder wonder on id kinda per cent more in cultural taxes like to compliment yuh maam or i tryin to stick me up if yuh wouldnt mind- the girl had recovered from the horror that had made her drop the gun now she seemed angry at her own weakness you pednt she said angrily im sorry i was too startled im glad you was maam sv the outlaw with the beginning of a smile hovering about him lips thit there was my gun hand 1 ive heard of it the girl flare 1 suddenly youre sonny holman and youve killed enough men with that gun hand you claim to own the aztec mine you rob its pay- rolls and its shipments of ore youve nearly bankrupted it ail with your gun hand i can see youd miss it the outlaw grinned deprecatingly somethir like that maam all but the killins i deny them right cm- lhatic but ysee i do own the mire rr this here is the only way i can col sect whats due- me i the girls fists clenhed ill hop- to be present when you do collect whats due you shucks protested sonny yuh whhiv r jinx on me maam but ill promise yuh to reform maam just as soon as im settled with that son of gun that claims t own the aztec laurier of course said the gi scornfully yesm said sonny politely j ii laurier maam from your tone maam i kinda gather yuh dont en joy my society im sorry tove bother ed yuh i didnt expec to see yuh maam id kinda hoped to find laur ier on board tonight i recn thatll v om of content who won i not be covetous and with reason if health could be pur- chased with gold who not ambitious if it were at the command of power or restored by honor but alas a i vdiite staff will not help gouty feet to walk better than a common cane nor i a blue riband bind up a wound so well as a fillet the glitter of gold or of diamonds will but hurt sore eyes in stead of curing them and on aching head will be no more eased by wearing a crown instead of a common night cap sir w temple week the temperature recorded was c degrees below zero centrigrade approximately n degrees below zero fahrenheit at an altitude of istoo feet m nyieuegger reported he began to ex perience an almost unbearable head- ache and was unable to utter a word but ho continued upward m nyfenegger said he win try to rise to 28000 feet in another attempt to be made shortly this time usiug dean stanley saved imported dress toui hows d nstic life has wlfey broken any more skillets ovet your head lately jack no and ill have you un derstand that im king at our house tom yes i know i mas ther- he night your wife crowned you after a little wearing a lovely green voile an imported dress lost colors so completely that it was not wearable a friend who had admired it asked me why i wasnt wearing it any more on hearing tho reason she advised dyeing it and recommended diamond dyes to mako a long story short it turned out beautifully i have a lovely new dress that really cost just 15 cents the price ot one package of diamond dyes i have since used diamond dyes for both tinting and dyeing they do either equally well i am not an xpert dyer but 1 never have a failure with diamond dyes they s em to be made so they always go on smoothly and evenly they never spot streak or run and friends never know tho things i dye with diamond dyes are redyed at 11 mrs ii f quebec issue no 13 32 i he agonizing aches from neuralgia can be quieted in the same way you would end a headache take some aspirin tablets take enough to bring complete relief aspirin cant hurt anybody men and women bent with rheumatism will find the same wonderful comfort in these tablets they arent just for headaches or colds read the proven directions covering a dozen other uses neuritis sciatica lumbago muscular pains cold damp days which penetrate to the very bones have lost their terror for those who carry aspirin tablets with them all drug stores in the familiar little box worm infestation is frequently the cause ot pigs not doing well a few worms in the intestines or in the lungs of a pig may not cause any noticeable symptoms but many worms will bring on all the evidence of unthrift the young pig from a few days old on up to four months old is more seriously injured by worms than the older pig so we say protec tho young pig both round worms and lung worms cause pigs to cough this symptom should j be regarded with suspicion as indicat ing the presence of worms i the pigs are unthrifty and not making satis factory gains oil of wormseed is one of the most satisfactory drugs to uso in removing round worms pigs must be very hungry to take oil of worm ed which may be given in the feed see ontario bulletin 340 parisites to swine pens should be thoroughly cleaned up and then kept as clean and dry as possible sanitary conditions will prevent in a large measure rein festation which takes place when the pig swallows the infective worm egg as a matter of interest i mention that fie largo round worm of swine is capable of producing 20000 eggs a day each of which will develop into a worm should it find its way into the intes tine of a pig 0 destroy the worm j gs maintain sanitary conditions and scald tho pen floors this is impoit- nt no eggs o worms hot water is a cheap disinfectant and the best worm destroyer apply it freely to the pens floors trip to city takes farmer 37 days adelaide s aust a visit to ade laide after an absence of four years cost mr wilfred steele manager ot yeeda station in the northwest ot australia 28 dnys motoring and nino days in a train in order to reach his destination yeeda station is 23 miles from derby western australia the larg est cattleshipping port in australia and 2s15 miles from brisbane traveling by motor from two to 320 miles a day along tho fitzroy valley the sole road into the north- i ern territory mr steelo and a com panion passed through three sta tions carrying from soooo to 100- 000 sheep j tho first rains the motorists en- 1 countered bogged the car for nine i hours and later on they were ma- 1 rooned for nine days near victoria i downs station during the nine days when 17 inches of rain yell the trav- t elers covered tho car with canvas converted the seats into bunk and read by the spotlight until they ran out of provisions and had to get re plenished at a station good thoughts good thoughts are no bfctor than good dreams except they are put in act sir francis bacon

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