Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 19, 1931, p. 6

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april escapade by kathleen norris garden talks article 1 synopsis whiles he staying mr steynes mary kate ollara accepts the irio- 1 i didnt hear you bitlon or chrlstoibr stynes that sh i ji mvne or whatcvr act as hl3 wire in orkr to ducouras a js h or itusian vountess who desires him to bis name s staying m san mateo marry her daughter while 1m steynea 1 burlinkne home a burjtlar enters and chrlstoihtr j jrjt rhoots him iouev take mary katei then there was a long silence mary sr ssfjg kate had ciosed her eyes again and turny home only to tirul that she has fallen in love aith steynes she ttlls this to ass keatlnp her regular beau not the chris kteynes who shot a burplar the other night asks cass paper deliveries street gangs mes- tenger service were in his voice i they got everyones name the servants everyone mary kate had j thought this answer out before it caused cass to fall into ion- 0 ajt until ue winter thought his lips pursed the cigarette to commence gardening be- dead in his hard f0 a v tbe ls a s jeal rotten break he finally comment- of satisfaction in planning the trans- ed but you dont have to tell me formation of that bit of ground sur- he went on patting her hand thai ouiding the house some evening this you didnt do anything wrong no i didnt do anything wron rich in body and delicate as blossoms in its flavour canadas fur trade rerh in romance was leaning back looking spent and limp but there was a sudden nar rowing a sudden speculative light ii casss eyes did you go to sacramento he atked suddenly in a level voice her yes hashed open color rushed into her face xo she whispered fearfully slightly shaking her head she was sitting erect now and as cass did not speak but continued to regard her with a sort of horrified astonishment in his look she put her two hands to her head am disordered her brilliant crushed hair with frantic fingers my god cass breathed whis- ering in return his unmoving eyes in a different j glued upon her face a lighter tone whatever dawning j silence silence it spread and suspicions he had entertained were rose and deepened between them life allayed how often did you see the noiseless waters of a swollen iimv he asked river three times mary kate answer- oh not the way yoj think mary cii after a moments consideration kate resently said impatiently in- twice in the office she thought j differently i didnt do anything and once more to eovev rll that other j wrong im not a kid to be led astray time i know the commandments i went chapter xxix she had forgotten that she had forgotten everything but chris her heart leaped with instinctive fear but she answered careless enough thats the man and you met him in the office mary kates head jerked an assent against his shoulder whatd h do try to make love to you xo he never touched me he never said a word like that i mean ohh cass said he went on absently patting her hand phases of the affair were occur ring to him lucky thing for you mart was away oh wasnt it she breathed fer vently to be continued what new york is wearing by anxabflle worthington illustrated dressmaking lessons fur nished willi every pattern down there on business for mr roun- tree but why didnt you tell me she spoke apathetically i knew motherd raise the reof why should she i thought she might but 1 there was nothing wrong mary kate shrugged sighed and i ado ro answer there was infinite indifference infinite weariness in her averted eyes when i went into the kitchen a while back to give your mother a quarter for the ras meter cass said i didnt have a quarter so i picked ip your purse and took it from that and i saw a return ticket from bur- iingame there she remembered now chris had bought her a reurn ticket on satur- ing at her smiling at her they might day afternoon not knowing that sh3 have live minutes talk it was all she j already had such a ticket in her purse wanted all she needed it haurt seemed to matter then and you got a sort of crush on it kind of surprised me because in him cass asked amusedly all the months ve known you youve cass laughed you saw him three timer and he never said a word about love he summarized it well yes he did say something about love she remembered he even said something about well fall ing in love with me but it was not serious it was sort of about how furny it would be something like that the man ruminated vpon this for rone moments and mary kute closed her eyes again she heard chris tophers voice saying that her gown was grand that she was a swell maiy mary mary it was a beautiful name it had a hundrcu times the dignity of mary kate he might come into the office to morrow he might stand there look i suppose thats it but you dont know one about him mary kate i know look you might hate him i might there had been ments she remembered when sht never ben to burlingame that i knew hing 07- cass pursued j they wanted me to go to a dinner j ard pretend to be somebody that was all there was to it mary kate pres- mo- eritly volunteered had i i see wei your mother would thought that she already hated him but then what makes you think you have a crush on him the the way i feel cass mary- kate said earnestly she had to tell somebody she couldnt tell anyone else- if i hadnt met him id think 1 was sick she resumed with a shamed laugh because most of it is just feeling sick hot and dry and not have minded that she might have whered you stay oh at one of their houses other people there a seconds cause then she yes did mr rountree ask vou t mary kate oh yes as a favor to him sau to do it cold and shaky and well just mad i was a beginning to seem natural and with restlessness ail the time id not simple her nerves steadied think it had anything to do with i don see why you shouldnt do with him excet that its wors when i that cass mused was steynu j think of him the way his voice sounds the way he looks cass had squared about to face her in the dark xow he said in an al tered voice a speculative deliberate voice say you have got it ive got something ma kate confessed with an unhappy laugh youve felt like that before th man questioned a silence then she said imply never in my life before cass fell silent now too he pot up from the davenport and won to the light and turned it higher a flickering halfhearted illumination wavered on the ugly walls shabby chair and curtains the man pghteii a cigarette lie came back to the davenport but sat apart from her now twisted about so that he faced her the cigarette in his fingers listen here he said you must have had crushes like that before in high school i never did she persisted stead ily mary kate cass said in what considering his young confidence in his masculine power to handle all her problems as well as his own was a new strangely uncertain voice you didnt i mean when we were so happy last week when i was so crazy about you as god knows i am now you didnt fee that sort of feeling then her passive hand lay in his she raised her troubled eyes spoke apa thetically i think thats what im trying to tell you cass thats the way i felt about you he said humbly i know mary kates voice was ulmost inaudible every telephone means you o me the man went on oh i know oh voice of chris somewhere out in the spring night where were you now her heart be gan to hammer again he must not sail next sunday until she hoi a chance to talk to him once only cass was speaking she cauld hei his voic but s k the words staying with him xo hes taken a spanish house a little way off the bersinger place i think they called it the name stirred casss memory were they talking about the burg lar no it was before the burglar he thought aloud when were you lets sec it was that night it was when i was there she confessed fearfully yet with sudden relief in her voice too my god cass said not irrever ently as he glanced at this slender crushed anxious girl with the deep blue eyes who was one- day to be his wife you might have let yourself in for something i did mary kate admitted rais ing her steady look to his you werent in steynes house i was as it happened howd that happen the arrangement was made that way ik had a house party eh mart would skin you mary kate cass said off on a tack 1 know it and mother too but why did you do it they wanted to pay me for it cass ard you know how i wanted to hn mart to go to germany you mean with doctor van antwerp hm cass mused why but look he said brightening after a moments thought thats whats been the matter with you you poor little thing youve gotten yourself all wrought up over nothing and you think its a crush or mr steynes dont you see it was the excitement and the risk how- much did you see of the man of chris topher steynes she had to add the last three syllables to j the name as an afterthought xo the burglar oh i heard voice and the gun she covered her face with her hands shuddered gosh cass ejaculated youthfully they got the police huh immediately didnt get your name he na 2923 heres a lovely model for day wear in printed flat crepe its charmingly slender the bodice cuts all in one until it joins the skirt flounce that gives smart animation in its circular cut another idea for this easily made model that will make it appear entire ly different is to make it sleeveless with the cape collar as shown in the miniature views youll like it im mensely in black chiffon for sunday nights style xo 2922 may be had in sizts 11 16 18 20 years 36 38 40 and 42 inches bust size 36 requires 3 yards of 39inch material with is yard of 32inch contrasting wool crepe tweed mixtures and canton crepe also appropriate how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto gabble gsrtie when its easy sledding often on thin ice you re i week it is of course quite possible i to put in a garden without a plan lint the results will not hi nearly as satis factory as when one has plotted everything out on paper these plans should be roughly drawn to scale so that there will be less difficulty in putting them into execution next i month or the month after with the flower garden there are a number of factors to take into consideration it- ono owns the property something per manent should be worked out the de velopment to take place over a period of years close up against the house and screening the rigid lines and cor ners will be shrubbery and perhaps an odd tree or two in front of tils will be the taller lowers perennials or annuals and maybe some spring flow ering bulbs to go in next fail there will be paths to lay out disfiguring but highly necessary telephone and power poles water and sewer con nections straight driveways and simi lar affairs to screen the time of flowering the color of bloom and the height of the various plants must be especially noted along tbo front of the beds dwarf edging material will be used leading up gradually to the taller flowers depending on the width of the bed in this planningit is es sential to have a good seed catalogue handy and perhaps a government bulletin or two both these refer ences are easily procured and of course are free- in the catalogues will bo found all the necessary infor mation such as the height of the various plants the time and color of flowering and any special uses to which the particular flower may be put such as its position with reference to light and soil conditions plan to have something in bloom from the very earliest time in the spring until fall frosts reduce everything to a common level the bulbs of course such as the tulip and hyacinth will come out first and these where a proper selection is made will be fol lowed by a continuous bloom supplied by annuals and perennials until late in september in the warmer sec tions of the province it is quite with in the range of possibility to have some hardy flowers until early novem ber for those people who wish to have something just a little out of the ordinary something they can show their gardening friends with a little pride there are plenty of opportuni ties in this delightful pastime a pool may be installed where water flowers will bloom perhaps along a terrace or behind the shrubbery a rock garden with alpine plants may bo developed away at the back among the trees wild flowers and rare shadeloving plants may be intro duced rose gardens can be provided and here again one can depart from the ordinary by training these beauti- ul bushes to a single stem to repre sent a flowering tree or over quainty built arches and trellises indeed the more on looks into gardening the more it is realized that some things like hilly locations unsightly garages and high fences which regarded at first as obstacles are really oppor tunities for developing special skill have plenty of vegetables in the vegetable garden straight rows are essential a full years sup ply of vegetables can be easily pro duced where the garden is fairly largo and this usually applies to all places in the country the villages or the smaller towns if there is room enough full sized rows of from thirty inches to four feet are advisable so that full advantage can be taken of horse or garden tractor cultivation such vegetables as carrots beets let tuce and spinach can be grown in the narrower rows while potatoes toma toes cucumbers squash and corn re quire from three to four feet in the larger garden it will not be necessary to worry about conserving spaco by alternate rows of quickly maturing stuff such as lettuce and spinach which aro taken off before the latter sorts require tho full room but this does not mean that tomatoes for in stance should be allowed to sprawl over the ground staking of thee plants is always advisable as tho fruit matures earlier and is cleaner and a neater appearance is given to tho whole garden bun the rows north and south so that the sunshine will bo evenly distributed after tho early crops are harvested and the first of them like the radish will be ready in from three weeks to a month sow a cover crop of clover or oats which will cover tho ground keep down weeds and add fertilizer when plowed under by planting this seed at intervals of a week rather than a wholo packet at onco and by tho use of a late medium and early variety we can extend our vegetable season very materially tea fesh from the gardens canadas future i london dally express ind cone canada is patting through a depres sion but it is from no inherent cause the dumping of russian grain and tho general international dislocation l tovut thmfr t the ml cwhat l it but the sh ineflikl t7 h can realization of our own oneness with shines like too sun through tho mints v ii favored among all the nations in the i 1 wealth of her soil and the virility of 2rl k ihowlns ca her people the year ahead arc laden ti t t 2 with treasure g aml hy words hearing witness j to tho eternal varitlc cot a i2sue no 8 z marriage is cot a lottery its a nptated the fears of the boy who potterywhere human clay in made j most fixed opinions can f land a lot has workeo his way up through news- ioto family jar of fnicg an indoor message green is my room and white calm cool and peaceful green for the countryside joyous and hopeful white for its purity shining beautiful green is my room ahd white welcoming restful i made it green and white just to remember glad days of long ago searching for snowdrops snowdrops of purest white sheaths of the tenderest green green and white symphonies rising through snowdrifts so my room white and green always ls whispering glad days are ever here hopes promises fulfilled under the sternest skies under the deepest drifts snowdrops the bravest flowers are steadfastly growing dear room of grean and white always your message is gracious comforting a m bartholomew in the chris tian science monitor parasite control the dominion department of agri culture and the departments of agri culture of quebec nova scotia and prince edward island are cooperat ing in making available to sheep raisers in eastern anada a booklet common animal parasites injurious to sheep in eastern janada tho manuscipt prepared by dr lionel stevenson of the ontario depirtment of agriculture deals in a practical j way with a wide raige of parasites their appearance and the symptoms b il which indicate their presence and also prescribes effective treatment a limited supply of the booklet is available for free distribution through the publications branch of the do minion department at ottawa dr oliver moderator of the united church of canada will fly to meet ings in british columbia a real sky- pilot st thomas timesjournal cholly your sister seems to be rather gone on me dont she little johnny after you are gone you wouldnt think so the mono township council in the fterest ot economy have cut their own salaries there is an example that should interest other municipal governments peterboro examiner airplanes are being used in pen nsylvania to scatter food for wild birds and game but even though you may not own an airplane you can still help a lot by scattering such food by your own doorstep the christian science monitor yul andsweeter goom sy1vup ebwrdsburc5 for rheumatism prompt relief from headaches lumbago colds sore throat rheumatism neuritis neuralgia aches and pains does nor harm the heart aspirin a tablets aspirin traccmark re3 only atpxrin paclaee which contains proven directjons hcodar aspirin boxes 12 ubkte abo bottles of 24 and 10oa11 dxugsuts- iicio la czziii exports amounting to 9- 4f322 imported by england durins 1930 canada may be described as the last great fur preserve of the world the fur trade of the dominion is rich in romance duriug the french regime it was the mainspring of dis covery and devopment and later its profits enabled the hudsons bay company to hold the west until the dominion had grown to absorb it for three centuries the wild animal was the sole as it is still the main source of pelts but in the last four decades the fur farm industry hai grown until it supplies abput one- eighth of the skins taken montreal now holds a position as an inter- national fur market and sales aro held also at winnipeg and edmonton while the dressing and dyein of furs is one of the growing industries of the country the year in the fur trade runs from july to june and there has recently a report for the year 1929 in this year the value of canadas production of raw furs was 1st45473 and tho total number ot pelts was 515032s there was for the year an increase ot lo49n3 in the number of pelts taken but ow ing to a fallingoif in the capture of the more valuable animals there was a decrease in value cf about 12000 the figures given represent both the value of pelts taken by trappers and those raised on fur farms the value ot the latter constituting ap proximately 12m per cent ot the total the increase in the number ot pelts taken was made up chiefly by three kinds which have a largo annual production but are among the lower priced furs namely ermine weasel muskrat and squirrel on the other hand beaver coyote fish er blue fox patch or cross fox red fox white fox lynx marten raccoon and wolf many of then- higher priced showed a reduction in the numbers taken improved methods of capture there lias been a marked change in the fur trade in recent years ow- ing to the advance of lumbering min- i ing and settlement as well as to in creased competition and improved methods of capture to meet these i conditions governments of the terri tories and provinces have taken steps to conserve the wild animals while the trade has assisted in meeting the demand for furs by popularizing com mon and previously despised furs and by encouraging the use of furs of domestic animals the fox has proved to be the best suited for domestication although other kinds of furbearers mink raccoon skunk marten fisher muskrat and beaver are being successfully raised in captivity experiments in the breed ing of rabbits for their fur have re sulted in the production of several valuable kinds chief among these be ing a rabbit whose fur resembles that of the bolivian chinchilla and which under the name of chinchilla rab bit is becoming of importance to the fur trade before the war the chief market for canadian furs was in england and that position has been regained within the last year in the inter val it was for a time held by tho united states of the 5100000 of undressed furs exported to the uni ted states and the united kingdom in 1914 england received 3000000 in 1919 out of the 13300000 worth exported only 3700000 went to tho british market in the year ended in june 1929 however great britain took 10300730 out of the total of 23023038 which went to the united states and england more over in the 12 months which ended in june last out of total exports ot undressed furs valued at 17187399 the united kingdom took 9453322 and the united states c9724g6 canadas imports of raw furs in the year just mentioned were less than half her exports being valued at 7- 51ss85 over 80 per cent of thcs imports came from the united states north africa declared as cradle of mankind where did tho worlds first men live asks pearsons weekly a fa mous french explorer believes that north africa is the cradle ot roan and he has just led an expedition into the sahara desert to make excava tions that ho feels will prove his theory to be correct he hopes to find a large number of tools used by prehistoric man in the worlds early days part of the sahara was under water later it dried up and tribes of fierce cavemen lived there now it is one of our most barren tracts of land it is almost impossible to get water in this desert there are small oases in certain fertile areas and these are inhabited by groups ot natives but in the mlddlo of the desert you may go for many thousands of miles without finding ono drop of water few explorers dare penetrate into tho heart of the desert although great scientific discoveries would doubtless be made because ot tho terrible heat only a handful of no mads who have lived there since they were born can stand it in tho day the temperature is over one hundred degtees fahrenheit by night it has dropped below freezing point

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