Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 10, 1930, p. 1

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vol xlii no 19 imtwtte stouffville ontario thursday july 10th 1930 a v nolan publisher backrite tablej for the kidneys a remedy for backache lumbago stone in the bladder brights disease diabetes urinary troubles rheumatism etc backrite tablets cleanse the kidneys thus allowing them to purify the blood installing new life and vigor into the en tire system price 50 cents j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 pavement job to start on monday local labor will be engaged sewer construction to start at obrien ave business cards medical dr s s ball phpsiciau and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr walter h woodrow medical arts bldg toronto eye ear nose and throat specialist will be in stouftville every other thursday 7 s pm office at dr dales a c kennedy chiropractor church st stoutfvlllo monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am drs irxherbert freel dr ira freel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only dental e si barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 jiarkham every tuesday office in wear block the warren bituminous paving co who have been awarded the contract for laying a storm sewer and asphalt pavement through stouftville will commence operations here on monday next a representa tives ol the firm told the tribune when interviewed this week will you engage any local help was the first question we asked we certainly will that is our poli cy to take all the local help but of course we bring our key men with us stated the companys engineer the first operation will he to lay the storm sewer pipe starting at the creek in front of obrien avenue and working west the drain which goes down the centre of the street will all be completed before the en tire surface of the road is torn up it will be necessary to arrange for detours when the concrete base is ready to lay the street will not all be closed at one time but only in sections as the work goes on the gravel to be used in the work staled the engineer will come from storeys at gravel hill the company will confer with engineer rose in an effort to have the two hills on the 10th at liiicoln- ville gravelled before drawing starts as the long job of cutting down the grades is about completed with this had piece gravelled a fair road to the gravel pit is obtainable minister of finance receives royal welcome procession headed by band escorted visitor to the arena sidelights of dunning gathering despite the fact that farmers are right in the midst of haying at least louo or 1200 people assembled in the arena at memorial park en friday afternoon for the opening meeting of the liben1 parly in this section of north york for the coining election on july 2sth hon chas dunning minister of finance was the special speaker mr w p mulock the candidate himself i addressed the meeting ana j d yarded the coach and extended the macdonald candidate in miiskoka- ontario both were very brief giving all the time possible to mr dunning personal notes flashes from fridays political j meeting when the special train reached j stouffvllle conveying hon mr dun- jning and his staff dr sangster dr ira freel and a few other citizens hand of fellowship to the minister of finance who had to leave at 430 in dealing with the wheat problem air dunning declared the conser- stouffville band headed the par ade from the depot to the arena followed by a long string of autos at the arena a big crowd awaited vatives say that i had the western i a ln0 a a big wheat in mind when i formed the them where the quartette kept up a budget i freely admit that 1 had it i lively interest as all found seats in mind and if in the course of this t speech i have not shown the inter- t1 adanac quartette led by dependence of the east of canada ruthven macdonald rendered sever- with the west 1 have failed mri selections while the meeting was conservative meeting farmers especially invited to the conservative meeting to be held in the auditorium on tuesday july 15 at s pm come everybody and hear the issues discussed by col lennox the candidate also earl rowe ex- imp for dutterinsimcoe and crpt ii breuls induction service for new pastor first service of its type ever witnessed in the church an impressive ceremony throughout dunning traced the reaction of the wheat tie up from the wheat fields of the prairies through every channel of employment to the coast the half nop of wheat which did not sell he said resulted in unemployment- for railway hands men working in dock yards on lakes anil river shipping in the shipyards and right through to the industrialism of the eastern provinces oven to the eastern farm dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital efriee commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 tfccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers o buttons block stouffvllle money to loan george baker realtor and vnluntor farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 24 phone 179 george coltham ontario idukl surveyor surveys levels municipal engineering aurora ontario box 2g4 phone sgu veterinary s t bodendistel vs bvsc veterinary graduate of ontario veterinary college phone 3901 stouffvllle successor to dr j t storey earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of tho college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hormant prize winner in 1928 at stoutfvlllo every thursday friday and saturday office in the orubln block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phono stouffvllle 2405 say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more boautlfut flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ont the first induction service ever to he held in the united church stouff vllle took place on thursday even lug when rev thos laidlaw ba the newly appointed pastor was in ducted into the ministry of the local congregation to the former presby terians this form of service was not now but to the former methodists it was something of a novelty and if there was a little show of resentment against this new policy it was fair ly well dispelled for the service was very impressive and called forth approval from every section present rev dr cranston chairman of the toronto east presbytery ollicj- ated the address to the congrega tion was given by uev w d mc donald of agincourt who referred the congregation to the ministry of john the baptist one of his early converts was andrew and one of the first things andrew did on being converted was to run and tell his brother simon thefjnahger today is that those who lind the christian ex perience are apt to leave it to some other agency to tell even their own families the church cannot take tho plate of the homo the home is gods first agency to tell tho chris tian life he declared the rev mr laidlaw was called to the platform and was required to give hisjiccont to a series of ques tions read to it tin by the chairman these questions concerned his faith in christ and his willingness to obey the will of the united church then the speaker turned to the congregation and put to them a question calling on them to honor and support the ministry and the united church to which the congre gation responded by standing the address to the minister was delivered by rev george lawrence pastor of wanstead church he re cited the various trials and difficul ties encountered in pastoral work and offered suggestions as how best to meet them as a layman speaking to the lay men mr a i bruce gave some very pointed defects found in congrega tions of today and called for unity and loyalty which would send the church forward the new pastor rev mr laidlaw comes from owen sound where he has completed a five year term years back ho served in the former methodist church as pastor on the epsom circuit just east of uxbrldge town at the conclusion of the in duction service both mr and mrs were introduced to all by various olllcials of the laidlaw present church iniitiis rae in stouffvllle 1930 to mr and rae a son on july 5th mrs warren getting under way councillor ward extended the art- dress of welcome in a well chosen speech just long enough to be acceptable and delivered in good form howard cain of newmarket was the logical man to act as chairman although morgan baker might have lint even then he pointed out cana- filled the bill quite as acceptably we da had fewer unemployed in pro- suppose youth took second place to portion to population than any age but in any case the redoubt- country in the world able was here and filled the bill in the united states which our good style conservative friends are so fond of pointing to as an example in the his bachelorhood may he due to matter of employment declared the same shyness but dr sangster mr dunning are suffering from always has to bo called twice when more unemployment in proportion j told to come to the platform than in england there were over 3000000 union men unemployed in on the platform was w ii moore the united states he said mr dim- the liberal candidate in muskoka- ning defended his budget from mr ontario he was given five minutes bennetts statement that it was an j which to speak and made ro- empty gesture ramsay mae- j ference to the kind of campaign dr donald lloyd george stanley bald- mcgibbou was carrying on win leaders of the great political parties in great britain had all ex pressed their opinion on the budget as canadas great lead the british press the freest press in the world said the minister speaks with highest praise for the budget as an inducement to greater trade the shrewd british shopkeep er immediately took advantage of the budget continued mr dunning and advertised an empire loaf s5 per cent canadian wheat and the other 15 per cent empire grown the minister cited the favorable re action of the west indies and point ed out that the united states de partment of commerce estimated that the budget would cost the united states 225000000 to 275000000 in export trade to canada and would increase great britains exports to canada at that amount mr dunning criticized the con servative policy on the grounds that it was as good as asking the british workmen to tax food going into great britain in order that cana dian goods could be given a prefer ence britain already bought twice the amount of goods from canada as tho dominion bought from the mother country in has been confined the last two weeks been past enjoyed scugog ballantrae the united churrh garden party this year at mr george wrights brought in receipts of nearly 90 and the crowd was very gratifying to the officials shadow lake camp girls and pine orchard orchestra rendered a pleasing program at the conclusion rjev mr layeockthe retiring pastor on the circuit was presented with an address and purse of money as a mark of esteem ringwood mrs susan lemon of toronto is visiting her sister mr isaac pipher a number from here attended the monnonite camp meeting at stayner last sunday mrs j m grove spent a couple of days last week with mrsjasharper newmarket philip raymer who has been on tho sick list for some time is not im proving as fast as his friends would like miss bessie anderson of the tor onto school staff and her mother mrs win anderson are spending holidays at their summer home south of town our sunday school along with the other tour christian sunday schools of the district will hold their annual picnic at musselmans lake next wednesday the lgth come along with your basket and have a good time card of til1nks we wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors also to the womens institute the oes and others who in any way assisted us during mr millers recent illness mr and mrs walter miller births smith in stouffvllle on saturday july 5 1930 to mr and mrs r j smith a son kussel roydcn called to the platform miss edith sangster miss driftle of new- marketmrs whlmstor also council lor a j ward dr sangster mr a d bruce w s ormiston and president morgan btiker 1200 people assembled at a political meeting right in the middle of haying isnt bad there were plenty of boys there from back ome but like the finance minister they are all canadians four square now did anyone think to ask the dis tinguished guest how premier king came to select such apt names as robb and dunning to form the financial end of his government the amplifiers erected for the bene fit of the audience were appreciated but were not really necessary for a man with a voice of the finance minister he kept well away from the intake and allowed his voice to go naturally to the people over the top or perhaps from either side but at no time did he talk into the machine w p mulock told the crowd that he had faiih in the people of north york supporting the policy of empire trade it was the first time many had heard the liberal candi date in this riding he speaks free and with emphasis not the shy candidate often put forward on his initial campaign with nothing to say that big arena gets us lots of big things that otherwise would never be among the notables present was arthur hawk the writer whose articles have been the subject of de bate from coast to coast in previous elections he travelled on the special train two features of this meeting worthy of note was the manner in which both mr dunning and mr mulock dealt with the opposition not an unfair remark passed from the platform the other feature was that throughout all the meeting not a single interruption took place there wasnt a heckler o smiti1- kanilkttkr a very quiet wedding was solem nized at the lutheran parsonage sherwood on july 5 1030 when minnie violet youngest daughter of xi r chas lcadbetter mnrkham was united in marriage to nelson david second son of mr and mrs r a smith 7th con markham after a reception at the home of mr r a smith the young couple left for a trip to muskoka on their return they will reside on the 7tli concession of markham w e all of at w miss marion ratclift is home from toronto for a vacation fmrs c kester is visiting her son mr dean kester in tirauiius miss elsie johnson has returned from a few weeks visit in toronto mrs mcgroj to her bed for miss miriam clark is home from collingwood for the summer holi days mrs e c fielding has holidaying in ottawa for the week john monkhouse of buffalo n y spent the weekend in town with his father dorothy mcgrogan fishing trip to lake monday mrs dearborn of toronto preach ed in the christian church last sunday miss alma leach of toronto visited her aunt mrs f w silver- sides over sunday miss elsie lownsborough left to day to assist on the- staff at lakeview house jacksons point miss nora and ruth brown of toronto visited with miss ethel sanders over the weekend miss marion webb ba of cooks- town silent the weekend witli mr and irs ii b barnes thos pilkey of agincourt a former resident of clareiuont was in town friday for the dunning meeting mr and mrs w j payne and family of markham spent sunday with mr and mrs geo w browns- berger miss jessie mahon of markham is visiting with relatives at blooming- ton and other places during her holidays mr reonard morden mr morden and daughter elinor toronto were recent visitors e mordens mr t h bodendistel and sons one of guelph and one of detroit spent sunday with dr s t boden distel vs of town mr and mrs geo lilley and mr calvin dawson of seaforth were visiting at a g lehmans and other friends the past week miss greta smith is on the examin ing staff at toronto university also mr c e powell principal of the local continuation school and sister professor klinck to british columbia they loft on tuesday and expect to spend somto months in the west mr and mrs wesley irwin and two daughters of canadea ny also- ernest irwin of warsaw ny have been spending a holiday with mrand mrs samuel irwin miss amy eck daughter of mr b eck a citizen of this place when the todd carriage works was humming left toronto this week on a trip to england mr and mrs k g tarr went into toronto on sunaay to hear rev john brown the evangelist who conducted services here a year ago last christmas mr and mrs eddie wirrlner and young son mrs ii j bunting of toronto miss mary warriner of midland spent sunday with mr and mrs ii d sawyer imrs j b wurts was in towii last week she is living with her daughter mrs galloway whoso family have lately returned from tho united states to locate in toronto messrs f e hyde christian church minister marvin lemon and misses gladys dougherty mary pegg and viola lemnaii are attend ing the special course at the starkey seminary lakemounl n y mrs jas turner of obrien ave and her sister miss nettie rae of church street left on wednesday to take in a personally conducted tour of the famous saguenay they will make stopovers at montreal and quebec mr b trotter and son wilbur were guests in town last week with mr and mrs f l button a nd other relatives they are residents of brandon man and will visit rela tives at belleville and other places before returning west mrs frank cooper was a caller at the tribune office last friday mrs copper is here from sunderland visiting her sister mrs e williams east end who is quite 111 mrs williams is s4 years of age and has also had a visit from another sister mrs mtimonogal of woodstock imaxlne anderson 13 year old daughter of mr and mrs ross anderson of fllmore sask arrived hero last week to slay with her grandparents mr and mrs elijah pennock the llttlo girl made the journey by c n r without any guardian and met with no difficulty whatever ownership of road is disputed vivian farmer takes novel method to repossess a public sideroad placed under arrest among the churches miss marion klinck milicent accompanied carrying canadas trade to ihc seven seas is an advertisement full of informative advice about canada that every voter should read irrespective of politics for his own instruction sec page- 8 tho arrest of a whitchurch town ship farmer was made last week on an unusual charge when j b grose was taken into custody for obstruct ing traffic passing along the sideroad between the sth and 9th concessions at vivian mr grose placed trespass ing signs on the road and stood on the road forbidding cars or trucks to pass that way after repeated warn ings to desist from the stand taken mr grose was arrested and taken to toronto before the magistrate he told his story it was that he believed the road was part of his farm and that he had a right to forbid its use it was pointed out however that the road had been a public thorough fare for many years and other evi dence given to prove that it was a public highway his worship advised mr grose that ho had no right to obstruct the traffic and if he believed the road was a private one the proper re course was to take the matter into court to secure ownership promis ing not to further barricade the hguiway air grose was allowed to sro however on saturday last the signs were up again and mr grose was once more on the job forbidding traffic to use the road constable williams was notified and at onco visited the scene where ho found grose with a stick in hand and signs up ready for business he gave him so many minutes to remove the signs which was accomplished and on the understanding that he would not further barricade the road was not placed under arrest the sideroad in question is just north of vivian and according to some township officials has been in use as a thoroughfare since con federation bloomington mr and mrs j stouffer of toron to were at her mothers on sunday miss annie and jessie mahon of markham are visiting with mrs h mahon mr and mrs m e steele of agin court spent thursday at eastbrrys and o r tranmers mr and mr e a booth and daughter of toronto visited at e a storrys on wednesday last mr and mrs eldon fairies of birchcliffe visited at e a storrys miss ida gregg who has been con nected with the china inland mis sion and has spent 21 years in china will give a talk at the bloont- ington christian church next tues day night the public are invited recipe for roudies take two foolish boys place in a chrysler car send them to a strawberry festival keep at festival till halt baked allow to chase two couples around the country in car send them through a hamlet making use of automatic horn and automatic lungs cause them to put vail aoross the road let them continue till exhausted and the dish is ready for a good dressing down and oblige we four presbyterian church rev w h fuller pastor sunday july 13th 2 p m sunday school 3 p m evening worship baker hill and sixth line baptist ciiuuches w s whltcombe b a pastor sunday july 13th rev mrhancox and his wife mis sionaries elect to liberia will be with us next sunday they will speak at the sixth church sunday school at 1 oclock and at baker hill at 7 pm 15tt sure to hear these consecrated young people bixjomlvgton and iungwood and shadow lake e morton pastor sunday july 13th whosoever will may come next sunday to ltloomington 11 am shadow lake 430 pm rlngwood 7 pm e morton will preach baptist church rev ww fleischer pastor sunday july 13th 10 am bible school 11 am special for sunday morning the rev mr and mis hancox missionaries elect to liberia will be in charge of the service como and hear our new missionaries 7 pm pastor preaches on break ing up a religious meeting for the sake of religion prayer meetings sunday 615 wednesday 8 pm christian churches stouffville and cuukohill f e hyde minister sunday july 13th 10 am sunday school 11 am public service 7 pm public worship fighting ho weeds ontario is this year making a determined effort to eliminate the weed menace which in recent years has seriously reduced crop returns and land values under the ontario weed control act it is the duty of rural municipalities to see that all weeds growing upon highways under their jurisdiction are cut down at the proper time to prevent the ripen ing of their seed and to appoint such officers as may be necessary for that purpose railway companies are re quired to take similar action along their rights of way if weeds are to be eliminated from ontario every one must do his share because one weedy farm can effectively infest a whole neighborhood destroy weeds and help prevent enormous annual loss ice cream social under the auspices of the iftssion circle will he held on the lawn of wesley united church vandorf on thursday evening july 17th pro gram given by rev a harden of goodwood elocutionist the ring- wood quartette airs ross winter- stein elocutionist mr bert gowen of toronto pianist mount pisgah orchestra ice cream and cake will he served admission 25c stouffville cafe open daily 8 am to 12 pm fish and chips lunch ice cream drinks and candies tobaccos firstclass dinners daily coach services stouffville toronto single 95c return 170 leave leave stouffville standard time toronto a g25 am z 800 am y 845 am z 100 pm z 1110 am 430 pm z 240 pm z 930 pm z 745 pm i- a daily except sunday and holidays y sunday and holidays only z saturday sun day and holidays only coach connections at toronto for oshawa montreal barrie orillia midland muskoka wharf wasaga beach brampton hamilton brantford windsor detroit niagara falls buffalo and intermediate points coach connections at buffalo and detroit for all u s a points gray coach lines

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