Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 4, 1930, p. 2

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april e5capade by kathleen norris conic on regina said tess contentment regina had cast herself into a chair scek peace among hms had hei synopsis the ohara family poor but happy is supported by martin and mary kate the two oldest children martin vho ktudyink medicine at nights bets ctiance to ko to oermany with t van antwerp but turn it down because of be family mary kate who wants him lo take the opportunity which will mean a ereat deal to him tries to plan some way to ret the money which will enable martin to go mary kate and a young chap cao keatiiik are in love plan to be mar rled as suon as possible chapter v listen they ought to tell everyone right away cass thought and listen they ought to plan to get married right after kaster and listen he was going to stay on with the ocon nor ownyourownnest company for just two more years and then he was going to borrow capital and start in for himself and listen there was no reason why they should live in town if she would prefer berkeley san mateo or any other suburb but no mary kate wanted to be near her mother all right then but listen every little while she gave a little wriggle of excitement and pleasure this occurred when she thought of all the fun ahead that fun of which she had lost sight in the excitement ot discovering herself really upon the eve of an actual engagement but there would be househunting to do oh fun and then her name would be changed of course she would be mary kate keating fun and the girls in the office would all crowd around to see her ring oh yes and shell have a ring and some day she would have a square little sturdy boy with his little tummy belted into a elean stiff romper and a little pink girl baby in a gray perambulator with snowy blankets and a batiste em broidered cover and eiderdown all round her pink cap listen dear you could manage on that oh cass we can have company dinners ill ask ma how she fries chicken mary kate dont die till some of this comes true more laughter then presently they were off all over again i said to jim cane no the girl with the red hair that was at kittys party yes and i hadnt wanted to go i had on an old white rag i was sort of in mourning for uncle miles she giggled i remember that when i bought those slippers i told the clerk 1 wanted deep deep mourning but with a dancing heel youre a case cass told her adoringly there was only one cloud it seems selfish for us to be so hapny cass when poor old mart has to ie up his trip to germany dyou suppose it means so much to him oh cass with doctor van ant- worn well if i get going cass re minded her anxiously there was a silence mary kate had not heanl him her blue eyes were animated with a sudden change of expression she was looking into space frowning faintly lightly biting her scarlet lower lip oh my goodness she breathed what is it the man asked oh heavens ejaculated mary kate still in the same abstracted undertone but she wouu not say what it was instead she laughed her face sudden ly hot cass kissed the fragrant silky top of her head and went on with his plans listen dear obediently she listened or rather she tried to listen but her thoughts were racing now and her senses con fused something rather odd had occurred that very day in the office some thing that had seemed to mary kate finite unimportant at the time if ra ther puzzling and amusing but now um made of pure mater ials in modern sunlir factories no expense spared to have it clean wholesome and full flavored wrk1ey5 is wrapped and sealed to keep itas good as when it leaves the factory wrtlgleys is bound robe the best chat men and machines and money can make the delicious peppermint flavor freshens the mouth and aids digestion it came back to her in a different guise she hadnt had any special urgent need of money f en but all sorts of things had changed even since three oclock this afternoon the news of marts chance to go abroad was one thing her engage ment she was engaged was an other gordon rountree her employer rich atil sailed and fat and almost sixty had come into her office or rather had unexpectedly appeared in his own for she worked in his office and with him had been a mr chris topher steynes a big fairheaded too- welldressed person of about thirty or maybe a little mor2 these two had talked mysteriosly and confidentially to mary kate mr rountrce had done most of the talk ing mr steynes somewhat anxiously watching we want you to do us a tremend ous favor mr rountrce had said jialflaughingly and wholly nervous its something ah that you neednt that is you musnt mention to any one least of all your ah mother theres no harm in it christo pher steynes had put in scowlingly with an air of annoyance and reluc tance and brevity and both men had laughed somewhat uncomfortably i have to tell my mother every thing mary kate suspicious that they were laughing at her had said uncompromisingly exactly bub but not ah until afterwards gordon rountrce had said couldnt mary kate was al ways helpful even in bewilderment and affront couldnt miss malloy do it for you honcria malcy wps father mal- loys first cousin and fiftytyro and she kept a pretty harp eye upon the younger girls in the office inci saw that they didnt overlook any fast days or holy days of obligation evidently not for mr rountrce had said evenly with a level look miss malloy is the lady who is at tending to your insurance chris and this time both men laughed well that had been about all of that mary kate accepting tl eir con fidence only to this extent promising to respect it had politely declined to consider the matter further but now in the evening she did consider it furtl er undoubtedly these men would have been willing to pay for anything they wanted done prob ably that had been part of it she was to do something for them and they would pay her suppose they had been willing to pay a hundred dollars oh thrills to come home and give mart a hundred dollars as a start toward germany let that happen three or four times and he need have no misgivings about leaving the family to shift for itself suppose it hd been five hundred perhaps she had been a fool to be so firm anywaj mr rounlree had said consider it will you miss ohara i assure you you would put us deeply in your debt certainly- mr rountrce wouldnt want her to do anything wrong he was rather an old worldling but his attitude toward the girls in the office was always one of deep respect and kindly aloofness no harm tomorrow to follow it up a little what are you thinking about cass asked oh wouldnt you like to know is it about a man well yes her joyous mischiev ous laugh it is cass young about thirtytwo i guess handsome ixt me think yes rich oh yes look here i dont let you think about young men you know you be long to me now oh is that so you heard me tomorrow night ill tell you until then mary kate stipulated i im free to get into trouble if i like j yes but dont darling well i never have her voice fell to speculative note i wonder j what itd be like to get into trouble cass she mused to have all your world against you to bitterly bitterly regret something her tone arrested him he glanced down with a little surprise at her face on his breast god grant you never know mary kate amen said mary kate the peace that follows after pain to lie upon the grass and feel the cooling touch of summer rain the hills and wind and at the table upon which she stretched her slim arms layin fair head upon them im dead she said in the tone of a child who means lightly and play fully to be troublesome oh come on tess repeated go on regina and get to bed now otherwise its a poor reward id have takin you to the movies at all mrs ohara said briskly but absently one had to take this tone hourly with the children i tell you i cant regina pro tested laughing but not stirring she wants me to turn down the bed and open the window and every thing tess said accusingly jump up and run along darling its nearly ten oclock come on regina and then alary kate go on now regina stop pretending you are going to sleep there go on now looka the way pat went right to illustrated dressmaking lceson fur- l seek for love anion the love of earth sky to find among the quietness the happiness that passed me by i seek for solitude alone and to the hills i send my prayer that i may ease my aching heart that i may find contentment there marjorie allen iu the womans journal what new york is wearing by annabelle wortiungton no other orange pekoe can equal this in flavour they obey better now kmorange vv pekoe i stella k fulton tea fresh from the gardens bed lovey i ell you i cant mother tiere now enoughs enough mrs ohara said decisively she rose and gripped the small girls shoulder go on up to bed now with tess she commanded regina knew this tone she burst into tears i was only foolin and if pat hail done it youd all think he was funny she shrilled crossing the kitchen in a single streak like a eat and tearing upstairs on a stream of sobbing pro test the sympathetic and virtuous tess behind her i hate you all and you are all mean shrieked re gina from the unseen spaces beyond the kitchen the door swung shut there was peace thats the way she always is when she goes to the movies mother shes tired mrs ohara mildly to be continued wished with every pattern said very wings of britain wings of britain spreading wide over continents and seas gracious wings by youth upheld free unfettered as the breeze great on land great on sea thy dominions near and far in the air on british wings britains sons and daughters are sorms may rase and winds assail empires glorious changing place old things crumble new things rise on traditions of our race great guns wait her in the skies fruits of commerce and arts unanimity and peace union of her distant parts in our god our ancient trust finds fresh favor thrice renewed new endeavors horn of old with the power of faith imbued brave and strong ot purpose thou of thy childrens love a part longenduring patient tried live forever in our heart f v hakes ottawa flight lieutenant rcaf hasty conductor demanded the imperi ouslooking woman as sho paused on the platform of a crowded tramear i thought i told you i wanted to get off at itasput avenue but began tho conductor dont make excuses i know about your car being very full and about not being able to remember where everybody wants to get off ive heard all that before but you may bo sure interrupted the woman i shall report you for your impudence she alighted and the car started again then the conductor touched his cap and called after tho woman who was being left behind very sorry madam but itasput avenuo is half a milo farther on minards liniment a household friend s09 smart young things are wearing cottons linens and shantung the lowplaced circular flounce of a printed dimity in navy blue and white shows novel curved outline at the upper edge it tapers quite low at either side to retain a slim jsil- houctte a narrow belt with jeweled buckle accents the natural waistline the cape collar with knotted trim ming piece is interesting style no 2c09 may be had in sizes 14 16 18 20 years 3g and 38 inches bust nile green printed sheer lawn daf fodil yellow shantung peach linen pale blue tub silk crepe marine blue and white dotted voile and dustypink tones in striped silk shirting are out standingly smart how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number nnd address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto the old house dreams by emma belle miles ringed with my crumbling fences gaunt forsaken far from the busy ways wrapped in a tangled web of brier and braken i dream away the days stripped to the sunlight baie from sill to rafter an empty shell i seem home but for lizards void tf song or laughter and yet i hold my dream where are my darlings who veie born and played here alas they are all down age had not claimed me if but one had stayed here i had held fast my own you bonny lass you daughters sweet and comely led by your dreams to loam you give no thought now to the ram bling homely dun house ye once called home yet when between the sodden broken timbers drips the moons ladianee thin my little dreamchild wamlers through the chambers playing awhile unseen awhile yet i may feel his light feet leaving warm impress on my stair deep in the nights heart i may hear his breathing and know that lie is there til th great chimney naked to the weather alone points to the sky we shall go down these last long years together the little child and i of all my loves the passing years bereft me farsundered from my side this one alone i keep the one babe left me the little boy that died bad boys products of the best homes children used to obey when i was a boy grumbled undo james testily there is better obeying among children now than there used to be i think said his niece sylvia mother of three uncle james being slightly deaf overlooked tho fact that her statement differed entirely from his own no children dont mind as they used to do when 1 was a boy he continued when my father spoke to us the big gest of us walked the chalk line and be didnt even need to speak for if ho snapped his fingers at one of us or even pointed we jumped i can tell you there was no talking back in those days nowadays if i hear ono j of your youngsters told to do some thing likely as not he turns around j ml argues the matter and that isnt j good minding my dear young woman but uncle james if i dont listen to what the children have to say on their side of the question i cant ho radios automobiles and telephones produce problem pupils the bail boy it has generally been believed is the product more of the pooicr sections than of the more pro- j mirt of judging fairly dont you think it seems more just to hear both sides dldntvyour father sometimes niako porous hut according to the findings of an indiana investigator as present ed in school and society a parent who lives in the best street of tho towr or who enters even the desirable middleclass section handicaps his child unfairly boys and girls least ukciy to be- when he gave commands a hearing remonstrated mistakes without sylvia i suppose he did make mistakes but if he did we never dared to tell him so i tell you we minded said come problem pupils were- found to untie james we were taught to re live in an inferior residential sec tion moreover their homes collec tively had fewer pianos radio sets automobiles telephones and encyclo pedias than the homes of problem pupils as the new york sun sum marizes the findings the ingenious investigator desir ing to obtain some objective data on the home environment of problem pupils examined the part of the town in which each lived dividing tho place for his purposes into four residential sectors elite desirable middle class inferior and undesirable for purposes of comparison lie ex amined also the backgrounds of au ecual number of ideal pupils there were ideal and problem cases in each residential section hut he drew his conclusions from spect our parents i have always felt that if i were fair and just to the children they would respect me without being taught and as for the other i dont want my children to mind me with un thinking obedience declared sylvia what cried the old gentleman in horror throwing up his hands you dont heh no persisted sylvia i want to be able to explain my commands to them as far as they can understand them and then i want them to obey partly because obedience is reasonable and right and partly because their good sense tells them that the courso i have marked out will he the best for ail concerned in after life they will i stiuck between the two i of course have some use for unques- the balance tjoning obedience as for instance to roups established rules of the game or thus children living in the inferior the iaws o tne iuuii but wh 16 section ot the town constituted 50 per more limes whe the naoit o cent of the problem cases and pro- lacill a si and deciding ac- videds per cent of the ileol cases i in thejbctter resilient ai sections on rosiem pupils schoolmates a conclusive 11 tiie records lined the investi- humaji physicgcmy c- american families which devote all their time energy and money to keep ing up with the joneses ought to sym pathize with the golf professionals champion tmfmm as every one knows more spec tacles and eyeglasses are worn now than ever before we are told that the waiting rooms of oculists are crowded to the doors and a learned anatomist has teen giving us the rea son he says that during the past twentyfive years since automobiles became common there has been a marked change in the human physi ognomy the bride of our noses is widening our eyes are moving round to the sides of our heads and this evolutionary process is duo to the effort to look sideways in both direc tions while crossing a street the necessity of keeping an eye on aerial traffic further complicates matters lets think about something else superior canadian tobacco canadian farmers consequent upon research work done by the dominion department of agriculture are now producing practically all the line to bacco required by canadian manufac turers observes dr e s archibald director of dominion experimental farms who adds that the quality is better than that of the imported leaf the other hand the outnumbered their ide could anything be i especially when all in of 250 children were e but to be conviiici gator should have compared his ideal and problem pupils with normal children for somehow the ideal youngster seems a problem in himself most parents prefer their boy to show some not some many of the symptoms of healthy perverseness then they know alls well theres scarcely an ache or pain that aspirin will not relieve promptly it cant remove the cause but it will relieve the pain head aches backaches neuritis and neuralgia yes and even rheumatism read proven directions for many important uses genuine aspirin cant depress the heart look for the bayer cross inhale minardj linime is3ue no 36 30 chapter vi mrs ohara and her two younger daughters returned to the kitchen at twenty minutes to ten she beheld with some surpise that mary kate and the keating boy were still there she sat down sighing heavily her rosy full face was spattered with rain and her rich black hair pressed down by her bonnet the bonnet she immediately removed holding it in hor i hand and glancinf at it speculatively i from tinc to time knglish game and champion cock valued at 5000 exhibited by felix go lo bed nw girls before you ieach racehouac trainer poultry congress in london where many cana- gel settled down here she said dlan fowl were also on exhibit i cording to their reason and intelli gence will mean everything to them there are too many people already who do not think for themselves they are the ones who are ready to listen to the advice of any one who comes along on buying speculative mining stock or voting the straight party- ticket and then sylvia remembered one point on which they could agree and tactfully brought that forward i admit though that it is a ittle diffi cult at times tj allow the children to present their side of the case and at the same time keep them from taking advantage of this liberty they are tempted to begin to argue and teaso to gain their point but right there i set my foot down and they soon stop for that they know is not playing fair with me issued by tlu national kinderg ten association s west 40th street new york city these articles- are appearing weekly in our columns la cloche island yields treasure uld tfoube scraggly unshaven beards arc like dull unpolished shoes both arc entirely out of keeping with your pride of personal appearance so keep your shoes at all times smart with nugget which g vb waterproofs the shoes as it polishes ggj shoe polish the nugget tin open witli a uvid n indian skeleton 500 to 1 000 years old unearthed near georgian bay la cloche island georgian bay out an indian chief buried with all his treasures 500 to 1000 years ago has been found by archeologists of the mc donaldwarren foundation expedition exploring ancient graves in this area the skeleton will he removed to tho warren foundation at three oaks michigan together with the treasure taken from the grave dr george r fox archeologist who headed the party of scientists that came here from chicago last month unearthed the skeleton after days of labor aided by a crew of excavators that the indian was of an era of civilization unknown to the white man is the belief of dr fox and dr alvin laforge chicago because of the bear tooth necklace a shell necklace stono heads and arrow and spear heads which did not bear any markings ex cept those of the indian tribes which inhabited this section before the com ing of the french and english explor ers the absence of glass beads silver ornaments cloth iron implements and other trinkets is considered further proof the indian was of an age long before this land was trod by whites the indian had been honored tho archeologists believe by his bear tooth necklace indicating his fearless ness of wild or savage animals double numbers the haggardlooking man got into conversation with the happy carefree bachelor on their train journey to tho north yes said the former im tho father of six daughters then you and your wife have six mouths to feed replied tho bachelor haggard face shook his head no we have twelve he returned they arc all married

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