stouffville ontario january 28th 1932 v jssssssusi sss55ss gs5s quality service we still have some of those fancy tomatoes at 4 tins for 25c claremont brand no 2 tins green valley peas very tender nnminr stinsfor 25c sponge seedless raisins lb 12c large meaty raisins with seeds 10c t try fren sweet prunes very fine 3 lb 25c lait i extra large prunes lb 15c salmon 2 large tins 23c a i canadian sardines per tin 5c cornmeal 5 lbs 25e onp hand picked white beans 10 lbs 25c zul cracked wheat 6 lbs 25c fancy cooking figs 3 lbs 25c dfd i d mincemeat 2 lbs 25c lju uu package large figs 3 pkgs 25c pure maple syrup put up in pint and quart jars each 30c and 55c our special coffee freshly ground re duced to 50c lb this is the first time in years we have been able to get a reduction on this wonderful brand ratcliff co town delivery you pay less for more notice buy a used car at actual worth when you buy a used car be sure you are not paying more than the car is worth to permit the dealer to recoup for excessive tradein allow ance he may have made in selling a new car we sell used cars at their actual worth the value of the new ford is too close to cost of production to permit excessive allowances on tradeins therefore we have no losses to make up you pay no premium when you buy a used car from us see these special bargains at once ford sport coupe 1930 ford sport roadster 1930 ford coupe 1929 ford delivery 1929 roosevelt sedan 1929 dodge delux delivery 1928 ford tudor 1928 essex coach 1928 ford coupe 1926 ford touring 1926 also a number of other used cars and trucks d holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario mount albert mrs maxwell of markham was a weekend visitor at wr steepers mr and mrs geo hutchesou 01 markham visited with the formers mother on sunday miss gladys brooks who is on tho teaching staff of the stouffville school was home over sunday mrs j crowle left last week for kirkland lake to spend a few weeks with her daughter mrs mcguire death came very suddenly at the homo of mr blythe last saturday mr and mrs clement of peterboro were spending tho winter months at the blythe home mrs clement be ing a sister of mrs blythe mr clement who was over seventy years of age was around as usual monday forenoon and had called at several of the shops and stores as was his custom being well known around here after dinner he was setting in his room and feeling somewhat un well a doctor was called but before ho arrived he had expired the deceased was highly esteemed and had many friends iu this village and community the funeral on tuesday held to mount albert cemetery was conducted by tho masonic order the deceased being a member of many years standing the congrogationai meeting of the united church was held last wednesday evening and was pre- ceeded by a banquet the finances of the church were found to be in a satisfactory condition rev h o hutcheson the pastor for the past six years intimated that he would sever his connection with this field which includes mt albeit and hart- man churches at the end of this conference year mr hutcheson is a very popular and able preacher and has been able to unite the congregations of the two churches very successfully and it was with regret the meeting heard of his decision mrs campbell an aged lady who has been staying for the past year at the home of her son win camp bell just north of the village pass ed away on friday after an illness of some months she was over eighty years of age and belonged to one of the pioneer families of the leaskdalo district her last husband having for many years farmed there she was the mother of the rev james campbell an outstanding presbyterian preacher who passed away last year 1 re funeral was held from her son s residence on monday and was largely attended interment being made in uxbridge cemetery notes and comments hope to open outlet for potatoes ohio clergymen pledged them- selves to oppose war last week at the annual convention of the ohio pastors association the antiwar resolution read wo will never again auction or participate in any war we will not use our pulpits or class rooms as recruiting stations we will not give our financial or moral support to any war this resolution was introduced by a former army captain in the world war now a clorgmau in the usa the ohio pastors have taken a line stand which leads us to believe that after all if every living so- called christian on the face of the earth took this definite stand there could be no more war think of it want educational costs balanced establishment of county rich school board also soujrhtto curb extravagant expenditures continuing our midwinter sale lenume reductions all over the store dont miss these outstanding sale values limoges china dinner sets 97 pieces an attractive design in dainty floral band heavy gold handles and edges are traced in gold a beautiful set and 97 pieces reg 30 special 2450 winter coats a great reduction on all our winter coats sheetings thrifty housewives should take advantage of this splendid opportunity to secure yards of this good quality sheeting at a saving fully bleached white sheeting strong and serviceable 72 wide reg 75c a yard special 50c unbleached sheeting close firm weave that insures long wear will bleach white in a few tubbings 72 wide reg 40c spec 29c bleached sheeting firm even quality about 72 wide reg 60c special 49c circular pillow cotton you will want several yards of this excellent quality circular 42 and 44 wide reg 40c special 35c factory cotton splendid quality 36 wide special per yard 12 15c pure linen toweling an extra durable quality plain linen with striped borders of blue or green 16 wide special per yard 15c mackinac flannel suitable for womens or kiddies dresses and many other uses nice pleasing designs and colors 36 wide special yard 29c all wool flannel extra value in assorted shades regular 90c special yard 59c dresses marvellous collection an interesting group in silk tweed flat crepe silk and wool knit arid all wool crepe in the newest colorings and most unusual trimmings special 895 a splendid assortment of silk crepe silk and wool all wool crepe and georgette dresses smartened with novel necklines belts and a dash of contrasting color 595 agroup of pure silk flat crepe dresses in an assortment of smart styles and colors special 495 a splendid quality of celanese dresses in up to the minute styles a good opportun ity to save special 395 underwear womens natural wool underwear turnbulls vests and drawers long sleeve and ankle length sizes 36 to 44 reg 150 and 200 special 129 womens silk and wool and allwool vests and ankle length drawers vests with high or vneck long or short sleeve sizes 36 to 42 reg 175 to 250 special 149 womens natural vests fleecy cotton long sleeves splendid for those who do not care for wool sizes 36 to 44 reg 85c and 1 special 69c kiddies ribbed wool vests and drawers long sleeves and ankle length natural shade also cream silk and wool vests all sizes reg 100 special 79c extra special reversible rugs in asserted shades and patterns size 24x45 reg 100 special 49c size 27x56 reg 149 79c size 36x72 reg 249 special 129 special prices in all axminster rugs chintz in assorted designs and colors 27 wide special yard 15c print in a range of colors and patterns 36 wide special lgc meeting to discuss costs of second- cry education york county educa tional committee decided last week to employ an outstanding firm of auditors to thoroughly audit secondary education costs the committee also decided to ask for special legislation at the coming session of the ontario parliament to set up a county high school hoard to supervise expenditures of local boards that some municipali ties paid more toward secondary education while others paid less than they should was the context of a report of p w pearson in view of the figures submitted and the claim of some high school boards that the figures were not ac curate it was decided on the sug gestion of w 12 maedonald chair man that the auditors be consult ed while it was deemed to ask for legislation setting up a county higli school board it was pointed out there would be no recommendation to dissolve local high school boards the new plan if authorized would simply enable the county to super vise through its own high school board the expenditures of the local bodies need exact cost in order to deal intelligently with the problem of the excessive cost of secondary education reeve mac- donald explained after the meeting it was first necessary to ascertain the exact cost to each municipality it had been pointed out that the county paid 195000 annually as its share of high school education while claims were made that some high school boards were being ex travagant and others atempting to be economical it was pointed out that the per ciem costs between high school sections per pupil varied from 77 cents to 125 and this in the opinion of tho committee was too wide a spread said mr maedonald some overpay tho committee had before it a report of p v pearson exwarden this report claims that the follow ing urban municipalities pay for secondary education more than they should it is claimed forest hill pays more than its just share 30- 07s05 swansea 110145 stouff ville 1577 new toronto in excess of its just share tho annual sum of 2s9742 the following townships aro claimed to pay more than their just share georglna 171517 north gwillimbury 143959 king 5474 is whitchurch 3703c7 vaughan 351201 markham 7412ss east gwillimbury 1- 24133 on tho opposite side of the federal government believes british embargo can be ufted lack or market in usa this year turns government attention to britain shaws store phone 9512 stouffville ontario ledger tho following places aro said to pay less than tho cost for secon dary education the amounts set opposite their names york 20769- s0 east york 1003733 holland iaiidingfi25vl weston 803424 richmond hill 229511 new market 543772 miniico 0017 74 markham village 113074 aurora 72100 because of the figures and the claim that they were not accurate it was decided to consult a firm of auditors who would report back to the committee as soon as possible so tho figures could be roported to the government members of tho committee are dr l w dales newmarket reovo dr h m cook forest hill deputy aib gray york reeve james michael east york frank rar- chard scarboro reovo who is secre tary and reeve maedonald the financial post while the federal government is not making rash predictions every effort is being made to open the british market to the potatoes of tho maritime provinces and the prospects of success appear bright ordinarily the martime prov inces do not export potatoes to great britain the united states market normally is the allimpor tant outlet for uie surplus crop this year however the market to the south is not sufficient and if obstacles could be overcome a worth while trade to great britain would result embargo is obstacle tho obstacle is an embargo which great britain maintains against canadian potatoes upon the ground that our product is infected with the colorado beetle this of course is true the colorado beetle is found in canadian potatoes on the other hand however britain accepts potatoes from european countries where the beetle also abounds one great difficulty in the nego tiations which have been proceed ing between the canadian and brit ish governments is that canada has an embargo against imports ot british potatoes this embargo is based upon the presence in british potatoes of black wart an infec tious and dangerous potato disease would spoil u s market no doubt if canada would re move her embargo great britain would do likewise but canada cannot do so without jeopardizing tho essential export market to the south the united states main tains an embargo upon all potatoes produced in countries where black wart is known and if canada allowed unrestricted entry to brit ish potatoes tho united states at once would embargo canadian potatoes officials of the federal depart ment of agriculture state that the removal of tho embargo against great britain would be a mere formality it is not anticipated that there would bo any movement even if trade was unrestricted but the mere amending of our regula tions would be sufficient to bring on an embargo against exports to the republic for that reason it is quite impossible to lift the era bargo against britain oilicals en route every effort is being made to bring all these facts to the atten tion of the british government arthur gibson federal entomo logist and hon lewis smith min ister of agriculture for new bruns wick have sailed for london to make direct representations the case will be put to the british auth orities in this way 1 canada cannot lift her em bargo against britain although she would gladly do so because it would imperil a vital market in the united states and anyhow britain would not export to can ada if there was no embargo 2 true the colorado beetle is found in canada but great britain obviously is not afraid of this beetlo because imports are accepted from european countries where it abounds why not place canada on the same footing as these euro pean countries and allow dominion rowers to find a market in these times of adversity definite word of results are ex pected at ottawa within a fort night back home letters coal coke coal grain seeds we are buyers of grain and seeds alsike red clover alfalfa we have feeding molasses on hand by the barrel seeds of all kinds also salt coal coke and pokohontac coal s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville ont cement german remedy stops 30year constipation for 30 years i had a bad stomach and constipation souring food from stomach choked me since taking adlerika i am a now woman constipation is thing of the past alice burns most remedies reach only lower bowel that is why you must take them often but this simple german remedy adlerika washes on both upper and lower bowel it brings out all gas and rids you of poison you would never believe was in your system even tho first dose will surprise you jm storey druggist mr editor from time to time wo see on tho pages ot the tribune a letter from some ono of those who spent their early days in stouffville these messages are full of interest especially to those who at some timo played shlnnoy or possibly even may have played hookey with the writer of one of these letters many of those old schoolboys are gone to their rest but there surely aro readers of your spicy hometown weekly and who could with scarcely any effort sent in a note occasion ally may i suggest the names of just i fow old time pupils of tho old red schoolhouso on tn6 hill some of theso may be gone but in the hope that this will reach the eye of at least somo of them just as a start let me name jim daley jim gibney tom ed and chris stouffer henry ed frank fred and oscar obrien lesley charley clayt and fred percy walt and bill maccarty charley bill and jack mickio urquhart jako and walt cool barkey harry and jim miller from the mansion houso and the other jim miller who to identify him was known as dimshey the pearson hoys frank and earl also their cousin ed pearson sam clarkson gilbert richardson ira hi and bruce yake dan yake willis yake hi williams and his brother bill the sangster boys hert and harold let me stop here but what a series of interesting letters we might have if just half of these would take the hint old timer tho editor woula oe overjoyed to hear from any of these former boys just as our readers would be de lighted to read their letters grocer made ballots out paper scraps of someone blundered in supplying sufficient ballots so uko dirt next best thing when the returning otlicer which is usually the municipal clerk is j ordering ballots for a municipal el ection he knows fairly well that perhaps no more than half of them will be used still it is his duty to provide a ballot for every name on tho list of voters over in albion township last election day tliey ran out of ballots and the deputy re turning officer when he saw the predicament he was in tried to secure a fresh supply but was un able to do so from the printing office then he made some out of ordinary scraps of paper and finished the election with them while only a few voted on the im provised ballot it was enough to upset the election or at any rat e cause a recount and a judges sitt ing on the case if the returning officer neglected to provide sufficient ballots the onus was on him the fact that on previous elections the supply of ballots was never used will not be a sufficient excuse for the returning officer in taking it in to his hands to cut the number of ballots below the eligible number of names on the voters list it may have saved a few cents if that was the object of not supplying them but now it is costing a few hundred dollars to settle the trouble all because the polling division fell a few short in having ballots for every voter who came unexpectedly to the poll peas 3 tins 23c french mustard 2 jars 25c sardine per tin 0c cooked spaghetti 2 tins 25c pork and beans 2 tins 25c corn flakes 3 pkgs 25c carbolic soap 5 cakes 25c toilet soap 4 cakes 25c mixed candy special per lb 15c a w scott it is only fair to your family that you should give them the very best of foods upon all occasions if this is your idea of the matter you ought at once to get acquainted with our bread and other bakery goods your family will give them a hearty welcome and youll rem ember to order our bread and pastry stouffville bakery ambrose stover phone 18 j gray coach lines limited supplies you with service at the cost of providing it pays its full share of the expense of ontarios highways has never received any form of subsidy is providing a convenient and necessary service under strict pro vincial regulation daily coah service stouffville toronto single 85c return 155 leave stouffville leave toronto eastern standard time 725 am a 900 am a 1040 am c 200 pm e 240 pm 530 pm b 825 pm b 1015 pm a sunday and holidays only b saturday sunday and holidays only c saturday only coaches stop at any point to pick up passengers signal plainly by hand to the driver chartered coaches for all occasions at moderato rates for information communicate with gray coach lines yonge at front toronto gray coach lines vj sgwbgerasspw