cow fighting i how fast and how far can humans fly is popular sport in switzerland queen of alps crowned annually in combats ar ranged by herdsmen each nation has its sport spain has its bullfishts china its cricket duels haytl it cockfights likewise ow fights are favoriio sport among the peasants of the alpine cantons t switzerland says the pathfind er our future airplane speeds will be almost unlimited- but man must train his body and his senses to withstand the strain says noted army aviator by lieutenant lester j maitland n the xew york heraldtribune man will be able to fly great dis tances at tremendous altitudes and with unheardof speed as soon as ha can train bis body bis nerves and his eyes to take advantage of the ma chinery engineering genius will put at his disposal this is my answer to the three ques a long series of elimination fights tions ct tow fast how lghhow ore held to determine which cow soon that are continually being ask- ohall be the champion of each can- ed uv ever person remotely interest- ton and finally to decide which one f ig aviation hall became queen o the alps for the season only the canton champions are permitted to partici pate in the final bouts the center of this interesting sport js the canton of valis high in the alps in southern switzerland this region was the original home of swiss cheese and its inhabitants de pend largely on their dairy industry for a livelihood just as soon as the snow has melt ed on the slopes of the mountain in tho spring tho herds rf cows are re- iurneil to their pastures here and there among tho mountains are tiny pasture villages the cottages are opened when tho cowherds arrive with their cows and provide shelter until fall during the winter the huts are covered with snow candidate for the cow fighting championship are selected from the herds nt before they are started lor their summer pastures the owner of a herd usually selects sev eral likely cows for this purpose sunday is the favorite day for the bouts when the weather is nice hundreds and even thousands of peo ple from the towns go out to see these swiss cows contend tor the proud title queen of the alps it is libra than just a fight between i few cows the people make a gala occasion ot it they bring their lunch with them mid gathei on the hilltops for a glorious picnic as the cows battle in the forum the spectators cheer wildly of course there is some betting but generally on a small scale only tho swiss farmers insist that the cows are sensitive animals and take considerable pride ir winning the laurels ot the day like rnce horses they seem to understand the signi ficance of the occasion the cows selected for the contests have large horns and frequently the clash be tween two good fighters is terrific as a rule a bout does not last more than fifteen or twenty minutes in that time one of the other of the con testants routs its opponent there is a real purpose behind this odd eport the duke of wellington is credited with having said that the battle ot waterloo was won on the football field at oxford he spoke figuratively of course and meant that the superior training of the bnglish in sports enabled the british nrmy to defeat the french the swiss fanners long ago learned that certain cows were braver and strong er than others and took pride in pro tecting the herd from dogs or other ouenile the cow fights were organized to train cows for this purpose a de feated cow is said to feel humiliat ed but the victor is a real queen she carries her head high and there after is always ready to protect her herd on al occasions she be comes the mistress of the herd this lessens the burdens of the cow herds who finds it easy to control the rest of the herd by controlling the leader prague fair attracts buyers from 37 nations progue moderate optimism was the keynote of tho spring exposition of the prague international fair which ended recently although many de partments of industry still work at re duced speed indications are that the turning point has been passed slack ness may still exist for several months but a progressive it slow recovery is generally expected czechoslovaka has been less severely hit by the de pression than most industrial nations tho fair usually provides an excel lent barometer for measuring czecho slovakias industrial pulse it as sembled 2st7 exhibitors of whom 130 were foreign jugoslavia austria holland latvia and france were offi cially represented while england the united states germany and india were represented by private com panies the number of buyers was 423000 coming from thirtyseven countries another proof of tho im portance of the fair is being found in the total space occupied it being given as about 450000 square feet austria jugoslavia rumania ger many and poland were the chief buy- cowslips a man ranged cowslips on a stall and wondered how- many he should five for a penny and another man passing caught th6 gleam and odour of them and had i vision of a blue valley touched with j pold and april seattericg dcsultryi latns by t w h crossacd taken from the white wallet filled bj ramela gray how soon the- human machine can be trained along these lines still re mains to be seen in the light of the achievements of our presentday fly ers i would say that the day is not far off many records have been broken in recent year plants have climbed dis tances into the sky hitherto believed impossible over 40000 feet above the earth manmade machines piloted by human eagles have soared and come down safely a plane piloted by squadron leader orlebar of the royal air force has rushed through tho air at a speed of more than 330 mlits an hour and the feat of remaining in the air for weeks at a time has passed into the realm of the usual and to the public asking just how such records affect commercial avia tion my answer is the whole future of commercial flying is bound up in these experiments the machinery that has so lightened the work of the farmer was achieved through experimentation the auto mobiles that now travel at so swift a pace over our roads came from the first uncertain gasoline buggy after years of hard gruelling tests just so the airplane of the future will emerge from its present adoles cent stage into a thing of now un dreamed perfection nothing is impossible in connection with irplanes twentyfive years ago the thought of man flying in hcavier- thana craft was regarded as ridicu lous and yet iook what man has ac complished he has not only learned to keep him self aloft but has been able to fly oceans conquer all sorts of hazards and even carry on successful warfare from the clouds what then can we not accomplish in the same amount of time in the fuj ture we can only judge the possibility of future accomplishments in the light of past ones aud taking the last twenty- live years of progress as a standard tho vista that opens out before stu dents of aviation is practically un limited in its scope of possibilities and probabilities think of arising at n fairly early hour in mew york having breakfast land due to the difference in time ar riving on the west coast in time to carry on a days work this is not idle dreaming it is pos sible the great strides aviation has made in the last few years bring near er and nearer the possibility of mans being able to bend time and space to his will tills fast time according to scien tists will be made in the upper re gions of the air the efforts made by flyers today to when in toronto make your home at hotel ford bay st at dundas st rates s150 to sz50 single every hotel service in a clean quiet fireproof building 750 rooms robson the loftiest peak of the canadian rocki les more about another part of flying that exacts its physical toll from the avia- or speed flying in the pulitzer race in 1922 when i raced with lieutenant maughan his plane reached a speed of more than 200 miles an hour he come down from the gruelliug test completely exhausted and said that at times when the plane was tra velling at this then unprecedented speed he was absolutely lose in a haze reach the ultimate ceiling are far more 0u ever tura he said he was stunned rheumatism quick relief from rheumatic pains without harm to relieve the worst rheumatic pain is a very simple matter aspirin will do it every time its something that you can always take genuine aspirin tallets are harmless look for the bayer cross on each tablet important than a mere desire to shat ter a record it is up there at a height incompre hensible to the ordinary person that air lanes may be found over which the planes of the future will fly at light ning speed it is already known that in these up per regions there are winds that blow at hundreds of miles an hour it re quires no great stretch of the imagina tion to realize the desirability of a fast planes taking advantage of a wind blowing 300 miles an hour we know from lieutenant orlebars record that planes can be flown at more than 300 miles an hour we also know that there are swift trade winds in the upper regions knowing these two things the next step is to com bine the two and thus increase the speed of our flying these upper regions lure every flyer on they hold mysteries and at the sj time they hold the greatest pos sibilities here again the flyers physical abil ity is taxed to the utmost thin air lack of oxygen and subzero weather are the great foes of flyers at the maximum ceiling there are many menaces in altitude flying but just now i want to say trrdemabk reo made i canada wool twelve cents the canadian yooi co ltd 2 church st toronto owl laffs about the best you can do is to go traight ahead workinj all the time minding your own business drinking plenty of water fighting for fresh air dodging motor cars and hoping for the best jxx w ssl asos qvab kftvji- jhtma jjwl oxsu redrosetea n good 1qux m the wrong people like father like son but like daughter and you dont give a darn for the rest of the family he just as burgess and the widow- jones started up the aisle to the altar every light in the church went out she what did they do then he kept right ou going the widow knew the way classified advertising baby chicss a bau xv ist1ej and up analogues rrte a- 11 swltxer oramon ontario typewriters akitux l rebuilt empire jlj t itwriters guaranteed same as new sii cash with order satisfaction or money refunded twite for type writers hi st- peter s montreal hew to the waistline let the hips fall where they may gladys after id sung my encore i heard a gentleman from one ot the papers call fine fine harry goodness and did yon have to pay it epkesentative wa would ku mkk to be the local representative for fast sett ing household necessities wine oiar- enee cameron dj wellington st 15 toronto out would you im thought that a word of mine perhaps unkind and untrue would leave its trace on a loved ones face id never speak it would you almost into unconsciousness and at one time he was completely out were it not for that fact that he re covered almost instantly that race would have ended in tragedy i myself was thoroughly fagged out and so i could understand his state of complete enervation after making sharp turns flying at fast speeds i have gone blind this condition is caused by the blood being drai from the brain by the sudden turn in direction while uncomfort able it is only a temporary condition j when men in an oder day jilted a for when the ship gets back on an girl she took it to heart but now she even keel the head clears instantly takes it to court tb- sensation is somewhat like hav- ing a bright sun suddenly dispel a j vjf xo 999 darl cloud yom majesty at the present time the strain of k solomon i certainly do my i if i thought that a smile of mine might linger the whole day thru and lighten some heart with a heavier part id not withhold it would you riddles why is a dog biting his tail a good manager because he makes both en meet what is the difference between a butcher and a flapper one dresses to kill and the other kills to dress what sleeps in the daytime and flies around at night a bat property exchanges for a satisfactory exchange b your farm busimv city or town property write or see ii h davidson 100 adelaide st west toronto and do you love me makes homes healthful and beautiful always sweet and clean free stencil premium lahel on every pack age send for decorators guide and stencil catalogue s05 gypsum lime and alabastine canada limited fris relieve w hat most people call indiges tion is usually excess add in the stomach food has toured the instant remedy is tn alkali which reutrallies acids but dont use crude helps v what your doc- youll nexer deal tor out3 advise manner with ieadacies the best help is phillips milk of magnesia for the 30 years since its invention it has remain- cd standard with physicians you one tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many times its voluml in tcld the results are immedi ate with no harmful aftereffects once you learn this perfect way in any other fis bloalltg tiusea dizziness ln- dleiton biliousness etc due to an overaeld stomach and bowels bo ture to get genuine phillips will fid nothing else so tiulck in look for the name phillips oi the its effect so harmless o efficient i bottle al drugstores sell it 50c pysical strain but a nervous strain and rj well when the upper air lanes are fathomed however there will be a eat change in the status of flying earth bound vehicles are restricted in their possibilities for speed they travel now as fast as they can within the limits of safety it is not because they are unable to go faster but be cause it is not safe to do so the ground is covered with living things constantly crossing and recross- ing each others paths too great speed endangers not only the life of the speeder but the rest of the world as well no such condition exists in the air the speed limits of the airplane rest only on the ability of the pilot aud the worth of his plane and motor j my opinion is that the pilot is the chief one to bo considered in the race for fasterair travel engineers today can transfer from paper to reality faster planes than we are as yet able to fly when man is able to train his body to stand the strain and his senses not to give way under the terrific pressure j of tremendous speeds and great heights he will find waiting for him i am sure the plane that will make it possible to eat up distance at a pace beside which the present 350 miles an hour will be but childs play as the airplane industry grows old- er we are constantly finding out more and more about fuels it is amazing in the light of recent discoveries how little we really knew at first about this most important part of flying i our main struggle now is to get an ideal fuel one that will weigh less and furnish more power and to find a means of lubricating the motor ef- ficientiy under all weather conditions as for the motors that are being made today they are marvels of en- 1 gineering construction taey standi up under hours of flying at terrific speeds the motor of the future plane will undoubtedly be better however along with the rest of the machine xo matter to what degree of efli- ciency the plane itself is developed unless we find some way of success fully combating the lack of oxygen and the low temperature of the upper regions we cannot fly there the ordinary person cannot and will not travel by air unless it is made comfortable for him it is our business as pilots and explorers of the air to undergo hardships to prove that fast flying is feasible but we must offer comfort and safety before the world will fly with us every one can use his imagination as to what the air liners of the future will be what they will look like and whether they can incemiort span the continent in 1 hours scienco end jas capacity of human beings for in- i ventiou will bring these things to us t but no matter whether the coming j plane have a hermetically sealed cabin or something else of one thing i an i sure all things are possible in the three days of spring weather and some folks are already kicking about the heat a young married couple have to pull together to make ends meet money isnt everything but its tho only thing that keeps breaking from being a crime the instant a man brings up the subject of thrift his wife demands that he quit smoking cigars and playing golf the objec tion to unemployment is that it affects sometimes youngsters display an amazing grasp of popular ideas like the little boy who was asked by his mother recently mother were you a good little boy at school today the son yes mamma i didnt get caught once judge you stole egg from this ans store have you any excuse accvsed yes i took them by mis judge how is that i accused i thought they were fresh the reason a scotch bagpiper walks up and down when playing the pipes is because it is always harder to hit i moving target j what makes lite dreary is the want of motive george elict f agent wanted of iinquestijiiable integrity uiiose ecod n his community will hear iiv siiiatum to ms tribute inves tnieiit securities for a toronto investment house established o er forty years- all replies wii bo freated in confidence reply p o box 91 terminal station a to v ronto free praises famous vegetable pills for indigestion having been troubled with indigest ion ano sick headaches for several months i was recommended to try rour famous pills after the first dose was made aware of their very real tonic value miss m croydon dr carters little liver pills are no ordinary laxative they are all vegetable and have a very definite valuable tonic action upon the liver exactly what yon neea to end constipation acidity biliousness headaches poor complex ion etc all druggists 25c 75c reef pks i large lllusira ed catalokue new and rebuil- i bicycles fro n 10 up ilotor cycles boat oi tboan motors itu-n- tatlon paid write to duke cyoie and mctok fo 625 qaeen street w toronto kennedy j menton 421 collegj st j toronto harleyoavidson distributor write at once for ojr bargain list of used motorcycles terms arranked why tolerate pimplet blachhcatts ami danelrutri cwticbflra soap and cuticura ointment ruj fralckl and cconucilcllt pofifj prere your mn nd hair take long walks fat men are told how can you wulk oft your fat ib you havent any energy to do it t yw an take off fat with kruschen salts it you will cake one half teaspoon in hot water every morning before breakfast modify your diel and exercise regularly there arc six different salts in kruschen that your body organs musts iiave if you are to injoy good health while you are osing fat you will be gaining m vigor energy vitality and power of endurance that means that soon you will net able tc walk many miles without fatigue and enjoy 3very step vou walk drug stores all over canada sell kruschen salts and a jar costs but 75 cents its s real blessing to fat people youll look forward to your meals for hit menus are designed espe cially to satisfy that seaair appetite they are based on 91 years of experience in the art of pleasing passengers since 1840 sailings weekly from montreal obin rates from 130 tourw third cabin s10s third clan round trip 15 special seasonal third clan round trip excursion rate 5189 information from cor boy ond wallrngton sts phono elgin 3471 toronto or any siiamtnip agent made id canada cunard anchor- donaldson why not help tour kidneys the speed of modern life rich foods lack of proper eierciae make unusual demands on the kidneys and liver failure to heed nature s warn ing of trouble ahead often leads to illhealth and misery dont wait for trouble take war ners safe kidney and liver remedy rerrulnrlj this safo and plant- tmtlns herbal remedy aids nature in its important duties of throwr oft body poors the eau of illhealth dont delay another day sold by drugfjlsts everywhere ror free fample write warnr safc remedies co toronto ontario warners safe kidney 5 iver remedy any child we can never be sure just what makes a child restless but tbe remedy can always be the same good old castorial theres comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation and not the slightest harm in its frequent use as often as your child has a fretful spell is feverish or cries and cant sleep let castoria soothe and cruiet him sqmr times its a touch of colic sometimes constipation or diarrhea a con dition that should always be checked without delay just keep castona handy and give it prompt y belief will follow verv promptly if it doesnt you should call a dhysician future of aviation c kmmmsb issue no 18 31