Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 13, 1930, p. 4

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stouffville march 13th 1930 the home town store quality service grocery bargains you pay less for more at the home town store cooking figs 2 lbs 25c quaker corn flakes 3 pkgs 25c special sweet mixed pickles stanolax a pure mineral oil per quart 55c p quart j rrv n oo pue italian olive oil tins tomato catsup quarts 23c two sizes 35c an 55c quick cooking rolled oats fruit flavored gum drops chinaware pkg 35c per lb 15c sugar crisp corn flakes re floor waxlarge tin 50c 3 pkgs 29c aylmer tomatoes per tin 15c buckwheat flour whole wheatflour cracked wheat porridge meal choice lettuce celery carrots cabbage spinash ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 feeds flour coal special to farmers with every ton of heavy feed you will receive a five galjon tin of black strap feeding molasses absolutely free no advance in price of heavy feeds coal and coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville cement for several years past townships have beeu receiving 30 from the provincial government on all monies ixpeuded on roads and bridges on other than the county and provincial highways which pass through the townships the amount paid towards the road superintendents salary has been 50 by a bill now before the legislature the grant from the pro vincial government will be increas ed to 40 on the expenditure on roads and bridges only 7 townships in the province received special con sideration in 192s and received nore than 30 and the number ot the specially favored was increased to 39 last year the financial posa farmers in western canada have suffered in recent years from legislation passed by their provincial houses of parliament providing for the establishment ot many varieties oi prior liens ahead of mortgages on their lands and dwellings alberta went so far as to fix by law thir teen different classes of debts which were declared to rank ahead of first mortgages as a result a number of mortgage lenders withdrew from alberta and credit for farmers be came exceedingly scarce xow ontario refusing to learn from the lesson of the west is set ting up a similar dangerous preced ent the government is appropriat ing a fund of 2000000 to provide for advances to farms for the pur pose of making electrical installa tions on their farms any farmer may borrow tip to 51000 from the government for this purpose and wiill have twenty years to repay the iniquitous feature of the bill is that these advances are declared by law to rank ahead of chattel mortgages lien notes or other instruments other instruments obviously being mortgages the bill even provides that where repayment of advances made for electrical installations is delayed tre payments shall be registered on the tax roll and collected as taxes the only protection a mortgagee has is that he will be given two weels notice of such advances but the bill does not say what will happen if he objects to having his security jeopardized by an improper agrees ment ontario is old enough to know better than to give farm credit this setback send the tribune to absent friends are the patclips u if you use sunworthy wallpaper new wallpapers are hear our new wallpapers are all ready for your inspection truly a wonderful change is introduced with the graceful modernistic effects that wil give a smart touch to your rooms sunworthy wallpapers do not fear the sunlight and are strongly recommended for all uses see our new wallpaper display es sunworthy wallpapers donotfado wallpapers ittr 3i are here that will im mediately make a narrow hallway seem spacious or a gloomy room bright we are showing a brill iant array of the newer patterns and colorings no disturbing patches where wall spaces shielded from sunlight by pictures or furniture show how the surrounding paper has fad ed sunworthy wallpapers revel in sunny rooms an early call will enable us to show you decorations to suit your every require ment dominion linoleum rugs posses all the practical features of dominion lin oleum they cannot tear or crack and lie smooth and flat without fastening of any kind we have a wide range of patterns and prices to show you watch our wind0wi display r shaws store the credit system people who expect to pay aud the deadbeat who never intends to cough lp slow pays nif llauc on business life phone 9612 stouffville til last week says the walkerton herald we published a comment on the credit system by the lucknow sentinel in our opinion it is an article that should be taken to hear by both the merchants aud the patrons who deal with them he durham chronicle has taken the itand that the credit system is all right we could not do business without it it is the abuse of it that causes all the trouble as the lucknow item suggests there are some people who receive credit and have been even 110 small intention of paying they are the bloodsuckers of business the parasites the no- goods dead beats or pretty nearly anything a person may feel inclined to call them in a good many cases people are able to pay but will not the average business man has a certain regard for the fellow who is willing to pay but cant he may have had lots of sickness in his family he may have been out of work or a dozen other things may have happened but this class will come around occasionally with a small deposit and keep the account alive in tho hope that a better day may come when he will be able to wipe it out entirely the item of which we speak should also carry an appeal to the person who is accorded credit when he takes goods over the counter he conveys the intention by this action that he will pay but just doesnt happen to have the money at the time he will pay you later just how much faith he has in him self how much he thinks his own word is worth the man walked in to the store and asked for credit he should be man enough to liquidate the debt this does not always happen and instead the merchant is often obliged to place the account in court for collection there are a good many people says the durham chronicle who re gard dunners as insults to their integrity they do not stop to con sider that if they had met their ob ligations in any reasonable time there would have been no dunners they may rush into the place of business from which they received the request to pay liquidate the debt and then do their business in some place where their integrity will not be subject to insult a fine reward this for the business mans accommodation some people are so selfish that they consider nobody but them selves all they think about is the imagined insult to their dignity they do not consider that the house in which they made their purchase lias many accounts that will total in the aggregate a good many thous ands of dollars they do not con sider that the goods for which they have owed for months have been paid in thirty days and that to do this the business man may have gone to the banks borrowed the money and paid seven per cent in terest yet when they are asked to pay the account without interest they go off in high dudgeon people of this kind do not consider that the business man has not only to pay his goods in thirty days which is considered cash by wholesale houses on most lines but he has also the wages of his employees to look af ter no business man likes to be be hind in his wage pay cheques these come with amazing regular ity and no one recognizes better than the business man himself that if he is to deal fairly with his help he must have a regular pay day and live up to it the credit system is a big ques tion there seems no solution in sight except in a small way but the sooner the small town business man wakes up to the fact that the nopay business is a losing game the better it will be for himself and the people with whom he does business credit to the man who intends to pay is all right but we predict that the time is not very far off when the professional dead beat account dod ger is going to find himself in deep water and forced to plank down the hard cash on the counter before the goods are passed over he will no doubt think he is being dealt badly with but he will have only himself to blame and he and his family will be the suffer besides the fellow who wont pay if he can get out of it and the one who makes an honest attempt to whittle his indebtedness down by small payments there is the man who can pay but falls to do so for no other reason than he does not think about it or if he docs falls to take into consideration the fact that be sides himself there are hundreds of others who also owe individual small accounts small things la themselves but totalled up amount to quite a considerable sum in tho aggregate the presentday business man has to be alert if he hopes to keep his head up and succeed and in nine cases out of ten isnt a bad sort of fellow he at least deserves to he treated with consideration here it is the great remedy for sore throats coughs croup bronchitis whooping- cough and tonsil ailments mrs sybllia spahra tonsllltis guaran teed you cant lose try it immortality is hopeof all mankind chri ist conquered death for man by his victory over grave memorial address given by rev a e mitchell d d an old riugrivood boy of shaughi nessy heights united church vancouver beneath the hot sun of prim- oval arabia a sheik and three friends were discussing the deep problems of life they had brooded long over them and centuries of thought lent their assistance out of the dim and muffled centuries their discussion breaks upon us with a freshness that makes it a living voice there have been no pro- founder students of the soul than these orientals the questions they discuss arethose we discuss central among them was if a man die how shall he live native to man is the instinct of immortality as the plant in the dark cellar climbs toward the sunlight so does tho soul of man reach after im mortality this institution is a part of the original constitution of the soul planted by the creator without which we cannot bo satisfied where ever an instinct is implanted provis ion is made to meet it if the young robin is moved to seek some sunny southland when winter creeps onthe sunny southward is there if the young salmon born far up in the river is mewed to go in search of the ocean the ocean is there surely then natures god will keep faith with his ownso that the instinct of the sum mer land is not the finger of deceit planted in the soul but that in the green fields beyond me rolling tide we shall find those whom we have loved long since and lost awhile nowhere in scripture can we find expressions which articulate the voice of immortality within us to equal those found in the rollcall of the martyrs hobxi here we find uttered for us our own feelings better than any words we could use eg these all died in faith not having received the promise now they desire a better country where fore god is not ashamed etc they died but by tiheir faith they are speaking to us still faiths reward and yet when we read the words and they without us should not be made perfect ie apart from lis we seem at first glance to have reaoned a cruel climax to a most promising and beautiful record of honor of those who have fought bravely the good fight we find quite suddenly that faiths supreme re ward its final achievement is to be delayed these champions of the hols- warfare can net be perfected until those to whom the writer sends this letter are perfected too and that which changes this delay from be ing a calamity to a boon is found in these words god having forseen some better thing than thosewho worked with us and have gone to a higher service are waiting for us to fulfill thdir reward by a like devo tion and faith to duty solemnly and eloquently those who have gone from us by their fortitude their faith and devotion to and love for their work are speak ing to us to day in what ways is it not a fact that our institutions our philosophies our language our laws were given to us by hands now fallen into dust is not every library a whispering gallary where lie who has eais to hear may listen to the dead we do not for a moment be lieve that moses ceased to speak to us when on nebos lonely mountain his spirit took its flight nor paul when lie was led out to face the executioner nor those whom we loved who have gone on before friendships blessing what a short time some of theso friends seemed to have beon wiith us how much is life like the night- blooming cerous for a whole year it lis an unsightly plant then one night large unbelievable blossom open and swing there on the ugly leaves during the dark but for a lamp we should never know the wonder and beauty of the plants life for in the morning the blossoms are wilted and dead so just when we have drawn near to some great ex perience the experience seems to elude our grasp when we have reached the niountain-peakstraight- way we descend into the valley when wo have icome into the poss ession of a great friendship the friendship seems to recede and we can do liittle more than wave signals of goodwill across an intervening chasm when love has been tested and has proven its devotion and patience and loyalty tho object on which we would pour out this chast cried affection dies and we are alone with our sorrow but wo saw the uower and the quite unpromising plant proved that it had within it the power to produce the unbelievably glorious blossom we cxpcrioncel the friend ship wo tasted the love and in these hours was revealed to us the capacity that lis in us the living soul in the gloom that settles upon us with the going of our deepest experi ence we might not have known its glory but for the candle which some friend turned upon it god sent the friend and ere the experience had passed we knew its beauty and its greatness the flower bloomed but for a night some day somewhere it shall blossom forever and forever tho capacity remains in us unful filled as before its discovery but some day an eternal and nobler companionship shall satisfy it as we pass through our ceme teries we pause here and there and say that is the grave of our brother who was with us such a little while aud god took him but the great reality is not the grave but the hvons soul of our loved ones through that gateway of darkness which may be lost to us they come into the dwelling of light this is the message of good cheer which lieartens aud helps from the gloom there shines a ligrt from eternity aud we can see the absolute certainty of eternal lifelf christ has stood beside those graves then they who have left their bodies there stand by us noiw if christ lives and he does they live also we never think we have lost christ by death lut rather he comes nearer to us by reason of his death christ has become reat to us today and be cause we are assured of this by our own experience we may be sure of those whom death has sundered in body and united in spirit we are compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses so that in all our work we arc accompanied by those with whom we wore accust omed to walk in the days of their flesh with them we live and move and have our being when we think of the loved ones being taken from us some tin the full vigor lot manhood with earthly prospects before them and plans formed for continuing their work we are surely persuaded there must be another and larger sphere where those plans may be matured their ideals reached and their service un interrupted by death they died in faith and have passed beyond our horizon beyond the purple twilight hill beyond the reach of human arm or help tk that aast realm of joy where the countless host of gods redeemed dwell leaving be hind them the memory of useful and roving lives coupled with peaceful and philosophic deaths in their graves we place the flowers of memory on their graves we lay the flowers of love above their graves we put the star of hope we want all kinds of live poul try for which top market price will be paid sam golden apply at e c pennocks livery groceries brooms 5 string 35c peanut butter 14oz and pint jars 24c ginger snaps 2 lbs 23c soda biscuits per pkg 13e sanitary wax paper 3 rolls oc honey pure clover 5 lb pails ooc grape juice reg 35c bottle 32o chocolates reg 45c lb s5i- a w scott grocery for q thrify uolips homes rmeside butter lb 42c lunera ireg 23c pkg 19c pancake flour reg 17c pkg 14c maple syrup reg 37c pkg red salmon reg 35c tin 2c lemons dozen 21c peanut butter toy pail 21c sunwheat biscuits pkg 24c chicken haddie tin sic brunswick saiiuines tin c kipper snacks tin ic lothero soap reg 14c 2 for 2rc cb herring reg 25c tin lc mac spagitte 2 pkg for 2sc comfoiiit gold soap 10 bars 47c chateau cheese pkg 17c dominion stores ltd paul boadway manager say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautitur flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ont always ask for stovers bread the quality goes into every loaf ambrose stover baker stouffville ontario spring showing in mens footwear notice our window display if you want a good shoe a real shoe at a price buy the astoria or richmond tho best shoes made are from g50 to 890 these aire all solid leather we also have cheaper grades at 450 come in and look them over and see fot yourself repairing as usual ag lehman the shoe man drug boadways stouffville stork see the improved fordson tractor now on display at our showrooms some of the outstanding improvements of the new improved fordson tractor are more power 333 brake horsepower easy starting high tention magneto with enclosed impulse starter improved cooling by means of water pump improved air washer entirely new design improved lubricating system transmission redesigned for heavier duty transmission brake improved rear wheels bearings automatically lubricated by oil in axle housing cluth improved to make gear shifting easier flyball governor short wheelbase to make short turning order your tractor now if you want it for the spring work as the supply will be limited used cars for sale we have 25 used cars for sale including a number of the late models of different makes of cars we also have 3 second hand tractors for sale call and see what we have if you in tend buying a good used car we are very anxious to sell and will try to suit you if possible terms arranged on all makes of cars or tractors delbert holden ford dealer stouffville phone 18402 ready for spring ready for spring u ly and have for sae al machinery sold by the mccormickdeering co also fleury plows and whcel- barrowsmelotte cream separators peter hamilton pulpers common sense fanning mills horses cattle used implements holstein cow due april 1 st 11 inch vesset grinder resh cow six pigs mccormickdeering tractor 3- g melotte cream separator riding plow oliver plow 2 fordson tractors inthrow disc drill stifftooth cultivator frank baker stouffville phone 15704

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