intense worry causes detfmatalgia doctor claims this disease otherwise skin-neural- ea is a nerve affection caused ty worry fear or brooding says dr charles f pabst chief dermatologist of grecnpoint hospital brooklyn new york widely prevalent just now this type ef skin affection has been caused al most altogether 1 the economic de pression accordig to dr pabst according to an interview with him printed in the new york evening jour nal tho spread of the disease is com parable to the increase in skin all- i author of wow to play bridge auction w contract jby wynne ferguson practical auction bridge article no 1 it is really remarkable that the experts still disagree over the bidding of certain hands bat such is the fact the following hands have been submitted to leading experts and they failed to agree on any of them it goes to show meats that folloved directly after the that tlierl 6ti xer much to learn about auction and contract even by the world war hut mm in thit the experts before they can be certain that their presentday theories aro correct alri t2l iz t zz thls ver varicy opinion however helps the game and makes it tho most kin ailments of the war era were of ictere3tldg 6t played as long as tho personal element enters into auction a parasitic nature while the present ag strongly as it now does there is bound to be this variety of opinion heres are not wo read hoping that it always continues dr pabst said that a proper nerve hand no 1 supply is as essential for a normal skin as a good blood supply continu ing he said worry fear and brooding cause changes in the nervous system and as a result thcro may be burning sting ing and painful sensations in the skin alth ugh the surface of the skip ap pears perfectly normal this condition which is most going hand prevalent today is called dermatalgla auction bidding y a b z hearts j 9 7 c 2 clubs a 7 4 diamonds k 10 s 7 spades a rubber game no sere what should z as dealer bid vitb the fore- neuralgla of the skin nervous dis turbances may also induce tho disor- der known as pruritus and in some extreme cases may causo neuroderj matlts i pruritus is a disorder in which the only question in this hand is shall the dealer bid one no trump or one heart the no tramp bid seems the better as it gives partner moro ac curate information with this bid contract bidding in contract where game must be contracted for it is always better to bid tho suit rather than no trump in doubtful hands one heart is there fore the proper bid hand no 2 y a b 2 hearts k q 10 9 7 clubs none diamonds 7 2 spades q j 10 8 s 3 no score rubber game what should z as dealer bid with the foregoing hand auction bidding there aro three possibilities in this band z may bid one spade one heart or pass the writer is of the opinion that one spade is the best call the there is intense itching of tho skin partner will not be deceived but if z without any structural changes in the should bid one heart there is a very skin itself neurodermatitis lnflam- strong chance that the bid will deceive mation of tho bkin is indicated when partner and probably result in a big j hand is too strong to pass and the the skin becomes reddened and scaly i the on argument in favor of spade bid is preferable to tho heart and in addition there is marked itch- h hean bi is that lt i3 a sater wa as the former suit is much the w stronger and tho one that should be ll no rump because f zs aco of t the doctor explained that tho clubs and spade3 are taken out ot his present skin ailments are not contagl- hand he may not be able to score ono contkal1 muuinij us not reportable and rarely fatal no trump this is true but seems to at contract there aro two choices and that therefore their prevalence is bo more than offset by the probable either a three spade bid or a pass the ego shells keep this good canadian shellmaking product con stantly before your laying hens and keep your good canadian dollars at home where they are worth 100 cents an allcanadian product shellmaker 98 calcium carbonate shellmaker is better than oyster shell its purer more soluble goes farther and costs less its a better gizzard agitator growing chicks need it for making bone get it from your dealer or write to us direct vance bros tillsonburg ont distributors what the radio means in the arctic often unknown until it has attained great height the man who still has a job should stop worryiing about losing it tho doctor said because he may bring on on attack of dermatalgla and the man without a job should stop worrying or ho will not only be out of a job but may have an attack of dermatalgia to boot o the night mail by rosello mercier montgomery in american those early one who dreamed of wings and die their dream unproved their faith un justified young icarus whose wings defied the sun and whom the sea received defeated one and all who followed him in after days all all have gone their unrememoer- ed ways for us who see their dream fulfilled at last wonder is dead the miracle is past dally the sky is filled with men n- wing bet who looks up to view them mar veling loss resulting from deceit of partner latter seems preferable if any man how 2000 brought happiness by gerald mygatt the night mail hurtles through the starry space a throbbing miracle grown common place while icarus and all the darling dead who dreamed of wings pass with it overhead yawning we hear tho thunder of its flight and say tho night mail timo for bed good night tt cause whythey mayvot lawfully bo joined together let him now speak c else hereafter forever hold his peace a faint stir moved the church as it always did then thero fell silence one of the ushers winking broadly coughed in a burlesque attempt at rude significance someone back n tho pews giggled it was then that a man rose to his feet about halfway back in thachurch he stood there momentarily holding up his hands nervously he was a middleaged man neatly dressed just a minute he said the rectors jaw dropped open heads turned abrjptly with much rustling of silk and a sudden hissing of whispered and startled queries the man stood there stiffly his fingers twitched he gulped i believe i can show just cause he stated people were standing up now wo mens hats blocked any view of the intruder except for those nearest him the ushers started bodily down the aisle their jaws set grimly the rector completely astounded raised his hand never beforo in his experience or in the experience o any of his confrieres had a thing like this happened why it was unbelievable it was horrible ho strode down tho aisle people gave way beforo his robes this wont do said the erctor de- the rector was awaro that ho was repeating the service mechanically only occasionally he reflected with a certain cynicism only once in a blue moon did he really feel like putting his heart and soul into the intonation of those lovely and solemn old words which so irrevocably linked a woman and a man till death at intervals of course thefe was an obvious lovematch ah how well he could tell and then his heart flooded with warmth and the beauty of the service and its significance seemed to transform themselves into a light within him and that light he knew shone forth but most of them were like todays a church crowded with fashionables and semifashionables tho rays of sunlight slanting through the stained- glass windows and making faces look purple and red and yellow and blue and green the fragrance of too many flowers and the more highlykeyed fragrance of too much feminity in for mal array nearer directly before i him a bride and groom she a vague j laciness of satiny white and ho stiff flantly i and solemn in his rigidlyworn black tw0 o tho us had closed around i beyond the bride and groom tho usual tlle man the rec turned swept his cordon of pasteltinted bridesmaids arm w over the congregation he and blackclad ushers ono or two of i au0 him his head lifted these latter inevitably winking in at- gternly tho people shamefaced sat tempts to catch tho cyo of someone i who also looked on marriage as a joke this man must bo heard the rec- well marrlago wasnt a joke tor announced now ho turned to the tho rector knew that he listened man if you have anything to say to tho sound of his own voice and say it found himself faintly surprised as ho the man glowered ive said all i always was that tho words could come have to say ho replied with a certain that i was an actor paid to speak my lines and that youd found mo only three or four hours beforo tho cere mony frankly i didnt liko it i dont blame you said tho groom now tho visitor smiled toothily she put it over on you at that he announced he patted a newspaper that protruded from his coat pocket its in here he said with drama miss mattan eloped immediately af ter tho ceremony with a man named snafford their family chauffeur how does that hit you im glad she had the nerve com mented the groom nodding approba tion you see she never had the nerve to oppose her mother much too much mother miss mattan never told me of course but snafford did great chap snafford i liked him he was waiting there outside the church well im said the actor the groom smiled again the only way to beat a woman like that is when she gives you an opening i had no money you know not a cent you certainly had 52000 the actor said ironically yes i had just that after the man had gone the groom began to smile again as if reminis- cently from his waistcoat pocket he drew- a card and he read on it with evident satisfaction to ralph oh his wedding day from his motheriulaw scrawled across the lower righthand corner was an admonition a single short sen tence in the form of a command use this 2000 for something that will mako you and my daughter happy titbits a long sentence of 177 words a thanksgiving day proclamation of ono scntenco only of 177 words has been issued by governor william cross of connecticut former pro- tort thcir solemnity and careful dignity lessor of english literature at yale intonation without any particular con- jennie mattan tho lioness was fac- tjniversity i sclous guidance it was habit natural- ing him with her hands on her hips i wroto tho proclamation in ono iv h nal1 raarrle1 manv manv her j- projected forward and her nentenco so that lt would have to be scores of couples eyes wero narrowed quoted in full lt at all tho governor i ho didnt know this groom that is youll tell your reason hero and explained this is how ho did lt ha1 met bim on hurriedly ho now she said remembering tho act of a llttlo was young and quiet moro or less tho man smiled knowingly he company of men and women of our penniless but with a name a nlco shook his head ill tell my reason new england shores who moro than chap rather bewildered by all this when and as i choose thrco hundred years ago set apart a p i someono whispered hes a black- day after tho harvest was gathored i even now standing there stiffly mailer for praiso to tho lord god of heaven beads ot molsturo were oozing out up- throw him out grunted a man their upholder and preserver through on hs forehead nervous of course and tho word was taken up throw hardship and danger and remember- wel1 v h w particularly him out tho ushers looked at the ing tho great heritage of this com- when they wero marrying money rector tho rector looked at tho man monwealth in tho courage steadfast- tll rector reciting tho words of tho looked at tho assemblage and then in- ness and dovotlon of thoso who had servlco wondered where tho mattans cllned his head gono beforo us up and down its ad found this young man for find him thats that said tho lioness with beautiful hills and fertile valleys i v certainly had vehemence now everybody sit appoint thursday tho 2cth day of thero in tho front pew sat jennie down tho rector paced back up tho november as a day of public thanks- ma- known giving calling upon tho pcoplo of llonosss this stato to glvo thanks to god in sho was als0 as lho rcctor uaa lcarn their homos and churches for tho c from experience an exceedingly yield ot tho soil and tho fruits of p tho b wa not labor for tho gifts of peaco and good ln mcrel th girl besido him ho fellowship and tho many other bless- i marrying a motherinlaw who ings under his providence urging coul11 ea3 beon lh0 original ot said ralph has gone wlm havo storo of nlontv to tho mothcrlnlaw jokes i gono you mean ralphs gono japanese politeness that the japaneso people are ex tremely polite is a well known fact but according to a new yorker who returned recently from a visit to that country tho extent of tho politeness is difficult for tho average subway traveler of new york to conceive giving an instance ho cited tho probable conversation that would en sue should one visit a dentist in any japanese city entering the dentists office one makes known his require ments oh but why do you come to me i am a very poor dentist probably the worst in tho city he will protest on tho contrary replies tho pa tient i havo heard much of your skill wont you please practice it upon me said the in certain circles as aisle sho was plump but tho wedding will go on lioness definitely they found tho brldo in tho rectors study como back in here com manded her mother from tho door tho brldo shrugged no use ehc thoso who havo storo of plenty to sharo it freoly with any who may bo in suffering or in want and urging nil to go forward in faith hopo and charity over mindful that tho great est of theso is charity 0 jones always strikes mo as an well thought tho rcctor after all lt ho took his hat and coat and ho was nobodys business but tho mat- went said tho brldo and then a tans if they wanted ft titlo in the llttlo hysterically sho began to laugh family thoy soon would havo it very i at nlno oclock that evening tho likely too marrlago would turn out to groom sat in a room in an inconsplcu- bo a howling success on- never could ous hotel and called como in to your wife seems to have a mind of her own yes and although she changes it often it never seems to lcavo her possession antique a professor was spending christ mas in an hotel at dinner ho found himself seated next to a maiden lady of uncertain age eventually she discovered tho pro fessor was ft collector of old coins i should love to itvo a coin dated the year of my birth she remarked do you think you could get nc for me i cant promise replied tho other tell thoso days someono who knocked upon his door innocently you see theso old coins now tho rcctor paused he always tho door opened in walked tho man aro only to be found in raro collec- indolont sort ot chap indolent pausc at this point in tho ceremony who had stood up in tho centro ot tbo tions why hoa eo lazy that ho always wa8 merely nn instinctive pause church tho groom reached for his and yet meeting her the next day runs his car over n bump to knock fruit of that j for tho dramatic wallet and counted out from it five the professor was unablo to under lie ash oft his cigar ici possibly had drawn him into onohundredpound notes stand why ho was not recognized -c- tho clergy tho best thing of all is to llvo llko then ho heard hia voice intoning honest nven and to add something to faultlessly into this holy estate lho caw of liberty justice and these two persons present como now buttoning his coat that i was tempt- fldcnco at homo or abroad dr lrat cnatflold to bo joined it any man can show ed to tell the truth thcro in tho church hjalmar schact horo8 tho money said tho groom tho visitor pocketed tho bills it is overlooked that untruthful- i might as well tell you ho said ness is tho worst promoter ot con- wireless receivers and trans mitters make medical advice available ottawa within the shadow of tho north polo medical aid can now be re ceived over the two chains of gov ernment radio stations and the private commercial stations which havo been established near the arctic circle during the past few i years i radio has become such a boon to j tho northland that thero is hardly a community fur trader polico post or other settlement which has not a re ceiver in good working order all aro attuned to receive the latest news influenza epidemics have broken out during recent years among the eski mos and indians at various points in tho arctic with radio an estab lished necessity in tho northland lt has been possiblo for tho canadian government to warn and give instruc tions to other communities in the arctic through broadcasting stations and tho powerful transmitters at ot tawa maintained for direct communi cation with tho arctic advice radioed accidents happen frequently in the north and whilo all police officers as well as most traders trappers and missionaries havo somo elementary first aid knowledge it is now possible to treat dangerous accidents with the expert guidance ot skilled doctors by means of tho radio ona of the first such cases to be treated was through the radio at capo hopes advance on the south shore of hudson straits a trapper had been wounded by ono of his traps he lived in a lonely cabin 50 miles from the radio station it was his nearest point of contact wounded though ho was he harnessed his dogs and set out in tho biting cold and wind of subzero weather for the radio station where he might- obtain aid he feared that blood poisoning might set in when ho reached the radio station after hours of painracked travel he was in a bad fix he was too far gone for the unaided treatment f the operators there and they imme diately called ottawa here a constant watch is kept for just such emergency calls within a few minutes a doctor had been sum moned and made acquainted with the case while the thermometer stood at 30 below zero at that isolated sta tion on the hudson straits an opera tion was performed by r doctor who was nearly two thousand miles dis tant both waves used short and long wave phone and telegraph radio transmitters are housed at several points in ottawa for contact with the north there is ono station operated by the depart ment of marine which keeps in touch with tho entire arctic another operated by tho department of na tional defence has its stations strung throughout the western arctic it i3 a usual thing to hear at these ottawa stations the voice of code signals of men seated thousands of miles distant in the cold arctic the signals come rolling in with reports and requests for medical advice in tho not so distant northland but still isolated sections of northern ontario there also are radio stations operated by tho ontario department of lands and forests even these have their requests for medical aid ono ot the strangest was that for a big indian bravo who had gono in sane through tho attacks of black flies ho was brought to one of tho fur posts in tho northern part of ontario and thero the agent advised medical attention tho nearest doctor being hundreds of miles distant tho small short wavo radio transmitter went into action with the result that a piano camo to take tho indian to civilization the next day yv- v v- rji vi h- biggest market in world planned in buenos ayres buenos ayres a huge market place covering five squaro blocks is expected to bo erected soou in the western section of buenos ayres by a group ot argentine and british capi talists the project to bo known as the great western market will in volve an outlay of 20000000 pesos 5000000 for the building alone and lt is said that the finished market will be the largest of its kind in the world a block of land measuring about 172000 square feet has been pur chased for 3700000 pesos 9250jo the projected market will have direct access to all railroad lines entering buenos ayres and also will havo di rect communication with the port of buenos ayres through the western railways tunnel the great western market board ot directors is composed of sir hilary a long dr rodolfo bullrich dr artuo condomio alcorta john wil son osvaldo dasso luis n lugano and nicholas a casullo spain still without city of million census shows madrid spain has just completed another census which reveals that j it has no city with 1000000 residents great pains wero taken to count every ono in barcelona the largest city ot spain in tho hope that the census would show 1000000 residents but tho tabulations developed that barcelona had failed by 22809 4 even though the catalan capital is not in the million class i has had a remarkable growth the census of 1020 gave its population as 710335 and calculations made by the muni cipal government in 102s gave it 5-it- 931 inhabitants as in most continental european cities there is a big surplus of women over men the difference is s7138 which means there are approximately 9 per cent more women than men many years ago barcelona and ma drid were rivals in the question of population but recently bsrcelc r lias forged ahead in 1920 madrid was still ahead with 750s90 but in 1928 it already was behind barcelona ma drid then having s09i00 inhabit- uts classified advertising 4 n offer to every 1nventou x list of wanted inventions and full imurmatlon sent free the eaaway com pany aorld patent attorneys 273 jauk street ottawa canada 2 hip us your poultry nd jo tens absolutely highest market prices paid cheques remitted immedi ately crates loaned write for quota tions and give us a trial hosknfkjo poultry and kco company lim ited montreal johnsons xray liniment rheumatism and neuritis relieved in five minutes moneyhack guarantee postpaid coc bottle johnson swq company coimnoytood ontaeio first aid for boys dogs while scout first aid training does not have in mind dog patients it works just as well when a winnipeg scouts collie was run over by a truck and a leg broken his young owner improvised splints used a handker chief and a tie for bandages and car- ried the dog to a veterinary where the leg was placed in a cast another thing learned in adversity is that a tire isnt the only thiug you can patch hides furs highest prices paid try us william stone sons limited ingersoll ont huron indians still ply arts the life and customs of the north american indian still survive at indian lorette a quaint little village about threo miles from tho chateau fron- tenac in quebec in that picturesque spot on tho shore of the st lawrence the descendants of the original power ful huron tribe still ply their various trades they make snowshoes and bows and arrows weave baskets and fashion purses and other feminine ac- couterments from beaded buckskin just as their forefathers did visitors to quebec always make it a point to visit this indian settlement ooht with cl5 sluggish intestinal systems lower re- sistanco o colds cleanse them with fcenamlnt the modern chewing gum laxative gentle safe non-habit- forming more effectivo because yon chew it feenamint ambition every man is said to havo his peculiar ambition whether lt bo truo or not i can say for one that i have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed by my fellowmen by ren dering myself worthy of their esteem theso words were used by tho great president ot america abraham lin coln a man who started llfo as a poor boy in tho backwoods ot kentucky j and until ho was 21 labored under ovcry possiblo disadvantage yet ho lived to becomo president ot the united states and a man whoso fame has increased with the passing of the years another trouble with the country is that it has too many exspenders and too few expendees g u ar ant eepto clear eczeiiaec i j380 iibniie street tordnio- s simply cant 60 tonight her bad daythrobbing head b aching back no wonder shccouldnt go lydia epinfehams vegetable compound cases these trying times that make life a burden notjp held by unseen hanc locked joints that kruschen released tinsccii hands held this woman in t her bed they held her limbs and jji jicr joints so that she was scarcely k able to move they were the hands yy of the uric acid fiend and their f became tighter and tinhter s j c best for yox a bahy too wlicn oronn y was yoimd she used babys own soap then ai nowtfte leading canadian soap or toilet and nuisery btttor yen md iuh toe ik in indlnldual carton aluert eoaps ltd ill montreal i issue no 5131 grip became tighter and tighter every day she had almost despaired of ever loosening their hold when flic made what she describes as a wonderful discovery she found kruschcn read how it helped her i have suffered terribly for a very long time with rheumatoid arthritis the pain ive suffered i cannot explain to you i i commenced taking kruschcn six months ago following directions and i am thankful to say in less than a week i was able to get a nights rest and sleep that was something i had not had for a very long time my joints seemed completely locked and icould not turn in bed for pain now im nble to sleep well turn with case and get about fine and my joints seem to bo quite different it was one day when i was reading in the newspaper about kruschcn that i decided to try i it and now i shall never lio without kruschcn salts is obtainable nt nil it i consider kruschcn is a very drug stores at 45c and 75c per bottle wonderful discover- mre k l the system of the rheumatic subject is a producer of that dangerous liody poison known as urio acid which is composed of knifcedged crys it is bred in accumulated waste matter which the organs of elimination have failed to expel kruschcn is a powerful solvent of these flinthard crystals- i swiftly dulls thcir sharp edges then flushes them out of the system your pains case swellings subside knotted joints become loose hcttcr still kruschcn eliminates tho root cause of the evil taken regularly it keeps your liver and kiohcys in perfect tunc so that these eliminating organs free your inside from all poison- brccding waste products