Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 28, 1932, p. 5

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stouffville ontario january 28th 1932 if local happenings i miss dorothy mcgrogan lias ill in bed for a couple of weeks is now slightly improved eon wo are glad to hear that mrs but ira iturkholder who has been sick her home oi church street is getting along nicely e j davey attended tho annua meeting and the election of officers cf the canadian national railway veterans association which is being held at lindsay today wednesday the george donohuo farm of 123 acres was sold last week to wilmot brown son of obijah brownwilmot has recently been living near port perry and his wife is a daughter of george emmerson the donohue farm just north of ringwood is well located convenient to the townline j i butter wrappers neatly printed persons having old magazines add to the sale of farmers butter please get in touch with mrs p at an advanced price over those saugster president of the womens who market pound prints with just study club when arrangement will the words dairy butter printed be made to have them called forand in quantities of 300 500 or 1000 delivered to the christie street our prices are away down from the mr and mrs e j hill and mrs collie of newmarket were recent visitors at the home of mr and mrs e j davey mrs hill is a sister to cur e j the second euchre of the series under auspices of the lol will be held on the evening of tuesday february 9 in the oddfellows hall dont miss this prizes enjoying a skate on the lake edgar kidd son of reeve h kidd of whitchurch fell and sustained a tracture of the right shoulder tho boys were playing hockey when the mishap occurred the rouge river will play their homo oha intermediate they have entered a hockey team games in the series where team in tho hospital ico is trucked from toronto every lew days for use in the refrigerator at tho dominion store owing to the tact that all locaksupplies are com pletely exhausted ratcliff co who require cold storage all the year through have a frigidairo in stalled otherjiso they would be up against bringing ice from toronto also six inches of ice on tho ponds is about the thickness so far this winter warnine rates the tribune will quote you prices over the phone mrs win waddel who returned from the hospital last saturday where she underwent special treat ment is somewhat improved in health although it will bo some time before mrs waddel is com pletely recovered on friday of last week two rinks of local curlers played at the royal canadian curling club in toronto for the district cup honors and although they were beaten out in the hist round by wexford a great days sport was reported delbert ilolden jack s barfett harry brillinger and w r sanders sk tallied is but the second rink was down composed of c pipher waiter brillinger j s dougherty and t birkctt sk with a score of 7 making a total of 25 which was i teaching a seven short of the weford tally in view of the fact that the local cur ling rink has not been opened this winter there being no ice this was the first chance of the season for a number of the players to try their skill onco more murray dunkelcl at atha reports sighting a robin in his orchard on friday last evidently the robins have not been urged to go south to escape the winter weather or if they had this chap has returned much earlier than usual stouffville arena that is provided rink manager clayt baker can get a sheet of ic which so far this winter has been impossible with the thermometer barely below freezing most of tlto time annuali meeting stouffville horticultural society the annual meeting of the stouff ville horticultural society will be held in ratcliffs hall on the evening of friday january 29 meeting at 8 pm general business and election of officers all members and citizens are asked to attend this gathering a good program of music and other features will be rendered lunch served admission free m mertens secretary for the fifth season tho stouff ville choral society under the leadership of mr hm fletcherwill givo their concert in ratcliffs hall on friday february 19th assisting artists anthony remouche intru- mental trio toronto and choruses quartetes duets keep this date mind full particulars later rev mr laidlaw gave a splendid address to tho business and young mens bible class last sunday after noon before the largestattendance tor tho year the subject was gandhis life and conduct and how far it conforms to christs spirited discussion took place some in his favor and some critical next sunday the subject will bo shall a man steal to satis fy his hunger itis widely dis cussed in the toronto papers this week by the ministers- of all de nominations press correspondent our january clearing sale of mens and boys underwear is now on why not take advantage of these low prices below are a few of the many bargains you will find in our store mons turnbull ceetee combination pure wool of finest quality quality regular 5650 sale price 505 mens turnbull ceetee combinations pure wool medium weight regular 375 sale price sjstf25 mens turnbull e noss and stanfields a c combinations wool and cotton mixture reg 300 sale prico 5250 mens stanfields no 32 and hatchway no 33 combinations wool and cotton mixture regular 245 sale price 5200 mons penmans 95 shirt and drawers to clear at 180 mens stanfields red lable shirts and drawers all wool clear 18 fleece lined shirts and drawers heavy quality 79c ea or 2 for 150 fleece lined shirts and drawers medium quality g9c or 2 for 125 boys underwear boys turnbull combinations same quality as mens e noss sizes 22 to 34 special to clear 175 boys turnbulls shirts and drawers with double back and front 105 fleece lined combinations heavy quality sizes 34 to44 95o boys fleeco shirts and drawers special to clear 49c many other items not listed above are on sale at special reduced prices come in and get your wants now r e curtis there was a bowling tournament at tho fivepin alleys in the audi torium on friday evening of unusu al interest the toronto wet wash laundry players were defeated by a stouffville lineup by a comfort able margin george valder was given a prize for scoring the highest number of points of 247 just be fore tho game got underway shiner davis tallied still higher than george but unfortunately for him he couldnt repeat when the prize was the goal following the game the players all adjourned to the mansion house where supper was served egg prices have been steadily downward since christinas until this week fresh extras touched the lpwbn the local market of isc per dozen reference to the stouffville market on the same date just 35 years ago show that- eggs then sold for 25c a dozen and butter isc per pound as against 19c paid this week by local buyers it is said that the production of butter in ontario at this timers as great as the total demand thus allowing no chance for the storage butter to be brought out the local creamery reports butter going into storage weekly be cause of the slackened demand auction sale of household furniture to be sold at the late residence of noah b hoover one door west of canadian uank of commerce stouffville on saturday january 30 valuable household goods including beds mattresses suites tables large and small also an electric stove dishes radio set sleighs etc terras cash this sale is being held to clear up the estate sale at 2 oclock i a s farmer auctioneer rev lemeadows accepts call to dayton ohio congregational church quality service miss muriel meek spent a few days with ball of dr sandford and mrs mrs arthur swift is making satis factory improvement following an operation which she underwent just recently the womans association of the united church will hold a pot luck supper on the evening of tuesday february 9th a program will follow the meal and all are invited check this date on the calendar phone 1602 stouffville ont when redecorating that livingroom kitchen or bedroom give walpamur a trial a variety of colors rich and mellow flat tone washable and sanitary this is an opportune time to see such display of findlay cook stoves and heaters the attractive prices and satisfaction of findlay stoves will be your delight fyw brathwaite main street stouffville phone 1602 before the discipline committee of the royal college of dental surgeons dr patterson of stouff ville has been paraded for advertis ing in the stouffville tribune in a socalled unprofessional manner the offence complained of is that the words specialist in plate work and extracting used in his pro fessional card is improper but the words specializing in plate work and extracting would be quite within the rights of the advertiser on information from someone in stouffvilie the doctor was placed on the carpet and ask ed why he called himself a special ist experience ability and success in the particular line of work was given as his reason but the com mittee said this did not entitle the doctor to style himself as a spe cialist the death is announced from armadore michigan of tobias raymer aged s4 years who was a native of markham being born just north of the mt joy school hous- although he spent many years in markham he also lived in whit church deceased died in michigan on january 15 mr a j ward was in toronto on saturday attending the funeral of the late cuthbert b morgan a prominent summer resident at lake musselman he died in his 58th year and at time of his death was secretarytreasurer of the summer church at the lake where mr ward lias been pastor for several years of this summer congregation the deceased was also secretarytreasur er of the lake community association and was a man highly esteemed newmarket express parsons come and parsons go but seldom has the resignation of any leverend gentleman of any denom- ination in town caused such wide spread regret as that of the rev fay le meadows who on monday evening handed his resignation to the otlicial board of the newmark et christian church five years ago from the south of the united states a youth of twen tyfour left the country o his birth to take a charge in the wilds of canada associates who saw a bright future for the slip of a min ister shook their heads at his folly today due to his untiring effort genial disposition and organizing ability the christian church the church at the top of the hill with its splenlld organization throughout stands a living monu ment for his five years of constant effort in conversation with mr mead ows yesterday we asked the much asked question wont you recon sider your resignation your board are anxious for you to stay on the congregation want you to stay the whole town are more than anxious that you remain with them what do you say i have given my definite word he replied i cant go back on it just as i told the board of this church that i would come i have given my word to the church at dayton do not think it is easy for me to break the ties that for the past five years have been gradually growing but after duo considera tion and through investigation i deem that the call is one of chal lenge and opportunity that does not often come the way of a minister of my age i am sure that the flourishing condition of the church here will attract some of the best minds of the denomination and that the pulpit committee will have a great number of talented minis ters to choose from you cant cut your heat but you can cut your cost quality old companys lehigh coal for purity uniformity and high heating value service with us means more than coal delivery our interest is not in how much coal we can sell you but in how much more heat you get from every ton you buy from us stiver bros phone 4501 annual meeting the annual meeting of the ufo will be held in municipal hall stouffville on saturday january 30 at 2 pm all interested in whether tho club work shall be carried on or not should surely be in attendance f sangster secretary auction sale of horses cows implements tractor grain furniture the treasurer of the muskoka hospital for consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge the foll owing contributions received in stouffville by the field secretary of the national sanitarium associa tion miss l waters 300 f l button 200 miss l dowswell 200 stouffville creamery 200 f marshall 100 e a button 100 dr d c smith 100 rev t laidlaw 100 j g lawson 100 i s barkey 100 j r hodgins 100 s w hastings 100 dr sangster 100 e s barkor dds 100 miss g brooks 100 miss loyst 100 2100 if there is one meeting of the year that the citizens should unite- on it is the annual gathering of the horticultural society to be held in ratcliffs hall on friday evening tiiis week following the program a light lunch and social hour will be enjoyed there is no admission just come with your necessary dishes a few sandwiches pie or cake and a pleasant smile if you were a member last year or wish to be one this come along and enjoy the evening of combined business and pleasure dominion stores where quality counts the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction lot 1 concession 7 l townline on saturday january 30 the following property belonging to dent law soup beans 10 lbs 25c cooking onions 10 lbs 25c cracked whole wheat 81bs 25c bulk macaroni 3 lbs 25c standard peas 4 lbs 25c sunlight soap 10 bars 49c quick quaker oats pkg 19c oxydol 2 pkgs 35c horseradish bottle 10c baumert cheese relish pkt 15c new cheese lb 15c fresh lettuce 2 heads 21c fray bentos tin 14c paul boadway manager stouffville ontario sunday broadcast the ray even hour c k o ij 530 to g30 pm a regular feature every sunday afternoon over station ckcl between 550 and g30 pm presented by lloyd raymer for the pleasure and enjoyment of danforth residents customors and ckcl listeners ono hour of sacred and old time music different to anything else on tho air if you enjoyed this hour just drop a line to lloyd raymer raymer eventide hour 563 danforth avenue or station ckcl raymor eventide hour of sweet music sponsored by lloyd raymer raymers canadian bakery 5c3 danforth ave horses bay mare 13 years old brown mare 12 years old cows holstein cow fresh black heifer due june 6 holstein cow due july 27 holstein ayrshire heifer june 3 holstein ayrshire heifer december 29 holstein jersey heifer holstein jersey heifer bred december 29 holstein jersey heifer holstein cow bred october 14 5 heifer calves holstein cow due february 10 ayrshire heifer rising 2 years good cows a good cow giving 8000 lbs at 4 per cent milk a year will produce 320 lbs of butter fat to sell enough skjm milk to feed 1 grow ing calf 1 growing hog and 30 hens 7 multiply the above by ten and it is evi dent that 10 goods cows will pay even under present conditions y for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery co most efficient phone 186 creamery service since 1918 stouffvhjje ont we close every night at 6 oclock except saturday night auction sale horses jersey cattle implements etc due bred to be sold at east half lot 21 con 7 markham 1 mile north markham village on saturday feb 6 1932 the property of j w reesor no reserve as owner is giving up farming number togenburg goats brood sow due february 1st 7 store pigs 60 egg size incubator iinplcmiucnts etc binder mh 7 ft cut now binder mh 7ft cut mower derring hay rake deering cultivator stiff toth mh good cultivator spring tooth mh good cutivator spring tooth p h tractor hitch set harrows 5 section good ihc tractor 1816 drill 13 disc mh good scuffler verity tractor plow new plow wilkinson no 3 good single plow wilkinson no 4 singlo plow wilkinson no 7 wagon with box root drill hay rack set scales 2500 lbs cap kitchen tablo bedsteads springs mattresses turnip shovel chatham fanningmill with bagger set bob sleighs oil drum democrat wagon cutter road cart trotting sulky set singlo harness small stock rack cutting box jack wagon box horse power rods set breeching harness semibrassnew set team harness long tug 2 sets plow harness quantity seed poas quantity mixed hay quanty man golds 3 geese 1 gander lawn seat made from bedsteads pig box cider barrel buggy stock rack sleigh box terms hay grain poultry and all sums up to 20 cash over that amount 8 month credit on approved joint notes or 4 per cent straight off for cash sale at ono fw silverelde3 auct horses pair agricultural gelding 7 and 12 years chestnut mare aged cattle jersey and holstein cow 4 years calf at side jersey cow 3 yoars calf at side jersey cow 3 years due time of sale jersey cow due march 1st jersey cow about time sale jersey heifer due time sale jersey heifer due april 1 jersey heifer 15 months old jersey heifer 12 months old ijersey heifer 10 months old 2 jersey heifer calves holstein cow 6 years calf at side ayrshire cow bred in october ayrshire cow bred in november ayrshiro cow registered bred in december ayrshire heifer reg bred in dec pigs brood sow small pigs 36 barred rock pullets 2 cockerels implements about 3 tons red clover hay quantity mixed grain 100 bushels turnips 3 bus mangolds m h binder good deering mower int land roller 3 drum m h drill 11 near now m h cultivator sulky rake deering walking plow new mccormick deering set harrows 4 sec fertilizer seed drill new sot steel wheel trucks wagon gear democrat near new pole shapts mcfairlan cutterj set sleighs set of sleigh bunks hay rack new cutting box gas engine 3 iip cream sep melotte now fanning mill root pulper wagon box pig- rack stono boat wheel barrow gang plow screw jack 25 ton cap open buggy clipipng machine new steel watering trough 8 cow chains hay knife barrels and logging chains hay knife sausago grinder complete with shapt and pulley 2 ply 4 holt 14ft 2 pig troughs cross cut saw lighting plant milking machine aerator incuba tor buckeye 60 egg krostat brood er stove 800 chick cap sot team harness now set breeching har ness good set singlo harness driving hamcs and collars domin ion organ good secretary bed and springs tablo churn sofa dining tablo coal oil 3 burner stove perfection milk strainer and i plunger forks hoes and other articles terms hay grain roots poultry and pigs and all sums up to 25 cash over that amount 8 months credit on bankable paper or 6 per cent per annum off for cash sale at one oclock prentice and prentice auctioneer the mutual shoe store further reductions winter goods must be cleared out at a big reduction such as mens heavy rubbers and mitts all winter goods at a big reduction to clear at catalogue prices must be for cash to all those that has received their account come in and pay up a g lehman henry wadsworth longfeiilow lives of great men all re mind us wo can make our lives sublime and departing leavo be hind us footprints on tho sands of time time has proven our service of tribute a sorvlco of tribute a record of honorable accomplish ments to acquit oursevos with honor is our creed rg clendening funeral director markham telephone markham 9000

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