v stouffville ontario december 311931 1 quality service an appreciation we take this opportunity of extending the seasons greetings to our many customers and offering our appreciation for their continued confidence and in creased patronage during this difficult year we have endeavoured to meet the needs of our customers and will endeavour in the year to come to devote our untiring efforts to the same end believing that unless the benefits are mutual there can be no sound founda tion for business with you we look forward to a new year hoping that many of the difficulties of the present will be removed with the wish for a happy new year for one and all we remain you pay le3s for more ratcliff co notes and comments town delivery phone 7112 notice thanks and good wishes it is our sincere wish that new years 1932 will be a very happy one for every citizen of stouff- ville and district we take this opportunity of thanking our many friends for their patronage during the year just closing we feel that ford quality and prices have been appreciated in the automobile world and hope that we will have the privilege of a continuance of service on your behalf watch fords new car for 1932 d holden ford dealer dominion and provincial govern ments and the major canadian corporations are faced with the necessity of meeting on january 1 in new york bond interest charges totalling more than 12000000 the problem does not cud there for by the end of juno such charges will have aggregated approximately 75 000000 x x x x york county has reached the saturation point in taxes warden wesley gofin reeve of markham told the north york ratepayers at their nomination meeting the 1931 taxes for york county were 1 114 000 of which 500000 went for high school expenditure stated the warden something must be done to lower tho cost of secondary education he declared north yorks rate for educating soholars at 125 per day is far too much in markham our rato is much lower and our edu cational system is just as thorough as yours the warden offered his congratu lations to reeve george b elliott who was elected by acclamation for his second term yesterday a statement regarding proposed autocratic powers over muni cipal financing x x x x the editor of the chesley enter prise for long years a sunday school superintendent makes the following observation about church bun feeds that banquet of the york bible class without any menu the cost of the food and service to go to the unemployed fund shows the real spirit of brotherhood we hear a lot these days about drinking parties but isat there a danger too in these days of financial depression of too many church bun feeds stouffvtlle phone 18402 newspaper changes hands last week tho newmarket expressherald changed hands the publisher mr jas bowman having disposed of the paper to a company or syndicate the new editor and publisher is mr angus west the energetic young reporter who has been on the herald staff tor some years we wish for our latest recruit to the editors of northyork every success he has a promising field and a promising future mr bowman will continue to re side in newmarket where he has other financial interests aside from newspaper investment according to the financial post of december 12th announcement is made by honorable w h price acting premier that the ontario railway and municipal board an appointee of the ontario govern nient is to be given more active supervision and control over muni cipal financing within the province the investment bankers associ ation of canada which apparently is the power behind tho throne in this matter is credited with the following recommendation that tho railway and municipal board shall have to say what bonds may or may not bo issued by a muni cipal council to correct im mediately any tendencies toward maladministration and if necessary to appoint an administrator who would have complete authority to deal with assessments and tax levies and to veto any expenditure pro posed by a municipal couucil re cent defaulting by two municipali ties with sevoral others known to be in difficult position is the proffered excuse the proposal however as outlined does not specify that it will be made to apply only to sucn instances as above mentioned it would seem to us that this move is one of a long series which have resulted in the curtailment of the democratic powers of municipal councils ogthe appointment and control over medical health officers road superintendents and public school inspectors and other instances which will readily suggest themselves but are municipal councils offenders abovo all others in the spending of public funds or in the piling up of public indebtdness they are not it is true that the taxation of rural municipalities and it is cor rural municipalities alone we assume to speak increas ed a little over fourfold in the twentythroe years ending with 192 but provincial expenditure in ontario increased over fivefold in the seventeen years ending with 19x0 tho dominion expenditure in the 23 years ending with 1s30 in creased still more nan the pro vincial why impose a guard on municipal treasuries which prove to have been the least extravagant in their expenditure we do not object to a limitation on municipal indebtedness pro portionate to municipal assessed values nor do we object to a limi tation in the rate that may be levied per dollar of assessed values but inside these limitations the responsibility of municipal council lors should not be to any outside authority but to the people who place them in office in the event of the above limitations being exceed ed wo concede the right of the railway and municipal board to interfere but we do most em phatically protest against any pro posal that would make of our rural municipal organizations mere bureaus under the control of our provincial government no pronouncement on tax cut is dishearten ing s coal coke country tired of bennetts generalities says financial post we have poultry everything in the line feed and baled straw straw 50e bale of work for all railroads the end of the year is at hand a year that has had much of disappointment in its course but also many blessings among these fruitful harvest beautiful weather and th friendship that make life worth living goodwill is to the individual the business house and the community an asset that money cannot buy we believe this spirit is well developed and increasing and this happy con dition helps to solve the problems of today and creates optimism for the future our sincere wish is that we may all enjoy a bright and prosperous new year the management and staff shaws store phone 9512 stouffville ontario the ruination of our railroad means ruination of our country 1000 five ton trucks would be required to one modern train of coal compara tively the same figures could bo applied to tho movement of our huge grain crops and various commodities made up into large car loads our markets in the foreign fields would cease to exist as also the interchange of our produce within our own borders in the long haul and to an exceedingly large extent our short haul trade would be completely disorganized patronize your branch lines in tho short haul shipments and retain their existance for your long haul shipments which aro hauled to and from your home town in many instances at the same freight rato as applies at the junction point with the main line our canadian national railroad is one of tho most uptodate rail roads in america fastest locomo tives in america and equipped with doflectors which throw smoke and cinders clear of tram fastest trains in tho world on tho toronto montreal runs for length of run although a nonpolitical news paper with conservative leanings the financial post calls canadas prime minister to time for hisl failure to cut expenditures and mounting debt rather than seeking like the provincial government for new ways at taxing the people read this sound talk the prime minister gave two addresses in toronto last week both of them were confined to gen eralities there was much flag- waving some time ago the prime minister was urging that faith was the way out ho now pins his hopes tor business recovery upon the spirit of our people mr bennett has not yet awakened to the fact that canadas problems are not primarily patriotic out are chiefly economic he objects to the com plaint of tho public that taxes are too high and that the country is going bankrupt he said in toronto it is a popular thing to grumble about high taxes and the hardship of living in canada but in england where men earning as low as 500 year are taxed for income and the whole country groans under burden of taxation citizens are glad to pay their taxes so as to do their bit for england revolt against high taxation caused by reckless spending was the primary cause of the defeat of the labor government in england while our income tax is consider ably lower than that of great britain we have a number of other taxes from which britishers are free in this statement there is no evidence whatsoever that the prime minister has in mind any curtailment of canadas national expenditures or steps to reduce taxation he does not realize where large governmental expenditures and high taxation have already placed england nor does he real ize that a young country like can ada requiring to build up a fund of capital within the country for development cannot afford taxes even as high as those that can be paid by an older and better estab lished country like england mr bennett has a number of ad ditional speaking engagements be fore parliament opens business men throughout the country in cluding the chief supporters of his own party would be greatly heart ened if they were to be told by the prime minister on one of thee occasions that the government in tends to proceed without delay to a drastic curtailment in the expendi tures under its control the country is tired of air bennnetts generalities his appeals to courage to spiritual faith to loyalty to the old flag to unity and high pur pose these are so often the ob vious appeals of the claptrap orator who is attenpting to divert atten tion to his own failings more in formative speeches might be ex pected of the prime minister of this great dominion marmill laying mash is much lower in price than a year ago scratch grain crack corn and buckwheat are also down in price put in your orders for coal and coke now while you can get it dry and clean s w phone 169 hastings stouffville ont salt cement m mi m i m k 9 m i 1 u i- school reports s s no 13 markham month of december names in order of merit sr iv vera topham ruth hoover mary stickley lillia roach george hoover sr ill to jr iv fred summers sr ill jack nigh william hawes fred hawes claude foot cora hisey earle sellers jr ill isabel fleming stan roach eleanor conner sydney chenier eldon boyd betty foot ii class jean sellers fern hoover erma roach vivian boyd jri clarence foot clarence powell howard roach pr allisan fleming grant cooney doreen boyd g nicely teacher s s no 11 balluutrae iv class daisey jakeman mildred clark audrey pycock stanley beach pass edna hoiking edwin fockler dora beach ill class irene hood pass rena imitchell philip fockler vera beach bernard hood everett mcnelly ii class irene nesbitt marion beach 1 st class alta mitchell bruce hood roy fockler edward nes bitt archie nesbitt v tindall teacher a williams supporter 40 years back from tribune issue of sept 251801 births grove at lot 33 con 7 markham on december 25 1931 to mr and mrs ezra d grove a daughter lehman in stouffville on wednes day december 30 13i to mr and mrs ormsby lehman a daughter sale register wednesday january c public action sale of dairy herd horses farm implements and household furnituro belonging to allan i pike lot 3 con c whit church no reserve sale at one 10 months credit f w silver- sides auctioneer wednesday january 20 credit sale at lot 29 con 8 markham farm stock implements hay and grain the property of lloyd moycr salo at 1 f w silver- sides auctloncor saturday oct 3 is the date for the farm stock sale of the estate of tho late jacob heisey on second street stouffville isaac boadway the leading carriage builder invites the public to seo his carriages and wagons made to order whitchurch agricultural society show is advertised to be held in stouffville oct 2 1s91 dr h rowan dr walter sangster were among the adver tisers in tho professional column of this issuo four legal firms in toronto also solicited business in stouffville through this medium the town boasted three auctioneers n j armstrong n e smith and james obrien tho t eaton co toronto also carried an adv a considerable large crop of acci dents have recently occured in con nection with farming in this vicinity on frday last mr w j bryensson of mr bryens who was injured last week met with what might have proved a fatal accident while assisting to unload peas at the farm of mr john turner 10th concession markham a team was attached to the rope and when the fork with its load pproached the track the driver struck the horses and the result was that the chain attaching the main oully to the roof broke and the pulley fell striking mr bryens on tho woad in hiding three ugly scalp wounds which rendered him insensible for a couple of hours under medical treatment however his wounds aro the reduction editor tribune dear sir it is four years since the town ship of whitchurch gave an expres sion of opinion regarding its muni cipal affairs and as two and per haps all three of the council members have expressed a desire to go up to deputys chair there seems to be only one thing for deputy reeve williams to do and that is to cross swords with reeve kidd there are those who would have been satisfied with an acclama tion hut under present conditions that is out of the question the question for the voters to decide is between kidd and williams for the reeveship the township gave kidd an acclamation as deputy reeve six years ago three years ago morgan baker stepped out and gave way for the present reeve and there are many who thiuk reeve kidd should be big enough to give way j to his deputy we hoar people express the opinion that our township never gets anything from the county but in the last two years we have had one and a quarter miles of road on tho fourth concession that was in al most impassable condition put up in good shape and well gravelled at a cost of 1s00 directly through the cooperation of the deputyreeve with the farmers ho supported him with a petition we are of the opinion that had it not been for his initiative wo would be draggng through the mud still then we have the wilcox lake side road which was scarified and graded up to con dition this road carries a very heavy traffic so the council decided to oil it we believe tho cost wa3 about g00 reeve kidd refused to ask assistance from tho county council the deputy again took the initiative and pleaded our cause so that wo received a grant of 300 we are informed that when word was received that work was to be started cutting down the hills south of vandorf that deputyreeve williams was the man who thought of tho unemployed in our township and drove to toronto to ask that so far as possible our own men would bo used on this job remembering the wishes of the ratepayers expressed at nomina tion meeting last year our deputy arose in county councils january session gave a description of our position regarding taxation referr ed to how hard hit tho farmers havo been by falling markets and asked that tho spirit of economy would guide the members during tho sessions of 1931 he asked reevo kidd to cooperato with him in sponsoring a resolution calling for of pay of all com- s ambrose stover proprietor of the stouffville bakery joins with his staff of bakers and assistants in wishing one and all a happy new year and a good measure of prosperity i uunur j rs and not a little encouragement we are not finding any fault with the man who says this council has done well our taxes are reduced and we are pleased this is a matter of our choosingbeween the reeve who has been given the high honor of an acclamation for 3 years the deputy reeve who has yet been given this honor but proved himself as deputy to be a very trustworth and zealous worker mr williams was directly re sponsible for a reduction in road insurance from 252 to 17s this year when mr williams entered council five years ago we were pay ing 50 per year for insurance on the township tfall he continued to protest until last year he was able to bring before the council an agent from the peel mutual who offered to insure the hall and shed for 2500 for three years at a premium of 850 per year the council vote split and the reeve in giving the deciding vote turned down the resolution of the deputy and tho township lost this opportunity for no apparent reason fred smith sf 1 greetings from scotts grocery may your christmas season bes- a most pleasant one and the v new year filled with happi ness cheer and pros perity is the sincere wish a w scott rapidly healing mlttees to 5 per day but got very henry avadswortit longfei0v lives of groat men all re mind us wo can mako our lives sublime and departing leave be hind us footprints on the sands of i tlmo time has proven our service of tribute a senice of triluto a record of honorable accomplish ments to acquit ourselves with honor is our creed rg clendening funeral director markham telephone markham 9000 om