awrthjhea lonfscputs fek on october 11th thanksgiving sunday tho silver for patrol at pick- ering held a church porado at the local anglican church attending the evening service their number were swelled veryj considerably by the members of the sea scout troop from oshawa under the command of captain itigg and by the members of the 5tli oshawa troop who journeyed in by automobile to assist and encourage theje louies scoutmaster don hutchinson of the 2nd ontario lone scout troop also attended and brought with him the lone scout slag and he waa accom panied by commissioner john bur- minger and lone scout bruce johu- bon from toronto tho servico was conducted by the rev mr robinson father of tho patrol leader of the silver foxes and tho sermon was preached by mr tcrett scoutmaster of the 5th oshawa troop whose remarks centred on the story of shadrach meshach and abed- nego whom he likened to the first lono scout patrol in history with daniel as their patrol leader after the service tho scouts were enetrtained at the rectory and all voted the occasion a great success and a most enjoyable and instructive time lone scout ronald sage of ingersol is very keen indeed recently ho at tended a banquet given by the mem bers of tho ingersol troop where ho i met other scouts from enibro wood- 1 stock tillsonburg and london he tells us that the 1st london troop j turned out in full force to visit their friends at ingersol ar they had al great time which ron fully enjoyed wo are sorry to eai that patrol leader douglas macdouald o tho bear patrol at lakefield has been forced to reliuauish tli leadership of j his patrol au dtlms both the patrols at the grove school have lost their old loaders however before leav- 1 a race with death ing doug passed on the leadership of the bear patrol to lone scout john krower in whose hands we know that tho patrol will continue to progress tho appointment of a leader to the lion patrol has uot yet been made but is expected shortly and we are looking forward to big things from lakefied under this new reorganiza tion loue scout w isrowu of sunderland uk 1 has written us a very cheerful letter in which he says that ho has heeu out in this country from england for elghtoeu mouths and he ho been working on a farm which life he very much enjoys his chief ambition at the moment is to be a kings scout and ho is working hard to this end we sure wish him lots of good luck and good scouting too dont forget about that christmas good turn scheme which we men tioned last week lone scout question box are there any lone rovers in can ada bt oil city there is no organization which catcr3 to lone rovers such as the loue scout department does to tho lone scouts wo do no think how- over that there is any objection to a rover scout who is isolated from others working as a lono rover full information on this subject can ho obtained from the commissioner for kover scouts boy scouts associ ation 330 bay street toronto 2 lone scouts and others aro invited to soud in questions on scouting sub jects which loue e will endeavor to answer week by week iu these columns full information concerning the lone scout movement may bo obtain ed from tho loue scout department boy scouts association at the ad dress given above all hoys between 12 and 18 years of age who cannot join a regular scout troop are eligible to become lone scouts lone e the markets race with death proves futile toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 40c fresh firsts 35j seconds 20c pullet extras 26 to 27c butter no 1 ontario creamery- solids 0 to 2014c no 2 19 to 19 we ch lrmng cream special 19 to rv phiiadephiaa frenzied 1200- cheese no 1 large colored paraf1 f fined and government graded 11 to f f a th 12c i yearold child ended in failure sun- quotations to poultry shippers are day 1200mile race by train car plane to save life of baby unsuccess ful as follows poultry a trade alive spring chickens over c lbs 18c over 5 to c lbs lgc over 4 to 5 lbs mci over 4 to 4 lbs 13c over 2vi to 1 lbs 12c broilers 1 to 2u lbs 14c over iv- to 2 lbs 12c fatted hens over 5 lbs 15c over 4 to 5 lbs chtal t b aimost imperceptible 12c oversvi to 4 lbs 10c under 34a eegrces the baby began to choke to lbs 8c ducklings white over 0 death the family doctor could do no- lbs 13c do 4 to lbs lie d colored thing there was one hope he said 2c less old roosters vcr 5 lbs lie- bronchioscope developed by dr turkeys geese market price i chevalier x jackson philadelphia marjorie cohen orlando florida died in jefferson hospital after her father had brought her here by train automobile and airplane lato saturday marjorie swallowed a kidney bean- it lodged in her bron- dramatic 200mile air raca against death was wen at san francisco when leroy webber 3 was rushed to an isolation hospital tor lung treatment for infantile paralysis month of september shows business rise boston jump won j damage caused by british team by mexican quake canada takes 9 ribbons places third in feature boston the british army team srfin the international military trophy feature event of the closing perform ance of tho boston horso show held here with a threehorse total of four faults over a difficult nine jump course at the boston garden the united states army riders placed second with a total of six and a half faults the canadian army team was third with seven faults tho french army trio placed fourth with niuo faults and the irish freo state army jumpers were fifth and last with nine and a halt faults the british victory was regarded as the most unexpected upset of tho en tire show canada emerged from the show with nine ribbons sunday night iu tho 500 touchandout stakes lieutenant don ald hunter on rajah jumped off with captain bradford of tho us army and finished secoud in the 51000 huntor slake the maro margot ridden by lieut marshall cleland camo second the canadian army team in tho iu- teruational military ovent included lieut churchill mann on sundart lieut hunter on rajah and lieut cleland on roxana houses collapse in oaxaca but no casualties are reported mexico city despatches from oax aca mexicos earthquako ceutre in dicated severe damage may have re sulted from a shock that was felt in mexico city at 537 pm sunday excelsiors correspondent said the earthquako was very strong causing tho populace to flee into the streets and many fell to their knees praying tho electrical power failed and sonio houses collapsed but there were no re ports of casualties oaxaca city capital of the state and with about 40000 population was nearly half destroyed last jan 14 by an earthquake that killed approximate ly 100 persons canada sends aid to honduras building and roofing sup plies for hurricane- ravaged area ottawa canada is sending a con signment of supplies to hurricane- stricken british honduras consist ing of building and roofing supplies j and builders hardware the goods are j o canadian manufacture tho con- bigumcnt it was officially announced will lio despatched by an early boat in tho rehabilitation of belize following tho hurricane disaster soveral months ago whlcli brought death and enormous damage in british hondurus tho dominion government wired tho sympathy of tho canadian peoplo and enquired of tho govern- mout of british honduras it any assist ance were necessary british hondur as indicated in its messago of reply that building supplies for rebuilding were necessary and under arrange ments made tho consignment of cana- dlanmado goods is consequently to bo shipped peace garden site is finally approved brandon plans of master garden ers and flower lovers of canada and the united states to create a floral memorial to the more than a century of unbroken peace between the two nations were advanced to another stage recently word wa3 received from j ii moore secretary of the international peace garden commis sion announcing the final selection of tho turtle mountain site as the loca tion of tho proposed international peace garden the land for the proposed garden is half in the united states and half in canada and is being donated by the state of north dakota and the pro vince of manitoba- english society girl to try for air record lympue kent england miss peg gy salaman 19yearold society girl took off friday from lympne airport in an attempt to set a distance record on a flight to south africa with her sho took a revolver as a precaution against dangers in caso of a forced descent in tho wilds of tho dark con tinent clerdoa store accompanied her to tako his turn at tho controls automobile tourists increase in quebec quebec liue an increase of 30 per cent is noted in the number of automobile tourists who entered the province of quebec last summer as compared with figures for 1930 ac cording to statistics compiled by j e renaud prominent official of the quebec automobile club automobile tourists who sought 30- day permits numbered 430812 last summer as compared with 329521 in 1930 twentyfourhour permits were granted to 313375 tourists similar permits were granted to 215130 auto- ists last year the amount of money spent hy tourists in the province last summer has not yet been ascertained stated mr renaud newsprint and building per mits included in increas ed volume ottawa well maintained during tho month of september canadian business coiitiuued to strengthen and with seasonal adjustments made it showed marked improvement over august according to the monthly re- yiew of business issued by the do minion bureau of statistics a gain of 125 per cent was regis tered iu the production of newsprint over august with 17su taas manu factured while importations of raw cotton increased iu vovaino iu prepara tion for operations in the textile in dustry after seasonal adjustment was made the increase was about 30 per cent owing mainly to lie placing of a large contract for a hydroelectric de velopment says the review the total construction contracts awarded show a marked gain in september tho assigned values amounted to 3365s- 000 compared with 20163000 in aug ust the value of building permits is sued by gt cities stood at 10322000 this was au increase of 2100000 or 255 per cent as compared with the total of 3224000 iu august tho review indicates greater activ ity in the milling industry the produc tion index showing a gain of 10g per cent empress of eritain sets new record twohour cut by canadian pacific liner in cher bourgquebec voyage quebec a new record was estab lished recently hy tho canadian pa cific empress of britain iu steaming from cherbourg france to father point que the pilotage station where malls aro discharged inl days 9 hours 17 minutes heating her former record by six minutes her time from cherbourg to quebec was 4 days 17 hours 5 minutes which is 59 minutes longer than the transat lantic record established on the new york run by tho north german lloyd liner europa between cherbourg and ambrose light tho europa arrived at tho new york pilotage station on march 25 last year iu 4 days 17 hours g minutes after clearing from cher bourg but several more hours elapsed before she ws enabled to dock and dis charge tho empress elapsed time between cherbourg and quebec was 2 hours 20 minutes better than her former re cord between tho two points ontario still holds egglaying honors britannia bay pen first st williams birds take second ottawa j a dawson britannia bay won first place iu tho twelfth canadian national egglaying contest scoring 10332 points with his pen of barred plymouth rocks for 2135 eggs the competition was close the win ner being only 2s points over the secondplace pen that of the northern- specialty farm st williams with 19s0 1 points for a pen of the same breed laying 2033 eggs the white leghorns of c p calder of cowans- viile que took third place with 10131 points for 1873 eggs first place individual honors went to a barred plymouth rock from tho pratt experimental station morden pa which laid 258 eggs to score 279 points second place was won by a barred rock entered by j m scott seaforth with 27g points for 2s0 eggs and third place by tho ontario agricul tural college entry with 2g44 points for 253 eggs unlike the record of previous con tests the westernbred birds failed to make a showing among the leaders it was the first time in the history of the contest that a breeder in the ot tawa district has won and tho second time that first place has been taken by barred plymouth rocks iu this contest tho sizo was taken into con sideration as well as the number of eggs laid the pen of white leghorns entered hy g h clark caledonia won first place iu tho eleventh ontario egglay ing contest scoring a total of 22814 points for a total of 2408 egg3 mr clark led by 1s33 points over the nearest pen that of g g burton of highland creek whoso white leg horns scored 21002 points with 2149 eggs third place went to tho dunn ing poultry farm navan with 20847 points for 19g5 eggs rr policeman amt an automobile waited ng the following prices to retal fto g- ghricki tho 7oc no 2 do no 4 do feed ic poultry a grade dressel 1 spring chickens over g lbs 24c over 5 to g bs 23c over 4 i- to 5 lbsi 20c over 1 to iv lbs 19c over 2y to 1 lbs isc broilers 1 to 2 lbs 20c over li to 1 lbs 18ej fatted heis over 5 lbs isc over 1 to 5 lb lce over sv- to 1 lbs lie under sv lb- 12c ducklings white over 5 lbs isc do 4 to 5 lbs lgc do colored 2c less old roosters over 5 lbs 15c wholesale provisions wholesale riuoti dealers pork hams 12c shoulders 10c butts 13c loins lie cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 19c 70 to 90 lbs 17c 90 to 110 lbs lgc lightweight roll- lse heavyweight rolls 17c lard pure tierces osc tubs 10c pails 10c prints 10 to 10 vic- special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs 1514c pails lgc grain quqtations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for ear lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard no 1 northern 73vic gsmc no 3 do g4 c2ic cif bay ports manitoba oats no 1 i- no 2 do 3gc manitoba barley no 2 cw 43c argentine corn 4sc plus duty us corn no- 2 yellow 48c us funds pouth african corn 58c plus us funds cif bay ports millfced del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 1520 shorts per ton s1g25 middlings per ton 2325 ontario grain wheat 48 to 52e barley 35c oats 22 to 23c rye uom- iial buckwheat 42c hay and straw prices toronto dealers are paying for hay and straw baled carlofcs delivered per ton no 2 timothv 1250 no 3 tim othy 1050 to 1150 wheat straw so oat straw g liv stock quotations heavy beef steers 475 to s5g0 butcher steers choice 525 to 550 do fair to good 475 to 525 do com- 3 to 450 heifers choice 525 to 550 do fair to good 425 to 5 do com 3 to 4 butcher cows good 3 to 350 do med 250 to 325 cannors and cutters 125 to 175 baby beef 550 to 8 bulls good 3 to 325 do bolognas 2 to 225 feeders good 425 to 450 stocers 3 to h springers 30 to 70 calves good and choice 7 to 8 do ned 450 to 050 do grass- ers 3 to 350 shecps 1 to 3 iambs choice g75 do culls 475 to 5 do bucks 475 to 5 hogs bacon fob 475 to 45 do off cars 535 to 560 do selects 1 per hog pre mium do butchers 1 per hog dis count and the nearest one was in phila delphia cohen carried his gasping baby to the railroad station all saturday night they rode minute by minute it was becoming harder for marjorie to breathe at richmond a doctor went aboard the train she has about an hour to live he said in washington pilot v j lucas warmed up his plane- a motorcycle cavalcade raced through washington to the airport lucas gave his big ship every bit of speed she had and arrivcu at camden nj airport in g2 minutes almost a record to save seconds he negotiated a dangerous landing with the wind an ambulance waited with another police escort to lear a path for the last six miles to the hospital with the magical bronchioscope doctors removed the bean but the strain of breathing during her long trip had been too much for the baby one lung had collapsed and she died a short time after the beau was re moved late strawberries in boys rescue woman then dash to school now york an impatient subway crowd surged forward in response to a trains distant roar miss frieda fassorstein aged 28 stumbled fell on to the steel rails spectators stood horrified a slight stir two youths aged about 15 squirmed to the platforms edge jumped down pushed miss was- sorstein into a small clear space be neath climbed in beside her brakes shrieked tho motorman backed fearing one perhaps all three had been struck the hoys calmly lifted miss wasser- stein to the platform mindful not to hurt her fractured lefi wero late for school as it is they mumbled then edged away queer fall declare white river residents white river the coldest spot in canada us ibis town of the north is often called is reporting warm weather records this season au average high temperature of about g5 degrees is recorded for oc tober of this year compared with 40 a year ago while the lowest mark to date is well above 40 with 10 degrees shown as the low at this time last year plant life has flourished under tho mild weather with tame strawberries being plucked luring the month blue berry blossoms found iu many places and dandelions numerous the fourth crop of clover is being grown iu farm fields hunters report the woods full of in sects blackfiies and mosquitoes being nearly as numerous as in midsummer records of j e depew local on tario government meteorologist show a maximum of 101 degrees in the shade on the last day of juuo this year a figure never beforo marked on local records and beyond the memory of the oldest inhabitant aviatrix has narrow escape 1 wheat predicted chicago as grains of all kind advanced on the worlds markets sat- urday tho prediction that wheat would soon sell above 1 a bushel was freely voiced in the pits of tho chi cago board of trade from all over i europe camo n chorus of buying and at rotterdam europos largest cash grain market where much of russias wheat had been stored wait ing disposal an ndvanco of 5vi to gv4 cents was recorded ruth nichols metal monoplano a few minutes after flames had smred it and sho had leaped to safety firo waa caused by gasoline p mrlng out of a dump valvo as sho warmed up tho cnglno at louis mile ky to tike off for now york i 1000 ton dredge shipped by plane san francisco a 1000ton dredge which was shipped from san francisco recently is taking an airplane vide it is being flown in sections over the jungles and mountains o now guinea from the port of lao to the gold fields at buloville 40 miles in the interior here it is being assembled already the hull has been transported piece by piece and the largest part the upper tumbler shaft weighing 7090 pounds has made the trip by air the dredge was designed by mr frank w griffin of san francisco director of tho buloio gold dredging company which will use it in its mines in new guinea special atten tion had to be made to limit al parts to less than 8000 pounds in weight this is the maximum load that the hugo junker planes can safely lift over tho mountain range which reaches an elevation of 5500 feet tho dredge was built by the yuba on struction company 1932 apple crop declared a record toronto this year ontario will produce 750000 barrch of apples for 1 commercial purposes not including apples sold in boxo3 hampers and i other forms- of this amount 250000 barrels will be shipped to the english i market as compared with only s7000 barrels last year ontarios apple crop i this year is the finest in the history of the province according to t l kennedy min ister of agriculture cold storage grading and careful packing havo re- j suited in ontario apples selling for front 2s to 4s a barrel moro than tho t virginia apples and from 4s to 8s a barrel moro than tho product of nova scotia eldest son contests edisons charges undue influence by stepmother and step son wilmington del a fight over the division of the thomas a edison mil lions loomed friday when william l billy edison a sou of tho famous inventor announced he would contest his fathers will which leaves tho ma jor portion of his estato to tho child ren of his second wifo charles and theodore in a statement given out to the press the son ono of tho inventors threo children by his first marriage said he would charge undue influence on the part of his stepmother and his haltbrother charles edison william characterized the will as unfair and said ho would not bo alono in the attempt to break tho in strument he declined to say who would join him birthsdeathsmarriages on decrease in canada ottawa according to a recent bul letin issued by tho dominion bureau of statistics births registered in soptember in 53 citlos of canada numbered 7136 deaths 3700 and marriages 3207 as comparod with 7179 births 3780 deaths and 7179 births 3780 deaths and 3510 mar riages in septembor last year giv ing a decrease of 1 per cent in births 2 por cent in deaths and 9 por cent in marriages tho nine months january-soptcm- hor show gg116 births 31697 deaths and 22634 marriages registered as against c6s74 births 35735 deaths and 25411 marriages during tho cor responding period last year a de crcaso of 1 por cent in births 3 por cont in deaths and 1 per cont in marriages canada maintains 4 fifth position in world trade toronto during the generally dis turbed conditions of 1930 canada maintained fifth position in aggre gate external trade among the prin cipal commercial nations of tha world she held fifth position in im ports also although in exports she moved from fifth position in 1929 to sixth in 1930 in regard to imports canada oc cupied eighth position in 1913 white in 1930 she had advanced to fifth place in aggregate trade last year canada waa exceeded only by tha united states the united kingdom germany and franco tho dominion has also made re markable advance in proportionate increase in trade both in amount and percentage as between 1913 and 1930 in the amount of the increase of her imports she occupied fifth positron in exports second position and iu aggregate trade fourth posi tion in the percentage of her in crease canada occupied ninth place in imports fifth place in exports and seventh place in agregate trade in exports canada was exceeded in tha amount of increase only by the uni ted states the aggregate external trade ot tha dominion iu 1930 amounted to 1- 874900000 compared with 1- 095300000 in 1913 the next in rank to the dominion in 1930 was france with an aggregate trade ot 3740300000 the united king dom led in aggregate trade in 1930 at 743s300000 with the united states second and germany third the rank ot these countries in 1913 was relatively tho samo except that tho united states had displaced ger many in second position in the later year the increase of imports into can ada between 1913 and 1930 was ap proximately 50 per cent while ex ports doubled imports into can ada in 1930 were 9s9999000 in 1913 they had been 059100000 ex- parts from canada in 1930 wera ss5900000 compared with 136- 200000 in 1913 the- united kingdom led in both 1913 and 1930 in the value of her imports while as ro- i gards exports the united states led i in 1930 although tho united king- dom had had the first place in 1913 ontario heads list in radio sales toronto ontario took almost halt of the radio sets sold in canada in 1930 sales of receiving sets in can ada during that year reached 22776- 225 the number ot sets sold in ontario was 104155 in 1930 tha value was nearly 2000000 above tha production ot the industry iu tha dominion in 1929 three years earlier production of the industry in canada was valued at only 8789171 another measure ot growth is supplied by tha rapid rise in the numbering of receiv ing sots licensed in canada in 1923 tho number of licenses for private re ceiving stations was 995g while in 1930 it was 424 140 imports of radio and wireless ap paratus into canada in 1930 wore valued at 80s6954 of this 7759- 01g was classified as wireless and radio apparatus and parts while tho value ot tubes imported was 327908 canadians to enter 1932 olympic games toronto canada will make every effort to participate in tho 1932 olympic games at lake placid and los angeles it was definitely decided recently but so far the necessary funds havo uot been raised a meeting of the canadian olyinpe committee to discuss whether or not canada would send a team to tho united states next year reached an affirmative conclusion and added that the money to send such teams will ba raised by government grants private and goneral subscriptions and assess ment of the gate receipts ot athletic meets it also was decided that invitations should bo extended to german french aud british athletes including tha south african new zealand and aus tralian teams to attend an nthlotlo meet in canada following tho olym pics country papers praised by city editor daltoii ga glowing tributo waa paid to tho country press by mr john paschal managing editor of tha atlantic journal at tho mooting ot tho fortyfifth annual convention ot the stato press association horo ac cording to tho christian science monitor tho small town papor mr pas chal stated has a mission ot its own that tho city newspaper cannot fill in giving a community tho inti mate neighborhood noivi in detail tho socalled country papor is rrlth- out competition from tho largo city daily tho country editor not only gives tho nowa moro fully but in terprets it moro intelligently than a city paper can hopo to do mr paschal stated fiirlhor itait whllo tho editorial commont of tho local mayors raco or tho local sher iffs race may perhaps need to ba commented upon with reservation on national or stato issues comment may bo mado freely