willingdons back sixteen perish again in capital as plane crashes vice regal party met by party of prominent figures ottawa after an absence of six weeks spent in a cruise of bermuda and the west indies their exeelleu two pilots and fourteen pas sengers meet terrible death in california bodies all burned los angeles calif jan 19 the most devastating wreck in airplane cies the governorgeneral and vis- passenger service occurred at 70 countess wilingdon returned to the oclock this evening when 14 passen- capital recently they were warmly gers and two pilots lost their lives in greeted at the union station by a j the crash of a maddux-transcontmcn- party of prominent people including tal air transport air line plane at premier mackenzie king and kt hon ocean side on the beach between san f a anglin chief justico of the diego and los angeles the tri-mo- supremo court who acted as admin- tored fokker plane known as the race lstrator in his excellencys absence special of the maddux line numbered so jolly to get back viscount x empire gains new dgnity at americas capital williugdon remarked to tho premier as he stepped front the train and his comment was heartily seconded by viscountess willingdon who was looking vecy well despite a recent in disposition and particularly rough sailing weather encountered on the trip hon jean knight freuch minister hon i si tokugawa japanese min ister b r riggs united states charge dalfalres and sir wiliani clark british high commisioner were among those who welcomed the viceregal party immediately after their arrival their excellencies drove to rldeau hall their official residence before step ping into tho car however his ex cellency took a moment to shake hands with his chauffeur and ask how- he had been keeping the gesture bo typical of the governorgeneral was not lest on tho welcoming crowd nixon selected to lead progressives jill head group of four in ontario legislature toronto harry c nixon former provincial secretary was chosen lead er of the progresive party at a repre sentative meting of progresives held recently mr nixon succeeds j g leth- brldge who was defeated in his home riding of west middlesex at the on tario elections held october 30 last the new leader wil head a group of four progressives in the ontario leg islature which commences its eigh teenth session on feb 5 the three llberalprogresives and one united farmer of ontario member are ex pected to ally themselves with the progressive group giving the party a total voting strength of eight in a statement issued following the conference the progressives an nounced their intention ot carrying on as an independent group in the legislature for the coniin gsession relief from the excessive taxation which is burdening agriculture to day and a more thorough study of tural problems is part of the policy progressives will pursue the state ment says ontario man 106 wields axe daily john birch claims to be old est axeman in empire no 5cs9 ploughed through the earth for 200 yards in an attempted landing it then burst into flames and all with in were burned to deatii some of the bodies were not so bad ly burned as to prevent identification but most ail were scorched and dis figured motoiists who were eyewitnesses to tho crash say that the doomed ship seemed to be having trouble as it made ha way up the coast line they telephoned that it was flying at an altitudo of about 200 feet and that the pilot was apparently attempting to reach the sand of the shore for a landing suddenly the plane was seen to hit the earth and then burst into flames the wreckage was strewn for several hundred feet end the plane was con sumed about a block from the shore line the plane which was carrying its full compliment of passengers return ing from the racing meet at agua cal- iente left mexico flying field about 530 pm after tho last race of the day and was en route to the grand central air terminal station in this city the markets v rw v the new british embassy nears completion splenlid new mansion to be the british embassy at washington dc which will be readj fot summer eeupancy this alberta makes new high mark for homesteads wide open spaces of pro vince are filling up in rapid manner edmonton alta albertas old time wide open spaces are no longe- wideopen steady and by no means slowly settlers ave filling up vast expanses of good fertile land that less than a year or two ago were waste visited only occasionally by hunters and trappers figures for 1929- just released show that a total area of 1116 square miles of new land were filed upon in the edmonton land district alone this i comprises 4655 homesteads of a quar ter section each and 136 soldier grants this smashes the previous high mark established in 1928 by more than 1000 when 3370 homesteads and i 128 soldier grants for a total of 3498 were filed one feature of the filings last year shows the value of publicity to a district wolf creek west of ed monton was one of the most sparsely populated and thicklywooded areas in northern alberta when joseph smith won the title of wheat king at the famous chi cago fair settlers from all over can ada and many from the usa decid ed that smith had made a good choice and they became his neighbors with all possible speed only two months of 1929 fell below 1928 in the number of filings namely november and december tho heaviest month of the year for filings was october when 807 home steads and 22 soldier grants were filed while it would hardly teem that 1930 could set still another highwater mark officials of tho dominion land office predict that an even heavier brockville hails bridge proposal governor roosevelts mes sage received with much satisfaction brockville ont the message from franklin d roosevelt to the new york state legislature now in ses sion at albany requesting it to ap point a commission to act in conjunc tion with another commission to he named by the government of on tario in regard to the establishment of an international bridge across the upper st lawrence in this district has been received here with much satisfaction i in his message mr roosevelt states that a tour of the upper st lawrence convinced him of the neces- i sity of such a bridge being built in order that facilities of communica tion between new york state and on tario might he improved he has recommended a commission be appointed to study the question adding that i am now informed that the government of the province of ontario has given tho matter consid eration and is prepared to recom mend the appointment of a commis sion to study the question jointly with a commission to be appointed by tbis state governor roosevelt has already vetoed several bills provid ing for the construction of an inter national bridge by private companies played with quartet dr ernest c slacsiillian principal of toronto conservatory of slusic who appeared with hart house string ed quartet recently gave an opportunity to representa tives of the government and other organizations to congratulate col la- fleche on his recent unanimous elec tion to the presidency of the legion hon charles stewart minister of the interior conveyed greetings to col lafleche on behalf of the domin ion government and a congratulatory letter from sir arthur currie com mander of the canadian corps during the latter years of the great war and former president of the legion was north bay out proving that he was still active at 100 years of ago john birch of nipissiug junction who claims to bo the oldest axeman in the british empire split several slabs of hardwood and then sawed through a 10inch log without stop ping for breath any day he is to be seen wielding an axe on the farm of his son adam birch a veteran of the crimean war mr birch built himself a home on tho nipissiug bush at a time when the filing will take place this year now thriving city of north bay con sisted of only a few log shacks many interesting storlos ot tho early days of tho north country are related by tho votoran axeswlnger when an lntorviewcr asked him how long ho expected to live ho said jokingly until they havo a place for too down below an inveterate pipe smoker ho ueea tobacco oontlnually ftnfl even when he wakes up during the night is accustomed to have a low draws 1 alberta student frozen to death on of lethbridge minister believed to have walk ed in sleep edmonton dead from exposure in 6 below zero weather the pajama- jolad body of hamlsh kelly 18 fresh man student at tho university of al geria was found on tho ground 15 feet below his bedroom window at athabasca hall on tho university grounds early sunday morning last seen at midnight kelly is bo- llcvcd to have walked in his sleep and slipped through the window which was open is inches when tho tody was found it was frozen so ladly that doctors could not perform an autopsy until monday kelly was a son of rev w e kelly ot lethbridge alta next to acquiring good friends the test acquisition is that of good bock- c c colton new president of legion is honored r x proposes to lower distinguished gathering at- tends reception for ltcol lafleche ottawa a distinguished gathering including premier mackenzie king hon jean knight french minister and seveial members o ftlic cabinet ntoended the reception held hero last wok in honor of lleutcol l r la fleche dso adc dominion pre sident of the canadian legion tho reception arranged by the lo cal branch of the canadian legion lo luwcl postage to canada buenos aires argentine tho postmastergeneral informing the government of the new canadian postal regulation reducing to two cents tho postage on letters from canada to argentine effective jan 1 expressed tho opinion that a corres ponding reduction should be applied to mail addressed to canada continue fight on immigration kegina sak imperialists of the prairies are making saskatchewan their battleground insistent demands have been made to the provincial government that further immigration of mennonites be stayed such outspoken leaders of public opinion in northern saskatchewan as the rt rev exton lloyd anglican bishop of saskatchewan have public ly protested against the further in flux of mennonites bishop lloyd presided at a gather- i ing of tho national order ot canada greeted a hundred prominent leaders of all parts of tho province recommendation was made that the move for more mennouite immi grants be made a test case on the immigration rights ot tho province much of the excitement over the proposed mennoiite and central european immigration has subsided for tho moment but the provincial government has named an immigra tion commission which is commenc ing inquiries throughout the province one of the matters into which this board will inquire will be means to assist natives ot canada in settling on saskatchewan land toy balloons go long distance toronto jan 16 from toronto to the state ot new hampshire a dis tance of approximately c50 miles was tho distance covered by two toy bal loons which were released here on now years eve it was learned yes terday stewart christie of toronto re leased thre toy ballons on new years evo with his name and address on them four days later he received word from bow new hampshire that one of tho balloons had been found yesterday the finding of another of the balloons was reported from mere dith also in new hampshire noth ing has yet been heard of the third provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing the following prices to tho trade smoked meats hams med 28 to 35c cooked joins 48 to 52c smoked iholls 28c breakfast bacon 26 to 37c backs peamealed 36 to 40c do smoked 45 to 53c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 90 to 110 lbs 21c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight roll 25c lard pure tierces lo4c tubs 16vic pails 17c prints 17e to shortening tierces 13c tubs 13 pails 14c pork loins 31c shoulders 22c butts 26c hams 24c produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy ing from country shippers at tho fol lowing prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 53c fresh firsts 50c seconds 40c pullet extras 47c butter no 1 37u to 374c no 2 36i to 36ic churning cream special 39 to 42c no 1 38 to 41c no 2 35 to 38e chscse no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 20ie clover seed prices for clean seed from a good seed cleaning mill the following range of p ices f ob shipping points in ontario is being offered to growers by dealers red clover suitable for canadian no 1 per bus 8 do no 2 7 alsikc no 1 export 9798 per cent puritv 575 no 2 export 9596 per cent purity 5 no 3 export 9291 per cent purity 420 no 4 export 9091 per cent purity 360 alsike white mixtures 480 sweet clover can grade no 1 2 do no 2 150 hay and straw prices wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting to shipping the following prices for carloads delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy baled ton 15 to 1550 do no 3 13 to 15 wheat straw baled ton 510 to 1050 oat straw baled ton 10 to 1050 no 1 timothy loose is quoted at 20 per ton delivered livestock heavy beef steers 9 to 10 but cher steers choice 950 to 10 do com 775 to 825 do fair to goori 850 to 925 heifers choice 9 to 975 do com 750 to 825 butcher cows good to choice 7 to 775 do com to med 550 to g50 do enn- ners and cutters 350 to 5 butcher bulls good to choice 725 to 8 do med 650 to 7 do bolognas 6 to 650 babv beef 10 to 14 feeders good s to 9 stockers good 8 to 850 do fair 7 to 750 calves good 15 to 16 do med 10 to 14 do grassers 6 to 750 springers 110 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lambs choice 1350 do bucks 10 to 11 sheep choice 650 to 750 hogs bacon woc 13 do selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 75c per hog discount do fob prices 125 cwt under woc do trucked in 60c cwt under woc a dunning hint on income tax wo must learn to adopt to adapt and to improve prince of wales this is what makes progress man trying to satisfy woman anne ellis albertan capital shows marked progress edmonton alta an interesting view of far western town swtawiewm river looking east lcttprovuclal parliament building centre foregroundhigh level brid over north tie rtebtslrathcona now incorporated will edmonton stewart predicts nb national park minister of interior addresses s ivlembers of lumber- mc association ottawa a new national park in new brunswick w is forecast by hon charles stewart minister ot the in terior ln the course of an address be fore the 22nd annual convention of tho canadian lumbermans associa tion here a large tract of timber land is to be acquired by the gov ernment in that province mr stewart said in order to complete the chain ot national parks across the domin ion in that connection the minister stated the return ot natural resources to the prairie provinces would nov mean the dominion government would discontinue its forest research work the ottawa forest products laboratories would also remain in op eration canadian manufacturers should seek to increaso domestic consump tion ot wood productsto offset do- creasing exports e r bremner of ottawa declared in bis presidential address increased use ot wood sub stitutes and keener foreign compel tlon had adversely affected the ex port trade in 1929 lumber exports amounted to 19ss000000 feet al though this was an increase from 192s yet tho combined total for the two years was 5s7000000 feet below the total ot the pjccedlng two years tho secretarya report showed a faking off in membership during tho last few years this wa attributed largely to numerous amalgamatlone among the lumjcr flrmi magistrate cohen of toronto retires toronto after twenty years on tho toronto bench magistrate jacob cohen is retiring tho board of con trol has adopted tho recommendation that he bo allowed a pension of 2000 annually magistrate cohen came to america from poland when he was 21 years ot age mastering tho english langu age and working himself up to his present position shadows love is the shadow of the morning which decreases as the day advances friendship is the shadow of the even ing which strengthens with the set ting sun of life la fontaine 5 quality has riven way to quantity and tho individual to the jfang or the machine andre siegfried federal government may re linquish business income tax is suggestion to chamber of commerce delegation ottawa a suggestion by hon c a dunning minister of finance that canadian businessmen should give some consideration to tho situation arising in the dominion out of tho duplication of income taxes was made recently speaking to a deputation represent ing the canadian chambers ot com merce the new miulster ot finance said that some ot tho provincial gov ernments were anxious for tho do minion government to get out of the income tax field the federal in come tax was a war tax mr dunning j pointed out and a large part of tho cost of the war remained to be paid the dominion cannot do without the income tax said mr dunning certain of the provinces however had suggested that the field might bo divided for lnstauce the suggestion had been mado that tho field ot per sonal income taxation bo left to tho provinces and that ot business income taxation to the dominion i am not making any promises said mr duu ning but i think business men might well study the matter the deputation also heard from premier king on the subject of the st lawrence waterways one of tho sugestions mado by the deputation was that the dominion government call a conference of representatives of the opposition parties in tho fed eral house and ot tho provincial gov ernments in the hope that as a result ot such conference a policy with re gard to the st lawrence waterways may be evolved which will carry tho united judgment of the people of canada mr king expressed some doubt as to the feasability of this proposal the st lawrence waterways prob lem was one which he felt must bo worked out by parliament said mr king and he doubted whether its so lution would be accelerated by call ing in opposition parlies he felt that the british system which re quired that a government formulate a policy and lay i before parliament for its consideration was a sound one the government is anxious to see the st lawrence developed said mr king and to see the work dono in such a way that the national in terest will be the gainer but ho failed to see that the suggested con ference would be beneficial english bobbie gets four years pleaded guilty at old bailey to charges of shop breaking london a metropolitan police constable was sentenced to four years penal servitude at the old bailey he was william scott who was sta tioned at chadwell heath essex and who pleaded guilty to six charges of shopbreaking at becontree it was stated that while on night duly he entered the shops by means of a master key his arrest followed his discovery in side a shop by a shopkeeper who had been keeping watch a reduced sentence division detective inspector denni- son said scott had been iu the metro politan police for ten years he was married and had four children ho served during the war but was in valided out ot tho army he was a man hitherto ot exemplary character mr beaufol moore said that scott desired to express his great contri tion and he was quite glad his down ward path in a criminal career had been checked ho was unable to give any explanation why he commit ted the offences tho recorder sir ernest wild k 0 said scott had disgraced one of the finest forces in the world it was his duty to guard tho premises of shopkeepers but instead of doing so he broke into them sir ernest said that ho would mako a reduction in the sentence he would otherwise havo passed as scott had had the grace to confess and was a man of good character and hall served his country during tho war all four are well tho mahauey quadruplets be lieved to bo the only living quartet of tho samo ago in one family anywhere in north america started back to school after the holidays in st john nb after their first christmas holi days their coming on cbrlslmas day six years ago imposed a considerable bur den upon a family which was not too well endowedmth this worlds goods but the event was so unusual that tho sympathy of tho whole com munity was aroused and from the day of their birth the members ot the foursome havo never wanted for any thing now despite the unusual incident ot their birth they are apparently iust normal children o th tovgjf hue are