canada starts geographical organization inauguration proceedings s take place in ottawa journal to be published ottawa the canadian geographi cal society was officially inaugurated feere jan 17 at a uoon luncheon tendered sir francis youughusband british ex plorer by the directors of the new society dr isaiah bowman director of the american geographical so ciety presented to j b tyrrell ex plorer and honorary president of the canadian society the daly gold taedal for outstanding work in geog raphy sir francis was made the flrst honorary member of the society and in the evening ho addressed about 1000 persons on his experiences in tibet in introducing the speaker dr charles camsell the president spoke of the purpose of the canadian geo graphical society to make canada better known to canadians and the worul iu general officers congratulated greetings he said had been re ceived from the royal geographical society and the sympathetic re sponse from canadians was most satisfactory he considered that the society was particularly fortunate in commencing its activities with the presence of such a distinguished guest viscount willingdon governorgen eral of canada congratulated the of ficers on tho successful launching of such a society which ho thought would play an essential part in the future development of the country dr bowman also spoke briefly re ferring to his pleasure in having been invited to represent the united states on thi3 occasion which was hailed far nnd wide as of great import as a xuolder of high ideals and an inspirer pf great achievements we shall liope he said that the whole do- jminlon will join these canadian scient lsts in making this one of the leading scientific societies of the world to publish magazine the society is to be truly dominion- iwide in scope tho bylaws providing that each province shall be repre sented on tho board of directors as ona of its major activities in carrying out its purpose the society has arrauged to publish a monthly magazine the canadian geographical journal which will be devoted to jfsyery phase of geography historical physical and economic flrst of can ada then of the british empire and pt he other parts of the world in which canada has special interest it 13 the intention to publish articlos in this magazine that will be popular in character easily read well illus trated and educational to tho young as well as informative to the adult the editorial work will be under the direction and control of a strong edi torial committee with lawrence j burpee as editorinchief the responsibiuty of a fond mother the nerves are fed by the blood poor blood means starved nerve tis sue insomnia irritability and depression dr williams pink pills will enrich your blood stream and rebuild your overworked nerves miss josephine m martin of kitchener ontario testi fies to this i suffered com a nervous breakdown she write i had terrible sick headaches dizztnea felt very weak and could not sleep had no appe tite i felt always as if some thing terrible were going to happen after caking other treatment without success on tny sisters advice i tried dr williams pink pills and now all these symptoms are gone and i am strong and happy again buy dr williams pink pills now at your druggists or any dealer in medicine or by mail 50 cents postpaid from the dr williams medi cine co brockvillc ontario to a negligee made herself a cup of bright green hair that clustered and tea and then eat staring in front of curled round the small head in glorl- hr with frightened eyes the rain ous profusion between the girls on beat remorselessly against the win- a tall pedestial stood an outsize botj dowpane hope clenched her hands tla of goldltone under which was a i no bha would not trouble bill a placard golden hair within the v sob tore at her throat fumb- reach of every daughter of eve her child a neverending source ling in her bag for her handkerchief above the yelcwhalred beauty wera of joy and a neverfalling responsl- a screwed ball of paper fell on to her the words j billty to the fond mother it not ln- lap j goldltone gives sura results the frequently happens that minor ali- goldea hair within every girls companion czri abova the green- uients of the child distress and puz- reach haired girl bcre the legend zle her she does not know just what uncertain results obtained by in- to do yet feels them not serious en- green for luck hope took her name as her slogan and lived up to it subterranean mediterranean just when everyone is settling back and saying the days of high adven- turo are gone forever some modern drake cooped up inside the cockpit of an airplane or peering out of tho leaded windows of a diving helmet breaks through to fresh conquests and everyone says why didnt wo think of that lindbergh spans the atlantic byrd conquers both poie3 by alr nnd now count byron khun de prorok who has found beneath sa hara sands tho romantic story of civilizations that flourished when the sahara rfas watored and clothed with vegetation opens now vistas with proposais for deepsea archaeological explorations count do prorok plans to continue explorations which ho has already bo- gun in cities discovered by alrplano under the blue waters of thafmedl- terranean already ho has brought to the surfaco vases incrusted with 2000 yoara of sea growth the fabled riches of tho soven cities of cibola ieould havo little moro romance and adventurp associated with them than theso finds from cities onco trod by ipleopatra and lying for centuries on tha bottom of the mediterranean jnrhllo prince henry the navigator jhe moora and napoleon sailed over them novor droamlug what secret3 ha bottom 6f tho soa might toll for centuries tho sahara held its secrets too but count do provok and others havo found even in this waste ft truly romantic adventure his statement thnt fourfifths of tha earths surfaco is covered by water nil 13 giltirely unoiplorod opons now acids as wide as thoso that beckoned fri ho ited nnd magellan chris tian science monitor paths tha path to ones own place is paved with choices if it is between lions and not around them it leads broke oft awkwardly ioh thats ml rlghtl by muriel cotronl blonde3 wanted as usherettes only goldenhaired girls required apply personally between 9 and 12 am new majestic cinema picca dilly hope trevlshs small finger which had been running down the wanted column of tha daily gazette pulled up with a jerk her heart gave a quick leap then returned to tho very depths only goldenhaired girls re quired hope bit back a sigh as she turned away so thats that she murmur ed aloud a3 she wearily vralked down the steps of tho public library where each day she came to scan the adver tisements physically she was worn out and mentally she was nearly at the end out of a job for almost three mouths and now her money was practically gone she owed for her tiny room her clothes were so shabby they fill ed her with dismay but with her back to the wall hope defied defeat she took her namo as her slogan and eyes hard hold on she could write to bill of course it the worst happened but that was tho last resort a warm little glow onfolded her as she let her thoughts rest on bill dear big brown bill who was putting ovory ounce of him self into the farm that was at its be ginning out in canada where some day in the nebulous future sho would join him harassed by worries most ly financial as he was sho couldnt oven tall him of her present pass worries all round one stroke of bad luck attor ftnothor lack of capital making odds even greater no she couldnt worry bill some thing would turn up it would it must a small boy flashed past flicking one of his handbills almost into hope3 face idly she glanced at it then gave a gasp everybody loves a blonde golden hair within every girls roach dont miss our generous offor try goldl tone without delay solo proprietors maison guy queen road chelsea mechanically hope thrust tlia parol- into hfr bag sho hurried long the road it was beginning to rain soon it was a steady downpour hopo turnod up the collar of her coat but by the time sho had reached her digs sho was drenched to tho skin her landlady mot her on tho stairs her round goodnatured face was worried miss treyish i ttatp to bother you but but could you lot me hava some thing to to b going on with i hopa forced a smile ill do my beat mrs brown if if i lot you have it on friday will that be all right thank yoo my doarl i hate asktn cos i know jjhat sho to tho gate of god returned hope read the words aloud then with something between a laugh and a sob she struggled back luto her drenched clothing and the handbill clenched to her breast tore down tho stair3 back into the driving rain before the washbowl in the tiny bathroom hope briskly lathered her head then she rinsed it twice in clean cold water as per the direc tions a few seconds later with a towel wound round her head she dashed back to her room she hopped on to tha bed towelled her wet head vigorously burning a little tuuo un der her breath she lit tha gasfire comforting friend but devourer of precious money then crouched down on a cushion to enable tho hot air to permeate her mas303 of bobbed hair how soft and silky it felt to the touch clean and fragrant no she would not look not even tho wieniest peep until it was quite dry then what a lovely surprise shes get when a goldenhaired girl smiled back at her from her mirror time wa3 up she scrambled to her feet then crossed to the mirror she closed her eyes tight one two three whispered hope and opened her grey ey03 wide then oh she gave a horrified little gash then again 0oh for the girl who gazed back at her from the mirror had bright green hair soft fluffy hair that waved en- trancingly around her small white face but bright green look at me hope hurled the word3 at monsieur guy a3 3he tore off her hat look look what your wretched stuff has done to me look monsieur guy made a noise be tween a snort and a gasp and hope found herself uncermoniously hurried into an adjacent cubicle with ex clamations of surprise and dismay- tho little frenchman examined her head but but mamselle he stam mered at length hope swirled round in her chair what are you going to do about it youtnust do something and then without an atom of warn ing her overtaxed nerves gave way sho was hungry she was tired out and slib burst into a storm of sobbing monsieur guy a world of bewilder ment in his dark eyes patted her shoulder then you havo brought the bottle i cannot understand hope pushed the packet over to him he opened it smelt it held it up to the light then he gave a cry of an ger ho dashed out of the cubicle hope could hear angry words tones of protest scunyiugs round and then mamselle listen to me i can now explain and i am indeed deso lated i wa3 two years discovering tho formula of golditono when per fect i of it made six bottles helas i find to my chagrin that not yet had i obtained the secret i had all des troyed i began again this this is ono of those six bottles i cannot understand i gave orders for all to be destroyed i am indeed desolate what can i say he flung out his hands helplessly hope gazed up at him through eye lids that hurt youve not got to say anything youve got to do something i i cant go about hooking like like some thing thats escaped from a cclrcus i wiil dye your hair i must but i dont want it dyed i want it to be blonde i must be blonde i oh i the little man was gazing at her with ills head on ono side like an in- nuisite sparrow suddenly hu black oyos glowed his words tumbled out mamsollo you you work eag erly he awaited her reply yes i mean no i mean of courso i work but i with quick intuition the kindheart ed frenchman saw daylight ho notod the shabby clothiug the dark shadows under tho grey eyes the strained look about the small mouth so ho gcjitly pushed hope back into her chair as sho attempted to rise you will take cafeaulalt with me mamaolle nnd then wo will talk hope felt too weak to resist grate fully she drank tho hot coffco and munched tho rolls which appeared as though by magic titon monsieur guy began to infold his plan and hopo llstenod with wide oyos when at last he was through hopo did not know whethor to jaugh or cry yos ill do it she murmured ill ba hero first thing on saturday morn ing there was gratitude in her grey ferlor dyes bo on the sate side and stick to j golditone for tha flrst day hope felt too bhy for words the secon- day she felt better the third day she was beautifully and calmly indifferent for she was now out of her financial soup leastways for tha time being colditono started to sell ilka wild fire monsieur guy wandered in ely sium on the seventh day which was al ways hopes lucky day she heard raised voices in tha shop the excit able tones of her employer fencing with clipped american intonations then monsieur guy put his head round the window miss trovish i want you for a momcut hops obeyed wonderingly a soft color burned in her cheeks for she had been composing a letter to bill in her- mind her eyes beneath her weird hair looked almost seagreen a tall man towered above monsieur guy crossing to where hope stood without so much as by your leave he fingered tho soft masse of hair then he suddenly tilted up her chin jove but shes got green eyes too the very thing i gaes3 some brainwave struck me as i passed your window but that brainwaves going to deprive you of this little lady if i can entice iter away the man laughed jove but it wont have hit em green wigs the very thing green- eyed girls complete with green wigs stark originality say eagerly he turned to monsieur guy could you take on an order for a dozen grgen wigs at once hope was still staring up at him where on earth had she sudden ly she gave a little cry oh i know you now you youre paul trent arent you thats me little lady hope nodded shed seen his photo graph in an illustrated paper at the library paul trent american mag nate who had come over to open lou dons latest mammoth ciuema-res- taurant the deadly rival of tha now- majestic green eyes beneath green wigs for my attendants thatll knock the new majestic ho beamed on hope little lady ill engage you on the spot and i pay well id never have got that brainwave if i hadnt passed this morning and seen you sitting there like a stranded mermaid they talked and talked and pre- sently hope escaped engaged at a salary beyond her wildest dreams monsieur agreed to let her go hed had his publicity hope sped home her slim feet hardly seemed to touch the ground in the letterbox waiting was her letter for it was mail night dashing upstairs to her room she tore it open the opening words blazed into her heart i and darling girl youll be able to join me very soon now for ive taken a partner with capital so our troubles are over only a few more months and then but hope couldnt read any more for the tears which made tha be loved handwriting one soft blur ough to call a doctor at just such times as these it is that babys own tablets are found to bo mothers greatest help and friend most childhood ailments arise from tone down the loudspeaker j classified advertising roa sais hkvven and helu sweden jiokgs great work on the are carlyle driven to extremities noises in the streets of chelsea built s after death ana a real world beyond over 400 pases only sc postpaid w lo 4ss euclid ave toronto tor himself a room within a room in vwt anted which he made a valiant but vain at- yv tempt to escape from the peddlars and the din of traffic out side that was many years before the transmission of sounds through the ether became a practical and pro per system had he had his neigh bors radio to coute nd with he might have found his task more difficult for music transmitted through tho air parties to knit for us at home by hand or inachtpe cries of for particulars enclose stamp hen knitting machine company toronto is a derangement of the stomach orl can penetrate the thickest of walls bowels babys own tablets will i radio is unquestionably a boon to immediately banish them by cleans meu and women of domestic tastes ing the bowels ana sweetening the but with it there is a responsibility stomach they relieve colic cdrfl i i possessor has a duty to see reet the digestion banish constipa- that his neighbors rights privileges make teething oains disap- n ulahns ara ainaii 1rtrt rflrn dr watsons toot- stout and am one package makes four gallons mall 75c today nnd we will for ward you postpaid one pacuage of this delicious beverage m axaen ts co mooted terminal warehouse toronto tion and make teething pains disap pear babys own tablets are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs such as opiates and narcotics and may be given to tho newborn babe with per fect safety and beneficial results they are sold by mediciuo dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brock- vllle ont iraq mlnards is best for grippe every room you oc- light loose and porous rules of health 1 ventilate cupy 2vear clothes 3 seek outofdoor occupations and recreations 4 sleep outofdoors if you can 5 avoid overeating and over weight 0 avoid excess of high protein foods such as moat flosh foods eggs also excess of salt and highlyseason ed foods 7 eat some hard some bulky some raw foods daily 8 eat slowly and taste your food 9 usa sufficient water internally and externally 10 securo thorough intestinal eli mination daily h stand sit and walk erect 12 do not allow poisons and infec tions to onter tho body 13 keep the teeth gums and tha tongue clean 14 work play rest and sleep in moderation ib breatho deeply taka doep breathing exercises several tlmos a day 16 koep serene and wholehearted the decision of the british govern ment to support the formal applica tion for admission into the league of nations that will be made by the king dom of iraq in 1932 i3 of importance not only as setting a precedent but also as indicating the effectiveness of the mandatory system which was evolved out of postwar developments this territory some 14300p square miie3 in area embraces the valleys of the tigris and euphrates and is al so the land highway to india through tho headwaters of the persian gulf its strategic importance i3 obvious as there is no route through the arabian desert the french hold the mandate for eyria which bounds iraq on the northwest the territory of the redopubtable ibn saud runs parallel to iraq from the syrian boun dary south to the waters of the per sian gulf on the north is the terri tory of turkey in asia and on the east that of persia for the entire length of the iraq boundary when iraq was handed to britain under a mandate the agreement was for twenty years but thl3 was later amended to terminate the mandate upon the admission of iraij to the league of nations the british gov ernments trouble ha3 not been so much with iraq as with ibn saud and his unruly subects but king feisul has lived loyally up to his obli gations and the british miitary auth orities must be satisfied with the situation and the outlook for the fu ture or they would never have ad vised agreement to the termination of tho mandate the country has pro gressed steadily under the british mandate particularly in the cultiva tion of cotton the staple crop the limited monarchy of king feisul is on the egyptian model and it seems to be working well british responsi bilities in the near east are suffi ciently heavy as it is wilh cyprus palestine transordinla and the egyptian complications any relief from the full measure of that burden is therefore of importance as this will be tho first mandated territory to achieve full free national status it will inevitably open up the whole problem of the future of the other mandated territories la no instance however can there be any haste exhibited without a renuncia tion or perhaps the better word would be repudiation of responsi bility unless the territory in question can show as much warrant for tho granting of lis request as has been adduced in the case of iraq no coun try holding mandated territory will deliberately take any risk by aband oning its mandate unless it is fully assured that by oo doing it will bo contributing to tho peace of the world rather than paving the way for future discord montreal star and wishes are respected too often failure to consider tho effect of un wanted radio programs upon others has planted the seeds of hostility in those whose sympathies wero not al together against it so objectionable has the unwanted loudspeaker become in holland that the authorities in amsterdam have forbidden the people to use radio to any extent where it becomes dis agreeable to neighbors to make the ban effective police are authorized to cuter buildings and take action against pffeuders no one under such a restriction is likely to continue tho loudspeaker full blast with windows open or doors ajar such a move will be welcomed by even the most ardent of radio enthusi asts there is a legitimate use for radio which has conferred incalcul able benefits upon its listeners but it should be restricted to this use leavlug free the person who wants to read a book or to alow his thoughts to wander unhampered by sounds and noises which he does not want to hear and which a little thughttul- nes3 can easily control christian science monitor storm 0 ragin wind an cruel sea ye put the fear o daith on me 1 canna sleep i canna pray but prov aboot the dock a day at my plaid aboot me ticht nac news yet mistress ao mair nicht h b c in the glasgow herald she jack dont you think you ought to find out which train is yourst youve kissed me goodbye for six wrong trains already a wealthy man declares there ara many better things in the world ttian money but it takes money to buy them his real record not how did he die but how did he live not what did he gain but what did he give the3e are the units to measure the worth of a man as a man regardless of birth not what wasjiis station but had he a heart and how did he play his godgiven part was he ever ready i with a word of good cheer to bring back a sinila to banish a tear not what was his church nor what was his creed but had he befriended those really in need not what did the sketch in the newspaper say but how many wero sorry when he passed away chetsk falling hair with minards power to have what wo want is riches but to be able to do without is power george macdonald in some towns in france we read houses are being built entirely of slate our coal merchant seems to be under the impression that wo are thinking of building one of the samo material the humorist couldnt walk for but lost her flabbiness in two weeks sho was crippled by fat but reduced in two weeks this easy way that is plain truth her husband says so sho weighed nearly 200 lbs and had to stay at home read this letter my wife has been suffering with swelled leg3 and feet and weighed 196 lbs 4 oz very seldom able to go out walking after taking kruschen salts for two weeks her flabbinesa has gone legs and feet feel easier excess fat is caused by the liver kidneys and bowels the scavenging organs of the bod failing to do their work properly they do not throw off that waste material the product ot digestion this accumulates and beforo you realize it you are growing hideously fat th little daily dose of kruschen salts tones up the elimin ating organs to perform their work properly slowly jut surely the un gainly masses of fat disappear and what you lose in weight you gain in unbounded health and vitality tho years drop off as the fat melts away leaving you energetic youthful and vigorous sc2 alaadllj8h mack laltoria writes about iron ized yeast thousands say odds 8 to 15 lbs in 3 weeks complexion clears liko magic nerves constipa hon vanish overnight oct iroalzed yeast tablets from druggist today a man very seldom marries his first sweetheart says a woman novel ist he only doe3 it once as a rule angry words are poor tools in an argument professional wall street operators are reported to be passing sleepless nights presumably becauso they cant count enough sheep jumping in virginianpilot headhoises sinr jl ear oil si 25 all orihutl orieripliu folder on rtsitit a o leonard inc 70 firth ave new york cltr grippe nip it ill the bud with minards rub on throat and chest batho the feet in minards and hot water a proven preventative hope forcing another smlla im mow was dressed as a replica of one dor 13 my dear its uma you wera gorr 0 n a i koep yon wait- of tha cablcles inside on low stools thinking of sotting rharrlarj navo f b odb- sat two girls one had yellow hair you anything towards itr tasi sha up3talri to har room peel- that gleamed ilka sovereigns in sun- auntie hoa waiting outside lis off her aoakd clothes aha got in light tha other a thick mop of husband goodbye my dear it i eyes as she put away in her bag her cfln d8 homo to dinner ill sond you flrst weeks salary tactfully tejidoredi a no hy messenger wife dont by tho now jubilant little frenchman tr john ive got it it fell out tho window ot maison guy had ot pocket last night nevor drawn such a crowd if far- i flung publicity was tho aim and ob- ject of its proprietor ho had certain- ly achieved his ambition the win- iiii your hair needs luxo to give it health and lustre ask your barber what most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in tho stomach the food has soured the instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids but dont usa crudo helps use what your doctor would advise tho best help is phillips milk ot magnesia for the 60 years sinco its invention it has remained standard with physicians you win find noth- ing else so quick in its effect so harmless so efficient one tasteless spoonful in wator neu tralizes many times its volume in acid the results aro immodlato with no bad attor effects onca you learn thl3 fact you will novor deal with oxccs3 acid in tha crude ways go learn now why this method is supreme be sure to get the genulno phillips milk ot magnesia prescribed by physi cians for go years in correcting ex cess acids each bottle contains full directions any drugstore a friend to women lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound lydia e pinkham medicine co h lynn mats usa js and coboui- ont canada issue no 5 30