Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 25, 1932, p. 8

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ggjmhmhhgggame stouffville ontario february 25 1932 your car should give you perfect satisfaction to insure this use our garage service re liable mechanics and re liable gasolines oils a trial order will con vince you we are anxious to retain your custom j h siverthorn the central garage phone 170 lemonville mrs george cook and misses cora and scynthla cook- also gordon lemon spent saturday in new market mr wm walsh and his mother of newmarket spent sunday with mr and mrs jim cooney mr and mrs b c pennock of stouffville and family spent sunday with mrs m cook miss marjorie french is home from her nursing course owing to ill health we trust she will soon be feeling better miss stella french is recovering nicely from the meales nearly all the young set of this section have or are in dispose owing to the mild epidemick claremont the claremont badminton club entertained the badminton club from long branch on saturday evening last a number from here attended the choral concert given in ratcllffs hall stouffville last friday evening and were delighted with the pro gram several also attended the hockey game played between locust hill and claremont at the stouff ville arena on the same evening a well attended meeting of the brougham union lodge af a m was held in the masonic hall on wednesday evening february 17 the womens institute met at the home of mrs chandler on wednesday afternoon february 17 farmers information alfalfa a valuable crop apple growers have found that in order to get sufficient color and maturity for the fruit it is neces sary to keep the orchard in sod i breaking up only at intervals of five or six years and for this pur pose the best crop to use is alfalfa according to v b somerset chair man of the ontario marketing board and a practical grower in the burlington district alfalfa being perennial in ma ture remains in the ground year after year its roots penetrate the it is the regret of some of the leaders that here and there we find branches which are so ab sorbed in the raising of money and providing supplies for community undertakings and relief that they are to a large extent overlooking the fact that the main purpose of the organization is that of educa tion in nutrition clothing housing health with a wholesome sprink- ing of the cultural and entertaining ontario has 1200 womens in stitutes with a membership of 41- 000 tomatoes are cheaper potatoes are cheaper so are used implements if you buy from our yard we are well stocked for spring season- with every dis- cription of implements why buy new when we can supply you at a big saving with years of life in every article here we have disc drills international hoe drills massey harris cultivators stiff or spring tooth disc harrows binders cutting box and blower mowers etc oat crusher fleury make plows or double riding iron single plows tractor plow oliver truck and wagons wheels f cream separator melotte cap 650 lbs land rollers cultipacker chopper 18 these implements are by well known makers and many of them are just like new dont buy your spring implements until you see our stock it will pay you to see us wanted 2000 fat hens wepay highest prices telephone and we will call on you b rexlin phone 192 stouffville ont with most of its members in atj much deeper thail those of the tendance the president mrs g m apple tree and therefore do not forsyth occupied the chair after community singing and the roll call which was responded to by a legislation law the minutes of the last meeting were read and the business for the day dealt with mrs f loyst read a paper on national mortality which was a broad sub ject to deal with in so short a time but her paper evidenced that con siderable thought and study had jorchardistsapplv been given to the subject as she was able to impart in brief form much i v consume much of the moisture sup ply available to the tree further more the roots open up the soil make it porous there by allowing the air to penetrate the soil which in turn stimulates bacterial action this plant is capable of taking nitrogen from ttio air and storing t in the roots as nitrates all good nitrate fertilizers in the spring to promote ra- worth while information pretaining uid growth and to stimulate blos- to this important phase of national soming a crop of alfalfa is an life misses m forsyth and m pugh j extremely cheap source of nitrate then favored the audience with a delightful piano duet after which an interesting and comprehensive paper on current events was read by mrs kilpatrick this was followed by a very fine paper on the worth of character given by mrs goddard of balsam in it she showed the importance of laying the right foundation and of discarding all except the best in the building of character supply alfalfa being the heaviest yielder of all egume and grass crops may be cut twice a year the i cuttings which are allowed to re- televictor the reliable aerial eliminates all possibledanger j f from lightning reduces local interference does away with unsightly wires and poles gives you distance and volume easily instailedlet us strate it to -you- sole agents for stouffville arid district gordon cober syd g schmidt i keep prayed up two parsons so the story goes attending a conference had beds in the same room one was a young man the other was old they began their devotions simultaneously but the older man was off his knees and into be before in a twinkling the younger mans prayer was longwhen he rose he felt called on to chide the older man for the brevity of his prayer the old mans reply was both blunt and rebuking i keep prayed up youngg man i keep prayed up theres a point in this story for those who employ advertising to sell their goods and service it is keep continual contact by the agency of published advertising with those from whom you want business many sellers lapse into long per iods of silence then when business is bad they may burst into advertis ing holding that there will be im mediate and earnest attention on the part of those addressed buyers are attentive and respon sive to those who maintain steady contact with them via published advertising to them they are friend ly when in the market for what the seller offers to him they turn easily expectantly confidently and re- sponsively the advertising which costs least because of a minimum of buyer lesistance and a maximum of good will and responsiveness is that which is published continuously con trariwise the advertising which costs most is that which bursts into sight suddenly and intermitten- ly likes the fires of vesuvius it costs most because it doesnt get the required response in the time limit set theres another little story about prayer a story with a point a small boy told his sunday school teacher that he never said his prayers in the morning but always at night and why not in the morn ing asked the teacher why said the small boy any fellow whos any good can look after himself in the day time many sellers are very much like this small boymany are worsemany advertise only when darkness begins to fall over their business many dont advertise at all the right idea is of course to keep on distributing among buyers in formation about ones goods and wants at all times thus do the leaders silence signifies sellerindifference buyers in greatest numbers go where they are invited to go advertise in the tribune cellent mulch which conserves moisture and keeps weeds down x x x x a new organization an association of representatives of all county councils in the prov ince to further the farmers inter ests is likely to be the outcome of the conference held by hon thos l kennedy minister of ag riculture at the parliament build- underground ings recently with several hundred i representatives of county councils all parts of ontaiio who gathered at his behest to delve into farming problems the min ister declared it would be nonpo litical and would present its recom mendations periodically to the gov ernment he stated it as his in tention to have the department of agriculture in each county coope rate with the farmer to help him grow crops especially fitted to soil and climatic conditions of his county x x x x the canadian turnip the canadian grown swede tur nip rutabaga has been finding a largo place in the highgrade trade of united states cities from four to five thousand cars go out each year from the central part of on tario to american markets food specialists declare it to be one of the finest of vegetables yet many canadian people still think of it as the lowly turnip in order to develop interest in and a deeper appreciation of this splendid vegetable a very inter esting circular entitled the can adian by the o a c this circu lar gives valued information about the best varieties the food value and the table use of turnips and includes sixteen very carefully- tested and approved receipes for the preparation of this vegetable copies of the circular may be had for the asking from the ex tension department ontario agri cultural college guelph x x x x womens institutes a ituiul organization when the rural women of went- worth county organized a womens institute in s97 for the dissem ination of knowledge relating to domestic economy including house hold architecture with special at tention to home sanitation a bet ter understanding of the economic and hygienic value of foods cloth ing fuel and the more scientific care and training of children with a view to raising tile general stand ard of health and morals of our people little did they think that 35 years later tho rural women of 2s countries scattered pretty well over tho face of the earth would follow their example the main purpose of the wo mens institutes is to provide edu- tional opportunities for grownups bearing directly upon tho respon sibilities of homo life they are endeavoring to provide for the ru ral communities some of the ad vantages found only in the larger centres such as suitable meeting places libraries rest rooms ath letic fields parks rinks etc the criticism is sometimes heard that tho institutes of ontario are com posed largely of townswomen when as a matter of fact surveys made at different times and in dif ferent parts of the province in re cent years show that g5 per cent of tho members are living on the farm 21 per cent are made up of persons who havo lived on the farm and only 13 ms per cent have never lived on tho farm one of the chief factors contributing to success is that the residents of the villages and smaller towns are co operating with tho farm women in making tho institutes a forceful educational factor for women of responsibility are encouraging wholesome social activities are rendering a splendid service in cases of need and are contributj ing very liberally in providing de sirable community equipment and utilizing it to the best advantage farmers listen spring work is just around the corner but you should be prepared we have full line of repairs for inter national harvester co peter hamilton r a lister machin ery also common sense fanning mills used implements for sale second hand cream- separator repairs no need to buy new parts several good horses for sale altoxa crowded out last week miss ethel bunker spent the weekend with her parents miss verua lehman was with her parents for sunday miss florence tindalf and boy friend speut sunday with mr and mrs o tiiidall of quaker hill mrs a lewis had tea with mr end mrs a davis on sunday we are sorry to hear of tho acci dent of mr f mckay who broke his arm walls cranking his car in oshawa miss evelyn keesor spent the weekend with her parents we are all pleased to hear that mr j hutchson was able to be up for monday breakfast miss lizzy davis was a recent visitor at herhomci mr and mrs lome wagg and son mr aiid mrs m dunlteld and son mrs t dunkeirt and miss milda tonipkius spent sunday with mr and mrs f w 4th link uxisridgf and sorry to hear of the colds flu around the neighborhood mrs a asheuhurst called at george jones last monday nice weather were having just now but we wonder if the old say ing will come true and february will shake its tail yet norman feasby is spending a few days with his grandparents- mr and mrs w smalley near sandford there sure is a big attraction in jones lane its all over a little pond of ice last monday afternoon the 5th line hockey playerslost outon a 32 score making our team cham pions of the section we wonder who will locate on the j collins farm this spring ast dawson moved off last opto the h roach farm- mr h roach jr lias nioved to toronto where he has taken over a fish and chips store glasgow i i thought perhaps some one would like to hear from our little burg so here goes who says skate why not come to glasgow and enjoy a good skate it seems the young people of our locality seem to enjoy it and why not with such good ice available earn where are your skates come along and enjoy the fun a car load of young people from mongolia come up occasional must be some attraction aye charlie albert boake is engaged with cecil latcham for a time cecil had ten men seeking a position the past few weeks roy smith is engaged with samuel frets for a period of time oh my that dodge i do wish it would go oh a cold winter night dont you oh well t guess i wont say who hut boys it would be much nicer it it would not stop on the road with just a little piore snow along with that which fell monday night we could have good sleighing i thing it would bo appreciated by those who have any teaming to do we havens had very much sleigh ing so far this winter mr geo roe who is moving on tho victor stover farm has been moving some wood we welcomo you to our neighborhood mr uoe well guess i had better ring off for this time j a glasgow citizen phone 15204 frank baker stouffville the standard garage success with baby chicks depends largely upon the kind and quality of feed used during the first six weeks dixie brand chick starter is the last word in baby chick foods furnishing in correct amount every ingredient necessary for quick growth and rugged health of your flock 195 per cwt in jute sack dixie brand developng mash is a correct feed from six weeks to maturity at a price which makes feeding profitable 170 per cwt in jute sacks manufactured only by dicksons hill mills phone 5505 sunday broadcast the ray even hour chc l 530 to 030 pm next sunday evening mr raymer will continue a short talk on the early days when the raymers first settled in this country between stouffville and markham at dixon hill programme of old tyme and sacred music every other sunday you will enjoy the avenue road church and silver band a regular feature every sunday afternoon over station ckcl between 550 and 630 pm presented by lloyd raymer for the pleasure and enjoyment of danforth residents customers and- ckcl listeners one hour of sacred and old time music different to anything else ontiieair if you enjoyed this hour just drop a line to lloyd raymer raymer eventide hour 563 danforth avenue or station ckcl raymer eventide hour of sweet music sponsored by raymers canadian bakery lloyd raymer5g3 danforth ave bloomington mr w hill and daughters attend ed his brothers funeral at altona last thursday the late joseph hill mr and mrs arthur smith spent sunday with his brother at hartman watson fairless was in toronto one day this week the womens association of the local united church held their meeting on thursday evening at the home of mr and mrs dawson burnett some 50 were present to enjoy the meeting some of the workmen in this lo cality endeavored to secure employ ment over on the 4th south of van- dorf out the county has a steam shovel in to widen the road work has been held up owing to getting title to the properties which the township must buy for the widening sale register wednesday march 16 credit auction sale at con 8 pickering atha farm stock implements hay grain etc belonging to aw lehman sale at 1 oclock f w silversidos auctioneer for sale 16 chunk smith phone 4811 pigs ah wanted a few bags of carrots must be free of worms r stewart phone 1208 por sale 5 ducks and two drakes whitepekinducks laid over 100 eggs each last spring w halman phone 5516 house to rent church street north next united church duplex separate bath six rooms apply on premises for key seed barley for sale velvet beared si 00 per bus for limit ed quantity peter ferguson lot 4 con 0 whitchurch card op thanks we thank all the good neighbors and friends who rushed to our assis tance last sunday morning rendering such timely aid resulting in saving our house from a threatened fire all of which was greatly appreciated mr and m murray dunkejd awarded prizes card op thanks mrs murchison church street takes this means of extending her appreciation and thanks to all those who sent flowers or rendered other 346 william assistance during her illness and for highest for the many kind solicitions re- with a count of kaiser won the prize score for the series of euchres con- ceived during her stay in hospital ducted by the lol in the button i block mrs t jennings had a total for picture framing and sign painting go to rowbothams handy shop skate grinding a specialty employment wanted in town or on farm by reliable man w greenbury at willis wido- mans for sale 4yearold driving mare broken e williams lot 2s rear con 10 markham work wanted on farm by month or year by young unmarri ed man experience in all branch es milking or teaming phone 2703 for sale victrola with excellent case and equipped with light and 20 records also pair hockey skates georgo grimmer ph 9202 of 324 and was awarded the womens prize the series came to a close on tuesday evening this week when jas ridout and mrs jennings won the prize for highest counts during the evening the mutual shoe store notice i received notice that after march 1st 1932 all rubbers will advance in price we will sell present prices mitts and gloves at half price a big cut in leather boots our spring footwear will soon be in waiti for them watch our window terms cash a g lehman card op thanks mrs joseph hill and family take this means to publicly thank the many kind friends and eighbors who in any way assisted them by acts of kindness or words of sympathy dur ing their present bereavement all of which was greatly appreciated in jiemoriam cockerill in loving memory of our dear daughter louie minerva who passed away february 24 1931 she suffered long in patience bore physicians were in vain till god alone in his great love released her from her pain greatly missed by mother and father to rent houses with all con veniences to rent or sell centrally located immediate possession isaac boadway albert street gasoline lamps for sale 1 double and one single gasoline lamps now used in the ringwood christian church good condition apply to phone 7913 for details for sale hatching eggs white leghorns 26 to 28 oz to dozen 5 per hundred a e watt cedar valley phone mt albert 2908 cockerill in loving memory of our sister loilie minerva who pass ed away february 24th 1931 peacefully sleepingrestinb at last tho worlds weary troubles and trials aro passed in silence she suffered in patience she bore till god called her home to suffer no more ever remembered by sisters and brother baby cincks this year wo are offering high quality barred rock baby chicks at lower prices than ever before march and april 1400 may and juno 12 chicks ready every ten days custom hatching 3cts an egg duck eggs 5c h miller phone stouff 4914 house for sale well located on church street south stouftvlllo 7 rooms electric and water in stalled excellent repair apply on promises to miss laura forsyth live fowl wanted highest market price paid for all live fowl hens geese duck s golden orders taken at pennock livery

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