Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 14, 1931, p. 5

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stouffvffle ontario may 14 1931 local happenings i j5es e a grubin optometrist is coil- ducting a special sale of glasses ueac his display on tiie hack page bsgsgsgjjg igggaggibgiiga a florist in pembroke claims to have produced a tulip with live flowers this craze for massed pro duclion knows no end midweek programs withdrawn at l he auditorium theatre owing to poor business the annual meeting of the senior womens institute will he held on wednesday afternoon liny 20th at the home of mrs waddel westend all members are requested to be present as it is the election of ollicers and other important bust ness the first warm rain of the spring season came down on sunday morn ing as a nice thunder shower and as a result the meadow lands are real green again and the grass is shooting up aplently the maples seemed to have come into almost full leaf since the warm rain also congratulations are due messrs george lawson and marvyn lemon two local boys who have just com pleted a second year course at the university of toronto marvyn suceeded in getting a clear pass while george was a few marks short on a couple of subjects which he is entitled to write off during the summer this week george left for new ontario where ne lias taken a position with a construction co at kirkland lake he is taking an engineering course this summer work is right in line with his studios childrens picture beauty con testowing to the number of entries it is not possible to thow the slides this week so we have changed the date to may 2a entrants please note s g schmidt page seven of this issue gives you full detail of the conversion loan for the 1 9 1234 government bonds and also contains the minutes of the pickering township council prices are lower on no 1 seed corn get your supply from us sw hastings wanted piano box in good re pair at once mrs baiuborough 10th st the quality scrvce and price at the hometown store is never sur passed elsewhere itead ratcliff cos advertisement in this issue the workmen at muston sons greenhouses are going on daylight saving time in order to adapt their business to their toronto sales the firm find that fast time meets their requirements better the citizens should patronize the school concert to be held on tues day may i you will have an opportunity to see wiiat has been accomplished by appointing a sing ing instructor for the school also you will by your presence encour age the children in their effort and this too is a wortny object the general admission is only 25 cents remember katclilts hall at s pm on thursday of rast week mrs ambrose stover was suddenly stricken with an attack of acute appendicitis and was rushed to the hospital in toronto within a few hours of the attack where she im- imediately underwent ni operation which proved highly successful mrs stovers friends will bo pleas ed to learn she is making rapid re covery and is expected homo the latter part of this week rev s s shantz addressed the swastika society of the united church on tuesday evening giving them an insight into the work of the missionary to africa where he served for a number of years on friday evening this week the members of the young mens and business mens bible class are to be the guests of rev and mrs laidlaw at the united church parsonage the occasion being a social evening pioneers daughter called by death mrs j bruce succumbs long illness to your nfw spring suite top coat now splendid values in mens and young mens suis in the newest patterns and colors reasonably priced 1500 to 3000 topcoats of genuine banamore cloth in herring bone and fancy checks well tailoed in greys fawns and browns a 1800 good quality tweed topcoats in greys and browns well tailored 995 to 1500 mens v neck pulovers sweaters knit from sturdy allwool yarns in fancy ollover patterns priced 285 our boys department boys heavy quality tweed long trousers ideal for school ages 8 to 16 years 200 to s250 boys heavy tweed bloomers 139 to 195 boys broadcloth blouses in plain color and fancy stripe each 75c boys clothing windsor made to measure many patterns to choose from r e curtis phone 5g01 stouffville ontario store open tuesday thursday and saturday nights and close wednesday at noon our business is growing through giving our customers goodyear quality in the lowest to the highest priced tire heres our big five the goodyearbuilt progress tire the goodyear pathfinder the goodyear ahwcathcr high pressure tire the goodyear allweather balloon and the goodyear heavy duty we can give immediate delivery on your size or well put them right on your wheels without extru charge and dont forget that now is the time to buy for tire prices have never been lower f y w brathwaite stouffville ont phone 960 1 put a nctc goodyear tithe in ecery note casing although tin can day was slated for friday of last week it was saturday morning before the rubbage was removed from off main street while other streets had not been cleaned off on tuesday just hie night prior to this annual cleanup event a heavy rain came down and made me way into the dumping ground impassable for trucks hence the delay it may reasonably be said that the weather fairly canned the canned day for a time at least and where else could one better put the blame miss irhoda fuller teacher on the high school staff tor the past two years has resigned ncr position to take effect at the end of this term now drawing to a close it is not the intention of miss fuller to see another position at the beginning of next term as she finds it neces sary to remain home with her mother in st marys miss fullers resignation will be rormally accept ed by the school board on wednes day evening of this week a teacher of exemplary habits and kindly disposition her aeparture from town is not without its regrets a lifelong resident of this lo cality passed away just after mid night on tuesday in the person of mrs j w bruce whose maiden name was mary ann stouffer a daughter of pioneer parents to this locality her father abram stouffer came from pennsylvania the late mrs bruce was born on the homestead just north of the village gg years ago and was one of a family of nine children seven of whom sur vive her they are mrs c ramer mrs m wideman misses elizabeth and adaline stouffer mrs s hoover mrs j roadway and abram stouffer all of this locality mrs bruce is also survived by a stepdaughter mrs luellacreigh ton of toronto following her marriage to the late j w bruce the couple moved to winnipeg but finally located in stouffville where he conducted a blacksmith shop for years mr bruce died in november 1923 mrs bruce had been in ill health for some years and for a long time was unable to even leave her room a member of the methodist church of former days she was a devout christian woman and was highly re garded by all who knew her the funeral on thursday after noon of this week will take place to stouffville cemetery the service in the mennonite church at 2 so will be conducted by rev t laid law and rev s s shantz discipllne most housewives will be shocked when they learn that some people will use the milk bottles for putting coal oil and turpentine in such is the case and one milk dealer had a bottle returned to him last week with enough turpentine left in the bottom to destroy the brushes with which the bottles are washed for such people who are thoughtless enough to do this sort of trick there is a health law which will deal severely with them the act forbids milk bottles being used for any purpose other than holding milk they are the property of the milk dealers and householders have no right to utilize them for any pur pose if this intimation fails to put an end to such practices as men tioned the board of health is likely to look into the matter in a more serious way for saturday this week coopers plumbing and heating store an nounce a special demonstration of the norge electric refrigerator all owners of refrigerators should he interested in this convenient new- type you arc invited to call and see the norge there is no obliga tion to buy store next the bank of nova scotia sympathy is extended to mrs arthur swift wife of one of our garage men in the death of her father which took piace at clare- mont last weekend the late thos dehaney was 79 years of age and had lived in stouffville for some time with his daughter but at the time of his death was staying with mrs w swift another daughter the funeral took place on monday of this week to prospect cemetery toronto last week we had things to say about the teacher and her pupils just where does discipline begin is it not in the home if a child has not been taught to obey aud that promptly if he has not been taught what restraint is he hasnt been dealt a fair deal it is every childs right to know what obedience and restraint is it is every parents duty to see that these fundamentals are given to the child there are homes where these matters seem to be reversed this gives rise to the sentence we have seen on the blackboard at service stations parents who disobey their children arc a problem now to return to school discip line we venture to say that a teacher can readily detect those of her pupils who know what prompt obedience means trouble frequently arises with pupils who try to put it over the teacher it has often occurred that children have re marked to the teacher my mother said i was to or not to do so- and- so what reply can teachers wisely make but to say your mother- is too busy with her homo duties to know just what is needed at school then again it often occurs that a child who lias to be forcibly re strained at school can successfully make a caso with his interpreta tion of the affair to his parents and get them peeved against the teacher did you ever hear the remark made by a parent regarding his child oh hell get that taken out of him when he gets to school the school is expected as a correc tive agent the home looks for the school to overcome home delinqu ency a certain mother was having a hard time with her sixyearold why wont you mind me you mind miss b your teacher dont you oh i have to mind her pedagogue quality service fertilizer on hand at all times stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario cheaper farm implements auditorium theatre stouffville the local board of education has had to pay a surgical and medical bill of s101 as a result of a child running a sliver in its leg while playing on one of the teeters at the school grounds the cost mounted up owing to the youngster having to be taken to the hospital for the final removal of the bit of wood fortunate for the ratepayers and for the board as well one day prior to the accident the board took out an accident insurance policy protecting them from financial liability in such cases the cost of the policy was less than 30 which indemnifies us for a year and right off the bat we fell into a liability of nearly four times the amount of the premium this is the first time the school board ever took out an accident policy but we believe it will not be the last the insurance company carrying our risk is the london guarantee accident co of which mr a c burkholder is the local agent dr ira freel is providing cash prizes for the public school oratori cal contest in connection with the singing concert in ratcliffs hall next tuesday evening only public school children are eligible to com pete and the issue will be the early history of stouffville the four or five competitors in the con test will be allowed only three or four minutes each hence it will not unduly draw out the program which promises to be of great inter est mr fred chamberlain a former resident of whitchurch but who moved to toronto a year ago has roturned to this anode and has purchased the harry gilbert place of 50 acres just east of stouffville on the townlinemrchamherlain also purchased the stock mid farm imple ments just as they are on the place and on tuesday moved here to take possession as between city and country at the present time fred says the land is much more prc- ferable he had a position in toronto with one of the big trans continental lines nut steady em ployment was uncertain and wages had been cut to a minimum con sidering living costs there mr and mrs chamberlain are welcome back to stouffville and are to be con gratulated on securing this ideal farm home friday and saturday may 15 and 16 senor americano ken maynard our gang comedy friday and saturday may 22 and 23 tonight at twelve all star cast cartoon comedy this year is one to be cautious in and we can help you by supplying good used implements at great saving to you dont buy new implements when we have used one that will serve just as well at less cost heavy stock n hand all makes and sizes disc and hoe drills harrows in 3 and 4 sections riding and walking plows- double mould plows cutt ing boxes and gasoline engines wagons trucks with iron and wooden wheels all makes of cultivators ja 1 dont buy new harvesting euipment until you see our corn cultivators binders and mowers with years of service in them ph cutting boxes good as new peerless incubator hot water highest prices for fat henswool etc ben rexlin phone 192 main st stouffville a native son of stouffville died in lansing michigan on april 12 in the person of ltoy e davis son of mr elijah davis of lansing and at one time a furniture dealer in stouffville the family left hero when roy was a small boy only last summer the deceased visited the old town and enjoyd many happy hours among relatives and former friends of the family he had been 111 for about a week and died in the hospital of pneumonia mr davis who was 45 years of age had been a resident of lansing for 2g years and for 23 years was employed as bookkeeper with the reo motor co he was widely known in fraternal circles and njado many radio acquaintances a few years ago as program director for station wreo he was a member of plymouth congregational church in lansing where he acted as organist for the past is years surviving are hl father elijah j davis two sisters mrs chas miller of pontlac and miss marguerite davis of lansing and one brother merle davis also of lansing friends in stouffville and vicinity will be shocked to learn of the death of miss mabel cook which took place at paterson n j on wednesday of last week for some fifteen years miss cook had been engaged in the american centre ai a registered nurse and held a very high position in the profession it was known that her health had not been good of late out her death came as a shock nonetheless miss cook was horn and raised at lemon villa and was a sister to the late wm cook who died so sudden ly in 1924 by being asphyxiated in his garage here the funeral of the late miss cook toog place at pater son on tuesday of this week and was attended by mrs edith cook of toronto and y mr and mrs thos simpson of ballantrac the latter being cousins to the deceased change of ownership foskctts garage goodwood having purchased the garage business of mr i foskett i will continue an uptodate garago business experienced workman ship and genuine satisfaction guaranteed patrons will please note that mr foskett will continue the black- smithing woodworking and imple ment business as heretofore shortly new and enlarged premises will be completed right on the corner j m rac goodwood the stouffville bakery as servants of the public and conscious of our res ponsibility we have built one of the best equipped baking plants outside the larger centres cleanliness courtesy and efficiency characterize our service to the citizens of the local district phone and our delivery will wait on you a stover cakes cookies squares resale depot some people trade in their cars every year regard less of condition if you cant buy a new ford car now we have several used model a fords offering thousands of miles of unused transportation reconditioned and guaranteed- we dont need to mark up used car prices to make up for ex cessive tradein allowances the new ford is priced too close to the cost of production to permit unreasnable tradein con cessions that accounts for our lower prices see these special bargains at once some unusual bargains in used cars ford coupe 1930 ford 1 ton truck 1930 ford tudor 1928 ford 1 ton truck 1928 chev 1 ton truck 1928 star coupe 1925 tudor 1930 town sedan 1930 ford coach 1927 fordson tractor 1927 ford sedan 1926 a number of other cars d holden ford dealer stouffville phone 18402 patching only delays the when your roof is worn out and commences to leak you never know what damage will be caused to your decorations even though you make temporary repairs better save yourself trouble and money by reroofing now with brantford asphalt slates they cost less to buy less to lay and nothing for repairs speak to your brantford dealer about the more than 100 dif ferent colour combinations ob tainable in beautiful firesafe brantford roofs brantford roofing company limited head office nd factory brantford oat branch offices and warehouses toronto winnipeg montreal halifax saint john nr and st johns nfld for sale by stouffville planing mills stouffville

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